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noobie docker setup guide

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This guide is a bit outdated now. Please have a look at Spaceinvader one's video about docker. It is current and quite detailed.


P.S. He is spaceinvaderone here on the UnRAID forums.



Video guides are at the bottom of this post.




Well I just figured out how to set up docker and I am completely new to docker so I decided to make a quick guide to help other people who are new.

p.s. this is for unraid 6.0 beta 10 and up i think, correct me if I am wrong but i think that is when the UI changed to make docker easier.


Step 1

go to the docker tab in the unraid gui.

should look like this.



Step 2

where it says Docker image you want to put the path where you want to store your docker image.

I think most people put it on there cache drive, but you don't have to. I put mine on a separate user share that I use for only plugins and docker.


as of beta 14 you can no longer have your docker image in a user share, so when you make a share make it cache only and the path will be /mnt/cache/SHARENAME/docker/docker


So if you wanted it on a user share that you made the path would be /mnt/user/SHARENAME/docker/docker

Just replace "SHARENAME" with what ever your share is called.

here is a picture to show what I am talking about.



Step 3

Set the size image you want, 10Gb-15Gb should be big enough for what ever you need it for.

Here is the file it creates after you press start.



Step 4

press the start button


Step 5



add this link to the repositories area, and click save. Look at the very first picture on this thread.


Step 6

Well now you have docker set up and its time to add a "container" or application or what ever you want to call it.

I will start with plex media server as quite a few people use it I assume

Click the big green add button Screen%20Shot%202015-01-16%20at%207.38.13%20PM.png

you should see a window that pops up that looks like this.




press select a template and scroll down to plex media server and select it.



Step 7

under the path section which looks like this.



click in the part where it says /mnt/user/appdata/plexmediaserver and a folder navigator will open up under it. You want to navigate to the docker folder you made earlier.



Also you can just type in the path if you want, it should be /mnt/user/YOURSHARENAME/docker/apps/plexmediaserver/

The "/apps/plexmediaserver/" part will add the folder, apps in the docker folder and a plexmediaserver folder inside apps.


so click "user" then what ever you named your share, mine is "Automation"

then click on the "docker" folder. After that you want to type in /apps/plexmediaserver/


so basically after all this it should look like this.



Step 8

So what this step does is give the plexmediaserver container access to your media.

you want it to type /tv in the first box and then navigate to the folder where your tv shows are located, in my case that is in the share "Media" then in the folder "TV"  then click Add Path.



You want to do the same thing for movies.

so it would be /movies in the box on the left and the path to your movies in the right box



If you want to add music just do the same thing as above.


Step 9

This step is easy, just click apply at the bottom and let everything install.


Now after it says it completed just close the window and it should look like this, minus all the other apps I have installed.



I can't remember if plex starts right away or not but if the writing under the plex symbol is green then it is running, if its red then click on it and press start.


Next click on the plex symbol and click webUI (it may take a few seconds for plex to start so if nothing comes up wait a couple seconds and refresh the page) and it will bring you to the plex web interface and thats it, you have set up docker and installed plex.


when adding tv shows or movies to your plex server, when you click add folder, just scroll down and you should see tv just click that and you should see all of your shows.




If this is still confusing I can make a video on how to do it if anyone wants me to. Hope this helps some people.



Video guides


OwnCloud - http://tinyurl.com/no9hekb

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Here is a quick example of running any docker using the official MediaBrowserServer Docker




Between the information and dockerfile tabs you can find the info you need.

- The description tab says to use a volume called /config and a variable called /TZ.

- Click onto the dockerfile tab and looking at the docker file will also help if you know what to look for. In the following image you can see the VOLUME line that lists /config and the EXPOSE lines that list the port numbers and protocols.




So, these are the settings for the unRAID Docker setup screen.





See how I gave it a name, anything will do.

I copied the repository from the "pull this repository" box only using the name and not the "docker pull" command

I put /config for the container volume and pointed to the cache on my server where I wanted to store the config data.

I added the /tv and /movies container volumes and pointed them to the correct server locations.

I put the ports in and the protocol.

I put the TZ variable and picked a location nearby.


The :latest after the repository name is not required, but it's a good idea to ensure you get the latest stable docker. I was getting both the "latest" = latest stable release and "daily" = daily built beta downloads without putting it there.


The /tv and /movies could be almost anything. I could also add /music or /games in the future. You can create container volumes that are not listed as "VOLUME" lines in the dockerfile. BUT, you must use the "VOLUME"'s that are in the dockerfile. Just one warning, if you use a common Linux path such as /mnt or /etc you will over-write a path and files that exist inside the Docker and it won't work. /tv and /movies and not paths in the root of a Linux install so they are safe.


You could put different ports on the host side if you wanted to. Be aware that using different ports on this docker would break the client applications that access the server.


I also believe if I didn't map the ports they'd just work with the numbers inside the Dockerfile but I'm not positive of this. It's wasn't hard just to map them 1:1 so I just did it.


That's about it. Hit Apply and install the Docker.


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Here is how to make the install look pretty.


Click/slide the advanced button that is located in the grey preferences bar to the right. A new box will appear.


Put the Docker Hub address for the docker into that URL line.

Put the web address you use to access the docker into the WebUI line.

Put a link to a banner and/or image to represent the docker into those lines.

Put a description if you want.




I got the image by going to the MediaBrowser home page and then right clicking and opening the icon on the top left of that page. Then, copied the link and stuck it in there. It seems to require a web hosted image so host a picture on a sharing site and link it if you want.


The minimum to put is the WebUI link and the banner or icon link depending on which view you use on the unRAID docker tab.



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I already have a good Plex server, how about an OwnCloud example?


I will probably make a video soon (possibly tomorrow) that will explain how to set up any docker you want.


I Video Would be GREAT!!!  If Somebody Can help me I am running Unraid 5.0.5 With Phazed SAB, PLEX, SICK, COUCH Plug Ins!! the NAS is running fine for about a year now!! I want to Upgrade to Unraid 6 and use Docker for all my apps!!! I currently have 3 Media Drives a Cache and a Parity Drive!! I store all the apps in the cache drive in cache only shares! 


What I need to do to upgrade to Unraid 6 and use Dockers in the Cache Drive and have all my current app data and configuration?  Can I use the current PLEX, SICK, COUCH, SAB preferences in the new Dockers containers?


It is OK to upgrade or it is better to just start from scratch?  Any Suggestion is Welcome!!!  I am been using Unraid since 5 beta 4 and it been Working very Good for me!!

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Whats the go with the Docker size?? 15Gb seems quick big to me. What does it get used for??


I am new to Dockers so have no idea.

Docker.img stores all of the programs, and the OS they are running on. 


15 Gig is as good a size as any other to start with, (I'm running 7 docker containers, have a 10 Gig image size, and still have 3 Gig free) - But, your mileage will vary depending upon which containers, etc you are using.


You can always expand the size of the image file down the road if it runs out of room

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Thanks Squid,


So if I am running SABnzbd would this Docker size need to be big enough for what I am downloading or is SAB using different storage?

When you setup SAB with docker, there's going to be a /downloads and a /config container path which are "mapped" to a host path of /mnt/user/downloads and /mnt/user/appdata/sabnzbd on the array.  You tell SAB to download to /downloads, and it will appear on your array at /mnt/user/downloads.  (ie - not stored within docker.img)  This is how you want it.



If you tell SAB to download to another folder other than what your passing through with container and host paths, then it will wind up within docker.img.


I hope that kinda makes sense.


EDIT:  Had a couple of beers watching the game (well, more than a couple) so that might not have made alot of sense.  Here's another post which I think did better:  http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=37457.msg346442#msg346442

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thanks for all the time you guys take to make us understand the new docker.

but judging by the number of views to this thread i am definitely not the only noob to understanding v6.


it would be very nice if there was a sticky to explain the value of using the new features of v6, and how to use them, i am still lost as all the features splinter into new threads, as its in beta and no where definitive to start the journey into v6.


what i am asking for is a possible sticky to using v6 and all its features....


tooo many splinter threads .... :(

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thanks for all the time you guys take to make us understand the new docker.

but judging by the number of views to this thread i am definitely not the only noob to understanding v6.


it would be very nice if there was a sticky to explain the value of using the new features of v6, and how to use them, i am still lost as all the features splinter into new threads, as its in beta and no where definitive to start the journey into v6.


what i am asking for is a possible sticky to using v6 and all its features....


tooo many splinter threads .... :(


I know what you mean, but I found that once I got 6b12 up and running then using Docker became very easy.  To be honest I had already read about docker and been playing around with it in a Mint install a month or so ago, but the current plugin makes it very easy.  What I'd suggest is get stuck in if you haven't already and see how you get on. 


The needo, smdion and gfjardim repositories make life very easy, I haven't yet progressed onto using "Non-Unraid" dockers but I will with time, and I think I've got my head around how to do so now.  ???


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Technically, there is no such thing as unRAID dockers.


The repositories give the templates which fill-in the setup fields. Once you understand the setup fields, you can fill all of the fields yourself almost as easy as using a  template.


The dockers used by the templates use are built a certain way to maintain a consistency that reduces the amount of stuff downloaded since docker will re-use common parts like the base image if it's already downloaded. That's about all that is special about them, assuming that much was done.

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Technically, there is no such thing as unRAID dockers.


The repositories give the templates which fill-in the setup fields. Once you understand the setup fields, you can fill all of the fields yourself almost as easy as using a  template.


The dockers used by the templates use are built a certain way to maintain a consistency that reduces the amount of stuff downloaded since docker will re-use common parts like the base image if it's already downloaded. That's about all that is special about them, assuming that much was done.


I do understand that, but as of yet haven't needed to install anything from any repositories other than those created by posters here.  I did play around with docker on a Linux Mint VM a few months ago, but the plugin here has made it much easier to implement and helped me get my head around the whole concept a bit better too.

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Excellent guide, thank you. Everything works for me, until the end. The WebUI ( never opens, no matter how long I wait.


This is a basic UNRAID beta 12 install with nothing else added. In installing, I created a share called "docker" and made it cache-only. I installed the image file (docker.img) in that share. I created an "apps" folder within the docker share for containers, and put Plex at /mnt/user/docker/apps/plexmediaserver.





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Excellent guide, thank you. Everything works for me, until the end. The WebUI ( never opens, no matter how long I wait.


This is a basic UNRAID beta 12 install with nothing else added. In installing, I created a share called "docker" and made it cache-only. I installed the image file (docker.img) in that share. I created an "apps" folder within the docker share for containers, and put Plex at /mnt/user/docker/apps/plexmediaserver.



Post a screenshot of your XML screen (ie - click on the words PlexMediaServer).  Also, where it says either "up for xxx hours" or "Exited xx ago," Click on that and post what it says.
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Thanks Squid. Just about an hour ago I decided to give Binhex's Plex a try, and following the directions here, it went installed without a hitch.



Post a screenshot of your XML screen (ie - click on the words PlexMediaServer).  Also, where it says either "up for xxx hours" or "Exited xx ago," Click on that and post what it says.

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