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noobie docker setup guide

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i have a couple dockers i want to use but in their config page, the port allocations clash with qbittorrent on 8080. changing the host path doesn't work so i'm left with a limited amount of dockers i can use. i initially wanted to use Go-Auto-YT but had to settle with Jdownloader2, which now seems to be not working (can't enter any text anymore to create a new download, and it wasn't great to begin with). 


either way, i just haven't had any luck changing settings like this at all, it just never seems to work.

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1 hour ago, gellux said:

i have a couple dockers i want to use but in their config page, the port allocations clash with qbittorrent on 8080. changing the host path doesn't work so i'm left with a limited amount of dockers i can use. i initially wanted to use Go-Auto-YT but had to settle with Jdownloader2, which now seems to be not working (can't enter any text anymore to create a new download, and it wasn't great to begin with). 


either way, i just haven't had any luck changing settings like this at all, it just never seems to work.

Have you read any of the Docker FAQ? What Network Type are you setting for the dockers? Host Network Type will not work if you need to map the container port to a different host port. Lots of people are doing this successfully.

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15 hours ago, trurl said:

Have you read any of the Docker FAQ? What Network Type are you setting for the dockers? Host Network Type will not work if you need to map the container port to a different host port. Lots of people are doing this successfully.

yeah! specifically this 

which is exactly what i'm trying to do. i've opened the Docker tab, clicked Edit on go-auto-yt and where it says HTTP Port: i've changed 8080 to 8090, underneath it still says Container Port: 8080


so i've assumed that's what's being recommended? but it doesn't work. unless i've totally misunderstood the instructions which is very possible.



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3 minutes ago, gellux said:

which is exactly what i'm trying to do. i've opened the Docker tab, clicked Edit on go-auto-yt and where it says HTTP Port: i've changed 8080 to 8090, underneath it still says Container Port: 8080

And it always will say that because internally the app is using port 8080, but the docker system will accept the connections on port 8090 (assuming you're using bridge mode) and forward it to the app on it's port 8080.


A vast number of apps all use port 8080 internally and can be run simultaneously no problems doing exactly what you've done.  BUT, if you've change the container port via the EDIT button, then you've messed around with the whole system and it won't work.  You just need to change the HOST port and leave everything else alone.

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35 minutes ago, Squid said:

And it always will say that because internally the app is using port 8080, but the docker system will accept the connections on port 8090 (assuming you're using bridge mode) and forward it to the app on it's port 8080.


A vast number of apps all use port 8080 internally and can be run simultaneously no problems doing exactly what you've done.  BUT, if you've change the container port via the EDIT button, then you've messed around with the whole system and it won't work.  You just need to change the HOST port and leave everything else alone.

forgive me, but how else are you meant to do it? i thought that was the straight-forward idiot-proof way. i'm obviously wrong.

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On the add / edit screen for the template, you can simply type in the appropriate port you want to use (all assuming you're on bridge mode).  If you do decide to hit the edit button, only change the HOST port.




This is from one of my apps (cops).  It is set for its webUI to be on port 807.

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35 minutes ago, Squid said:

On the add / edit screen for the template, you can simply type in the appropriate port you want to use (all assuming you're on bridge mode).  If you do decide to hit the edit button, only change the HOST port.




This is from one of my apps (cops).  It is set for its webUI to be on port 807.

yeah that's literally all i've done. it won't allow me to start the app/docker/image whatever you wanna call it so maybe there's another issue?

Screenshot 2020-03-21 16.39.03.png

Edited by gellux
added image for help
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2 minutes ago, Squid said:

Post your docker run command.  See the first recommended post in the Docker FAQ thread.

Command:root@localhost:# /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/scripts/docker run -d --name='go-auto-yt' --net='bridge' -e TZ="Europe/London" -e HOST_OS="Unraid" -e 'PUID'='1000' -e 'PGID'='1000' -e 'UMASK_SET'='0022' -p '8091:8080/tcp' -v '/mnt/user/appdata/go-auto-yt/downloads':'/app/downloads':'rw' -v '/mnt/user/appdata/go-auto-yt/config':'/app/config':'rw' 'xiovv/go-auto-yt:stable' 


The command finished successfully!

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The docker run command doesn't return any errors.  Which means that the container started no problems.  If it then exists due to whatever other reason then that's something within the container itself (IDK ? config file?) then you need to look in the support thread etc for help on that and ideally post there.  It's not a general error that anyone is going to be able to help with (ie: myself) who doesn't actually run the thing.

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9 minutes ago, Squid said:

The docker run command doesn't return any errors.  Which means that the container started no problems.  If it then exists due to whatever other reason then that's something within the container itself (IDK ? config file?) then you need to look in the support thread etc for help on that and ideally post there.  It's not a general error that anyone is going to be able to help with (ie: myself) who doesn't actually run the thing.

i see what you mean. thanks for your help!

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