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unRaid Server Name


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Thats the problem, when I go to Identification, Change the name from Tower to Enigma adn apply, it just defaults back to Tower?

Just tried that and got the same symptoms!  I guess you might have found a bug in the current beta.  It certainly USED to work.


You can bypass the GUI and edit the file on the USB stick by editing  /boot/config/ident.cfg (or flash/config/ident.cfg if done via the network).    If you do it via the network then make sure you use an editor that understands Linux end-of-line characters.

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Thats the problem, when I go to Identification, Change the name from Tower to Enigma adn apply, it just defaults back to Tower?

Just tried that and got the same symptoms!  I guess you might have found a bug in the current beta.  It certainly USED to work.


You can bypass the GUI and edit the file on the USB stick by editing  /boot/config/ident.cfg (or flash/config/ident.cfg if done via the network).    If you do it via the network then make sure you use an editor that understands Linux end-of-line characters.


I'd suggest doing when the array is stopped and then rebooting aftewards.

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Thats the problem, when I go to Identification, Change the name from Tower to Enigma adn apply, it just defaults back to Tower?

Just tried that and got the same symptoms!  I guess you might have found a bug in the current beta.  It certainly USED to work.


You can bypass the GUI and edit the file on the USB stick by editing  /boot/config/ident.cfg (or flash/config/ident.cfg if done via the network).    If you do it via the network then make sure you use an editor that understands Linux end-of-line characters.



Thanks for the update, will change it as suggested for now.



I'd suggest doing when the array is stopped and then rebooting aftewards.

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While playing around I found that if you change the Description field (the middle one of the 3 fields shown) then the Apply button activates and you can now edit any of the fields and apply the changes.  Sounds like there is some sort of bug in the GUI code associated with that page.

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@GreeFFji - I ran into a situation where I pulled the USB while the server was running and I found that afterwards I could not change any files.  A restart fixed it (of course).


Which begs a question of the group in general.  2 things actually. 


1. In Linux, you can eject a usb drive by using a udisks package to use with sudo.  But sudo apt-get doesn't work in UnRaid.  Sudo works, but it does not have the apt-get function.  I assume because this is a slackware based system.  Ergo, does Slackware Linux have something akin to apt-get to pull in new functionality?


2. If so, then to solve the USB pull/reload issue (assuming that does not cause a problem for UnRaid since it is USB based), could we use udisks?


sudo udisks --unmount /dev/sda1
sudo udisks --detach /dev/sda


Or is there a better way?

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1. In Linux, you can eject a usb drive by using a udisks package to use with sudo.  But sudo apt-get doesn't work in UnRaid.  Sudo works, but it does not have the apt-get function.  I assume because this is a slackware based system.  Ergo, does Slackware Linux have something akin to apt-get to pull in new functionality?
Not implemented in unraid, for various reasons, mainly because unraid is customized to run from ram, and load from USB, so any additions have to be packed back into the bzroot or bzimage file, or set to reinstall on reboot in some other way.


Long story short, additional base functionality pretty much has to be vetted and installed by the authors and packagers of unraid in a new version or update, or cludged in afterwards. The addition of docker and VM technology is supposed to alleviate much of the issues by allowing applications to be added without messing with the base functionality.


The goal is to make it so people don't have to mess around with the command line any more. V6 is closer than any version so far, but still not quite there yet.


2. If so, then to solve the USB pull/reload issue (assuming that does not cause a problem for UnRaid since it is USB based), could we use udisks?

Or is there a better way?

I've got to ask. Short of corruption on the USB that keeps you from booting, why do you want to pull the drive from a running machine?


The entire contents of the flash drive is available for viewing and editing, either with the \flash share, or at /boot in a console or telnet screen.

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I've got to ask. Short of corruption on the USB that keeps you from booting, why do you want to pull the drive from a running machine?


I spent 4 or 5 days dealing with hardware issues.  The server would panic when the network drivers loaded - within seconds after I accessed the server from the web - , so it took some time to figure that root cause out.  So I was pulling drives to make changes all the time.


And you're gonna love this answer.  Because I didn't know I could!  It took another day before it dawned on me that I could edit the flash drive directly from a windows share.  Duh, yes.  But I haven't edited a config file on a text only screen since my DOS days.


Laugh all you want (and I will join in), but if I needed to make a change, I'd either use MCEdit (if I had a session going) or I'd shutdown and pull the drive.


The entire contents of the flash drive is available for viewing and editing, either with the \flash share, or at /boot in a console or telnet screen.


This would be a FANTASTIC sentence to include in the Getting Started guide.  The guide really needs a "everything a noob should know about Linux" section...  I've beat my head against a number of learning curves (still am, how to you setup a Docker?  Where do I find the docker.img file to put in the /mnt/cache/docker.img directory!?! - you laugh, but it took me hours to figure that out!).


If you want to attract noobs, the instructions have to become clearer...not everyone has the patience i do...  Would love to see the conversion rate on trials...and why people didn't purchase.  I'll bet 10:1 odds that its the 'noob' thing...too hard to get going...

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If you want to attract noobs, the instructions have to become clearer...not everyone has the patience i do...  Would love to see the conversion rate on trials...and why people didn't purchase.  I'll bet 10:1 odds that its the 'noob' thing...too hard to get going...

This has been a sore point since the beginning. We have been promised documentation after 6 is final. I see no reason why this won't happen, but it's been a long hard road to get here, and we can finally see light at the end of the tunnel. I just hope it isn't the train.


Give it 3 months or so. The software development cycles around here tend to be measured in years, so soon means in a month or 3.


Nobody wants to do documentation on the beta series because major stuff changes every release, so your docker comment while spot on, isn't going to get any changes made right now. Like everything else around here, it will be done when it's ready, and not a moment sooner.

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If you want to attract noobs, the instructions have to become clearer...not everyone has the patience i do...  Would love to see the conversion rate on trials...and why people didn't purchase.  I'll bet 10:1 odds that its the 'noob' thing...too hard to get going...


You are not wrong. There also needs to be more information in general about the typical pitfalls that people run into. Idealy though we need more functionality built into the GUI, so people don't have to mess in command line often / at all.

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And you're gonna love this answer.  Because I didn't know I could!  It took another day before it dawned on me that I could edit the flash drive directly from a windows share.  Duh, yes.  But I haven't edited a config file on a text only screen since my DOS days.

The entire contents of the flash drive is available for viewing and editing, either with the \flash share, or at /boot in a console or telnet screen.

Another thing that you might not have found in documentation:


If you edit files in the flash share over the network with a text editor, make sure to use an editor that can correctly handle Linux line endings. Notepad++ is often recommended.

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