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pinion's Docker Repo

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I may not be as cool as some of the docker heroes on here but here's my contribution:




What's inside?

Mylar - An automated Comic Book downloader

pyTivo - an HMO and GoBack server. Similar to TiVo Desktop

CherryMusic - A music streaming server written in python: Stream your own music collection to all your devices!




20151015 - Updated python to 2.7.10 although pushbullet still seems broken.

20151014 - Updated Baseimage to Phusion 0.9.17. Added needed csv files to /config

20150707 - Updated Mylar to latest and added openssl for python

20150306 - Added initial templates for Mylar and pyTivo. Updated Mylar to current development branch.



20170809 - updated phusion baseimage and version of pytivo.

20150306 - Added initial templates for Mylar and pyTivo. Updated Mylar to current development branch.



20211023 - Updates, cleanup, moved to devel branch with latest changes (from 2020), and rebased to phusion focal baseimage.

20150308 - Added template for CherryMusic.



If anyone can tell me why the Mylar template won't display the thumbnail or the WebUI link I would appreciate it. sparklyballs ftw!

Edited by pinion
Updated CherryMusic
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did you have a pre-existing docker for mylar ?


sometimes if you still have the old xml left in /boot/config/plugins/dockerMan/templates-user the new settings don't take hold.


also check in /boot/config/plugins/dockerMan/images for any mylar images


zap em, reload info the docker page in the unraid webui and try re-adding..


if you don't have anything there in either folders then my docker hero powers are at their limit in terms of helping.

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Thanks sparklyballs! It's working! I had an old template not even in my new repo. I think it was jacking things up. Deleting the one out of /dockerMan/templates-user didn't help but once I removed that extra template url from my docker repo list in the gui it worked. I should remove those from github... Anyway, Thanks!

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Thanks sparklyballs! It's working! I had an old template not even in my new repo. I think it was jacking things up. Deleting the one out of /dockerMan/templates-user didn't help but once I removed that extra template url from my docker repo list in the gui it worked. I should remove those from github... Anyway, Thanks!


Awesome, i can still wear my cape with pride.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Sorry to be a bother, but is there a planned schedule of updates to the mylar docker. Presently showing 25 commits behind.

Also, does anyone metatagging via comictagger with this docker.




Just updated it. Changes should propagate soon.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Having issues trying to load ssl on the mylar docker.  Says "WARNING :: MAIN : The pyOpenSSL module is missing. Install this module to enable HTTPS. HTTPS will be disabled."  Is this something I can update or does it need to be added to the docker? Still new to this docker stuff. Thanks!

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Having issues trying to load ssl on the mylar docker.  Says "WARNING :: MAIN : The pyOpenSSL module is missing. Install this module to enable HTTPS. HTTPS will be disabled."  Is this something I can update or does it need to be added to the docker? Still new to this docker stuff. Thanks!

I'm not sure. I actually run everything exposed to the outside world through an nginx proxy and ssl and don't run the actual apps with ssl. Give me a minute though.

EDIT: Update and try now?

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I'm not sure. I actually run everything exposed to the outside world through an nginx proxy and ssl and don't run the actual apps with ssl. Give me a minute though.

EDIT: Update and try now?


Thanks for looking into it!  I could just go the nginx route, maybe that's better in the long run.  I reloaded and I'm still having issues, now I'm getting an error on the cert.  I reset the perms of the directory to 777 but didn't matter.  The cert and key exist in the root of /config



07-Jul-2015 23:52:01 - INFO :: MAIN : Retrieving latest version information from github

/opt/mylar/lib/requests/packages/urllib3/util/ssl_.py:90: InsecurePlatformWarning: A true SSLContext object is not available. This prevents urllib3 from configuring SSL appropriately and may cause certain SSL connections to fail. For more information, see https://urllib3.readthedocs.org/en/latest/security.html#insecureplatformwarning.


07-Jul-2015 23:52:01 - WARNING :: MAIN : Could not get the latest commit from github

07-Jul-2015 23:52:01 - INFO :: MAIN : Remapping the sorting to allow for new additions.

07-Jul-2015 23:52:01 - INFO :: MAIN : Sucessfully ordered 3 series in your watchlist.

07-Jul-2015 23:52:02 - ERROR :: MAIN : Error creating SSL key and certificate: [Errno 13] Permission denied: u'server.key'

07-Jul-2015 23:52:02 - WARNING :: MAIN : Unable to create certificate and key. Disabling HTTPS

07-Jul-2015 23:52:02 - WARNING :: MAIN : Disabled HTTPS because of missing certificate and key.

07-Jul-2015 23:52:02 - INFO :: MAIN : Starting Mylar on

07-Jul-2015 23:52:02 - INFO :: MAIN : Initializing the DB Updater.



Edit: it appears even with ssl disabled I'm now also having trouble pulling nzbs from mylar->sab gets stuck fetching.  Was working before update, I'll look at it more tomorrow.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm not sure. I actually run everything exposed to the outside world through an nginx proxy and ssl and don't run the actual apps with ssl. Give me a minute though.

EDIT: Update and try now?


Thanks for looking into it!  I could just go the nginx route, maybe that's better in the long run.  I reloaded and I'm still having issues, now I'm getting an error on the cert.  I reset the perms of the directory to 777 but didn't matter.  The cert and key exist in the root of /config



07-Jul-2015 23:52:01 - INFO :: MAIN : Retrieving latest version information from github

/opt/mylar/lib/requests/packages/urllib3/util/ssl_.py:90: InsecurePlatformWarning: A true SSLContext object is not available. This prevents urllib3 from configuring SSL appropriately and may cause certain SSL connections to fail. For more information, see https://urllib3.readthedocs.org/en/latest/security.html#insecureplatformwarning.


07-Jul-2015 23:52:01 - WARNING :: MAIN : Could not get the latest commit from github

07-Jul-2015 23:52:01 - INFO :: MAIN : Remapping the sorting to allow for new additions.

07-Jul-2015 23:52:01 - INFO :: MAIN : Sucessfully ordered 3 series in your watchlist.

07-Jul-2015 23:52:02 - ERROR :: MAIN : Error creating SSL key and certificate: [Errno 13] Permission denied: u'server.key'

07-Jul-2015 23:52:02 - WARNING :: MAIN : Unable to create certificate and key. Disabling HTTPS

07-Jul-2015 23:52:02 - WARNING :: MAIN : Disabled HTTPS because of missing certificate and key.

07-Jul-2015 23:52:02 - INFO :: MAIN : Starting Mylar on

07-Jul-2015 23:52:02 - INFO :: MAIN : Initializing the DB Updater.



Edit: it appears even with ssl disabled I'm now also having trouble pulling nzbs from mylar->sab gets stuck fetching.  Was working before update, I'll look at it more tomorrow.


I see the same things in my log. Not being able to pull the latest github version doesn't really matter to me. I have to update the container in order for the version to update anyway as updating from github never worked for me. As far as SSL I think you have to provide the files because they won't generate for me either. Although reading again it sounds like you are setting the path. So I'm not sure...


I just removed the container and image and started over. I was able to add my comic vine api and set the comics and downloads directory. I set it up to use a blackhole. The permissions on the folder created on my cache drive are

drwxrwxrwx  5 nobody users   83 Jul 19 20:43 mylar


Furthermore that directory looks like this:

root@unRaid:/mnt/cache/apps/appdata/mylar# ls -hal
total 44K
drwxrwxrwx  5 nobody users   83 Jul 19 20:44 .
drwxrwxrwx 38 root   root  4.0K Jul 19 20:36 ..
drwxr-xr-x  2 nobody users   56 Jul 19 20:02 cache
-rw-r--r--  1 nobody users 3.7K Jul 19 20:44 config.ini
drwxr-xr-x  2 nobody users   58 Jul 19 20:26 logs
-rw-r--r--  1 nobody users  33K Jul 19 20:44 mylar.db
drwxr-xr-x  4 root   root    95 Jul 19 19:57 post-processing


I wouldn't think you'd need to check permissions since this is how it seems to default for me but it's worth a shot.


EDIT: One thing if you haven't done so yet is to make sure you delete the config folder from your cache drive when you're starting fresh. Before I did this test I mode sure to move my config folder off so that any past permissions or other junk weren't going to interfere.

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Hi Pinion,


Great work, well done!


Im trying to install the Mylar docker from your repo, but when i try to open the web i just get a page cannot be displayed error, is there something i am doing wrong?




I'm not really sure. Did you change the port or anything while you were installing it? It should be installed at http://tower:8090 or whatever the name/ip of your unraid box is. Under the Docker tab in unRaid do you see that Mylar is started? All the way to the right is what looks like a piece of paper which is the log. Is there anything in that log for Mylar?

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I'm not sure. I actually run everything exposed to the outside world through an nginx proxy and ssl and don't run the actual apps with ssl. Give me a minute though.

EDIT: Update and try now?


Thanks for looking into it!  I could just go the nginx route, maybe that's better in the long run.  I reloaded and I'm still having issues, now I'm getting an error on the cert.  I reset the perms of the directory to 777 but didn't matter.  The cert and key exist in the root of /config



07-Jul-2015 23:52:01 - INFO :: MAIN : Retrieving latest version information from github

/opt/mylar/lib/requests/packages/urllib3/util/ssl_.py:90: InsecurePlatformWarning: A true SSLContext object is not available. This prevents urllib3 from configuring SSL appropriately and may cause certain SSL connections to fail. For more information, see https://urllib3.readthedocs.org/en/latest/security.html#insecureplatformwarning.


07-Jul-2015 23:52:01 - WARNING :: MAIN : Could not get the latest commit from github

07-Jul-2015 23:52:01 - INFO :: MAIN : Remapping the sorting to allow for new additions.

07-Jul-2015 23:52:01 - INFO :: MAIN : Sucessfully ordered 3 series in your watchlist.

07-Jul-2015 23:52:02 - ERROR :: MAIN : Error creating SSL key and certificate: [Errno 13] Permission denied: u'server.key'

07-Jul-2015 23:52:02 - WARNING :: MAIN : Unable to create certificate and key. Disabling HTTPS

07-Jul-2015 23:52:02 - WARNING :: MAIN : Disabled HTTPS because of missing certificate and key.

07-Jul-2015 23:52:02 - INFO :: MAIN : Starting Mylar on

07-Jul-2015 23:52:02 - INFO :: MAIN : Initializing the DB Updater.



Edit: it appears even with ssl disabled I'm now also having trouble pulling nzbs from mylar->sab gets stuck fetching.  Was working before update, I'll look at it more tomorrow.


I see the same things in my log. Not being able to pull the latest github version doesn't really matter to me. I have to update the container in order for the version to update anyway as updating from github never worked for me. As far as SSL I think you have to provide the files because they won't generate for me either. Although reading again it sounds like you are setting the path. So I'm not sure...


I just removed the container and image and started over. I was able to add my comic vine api and set the comics and downloads directory. I set it up to use a blackhole. The permissions on the folder created on my cache drive are

drwxrwxrwx  5 nobody users   83 Jul 19 20:43 mylar


Furthermore that directory looks like this:

root@unRaid:/mnt/cache/apps/appdata/mylar# ls -hal
total 44K
drwxrwxrwx  5 nobody users   83 Jul 19 20:44 .
drwxrwxrwx 38 root   root  4.0K Jul 19 20:36 ..
drwxr-xr-x  2 nobody users   56 Jul 19 20:02 cache
-rw-r--r--  1 nobody users 3.7K Jul 19 20:44 config.ini
drwxr-xr-x  2 nobody users   58 Jul 19 20:26 logs
-rw-r--r--  1 nobody users  33K Jul 19 20:44 mylar.db
drwxr-xr-x  4 root   root    95 Jul 19 19:57 post-processing


I wouldn't think you'd need to check permissions since this is how it seems to default for me but it's worth a shot.


EDIT: One thing if you haven't done so yet is to make sure you delete the config folder from your cache drive when you're starting fresh. Before I did this test I mode sure to move my config folder off so that any past permissions or other junk weren't going to interfere.


Thanks Pinion.  I did dump it and start fresh (new directories too).  As we were discussing in the PM's I think the issue is more of a sabnzbd issue that started with some of the recent code changes.  The suggested config.ini change for the host_return (or almost any config change) would cause me to get an odd permissions like issue that I wasn't able to get around couldn't load pictures/write files/etc.  Would cause me to have to completely wipe.  I'll double check the perms against the ones you posted, but I had reset all the perms to wide open.  I haven't checked the main mylar github in a few days to see if they've fixed the issue that caused the sabnzbd problems.


As far as the ssl once I can get sabnzbd working again I'll try again.  Thanks again for your help.

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Thanks for your reply.


Nope all is set as should be on port 8090 bridged...


Checked the log as suggested and it reads like this:


*** Running /etc/my_init.d/00_regen_ssh_host_keys.sh...

*** Running /etc/rc.local...

*** Booting runit daemon...

*** Runit started as PID 8

Jul 20 10:05:02 3281c60e744a syslog-ng[17]: syslog-ng starting up; version='3.5.3'

20-Jul-2015 10:05:02 - INFO :: MAIN : Branch detected & set to : development

20-Jul-2015 10:05:02 - INFO :: MAIN : [DB Module] Loading : sqlite3 as the database module to use.

20-Jul-2015 10:05:02 - INFO :: MAIN : Checking to see if the database has all tables....

20-Jul-2015 10:05:05 - ERROR :: MAIN : Could not locate exceptions.csv file. Make sure it is in datadir: /config

20-Jul-2015 10:05:05 - INFO :: MAIN : Ensuring DB integrity - Removing all Erroneous Comics (ie. named None)

20-Jul-2015 10:05:05 - INFO :: MAIN : Correcting Null entries that make the main page break on startup.

20-Jul-2015 10:05:05 - INFO :: MAIN : Retrieving latest version information from github

/opt/mylar/lib/requests/packages/urllib3/util/ssl_.py:90: InsecurePlatformWarning: A true SSLContext object is not available. This prevents urllib3 from configuring SSL appropriately and may cause certain SSL connections to fail. For more information, see https://urllib3.readthedocs.org/en/latest/security.html#insecureplatformwarning.


20-Jul-2015 10:05:05 - WARNING :: MAIN : Could not get the latest commit from github

20-Jul-2015 10:05:05 - INFO :: MAIN : Remapping the sorting to allow for new additions.

20-Jul-2015 10:05:05 - INFO :: MAIN : Sucessfully ordered -1 series in your watchlist.

20-Jul-2015 10:05:05 - INFO :: MAIN : Starting Mylar on

20-Jul-2015 10:05:06 - INFO :: MAIN : Initializing the DB Updater.

20-Jul-2015 10:05:06 - INFO :: MAIN : Initiating the ComicVine API Checker to report API hits every 5 minutes.

20-Jul-2015 10:05:06 - INFO :: MAIN : Initiating startup-RSS feed checks.

20-Jul-2015 10:05:06 - INFO :: RSSCHECK : delaying startup thread for 30 seconds to avoid locks.

20-Jul-2015 10:05:06 - INFO :: MAIN : Checking for existance of Weekly Comic listing...

20-Jul-2015 10:05:06 - INFO :: WEEKLYCHECK : delaying startup thread for 10 seconds to avoid locks.

20-Jul-2015 10:05:16 - INFO :: WEEKLYCHECK : [WEEKLY] Checking Weekly Pull-list for new releases/updates

20-Jul-2015 10:05:16 - INFO :: WEEKLYCHECK : Weekly pull list present - checking if it's up-to-date..

20-Jul-2015 10:05:16 - INFO :: WEEKLYCHECK : [PULL-LIST] Populating & Loading pull-list data from file

20-Jul-2015 10:05:16 - INFO :: WEEKLYCHECK : No new pull-list available - will re-check again in 24 hours.

20-Jul-2015 10:05:16 - INFO :: WEEKLYCHECK : Checking the Weekly Releases list for comics I'm watching...

20-Jul-2015 10:05:16 - INFO :: WEEKLYCHECK : Finished checking for comics on my watchlist.

20-Jul-2015 10:05:16 - INFO :: WEEKLYCHECK : No series have been marked as being on auto-watch.

20-Jul-2015 10:05:36 - INFO :: RSSCHECK : RSS Feed Check was last run at : 2015-07-20 09:48:12


Which looks to me as if it should be OK?




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hi again pinion, thanks for your help.


I have it working now... to an extent.


I can access the web UI, search and add comics etc... But when it finds an NZB and parses it to my sabnzbd (another docker) stab gets stuck with the message about trying to retrieve the nzb from ''. So i shut down mylar and edited the config ini so have the address of the web ui as 192.168.1.x (the server address) and started the docker again but then it says that port 8090 is busy.


I tried with localhost and but still had the same issues... any ideas?


Also, less major, i get an error 13 permission error when mylar tries to write to the cache folder, i have circus navigated this by making a 'ml-cache' directory in my unraid usershare and directing the cache to this.


Cheers 8)

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hi again pinion, thanks for your help.


I have it working now... to an extent.


I can access the web UI, search and add comics etc... But when it finds an NZB and parses it to my sabnzbd (another docker) stab gets stuck with the message about trying to retrieve the nzb from ''. So i shut down mylar and edited the config ini so have the address of the web ui as 192.168.1.x (the server address) and started the docker again but then it says that port 8090 is busy.


I tried with localhost and but still had the same issues... any ideas?


Also, less major, i get an error 13 permission error when mylar tries to write to the cache folder, i have circus navigated this by making a 'ml-cache' directory in my unraid usershare and directing the cache to this.


Cheers 8)


Sounds like I'll have to setup sabnzbd to figure out where the issue is. I'll try my best to do that tonight (in about 12 hours).

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