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Minimal drive config?


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To get a feel of how everything works with the latest version I bought a pro license (which I'm going to use with a new build later) I grabbed a Dell laptop and got unraid working with one data drive and one cache drive. I can't create user shares, since the "shares" selection from the main bar isn't present. I assume this is because I do not have two data drives. Kind of limited with a laptop I guess. I'm using the external SATA port for the second drive.


I was actually able to get some docker repositories installed and installed SABnzbd. I already have SAB running on another computer so I just shut that down temporarily. When configuring SAB under the 'folders' area I'm trying to use window pathnames for the watchfolder and other SAB folders that are there. Ex: \\bigben\dump1\watchfolder

SAB is not saving these folders and I'm wondering if having just one data drive and one cache is screwing things up? There is also a little yellow triangle telling my reconstruction is going on.


I wanted to use a cache drive to try out dockers, but is it even worth it trying to do this with just two drives? This is what my main screen looks like.



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Don't know why you have a yellow triangle, but reconstruction can't be going on without a parity drive.


Not sure I understand what you are trying to do with the dockers. Are you trying to get them to use a network path to another computer for the host path? Have not heard of anyone trying that approach. Can you access that path from the unRAID command line?

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Don't know why you have a yellow triangle, but reconstruction can't be going on without a parity drive.


Not sure I understand what you are trying to do with the dockers. Are you trying to get them to use a network path to another computer for the host path? Have not heard of anyone trying that approach. Can you access that path from the unRAID command line?


I was just trying to setup the 'watchfolder', and the 'temp folder' etc. but it does not work. Once I saw my 'shares' button all gone, I figured the whole system was hosed and screwed up. I just wanted to check out the dockers, but since it is so new, I don't know if you can set everything up normally with one data, one cache. You see that little triangle trying to tell me something. I was just playing around with it, but when I couldn't create any shares on the data drives I was a little limited. I wish I can add another hard drive to that setup somehow, just to see it it all starts to react more normal.

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To get a feel of how everything works with the latest version I bought a pro license (which I'm going to use with a new build later) I grabbed a Dell laptop and got unraid working with one data drive and one cache drive. I can't create user shares, since the "shares" selection from the main bar isn't present. I assume this is because I do not have two data drives. Kind of limited with a laptop I guess. I'm using the external SATA port for the second drive.


I was actually able to get some docker repositories installed and installed SABnzbd. I already have SAB running on another computer so I just shut that down temporarily. When configuring SAB under the 'folders' area I'm trying to use window pathnames for the watchfolder and other SAB folders that are there. Ex: \\bigben\dump1\watchfolder

SAB is not saving these folders and I'm wondering if having just one data drive and one cache is screwing things up? There is also a little yellow triangle telling my reconstruction is going on.


I wanted to use a cache drive to try out dockers, but is it even worth it trying to do this with just two drives? This is what my main screen looks like.


You can turn on user shares still I believe from the "Settings -> Global Share Settings" page and then create them.


With only two drives (cache and array), you have no data protection, and since you're doing this on a laptop, your performance experience will vary greatly from a real system, but if you're just looking to get familiar with how things work with the software side of things, that's a fine way to do it.

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... your performance experience will vary greatly from a real system ...


Indeed => it will likely be a lot faster than a real system  :)


(assuming the NIC is a Gb NIC ... which is true on most recent laptops)


Note that the only drives are an SSD data drive and an SSD cache.


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... your performance experience will vary greatly from a real system ...


Indeed => it will likely be a lot faster than a real system  :)


(assuming the NIC is a Gb NIC ... which is true on most recent laptops)


Note that the only drives are an SSD data drive and an SSD cache.


?  Why do you assume they are SSD?


Edit:  never mind, I missed the screenshot of the GUI.

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... your performance experience will vary greatly from a real system ...


Indeed => it will likely be a lot faster than a real system  :)


(assuming the NIC is a Gb NIC ... which is true on most recent laptops)


Note that the only drives are an SSD data drive and an SSD cache.


Yes, the system is very fast and reacts very quickly. It does have a Gb NIC as does my whole network. True managed Gb ports on my router too.


I guess my question is, how do I access SMB shares on my Windows computers from unraid? Do I have to go through that whole process of making a directory, mounting it, etc everytime? I was just wondering, because when I was setting up SABnzb I was trying to use a watchfolder that was on a Windows computer. Does anyone have a reason to want to access their Windows share from their unraid box? Is it that uncommon?


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I guess my question is, how do I access SMB shares on my Windows computers from unraid? Do I have to go through that whole process of making a directory, mounting it, etc everytime? I was just wondering, because when I was setting up SABnzb I was trying to use a watchfolder that was on a Windows computer. Does anyone have a reason to want to access their Windows share from their unraid box? Is it that uncommon?


Good question.    There have been a few others who asked similar questions ... e.g. how to access a different UnRAID server as a data store for a Docker.    If you find a simple way to set this up so it's persistent across boots, please document it for the "rest of us"  :)

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I guess my question is, how do I access SMB shares on my Windows computers from unraid? Do I have to go through that whole process of making a directory, mounting it, etc everytime? I was just wondering, because when I was setting up SABnzb I was trying to use a watchfolder that was on a Windows computer. Does anyone have a reason to want to access their Windows share from their unraid box? Is it that uncommon?

I do the exact same thing.  Sab monitors a watch folder stored on my windows desk.  Just add the mkdir and mount commands to your /boot/config/go file.


Some NICs however don't get the IP address right away during boot up, so I've added some logic to wait for the network to be available prior to issuing the mounts

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Some NICs however don't get the IP address right away during boot up, so I've added some logic to wait for the network to be available prior to issuing the mounts


For those of us non-Linux folks, can you post the actual lines you added to your GO file ?  :)

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logger "Waiting for network services to come alive ~90 seconds"
echo "Waiting for network services to come alive ~90 seconds"

for COUNTER in {1..90}
        sleep 1
        if ping -c 1 &> /dev/null
                echo "Network Now Available"
                logger "Network Now Available"
                mkdir /tmp/iona_downloads
                mount -t cifs // /tmp/iona_downloads -o username=?????,password=???,dir_mode=0777,file_mode=0777
                logger "Network not yet available... Retry # $COUNTER"
                echo "Network not yet available... Retry # $COUNTER"


On bootup, it keeps trying to ping my windows box.  After 90secs without a response, it'll just give up and carry on anyways.  Change the ???????? to suit.


If you put it before the emhttp line in go, all of the mounts, etc will be up and running before any dockers get started.

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