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Habe adguard home installiert und bekomme keine Verbindung zum community application

Meine Frage ist was für Domain muss ich freigeben ? 

Dank für die Hilfe im voraus.

Edited by ada
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20 hours ago, UnInfamous said:

I suppose I'm confused as that is not my experience on any other page. If I go from Settings > Docker > Settings, I'm able to click back to Settings before the Docker tab has completed its page load.

YMMV. But effectively what the "spinner" is is an overlay (transparent) that covers the entire GUI and prevents any clicking anywhere

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11 hours ago, ada said:


Habe adguard home installiert und bekomme keine Verbindung zum community application

Meine Frage ist was für Domain muss ich freigeben ? 

Dank für die Hilfe im voraus.

You need to whitelist github.com, githubusercontent.com etc.


But, at the end of the day, your server and all connections from it should be whitelisted.  There are zero ads within the OS, and therefore no reason for adguard to interfere with the transmissions to/from the OS.

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11 hours ago, Squid said:

YMMV. But effectively what the "spinner" is is an overlay (transparent) that covers the entire GUI and prevents any clicking anywhere

Only on the app marketplace. I've attempted all over the UI and this is the only place I can find it where there wasn't something crucial that needed to be finished before releasing control back to the user.

Is there a reason behind disabling UI in this way? It would reason that being able to access what is desired quickly and efficiently to be paramount while things like async loading of recently added apps to a marketplace to be supplementary.

Edited by UnInfamous
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  • 2 weeks later...


Can i find out if there was any movement on the Safari and Apps Tab freezing issue? I can see a while ago there was a lot of chatter about it which seem to end suddenly when there was some server issues and never really picked back up after that.

I have removed the CA plugin and reinstalled, cleared browser data, disabled all safari extensions and done as much as i could think of doing. In chrome there is no issue at all, in Safari it opens the page, you can see the wavy unraid logo moving, then the icons of the new apps display and the wavy unraid logo freezes, at this point nothing on the unraid gui can be clicked, all i can do is exit safari and relogin making sure i dont touch the App link. Ive attached the log and can see some array errors but nothing meningful.


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On 6/21/2024 at 11:38 AM, vampyre_masquerade said:


Can i find out if there was any movement on the Safari and Apps Tab freezing issue? I can see a while ago there was a lot of chatter about it which seem to end suddenly when there was some server issues and never really picked back up after that.

I have removed the CA plugin and reinstalled, cleared browser data, disabled all safari extensions and done as much as i could think of doing. In chrome there is no issue at all, in Safari it opens the page, you can see the wavy unraid logo moving, then the icons of the new apps display and the wavy unraid logo freezes, at this point nothing on the unraid gui can be clicked, all i can do is exit safari and relogin making sure i dont touch the App link. Ive attached the log and can see some array errors but nothing meningful.

CA-Logging-20240621-1136.zip 1.47 MB · 0 downloads

On a quick side note I thought id try the Safari Technology Preview and see what's changing in the future, the issue above isn't present in the new version, works as supposed to.

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On 6/20/2024 at 9:38 PM, vampyre_masquerade said:

movement on the Safari and Apps Tab freezing issue?

News to me.   Apps works perfectly with Safari.  The only chatter I recall about it was fixed a year ago when I bought an iMac just to diagnose and fix the issue.


The log you posted does show no more activity from CA after it downloaded the feed.  Can you also post your diagnostics after you try this all again...


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13 hours ago, Squid said:

News to me.   Apps works perfectly with Safari.  The only chatter I recall about it was fixed a year ago when I bought an iMac just to diagnose and fix the issue.


The log you posted does show no more activity from CA after it downloaded the feed.  Can you also post your diagnostics after you try this all again...


I ran it again with the original Safari and straight after with the new Tech Preview version, I think that's what you were after.


Safari_Tech_Preview.txt Sonoma_Original_Safari.txt

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On 6/21/2024 at 2:38 AM, vampyre_masquerade said:


Can i find out if there was any movement on the Safari and Apps Tab freezing issue? I can see a while ago there was a lot of chatter about it which seem to end suddenly when there was some server issues and never really picked back up after that.

I have removed the CA plugin and reinstalled, cleared browser data, disabled all safari extensions and done as much as i could think of doing. In chrome there is no issue at all, in Safari it opens the page, you can see the wavy unraid logo moving, then the icons of the new apps display and the wavy unraid logo freezes, at this point nothing on the unraid gui can be clicked, all i can do is exit safari and relogin making sure i dont touch the App link. Ive attached the log and can see some array errors but nothing meningful.

CA-Logging-20240621-1136.zip 1.47 MB · 1 download

I am also having this issue. And when it happens, I get Webkit Error 300 on other Unraid hosted pages (e.g. Homarr) which suggests it is either a Safari wide thing, or an Unraid wide thing!

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@vampyre_masquerade and @redvers76 do you have Bitwarden installed? I went digging through the JS Console and was seeing thousands on errors related to Bitwarden's autofill script.

Set your Safari back to however you normally use it, and then go into your Safari settings and disable the Bitwarden extension. Close all Unraid tabs, and then try opening CA again, it should work this time!

You can verify this by turning the Bitwarden extension back on, and CA will stop working again. Close the tab, disable Bitwarden, and it will work again. I just did this 3 times in a row before posting here.

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20 minutes ago, relink said:

@vampyre_masquerade and @redvers76 do you have Bitwarden installed? I went digging through the JS Console and was seeing thousands on errors related to Bitwarden's autofill script.

Set your Safari back to however you normally use it, and then go into your Safari settings and disable the Bitwarden extension. Close all Unraid tabs, and then try opening CA again, it should work this time!

You can verify this by turning the Bitwarden extension back on, and CA will stop working again. Close the tab, disable Bitwarden, and it will work again. I just did this 3 times in a row before posting here.

I just tried this and CA loads just fine on my mini M1 2020. macOS 14.5, Safari 17.5, Bitwarden extension 2024.6.1. Maybe there are some other variables.

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On 6/28/2024 at 9:39 PM, relink said:

@vampyre_masquerade and @redvers76 do you have Bitwarden installed? I went digging through the JS Console and was seeing thousands on errors related to Bitwarden's autofill script.

Set your Safari back to however you normally use it, and then go into your Safari settings and disable the Bitwarden extension. Close all Unraid tabs, and then try opening CA again, it should work this time!

You can verify this by turning the Bitwarden extension back on, and CA will stop working again. Close the tab, disable Bitwarden, and it will work again. I just did this 3 times in a row before posting here.

Good catch! I do indeed! Have told Safari to deny Bitwarden on my Unraid server page, and the Apps page loads fine.


If it helps debug, 2021 M1 Pro, OS 14.5, Safari 17.5, BW 2024.6.1, Unraid 6.12.10, CA 2024.06.08a

Edited by redvers76
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On 6/30/2024 at 3:21 AM, redvers76 said:

If it helps debug, 2021 M1 Pro, OS 14.5, Safari 17.5, BW 2024.6.1, Unraid 6.12.10, CA 2024.06.08a

Or tell Bitwarden to fix their problem

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  • 4 weeks later...

Finally got off the fence and now building a unraid server (ver. 6-12-10). Following Riffsphere home assistant utube video and got stuck. The appdata config path selection does not show on my edit page and I have this error.




I believe the problem lies with this missing path.




This setting and corresponding drop down menu does not show on my 'add container page'.

So how can I move forward and create this path? Mahalo for your patience.

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On 7/29/2024 at 7:18 PM, osckarsevilla said:

Good evening, I received this message, thank you very much



A problem occurred during changeSortOrder
Please post the FULL content of this message on the Community Applications (CA) support site. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/38582-plug-in-community-applications/
Error OS: 6.12.11

Looks like you logged out of the OS (or server rebooted for some reason)

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Getting these quite often recently when searching for something in CA on Unraid 6.12.11.

Appears seemingly random and no search results at all are displayed when the error occurs.

Sometimes the error would appear 10 times in a row, then it'll work once (with the same search term).

However it does not seem related to the search term itself, it will happen with any random search term...


Something really wrong went on during get_content
Post the ENTIRE contents of this message in the Community Applications Support Thread https://forums.unraid.net/topic/38582-plug-in-community-applications/

OS: 6.12.11
Browser: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:128.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/128.0

<br /> <b>Warning</b>: Undefined array key "Featured" in <b>/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/community.applications/include/exec.php</b> on line <b>929</b><br /> <br /> <b>Warning</b>: Undefined array key "Featured" in <b>/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/community.applications/include/exec.php</b> on line <b>929</b><br /> <br /> <b>Warning</b>: Undefined array key "Featured" in <b>/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/community.applications/include/exec.php</b> on line <b>929</b><br /> {"display":"<div class='ca_templatesDisplay'><script>addDockerWarning(false);var dockerNotEnabled = false;<\/script><script>showSidebarApp('\/tmp\/community.applications\/tempFiles\/templates-community-apps\/CorneliousJDsRepository\/acaranta-JoplinApp-latest.xml','JoplinApp');<\/script><script>changeMax(24);<\/script> <div class='ca_holder spotlightHome ca_appPopup ' data-apppath='\/tmp\/community.applications\/tempFiles\/templates-community-apps\/CorneliousJDsRepository\/acaranta-JoplinApp-latest.xml' data-appname='JoplinApp' data-repository='CorneliousJD&#039;s Repository' > <div class='ca_bottomLine ca_bottomLineSpotLight'> <div class='infoButton ca_appPopup'>Info<\/div> <div class='supportButton supportButtonCardContext' id='supportJoplinApp753' data-context='[{\"icon\":\"ca_fa-project\",\"link\":\"https:\\\/\\\/github.com\\\/acaranta\\\/docker-joplin\",\"text\":\"Project\"},{\"icon\":\"ca_fa-support\",\"link\":\"https:\\\/\\\/forums.unraid.net\\\/topic\\\/103022-support-joplinapp-corneliousjd-repo\\\/\",\"text\":\"Support Forum\"},{\"icon\":\"docker\",\"link\":\"https:\\\/\\\/hub.docker.com\\\/r\\\/acaranta\\\/docker-joplin\\\/\",\"text\":\"Registry\"}]'>Support<\/div> <div class='actionsButton' data-pluginURL='' data-languagePack='' onclick=popupInstallXML('\/tmp\/community.applications\/tempFiles\/templates-community-apps\/CorneliousJDsRepository\/acaranta-JoplinApp-latest.xml','default','','[\"5800\",\"41184\"]');>Install<\/div><span class='appDocker' title='This application is a docker container'><\/span><span class='favCardBackground' data-repository='CorneliousJDs Repository' style='display:none;'><\/span><span class='pinnedCard' title='This application is pinned for later viewing' data-pindata='acaranta\/docker-joplinJoplinApp' style='display:none;'><\/span><\/div><div class='ca_appPopup ca_backgroundClickable'><div class='ca_iconArea'> <img class='ca_displayIcon ' src='https:\/\/raw.githubusercontent.com\/CorneliousJD\/Docker-Templates\/master\/icons\/joplin.png' alt='Application Icon'><\/img> <\/div> <div class='ca_applicationName'>JoplinApp <\/div> <div class='ca_author'>CorneliousJD&apos;s Repository<\/div> <div class='cardCategory'>Productivity<\/div> <\/div> <div class='cardDescription ca_backgroundClickable'><div class='cardDesc'>This container allows you to have a working Joplin desktop app, reachable via a http noVNC that can be placed behind a reverse proxy. Can also be used with the Joplin server container to have a full Joplin stack on unRAID! More info about Joplin : https:\/\/joplinapp.org\/ <\/div><\/div><\/div><script>data.currentpage = 1;<\/script><\/div>"}


PHP Error Log:

PHP Warning:  Undefined array key "Featured" in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/community.applications/include/exec.php on line 929
PHP Warning:  Undefined array key "Featured" in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/community.applications/include/exec.php on line 929
PHP Warning:  Undefined array key "Featured" in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/community.applications/include/exec.php on line 929


P.S. It also happens in Chrome... and CA is up to date.


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I just noticed this evening that the Linuxserver.io Plex application template is showing up as Deprecated. Their website says their Plex image is NOT deprecated, so I am wondering what is going on. Does anyone have any idea?



Screenshot 2024-08-14 at 8.27.49 PM.png

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