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Sorry for the late reply, sitting in the only hotel with internet so far on My Summer travels, If the web docent work try port 993  or 443 (check openvpn HomePage) sorry for the wierd autocorrection.  Best bet IF web ui docent work is Old config (then clear IT) or the port is already in use (SSH to unraid and do a "PS -aux" And post IT.


I bet this post loks like mess sitting on what could be the only iPad in Vietnam, however maby i sould change the default ui port?(same for SSL connections as web ui,or kinda booth works as default) And make the admin name changeable insteead Of "openvpn"?.


Best Regards




PS. Post or mess the docker log right click and log.


I'm having issues with the OpenVPN WebUI. I've cleared the old config, re-installed multiple times. Based on the openvpn.log it seems to be in a continual restart loop. It worked for a couple days prior to failing.  I've tried many things including removing and re-downloading with a clean install path.


I even tried the SQL commands but it didn't help. I'm not sure I understand what they are trying to change.


Any other ideas?




Looks like openvpn cant get access to an interface or a port is in use.


Is Networktype set to"host" and Privileged ticked?

Is anything useing ports, 443 943 1194? ssh and "ps -aux"


Are you as the other guys running bonding on your network interfaces?


The sql commands change what default interface the openvpn deamon etc listens on, shouldent be needed to fiddle with that thou, not completly sure but think by reconfiguring openvpn-as with the built in script should yield the same results.


- Enter the running container with 'docker exec -i -t <ID> /bin/bash'

- Run: './usr/local/openvpn_as/bin/ovpn-init' and configure it as you want.




That's cool info.  I understand a little more about the docker. I was able to get to the shell within open-vpn and run the configuration (ovpn-init). But still a no-go. I tried a few different configurations. I changed the port from 943 to 5943 with no luck. Neither'> or work with the updated port configuration. I also tried br0 and eth0 with no luck.


It's generated 82M of logs in less than an hour. Seems like a python or socks issue:

2015-08-13 14:00:45-0600 [-] Server agent initialization failed: Couldn't listen on any:/config/config/etc/sock/sagent: [Errno 38] Function not implemented.: sagent/svcset:147,sagent/svcset:626,sagent/svcset:549,sagent/svcset:482,sagent/svcset:464,application/service:185,application/service:304,application/internet:85,application/internet:116,internet/posixbase:314,internet/unix:91 (twisted.internet.error.CannotListenError).


I will do some more investigation now that I can get a command line within the docker.


I'll share my findings.


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That is however a pretty generic error.


- "Couldn't listen on any:/config/config/etc/sock/sagent:"

Im guessing since something else dosent start the directory is empty and that throws the error.



I just ran the './usr/local/openvpn_as/bin/ovpn-init' script and i noticed that permissions get a bit wonky since it gets run as root, had to do a chmod -r 777 on the unRAID share.


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That is however a pretty generic error.


- "Couldn't listen on any:/config/config/etc/sock/sagent:"

Im guessing since something else dosent start the directory is empty and that throws the error.



I just ran the './usr/local/openvpn_as/bin/ovpn-init' script and i noticed that permissions get a bit wonky since it gets run as root, had to do a chmod -r 777 on the unRAID share.


I just figured out my issue... I reread the whole thread a couple times...


I was mapping /config to "/mnt/user/appdata/openvpn"

When I changed to "/mnt/cache/appdata/openvpn" it worked.

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That is however a pretty generic error.


- "Couldn't listen on any:/config/config/etc/sock/sagent:"

Im guessing since something else dosent start the directory is empty and that throws the error.



I just ran the './usr/local/openvpn_as/bin/ovpn-init' script and i noticed that permissions get a bit wonky since it gets run as root, had to do a chmod -r 777 on the unRAID share.


I just figured out my issue... I reread the whole thread a couple times...


I was mapping /config to "/mnt/user/appdata/openvpn"

When I changed to "/mnt/cache/appdata/openvpn" it worked.


Does mapping to /mnt/cache instead of /mnt/user/ matter for other dockers? I've used /mnt/user/Docker/appdata/ for everything, even non cache shares.


Also to everyone: Does anyone have a template config file for darkstat I could look at? I have not found much on how to create the config for this docker.

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That is however a pretty generic error.


- "Couldn't listen on any:/config/config/etc/sock/sagent:"

Im guessing since something else dosent start the directory is empty and that throws the error.



I just ran the './usr/local/openvpn_as/bin/ovpn-init' script and i noticed that permissions get a bit wonky since it gets run as root, had to do a chmod -r 777 on the unRAID share.


I just figured out my issue... I reread the whole thread a couple times...


I was mapping /config to "/mnt/user/appdata/openvpn"

When I changed to "/mnt/cache/appdata/openvpn" it worked.


Does mapping to /mnt/cache instead of /mnt/user/ matter for other dockers? I've used /mnt/user/Docker/appdata/ for everything, even non cache shares.


Also to everyone: Does anyone have a template config file for darkstat I could look at? I have not found much on how to create the config for this docker.


I´m having the same problem with the mappings, sometimes when I add a docker with let´s say /mnt/user/cache and want to recreate it I have to use /mnt/cache instead (needo´s plex docker for example) havent figured out why yet.


There really isen´t any config for darkstat, its quite a tiny program.

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That is however a pretty generic error.


- "Couldn't listen on any:/config/config/etc/sock/sagent:"

Im guessing since something else dosent start the directory is empty and that throws the error.



I just ran the './usr/local/openvpn_as/bin/ovpn-init' script and i noticed that permissions get a bit wonky since it gets run as root, had to do a chmod -r 777 on the unRAID share.


I just figured out my issue... I reread the whole thread a couple times...


I was mapping /config to "/mnt/user/appdata/openvpn"

When I changed to "/mnt/cache/appdata/openvpn" it worked.


Does mapping to /mnt/cache instead of /mnt/user/ matter for other dockers? I've used /mnt/user/Docker/appdata/ for everything, even non cache shares.


Also to everyone: Does anyone have a template config file for darkstat I could look at? I have not found much on how to create the config for this docker.


I´m having the same problem with the mappings, sometimes when I add a docker with let´s say /mnt/user/cache and want to recreate it I have to use /mnt/cache instead (needo´s plex docker for example) havent figured out why yet.


There really isen´t any config for darkstat, its quite a tiny program.


How'd you fix the webgui issue similar to owncloud? It'll try to start the webgui and can't because there's no config files. There's literally nothing that was downloaded besides the program itself.




I have every port opened on my internal network so it's not a closed port.

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That is however a pretty generic error.


- "Couldn't listen on any:/config/config/etc/sock/sagent:"

Im guessing since something else dosent start the directory is empty and that throws the error.



I just ran the './usr/local/openvpn_as/bin/ovpn-init' script and i noticed that permissions get a bit wonky since it gets run as root, had to do a chmod -r 777 on the unRAID share.


I just figured out my issue... I reread the whole thread a couple times...


I was mapping /config to "/mnt/user/appdata/openvpn"

When I changed to "/mnt/cache/appdata/openvpn" it worked.


Does mapping to /mnt/cache instead of /mnt/user/ matter for other dockers? I've used /mnt/user/Docker/appdata/ for everything, even non cache shares.


Also to everyone: Does anyone have a template config file for darkstat I could look at? I have not found much on how to create the config for this docker.


I´m having the same problem with the mappings, sometimes when I add a docker with let´s say /mnt/user/cache and want to recreate it I have to use /mnt/cache instead (needo´s plex docker for example) havent figured out why yet.


There really isen´t any config for darkstat, its quite a tiny program.


How'd you fix the webgui issue similar to owncloud? It'll try to start the webgui and can't because there's no config files. There's literally nothing that was downloaded besides the program itself.




I have every port opened on my internal network so it's not a closed port.


Have you edited the advanced section like this?



If you are useing a bridge its better to set the netwotk interface to the eth interface for caputering all traffic.

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That is however a pretty generic error.


- "Couldn't listen on any:/config/config/etc/sock/sagent:"

Im guessing since something else dosent start the directory is empty and that throws the error.



I just ran the './usr/local/openvpn_as/bin/ovpn-init' script and i noticed that permissions get a bit wonky since it gets run as root, had to do a chmod -r 777 on the unRAID share.


I just figured out my issue... I reread the whole thread a couple times...


I was mapping /config to "/mnt/user/appdata/openvpn"

When I changed to "/mnt/cache/appdata/openvpn" it worked.


Does mapping to /mnt/cache instead of /mnt/user/ matter for other dockers? I've used /mnt/user/Docker/appdata/ for everything, even non cache shares.


Also to everyone: Does anyone have a template config file for darkstat I could look at? I have not found much on how to create the config for this docker.


I´m having the same problem with the mappings, sometimes when I add a docker with let´s say /mnt/user/cache and want to recreate it I have to use /mnt/cache instead (needo´s plex docker for example) havent figured out why yet.


There really isen´t any config for darkstat, its quite a tiny program.


How'd you fix the webgui issue similar to owncloud? It'll try to start the webgui and can't because there's no config files. There's literally nothing that was downloaded besides the program itself.




I have every port opened on my internal network so it's not a closed port.


Have you edited the advanced section like this?


If you are using a bridge its better to set the netwotk interface to the eth interface for caputering all traffic.


Thanks, I never knew about that part of Docker even after reading the wiki a few times. I was able to connect and somewhat get my graphs to work, though it doesn't seem to want to display correctly even after changing the ip range to to make sure I grab everything for testing purposes. Once I get this working I'll narrow the range to something reasonable.  I'll see what I can find reading a few posts in this thread again. I'm sure I'm not the only one.


This is what I am seeing currently: http://puu.sh/jBEgz/86378a2b8c.png (They're still counting up so it's still grabbing packets)

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That is however a pretty generic error.


- "Couldn't listen on any:/config/config/etc/sock/sagent:"

Im guessing since something else dosent start the directory is empty and that throws the error.



I just ran the './usr/local/openvpn_as/bin/ovpn-init' script and i noticed that permissions get a bit wonky since it gets run as root, had to do a chmod -r 777 on the unRAID share.


I just figured out my issue... I reread the whole thread a couple times...


I was mapping /config to "/mnt/user/appdata/openvpn"

When I changed to "/mnt/cache/appdata/openvpn" it worked.


Does mapping to /mnt/cache instead of /mnt/user/ matter for other dockers? I've used /mnt/user/Docker/appdata/ for everything, even non cache shares.


Also to everyone: Does anyone have a template config file for darkstat I could look at? I have not found much on how to create the config for this docker.


I´m having the same problem with the mappings, sometimes when I add a docker with let´s say /mnt/user/cache and want to recreate it I have to use /mnt/cache instead (needo´s plex docker for example) havent figured out why yet.


There really isen´t any config for darkstat, its quite a tiny program.


How'd you fix the webgui issue similar to owncloud? It'll try to start the webgui and can't because there's no config files. There's literally nothing that was downloaded besides the program itself.




I have every port opened on my internal network so it's not a closed port.


Have you edited the advanced section like this?


If you are using a bridge its better to set the netwotk interface to the eth interface for caputering all traffic.


Thanks, I never knew about that part of Docker even after reading the wiki a few times. I was able to connect and somewhat get my graphs to work, though it doesn't seem to want to display correctly even after changing the ip range to to make sure I grab everything for testing purposes. Once I get this working I'll narrow the range to something reasonable.  I'll see what I can find reading a few posts in this thread again. I'm sure I'm not the only one.


This is what I am seeing currently: http://puu.sh/jBEgz/86378a2b8c.png (They're still counting up so it's still grabbing packets)


Takes some time for the graphs to show,


"", this isen´t an ip-range that would mean ip "", if you want everything it should be "".


However that isent what the capture "range" means in this case it´s just so Darkstat knows how big the local subnet is, it will still capture traffic from outside the range "in" and "out" from it.

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I just did the latest update on openvpn and now the openvpn  admin username no longer accepts my password.....Any Ideas?


There is  some  change notes in the first post.


Username: "admin" Password: "openvpn", I changed it so that all user credentials now is stored in the openvpn database. So that password and usernames can  be added/changed in the webui.



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Thanks for the help macester. After using the docker a bit it's not displaying as much info as I'd like. I found a few things didn't work at all which is a shame. I also tried a wget from unraid and the 60 second graph didn't change with reload on and manually reloading. It pushed 2.2MB/S from an outside server so I should have seen a sudden spike. I tried my subnet's range, all ip range, and to make sure.

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Thanks for the help macester. After using the docker a bit it's not displaying as much info as I'd like. I found a few things didn't work at all which is a shame. I also tried a wget from unraid and the 60 second graph didn't change with reload on and manually reloading. It pushed 2.2MB/S from an outside server so I should have seen a sudden spike. I tried my subnet's range, all ip range, and to make sure.


Have you set the interface to the correct one?, (br0, eth0, eth1)


Workes like a charm for me, tried it on unRAID, two Ubuntu servers, openmediavault and my synology.

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Thanks for the help macester. After using the docker a bit it's not displaying as much info as I'd like. I found a few things didn't work at all which is a shame. I also tried a wget from unraid and the 60 second graph didn't change with reload on and manually reloading. It pushed 2.2MB/S from an outside server so I should have seen a sudden spike. I tried my subnet's range, all ip range, and to make sure.

Have you set the interface to the correct one?, (br0, eth0, eth1)


Workes like a charm for me, tried it on unRAID, two Ubuntu servers, openmediavault and my synology.



I'm sure I did. Checked network setting to make sure bridge mode was off and I turned bonding off just in case. I've looked at my interfaces and it should still be eth0 as only eth0 has ever done anything on this docker. Since it seems there's no spoiler support I put my ifconfig in code below.


root@Ground:/boot/Darkstat_Test# ifconfig
docker0: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST>  mtu 1500
        inet  netmask  broadcast
        ether 12:1d:6a:f5:f9:67  txqueuelen 0  (Ethernet)
        RX packets 21570724  bytes 4101036439 (3.8 GiB)
        RX errors 0  dropped 0  overruns 0  frame 0
        TX packets 23416207  bytes 27639821181 (25.7 GiB)
        TX errors 0  dropped 0 overruns 0  carrier 0  collisions 0

eth0: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST>  mtu 1500
        inet  netmask  broadcast
        ether 0c:c4:7a:49:35:e4  txqueuelen 1000  (Ethernet)
        RX packets 165967648  bytes 214825859616 (200.0 GiB)
        RX errors 0  dropped 0  overruns 0  frame 0
        TX packets 168951699  bytes 206749007722 (192.5 GiB)
        TX errors 0  dropped 0 overruns 0  carrier 0  collisions 0
        device memory 0xf7200000-f727ffff

lo: flags=73<UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING>  mtu 65536
        inet  netmask
        loop  txqueuelen 0  (Local Loopback)
        RX packets 153394  bytes 10577233 (10.0 MiB)
        RX errors 0  dropped 0  overruns 0  frame 0
        TX packets 153394  bytes 10577233 (10.0 MiB)
        TX errors 0  dropped 0 overruns 0  carrier 0  collisions 0

veth0ce3139: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST>  mtu 1500
        ether aa:eb:36:76:99:e6  txqueuelen 0  (Ethernet)
        RX packets 0  bytes 0 (0.0 B)
        RX errors 0  dropped 0  overruns 0  frame 0
        TX packets 24  bytes 4177 (4.0 KiB)
        TX errors 0  dropped 0 overruns 0  carrier 0  collisions 0

veth1809f2c: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST>  mtu 1500
        ether 12:1d:6a:f5:f9:67  txqueuelen 0  (Ethernet)
        RX packets 37  bytes 4847 (4.7 KiB)
        RX errors 0  dropped 0  overruns 0  frame 0
        TX packets 53  bytes 19115 (18.6 KiB)
        TX errors 0  dropped 0 overruns 0  carrier 0  collisions 0

veth44a1853: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST>  mtu 1500
        ether 8a:ec:32:97:54:9b  txqueuelen 0  (Ethernet)
        RX packets 17  bytes 1745 (1.7 KiB)
        RX errors 0  dropped 0  overruns 0  frame 0
        TX packets 38  bytes 11557 (11.2 KiB)
        TX errors 0  dropped 0 overruns 0  carrier 0  collisions 0

veth655e0ed: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST>  mtu 1500
        ether aa:4a:14:97:1c:de  txqueuelen 0  (Ethernet)
        RX packets 108  bytes 12044 (11.7 KiB)
        RX errors 0  dropped 0  overruns 0  frame 0
        TX packets 60  bytes 8345 (8.1 KiB)
        TX errors 0  dropped 0 overruns 0  carrier 0  collisions 0

veth6e581c3: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST>  mtu 1500
        ether 3a:8e:68:02:d9:71  txqueuelen 0  (Ethernet)
        RX packets 0  bytes 0 (0.0 B)
        RX errors 0  dropped 0  overruns 0  frame 0
        TX packets 25  bytes 4219 (4.1 KiB)
        TX errors 0  dropped 0 overruns 0  carrier 0  collisions 0

veth9b0201e: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST>  mtu 1500
        ether 52:2b:3d:e5:85:46  txqueuelen 0  (Ethernet)
        RX packets 3  bytes 180 (180.0 B)
        RX errors 0  dropped 0  overruns 0  frame 0
        TX packets 26  bytes 4331 (4.2 KiB)
        TX errors 0  dropped 1 overruns 0  carrier 0  collisions 0

vethaaf0689: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST>  mtu 1500
        ether 56:38:2e:37:d3:24  txqueuelen 0  (Ethernet)
        RX packets 0  bytes 0 (0.0 B)
        RX errors 0  dropped 0  overruns 0  frame 0
        TX packets 23  bytes 3894 (3.8 KiB)
        TX errors 0  dropped 0 overruns 0  carrier 0  collisions 0

virbr0: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST>  mtu 1500
        inet  netmask  broadcast
        ether 52:54:00:83:51:eb  txqueuelen 0  (Ethernet)
        RX packets 14  bytes 704 (704.0 B)
        RX errors 0  dropped 8  overruns 0  frame 0
        TX packets 1  bytes 78 (78.0 B)
        TX errors 0  dropped 0 overruns 0  carrier 0  collisions 0

vnet0: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST>  mtu 1500
        ether fe:54:00:14:d7:7d  txqueuelen 500  (Ethernet)
        RX packets 14  bytes 900 (900.0 B)
        RX errors 0  dropped 0  overruns 0  frame 0
        TX packets 15  bytes 806 (806.0 B)
        TX errors 0  dropped 0 overruns 0  carrier 0  collisions 0

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This should be the settings for your setup, Try "Wget-ing" something onto the unraid-box.


I see what my issue was. When I read IP_RANGE I thought you only meant usable hosts so I only did the usage hosts in my subnet. I'd suggest splitting it into two ENV variables with one being subnet and the other being subnet mask. This will cover what you put in above as will still mean 254 usable hosts with .0 as its subnet and .255 as its broadcast.


I downloaded a 200MB test file and it appears to work though only for the server, not for hosts on my network unless I transfer data to/from the unraid server. would it be possible to extend this so it affects all hosts on my network?


Also if I am trying to do something the docker wasn't made for let me know. I'd assume I am trying to do something simple but I've been wrong before.

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The reason for the format of the "IP_RANGE" variable is that how darkstat conf needs to have it, and that is something only the developer of darkstat can change.


Nope Darkstat will only monitor the interface traffic passes through.


Best bet for monitoring the network is useing something like, Observium or Cacti via snmp.

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After updating openvpn container i cant open openvpn webui, here is my log:


*** Running /etc/my_init.d/00_config.sh...
grep: /config/config/etc/as.conf: Too many levels of symbolic links
/etc/my_init.d/00_config.sh: line 29: [: -gt: unary operator expected
sed: can't read /config/config/etc/as.conf: Too many levels of symbolic links
sed: can't read /config/config/etc/as.conf: Too many levels of symbolic links
Copying configuration from install directory to host!
sed: can't read /config/config/etc/as.conf: Too many levels of symbolic links
Checking configuration, Setting Openvpn-AS defaults!
sed: can't read /config/config/etc/as.conf: Too many levels of symbolic links
sed: can't read /config/config/etc/as.conf: Too many levels of symbolic links
sed: can't read /config/config/etc/as.conf: Too many levels of symbolic links
sed: can't read /config/config/etc/as.conf: Too many levels of symbolic links
ERROR: DB exception: error opening DB None: expected string or buffer: util/options:79,db/confdb_admin:280,db/confdb:531,db/confdb:521,db/confdb:516,db/dbwrap:87,db/confdb_admin:278,db/confdb:82,db/dbase:152,db/dbase:131,db/sqla:45,python2.7/re:137 (exceptions.TypeError)
ERROR: DB exception: error opening DB None: expected string or buffer: util/options:79,db/confdb_admin:280,db/confdb:531,db/confdb:521,db/confdb:516,db/dbwrap:87,db/confdb_admin:278,db/confdb:82,db/dbase:152,db/dbase:131,db/sqla:45,python2.7/re:137 (exceptions.TypeError)
ERROR: DB exception: error opening DB None: expected string or buffer: util/options:79,db/confdb_admin:280,db/confdb:531,db/confdb:521,db/confdb:516,db/dbwrap:87,db/confdb_admin:278,db/confdb:82,db/dbase:152,db/dbase:131,db/sqla:45,python2.7/re:137 (exceptions.TypeError)
Interface variable is not set, Defaulting to interface eth0!
ERROR: DB exception: error opening DB None: expected string or buffer: util/options:79,db/confdb_admin:280,db/confdb:531,db/confdb:521,db/confdb:516,db/dbwrap:87,db/confdb_admin:278,db/confdb:82,db/dbase:152,db/dbase:131,db/sqla:45,python2.7/re:137 (exceptions.TypeError)
ERROR: DB exception: error opening DB None: expected string or buffer: util/options:79,db/confdb_admin:280,db/confdb:531,db/confdb:521,db/confdb:516,db/dbwrap:87,db/confdb_admin:278,db/confdb:82,db/dbase:152,db/dbase:131,db/sqla:45,python2.7/re:137 (exceptions.TypeError)
ERROR: DB exception: error opening DB None: expected string or buffer: util/options:79,db/confdb_admin:280,db/confdb:531,db/confdb:521,db/confdb:516,db/dbwrap:87,db/confdb_admin:278,db/confdb:82,db/dbase:152,db/dbase:131,db/sqla:45,python2.7/re:137 (exceptions.TypeError)
ERROR: DB exception: error opening DB None: expected string or buffer: util/options:79,db/confdb_admin:280,db/confdb:531,db/confdb:521,db/confdb:516,db/dbwrap:87,db/confdb_admin:278,db/confdb:82,db/dbase:152,db/dbase:131,db/sqla:45,python2.7/re:137 (exceptions.TypeError)
*** Running /etc/my_init.d/01_start.sh...
ERROR: DB exception: error opening DB None: expected string or buffer: util/options:79,db/confdb_admin:178,db/confdb:82,db/dbase:152,db/dbase:131,db/sqla:45,python2.7/re:137 (exceptions.TypeError)
* Starting openvpnas openvpnas
Setting Admin default username and password: admin/openvpn
ERROR: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'out/tmp-5J3pIE9nGJT9.tmp': util/options:79,sagent/sacli:295,util/file:142,util/file:137,util/file:130,util/simplefile:11 (exceptions.IOError)
ERROR: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'out/tmp-R7MozdLGd08R.tmp': util/options:79,sagent/sacli:295,util/file:142,util/file:137,util/file:130,util/simplefile:11 (exceptions.IOError)
ERROR: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'out/tmp-D5F4P2412ti4.tmp': util/options:79,sagent/sacli:295,util/file:142,util/file:137,util/file:130,util/simplefile:11 (exceptions.IOError)
* Restarting openvpnas openvpnas
*** Running /etc/rc.local...
*** Booting runit daemon...
*** Runit started as PID 68
Aug 16 13:12:38 Tower syslog-ng[73]: syslog-ng starting up; version='3.5.3'
Aug 16 13:17:01 Tower /USR/SBIN/CRON[80]: (root) CMD ( cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.hourly)
*** Shutting down runit daemon (PID 68)...
*** Killing all processes...
*** Running /etc/my_init.d/00_config.sh...
Copying configuration from install directory to host!
mv: failed to access ‘/config/config/etc’: Too many levels of symbolic links
ln: failed to access ‘/usr/local/openvpn_as/etc’: Too many levels of symbolic links
grep: /config/config/etc/as.conf: Too many levels of symbolic links
/etc/my_init.d/00_config.sh: line 29: [: -gt: unary operator expected
Checking configuration, Setting Openvpn-AS defaults!
sed: can't read /config/config/etc/as.conf: Too many levels of symbolic links
sed: can't read /config/config/etc/as.conf: Too many levels of symbolic links
sed: can't read /config/config/etc/as.conf: Too many levels of symbolic links
sed: can't read /config/config/etc/as.conf: Too many levels of symbolic links
sed: can't read /config/config/etc/as.conf: Too many levels of symbolic links
sed: can't read /config/config/etc/as.conf: Too many levels of symbolic links
sed: can't read /config/config/etc/as.conf: Too many levels of symbolic links
ERROR: DB exception: error opening DB None: expected string or buffer: util/options:79,db/confdb_admin:280,db/confdb:531,db/confdb:521,db/confdb:516,db/dbwrap:87,db/confdb_admin:278,db/confdb:82,db/dbase:152,db/dbase:131,db/sqla:45,python2.7/re:137 (exceptions.TypeError)
ERROR: DB exception: error opening DB None: expected string or buffer: util/options:79,db/confdb_admin:280,db/confdb:531,db/confdb:521,db/confdb:516,db/dbwrap:87,db/confdb_admin:278,db/confdb:82,db/dbase:152,db/dbase:131,db/sqla:45,python2.7/re:137 (exceptions.TypeError)
ERROR: DB exception: error opening DB None: expected string or buffer: util/options:79,db/confdb_admin:280,db/confdb:531,db/confdb:521,db/confdb:516,db/dbwrap:87,db/confdb_admin:278,db/confdb:82,db/dbase:152,db/dbase:131,db/sqla:45,python2.7/re:137 (exceptions.TypeError)
Interface variable is not set, Defaulting to interface eth0!
ERROR: DB exception: error opening DB None: expected string or buffer: util/options:79,db/confdb_admin:280,db/confdb:531,db/confdb:521,db/confdb:516,db/dbwrap:87,db/confdb_admin:278,db/confdb:82,db/dbase:152,db/dbase:131,db/sqla:45,python2.7/re:137 (exceptions.TypeError)
ERROR: DB exception: error opening DB None: expected string or buffer: util/options:79,db/confdb_admin:280,db/confdb:531,db/confdb:521,db/confdb:516,db/dbwrap:87,db/confdb_admin:278,db/confdb:82,db/dbase:152,db/dbase:131,db/sqla:45,python2.7/re:137 (exceptions.TypeError)
ERROR: DB exception: error opening DB None: expected string or buffer: util/options:79,db/confdb_admin:280,db/confdb:531,db/confdb:521,db/confdb:516,db/dbwrap:87,db/confdb_admin:278,db/confdb:82,db/dbase:152,db/dbase:131,db/sqla:45,python2.7/re:137 (exceptions.TypeError)
ERROR: DB exception: error opening DB None: expected string or buffer: util/options:79,db/confdb_admin:280,db/confdb:531,db/confdb:521,db/confdb:516,db/dbwrap:87,db/confdb_admin:278,db/confdb:82,db/dbase:152,db/dbase:131,db/sqla:45,python2.7/re:137 (exceptions.TypeError)
*** Running /etc/my_init.d/01_start.sh...
ERROR: DB exception: error opening DB None: expected string or buffer: util/options:79,db/confdb_admin:178,db/confdb:82,db/dbase:152,db/dbase:131,db/sqla:45,python2.7/re:137 (exceptions.TypeError)
* Starting openvpnas openvpnas
Setting Admin default username and password: admin/openvpn
ERROR: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'out/tmp-Ahkt1ej2TgHm.tmp': util/options:79,sagent/sacli:295,util/file:142,util/file:137,util/file:130,util/simplefile:11 (exceptions.IOError)
ERROR: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'out/tmp-vsocrZVxHfNR.tmp': util/options:79,sagent/sacli:295,util/file:142,util/file:137,util/file:130,util/simplefile:11 (exceptions.IOError)
ERROR: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'out/tmp-kqmTKJMz6TZC.tmp': util/options:79,sagent/sacli:295,util/file:142,util/file:137,util/file:130,util/simplefile:11 (exceptions.IOError)
* Restarting openvpnas openvpnas
*** Running /etc/rc.local...
*** Booting runit daemon...
*** Runit started as PID 67
Aug 16 13:17:27 Tower syslog-ng[72]: syslog-ng starting up; version='3.5.3'
Aug 16 14:17:03 Tower /USR/SBIN/CRON[79]: (root) CMD ( cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.hourly)
Aug 16 15:17:01 Tower /USR/SBIN/CRON[82]: (root) CMD ( cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.hourly)

Link to comment

The reason for the format of the "IP_RANGE" variable is that how darkstat conf needs to have it, and that is something only the developer of darkstat can change.


Nope Darkstat will only monitor the interface traffic passes through.


Best bet for monitoring the network is useing something like, Observium or Cacti via snmp.


Thanks. I looked into Cacti and it looked pretty cool. Seems I'll need to start up a few VMs and see if I can get it to work. Now I wish I put in more than 8GB of ram (ECC's expensive!).



Link to comment

For some reason, the webui password is already set in the image before the container has started. This causes the password to never be set and it defaults to admin/openvpn. Effectively, the ADMIN_PASS environmental variable is never used. Are we to be setting the admin password a different way now?

Link to comment

After updating openvpn container i cant open openvpn webui, here is my log:


*** Running /etc/my_init.d/00_config.sh...
grep: /config/config/etc/as.conf: Too many levels of symbolic links
/etc/my_init.d/00_config.sh: line 29: [: -gt: unary operator expected
sed: can't read /config/config/etc/as.conf: Too many levels of symbolic links
sed: can't read /config/config/etc/as.conf: Too many levels of symbolic links
Copying configuration from install directory to host!
sed: can't read /config/config/etc/as.conf: Too many levels of symbolic links
Checking configuration, Setting Openvpn-AS defaults!
sed: can't read /config/config/etc/as.conf: Too many levels of symbolic links
sed: can't read /config/config/etc/as.conf: Too many levels of symbolic links
sed: can't read /config/config/etc/as.conf: Too many levels of symbolic links
sed: can't read /config/config/etc/as.conf: Too many levels of symbolic links
ERROR: DB exception: error opening DB None: expected string or buffer: util/options:79,db/confdb_admin:280,db/confdb:531,db/confdb:521,db/confdb:516,db/dbwrap:87,db/confdb_admin:278,db/confdb:82,db/dbase:152,db/dbase:131,db/sqla:45,python2.7/re:137 (exceptions.TypeError)
ERROR: DB exception: error opening DB None: expected string or buffer: util/options:79,db/confdb_admin:280,db/confdb:531,db/confdb:521,db/confdb:516,db/dbwrap:87,db/confdb_admin:278,db/confdb:82,db/dbase:152,db/dbase:131,db/sqla:45,python2.7/re:137 (exceptions.TypeError)
ERROR: DB exception: error opening DB None: expected string or buffer: util/options:79,db/confdb_admin:280,db/confdb:531,db/confdb:521,db/confdb:516,db/dbwrap:87,db/confdb_admin:278,db/confdb:82,db/dbase:152,db/dbase:131,db/sqla:45,python2.7/re:137 (exceptions.TypeError)
Interface variable is not set, Defaulting to interface eth0!
ERROR: DB exception: error opening DB None: expected string or buffer: util/options:79,db/confdb_admin:280,db/confdb:531,db/confdb:521,db/confdb:516,db/dbwrap:87,db/confdb_admin:278,db/confdb:82,db/dbase:152,db/dbase:131,db/sqla:45,python2.7/re:137 (exceptions.TypeError)
ERROR: DB exception: error opening DB None: expected string or buffer: util/options:79,db/confdb_admin:280,db/confdb:531,db/confdb:521,db/confdb:516,db/dbwrap:87,db/confdb_admin:278,db/confdb:82,db/dbase:152,db/dbase:131,db/sqla:45,python2.7/re:137 (exceptions.TypeError)
ERROR: DB exception: error opening DB None: expected string or buffer: util/options:79,db/confdb_admin:280,db/confdb:531,db/confdb:521,db/confdb:516,db/dbwrap:87,db/confdb_admin:278,db/confdb:82,db/dbase:152,db/dbase:131,db/sqla:45,python2.7/re:137 (exceptions.TypeError)
ERROR: DB exception: error opening DB None: expected string or buffer: util/options:79,db/confdb_admin:280,db/confdb:531,db/confdb:521,db/confdb:516,db/dbwrap:87,db/confdb_admin:278,db/confdb:82,db/dbase:152,db/dbase:131,db/sqla:45,python2.7/re:137 (exceptions.TypeError)
*** Running /etc/my_init.d/01_start.sh...
ERROR: DB exception: error opening DB None: expected string or buffer: util/options:79,db/confdb_admin:178,db/confdb:82,db/dbase:152,db/dbase:131,db/sqla:45,python2.7/re:137 (exceptions.TypeError)
* Starting openvpnas openvpnas
Setting Admin default username and password: admin/openvpn
ERROR: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'out/tmp-5J3pIE9nGJT9.tmp': util/options:79,sagent/sacli:295,util/file:142,util/file:137,util/file:130,util/simplefile:11 (exceptions.IOError)
ERROR: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'out/tmp-R7MozdLGd08R.tmp': util/options:79,sagent/sacli:295,util/file:142,util/file:137,util/file:130,util/simplefile:11 (exceptions.IOError)
ERROR: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'out/tmp-D5F4P2412ti4.tmp': util/options:79,sagent/sacli:295,util/file:142,util/file:137,util/file:130,util/simplefile:11 (exceptions.IOError)
* Restarting openvpnas openvpnas
*** Running /etc/rc.local...
*** Booting runit daemon...
*** Runit started as PID 68
Aug 16 13:12:38 Tower syslog-ng[73]: syslog-ng starting up; version='3.5.3'
Aug 16 13:17:01 Tower /USR/SBIN/CRON[80]: (root) CMD ( cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.hourly)
*** Shutting down runit daemon (PID 68)...
*** Killing all processes...
*** Running /etc/my_init.d/00_config.sh...
Copying configuration from install directory to host!
mv: failed to access ‘/config/config/etc’: Too many levels of symbolic links
ln: failed to access ‘/usr/local/openvpn_as/etc’: Too many levels of symbolic links
grep: /config/config/etc/as.conf: Too many levels of symbolic links
/etc/my_init.d/00_config.sh: line 29: [: -gt: unary operator expected
Checking configuration, Setting Openvpn-AS defaults!
sed: can't read /config/config/etc/as.conf: Too many levels of symbolic links
sed: can't read /config/config/etc/as.conf: Too many levels of symbolic links
sed: can't read /config/config/etc/as.conf: Too many levels of symbolic links
sed: can't read /config/config/etc/as.conf: Too many levels of symbolic links
sed: can't read /config/config/etc/as.conf: Too many levels of symbolic links
sed: can't read /config/config/etc/as.conf: Too many levels of symbolic links
sed: can't read /config/config/etc/as.conf: Too many levels of symbolic links
ERROR: DB exception: error opening DB None: expected string or buffer: util/options:79,db/confdb_admin:280,db/confdb:531,db/confdb:521,db/confdb:516,db/dbwrap:87,db/confdb_admin:278,db/confdb:82,db/dbase:152,db/dbase:131,db/sqla:45,python2.7/re:137 (exceptions.TypeError)
ERROR: DB exception: error opening DB None: expected string or buffer: util/options:79,db/confdb_admin:280,db/confdb:531,db/confdb:521,db/confdb:516,db/dbwrap:87,db/confdb_admin:278,db/confdb:82,db/dbase:152,db/dbase:131,db/sqla:45,python2.7/re:137 (exceptions.TypeError)
ERROR: DB exception: error opening DB None: expected string or buffer: util/options:79,db/confdb_admin:280,db/confdb:531,db/confdb:521,db/confdb:516,db/dbwrap:87,db/confdb_admin:278,db/confdb:82,db/dbase:152,db/dbase:131,db/sqla:45,python2.7/re:137 (exceptions.TypeError)
Interface variable is not set, Defaulting to interface eth0!
ERROR: DB exception: error opening DB None: expected string or buffer: util/options:79,db/confdb_admin:280,db/confdb:531,db/confdb:521,db/confdb:516,db/dbwrap:87,db/confdb_admin:278,db/confdb:82,db/dbase:152,db/dbase:131,db/sqla:45,python2.7/re:137 (exceptions.TypeError)
ERROR: DB exception: error opening DB None: expected string or buffer: util/options:79,db/confdb_admin:280,db/confdb:531,db/confdb:521,db/confdb:516,db/dbwrap:87,db/confdb_admin:278,db/confdb:82,db/dbase:152,db/dbase:131,db/sqla:45,python2.7/re:137 (exceptions.TypeError)
ERROR: DB exception: error opening DB None: expected string or buffer: util/options:79,db/confdb_admin:280,db/confdb:531,db/confdb:521,db/confdb:516,db/dbwrap:87,db/confdb_admin:278,db/confdb:82,db/dbase:152,db/dbase:131,db/sqla:45,python2.7/re:137 (exceptions.TypeError)
ERROR: DB exception: error opening DB None: expected string or buffer: util/options:79,db/confdb_admin:280,db/confdb:531,db/confdb:521,db/confdb:516,db/dbwrap:87,db/confdb_admin:278,db/confdb:82,db/dbase:152,db/dbase:131,db/sqla:45,python2.7/re:137 (exceptions.TypeError)
*** Running /etc/my_init.d/01_start.sh...
ERROR: DB exception: error opening DB None: expected string or buffer: util/options:79,db/confdb_admin:178,db/confdb:82,db/dbase:152,db/dbase:131,db/sqla:45,python2.7/re:137 (exceptions.TypeError)
* Starting openvpnas openvpnas
Setting Admin default username and password: admin/openvpn
ERROR: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'out/tmp-Ahkt1ej2TgHm.tmp': util/options:79,sagent/sacli:295,util/file:142,util/file:137,util/file:130,util/simplefile:11 (exceptions.IOError)
ERROR: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'out/tmp-vsocrZVxHfNR.tmp': util/options:79,sagent/sacli:295,util/file:142,util/file:137,util/file:130,util/simplefile:11 (exceptions.IOError)
ERROR: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'out/tmp-kqmTKJMz6TZC.tmp': util/options:79,sagent/sacli:295,util/file:142,util/file:137,util/file:130,util/simplefile:11 (exceptions.IOError)
* Restarting openvpnas openvpnas
*** Running /etc/rc.local...
*** Booting runit daemon...
*** Runit started as PID 67
Aug 16 13:17:27 Tower syslog-ng[72]: syslog-ng starting up; version='3.5.3'
Aug 16 14:17:03 Tower /USR/SBIN/CRON[79]: (root) CMD ( cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.hourly)
Aug 16 15:17:01 Tower /USR/SBIN/CRON[82]: (root) CMD ( cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.hourly)


Seems the symlink is pointing to it self and is looping, what happens if you clear the conf ?

Link to comment

For some reason, the webui password is already set in the image before the container has started. This causes the password to never be set and it defaults to admin/openvpn. Effectively, the ADMIN_PASS environmental variable is never used. Are we to be setting the admin password a different way now?


Aye, All variables are removed except the new one wih is "INTERFACE".(If not set defaults to "eth0")


You can now change admin password and add users and change there passwords in the webui.(Did this so user managment will be easier)




- Admin username changed, "admin" and password "openvpn". (openvpn user gets auto removed)

- Default tcp port changed from 443 to 9443.

- All username/password variables removed, now uses internal database.

- "INTERFACE" variable added, fixes bond0 issues.

- Openvpn is now running as nobody:users.



Link to comment

After updating openvpn container i cant open openvpn webui, here is my log:


*** Running /etc/my_init.d/00_config.sh...
grep: /config/config/etc/as.conf: Too many levels of symbolic links
/etc/my_init.d/00_config.sh: line 29: [: -gt: unary operator expected
sed: can't read /config/config/etc/as.conf: Too many levels of symbolic links
sed: can't read /config/config/etc/as.conf: Too many levels of symbolic links
Copying configuration from install directory to host!
sed: can't read /config/config/etc/as.conf: Too many levels of symbolic links
Checking configuration, Setting Openvpn-AS defaults!
sed: can't read /config/config/etc/as.conf: Too many levels of symbolic links
sed: can't read /config/config/etc/as.conf: Too many levels of symbolic links
sed: can't read /config/config/etc/as.conf: Too many levels of symbolic links
sed: can't read /config/config/etc/as.conf: Too many levels of symbolic links
ERROR: DB exception: error opening DB None: expected string or buffer: util/options:79,db/confdb_admin:280,db/confdb:531,db/confdb:521,db/confdb:516,db/dbwrap:87,db/confdb_admin:278,db/confdb:82,db/dbase:152,db/dbase:131,db/sqla:45,python2.7/re:137 (exceptions.TypeError)
ERROR: DB exception: error opening DB None: expected string or buffer: util/options:79,db/confdb_admin:280,db/confdb:531,db/confdb:521,db/confdb:516,db/dbwrap:87,db/confdb_admin:278,db/confdb:82,db/dbase:152,db/dbase:131,db/sqla:45,python2.7/re:137 (exceptions.TypeError)
ERROR: DB exception: error opening DB None: expected string or buffer: util/options:79,db/confdb_admin:280,db/confdb:531,db/confdb:521,db/confdb:516,db/dbwrap:87,db/confdb_admin:278,db/confdb:82,db/dbase:152,db/dbase:131,db/sqla:45,python2.7/re:137 (exceptions.TypeError)
Interface variable is not set, Defaulting to interface eth0!
ERROR: DB exception: error opening DB None: expected string or buffer: util/options:79,db/confdb_admin:280,db/confdb:531,db/confdb:521,db/confdb:516,db/dbwrap:87,db/confdb_admin:278,db/confdb:82,db/dbase:152,db/dbase:131,db/sqla:45,python2.7/re:137 (exceptions.TypeError)
ERROR: DB exception: error opening DB None: expected string or buffer: util/options:79,db/confdb_admin:280,db/confdb:531,db/confdb:521,db/confdb:516,db/dbwrap:87,db/confdb_admin:278,db/confdb:82,db/dbase:152,db/dbase:131,db/sqla:45,python2.7/re:137 (exceptions.TypeError)
ERROR: DB exception: error opening DB None: expected string or buffer: util/options:79,db/confdb_admin:280,db/confdb:531,db/confdb:521,db/confdb:516,db/dbwrap:87,db/confdb_admin:278,db/confdb:82,db/dbase:152,db/dbase:131,db/sqla:45,python2.7/re:137 (exceptions.TypeError)
ERROR: DB exception: error opening DB None: expected string or buffer: util/options:79,db/confdb_admin:280,db/confdb:531,db/confdb:521,db/confdb:516,db/dbwrap:87,db/confdb_admin:278,db/confdb:82,db/dbase:152,db/dbase:131,db/sqla:45,python2.7/re:137 (exceptions.TypeError)
*** Running /etc/my_init.d/01_start.sh...
ERROR: DB exception: error opening DB None: expected string or buffer: util/options:79,db/confdb_admin:178,db/confdb:82,db/dbase:152,db/dbase:131,db/sqla:45,python2.7/re:137 (exceptions.TypeError)
* Starting openvpnas openvpnas
Setting Admin default username and password: admin/openvpn
ERROR: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'out/tmp-5J3pIE9nGJT9.tmp': util/options:79,sagent/sacli:295,util/file:142,util/file:137,util/file:130,util/simplefile:11 (exceptions.IOError)
ERROR: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'out/tmp-R7MozdLGd08R.tmp': util/options:79,sagent/sacli:295,util/file:142,util/file:137,util/file:130,util/simplefile:11 (exceptions.IOError)
ERROR: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'out/tmp-D5F4P2412ti4.tmp': util/options:79,sagent/sacli:295,util/file:142,util/file:137,util/file:130,util/simplefile:11 (exceptions.IOError)
* Restarting openvpnas openvpnas
*** Running /etc/rc.local...
*** Booting runit daemon...
*** Runit started as PID 68
Aug 16 13:12:38 Tower syslog-ng[73]: syslog-ng starting up; version='3.5.3'
Aug 16 13:17:01 Tower /USR/SBIN/CRON[80]: (root) CMD ( cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.hourly)
*** Shutting down runit daemon (PID 68)...
*** Killing all processes...
*** Running /etc/my_init.d/00_config.sh...
Copying configuration from install directory to host!
mv: failed to access ‘/config/config/etc’: Too many levels of symbolic links
ln: failed to access ‘/usr/local/openvpn_as/etc’: Too many levels of symbolic links
grep: /config/config/etc/as.conf: Too many levels of symbolic links
/etc/my_init.d/00_config.sh: line 29: [: -gt: unary operator expected
Checking configuration, Setting Openvpn-AS defaults!
sed: can't read /config/config/etc/as.conf: Too many levels of symbolic links
sed: can't read /config/config/etc/as.conf: Too many levels of symbolic links
sed: can't read /config/config/etc/as.conf: Too many levels of symbolic links
sed: can't read /config/config/etc/as.conf: Too many levels of symbolic links
sed: can't read /config/config/etc/as.conf: Too many levels of symbolic links
sed: can't read /config/config/etc/as.conf: Too many levels of symbolic links
sed: can't read /config/config/etc/as.conf: Too many levels of symbolic links
ERROR: DB exception: error opening DB None: expected string or buffer: util/options:79,db/confdb_admin:280,db/confdb:531,db/confdb:521,db/confdb:516,db/dbwrap:87,db/confdb_admin:278,db/confdb:82,db/dbase:152,db/dbase:131,db/sqla:45,python2.7/re:137 (exceptions.TypeError)
ERROR: DB exception: error opening DB None: expected string or buffer: util/options:79,db/confdb_admin:280,db/confdb:531,db/confdb:521,db/confdb:516,db/dbwrap:87,db/confdb_admin:278,db/confdb:82,db/dbase:152,db/dbase:131,db/sqla:45,python2.7/re:137 (exceptions.TypeError)
ERROR: DB exception: error opening DB None: expected string or buffer: util/options:79,db/confdb_admin:280,db/confdb:531,db/confdb:521,db/confdb:516,db/dbwrap:87,db/confdb_admin:278,db/confdb:82,db/dbase:152,db/dbase:131,db/sqla:45,python2.7/re:137 (exceptions.TypeError)
Interface variable is not set, Defaulting to interface eth0!
ERROR: DB exception: error opening DB None: expected string or buffer: util/options:79,db/confdb_admin:280,db/confdb:531,db/confdb:521,db/confdb:516,db/dbwrap:87,db/confdb_admin:278,db/confdb:82,db/dbase:152,db/dbase:131,db/sqla:45,python2.7/re:137 (exceptions.TypeError)
ERROR: DB exception: error opening DB None: expected string or buffer: util/options:79,db/confdb_admin:280,db/confdb:531,db/confdb:521,db/confdb:516,db/dbwrap:87,db/confdb_admin:278,db/confdb:82,db/dbase:152,db/dbase:131,db/sqla:45,python2.7/re:137 (exceptions.TypeError)
ERROR: DB exception: error opening DB None: expected string or buffer: util/options:79,db/confdb_admin:280,db/confdb:531,db/confdb:521,db/confdb:516,db/dbwrap:87,db/confdb_admin:278,db/confdb:82,db/dbase:152,db/dbase:131,db/sqla:45,python2.7/re:137 (exceptions.TypeError)
ERROR: DB exception: error opening DB None: expected string or buffer: util/options:79,db/confdb_admin:280,db/confdb:531,db/confdb:521,db/confdb:516,db/dbwrap:87,db/confdb_admin:278,db/confdb:82,db/dbase:152,db/dbase:131,db/sqla:45,python2.7/re:137 (exceptions.TypeError)
*** Running /etc/my_init.d/01_start.sh...
ERROR: DB exception: error opening DB None: expected string or buffer: util/options:79,db/confdb_admin:178,db/confdb:82,db/dbase:152,db/dbase:131,db/sqla:45,python2.7/re:137 (exceptions.TypeError)
* Starting openvpnas openvpnas
Setting Admin default username and password: admin/openvpn
ERROR: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'out/tmp-Ahkt1ej2TgHm.tmp': util/options:79,sagent/sacli:295,util/file:142,util/file:137,util/file:130,util/simplefile:11 (exceptions.IOError)
ERROR: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'out/tmp-vsocrZVxHfNR.tmp': util/options:79,sagent/sacli:295,util/file:142,util/file:137,util/file:130,util/simplefile:11 (exceptions.IOError)
ERROR: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'out/tmp-kqmTKJMz6TZC.tmp': util/options:79,sagent/sacli:295,util/file:142,util/file:137,util/file:130,util/simplefile:11 (exceptions.IOError)
* Restarting openvpnas openvpnas
*** Running /etc/rc.local...
*** Booting runit daemon...
*** Runit started as PID 67
Aug 16 13:17:27 Tower syslog-ng[72]: syslog-ng starting up; version='3.5.3'
Aug 16 14:17:03 Tower /USR/SBIN/CRON[79]: (root) CMD ( cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.hourly)
Aug 16 15:17:01 Tower /USR/SBIN/CRON[82]: (root) CMD ( cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.hourly)


Seems the symlink is pointing to it self and is looping, what happens if you clear the conf ?


Hope i get it wright.

i change the conf mapping to a new dir, this time it does not populate any files or folders.

my volume mapping is: /usr/local/openvpn_as ---> /mnt/cache/No_move/docker/openvpn_as2


*** Running /etc/my_init.d/00_config.sh...
Copying configuration from install directory to host!
mv: failed to access ‘/config/config/etc’: Too many levels of symbolic links
ln: failed to access ‘/usr/local/openvpn_as/etc’: Too many levels of symbolic links
grep: /config/config/etc/as.conf: Too many levels of symbolic links
/etc/my_init.d/00_config.sh: line 29: [: -gt: unary operator expected
Checking configuration, Setting Openvpn-AS defaults!
sed: can't read /config/config/etc/as.conf: Too many levels of symbolic links
sed: can't read /config/config/etc/as.conf: Too many levels of symbolic links
sed: can't read /config/config/etc/as.conf: Too many levels of symbolic links
sed: can't read /config/config/etc/as.conf: Too many levels of symbolic links
sed: can't read /config/config/etc/as.conf: Too many levels of symbolic links
sed: can't read /config/config/etc/as.conf: Too many levels of symbolic links
sed: can't read /config/config/etc/as.conf: Too many levels of symbolic links
/etc/my_init.d/00_config.sh: line 40: /usr/local/openvpn_as/scripts/confdba: No such file or directory
/etc/my_init.d/00_config.sh: line 41: /usr/local/openvpn_as/scripts/confdba: No such file or directory
/etc/my_init.d/00_config.sh: line 42: /usr/local/openvpn_as/scripts/confdba: No such file or directory
Interface variable is not set, Defaulting to interface eth0!
/etc/my_init.d/00_config.sh: line 49: /usr/local/openvpn_as/scripts/confdba: No such file or directory
/etc/my_init.d/00_config.sh: line 50: /usr/local/openvpn_as/scripts/confdba: No such file or directory
/etc/my_init.d/00_config.sh: line 51: /usr/local/openvpn_as/scripts/confdba: No such file or directory
/etc/my_init.d/00_config.sh: line 52: /usr/local/openvpn_as/scripts/confdba: No such file or directory
*** Running /etc/my_init.d/01_start.sh...
/etc/my_init.d/01_start.sh: line 4: /usr/local/openvpn_as/scripts/confdba: No such file or directory
* Starting openvpnas openvpnas
/etc/init.d/openvpnas: line 91: /usr/local/openvpn_as/scripts/openvpnas: No such file or directory
Setting Admin default username and password: admin/openvpn
/etc/my_init.d/01_start.sh: line 13: /usr/local/openvpn_as/scripts/sacli: No such file or directory
/etc/my_init.d/01_start.sh: line 14: /usr/local/openvpn_as/scripts/sacli: No such file or directory
/etc/my_init.d/01_start.sh: line 15: /usr/local/openvpn_as/scripts/sacli: No such file or directory
* Restarting openvpnas openvpnas
/etc/init.d/openvpnas: line 91: /usr/local/openvpn_as/scripts/openvpnas: No such file or directory
*** /etc/my_init.d/01_start.sh failed with status 1

*** Killing all processes...

Link to comment

After updating openvpn container i cant open openvpn webui, here is my log:


*** Running /etc/my_init.d/00_config.sh...
grep: /config/config/etc/as.conf: Too many levels of symbolic links
/etc/my_init.d/00_config.sh: line 29: [: -gt: unary operator expected
sed: can't read /config/config/etc/as.conf: Too many levels of symbolic links
sed: can't read /config/config/etc/as.conf: Too many levels of symbolic links
Copying configuration from install directory to host!
sed: can't read /config/config/etc/as.conf: Too many levels of symbolic links
Checking configuration, Setting Openvpn-AS defaults!
sed: can't read /config/config/etc/as.conf: Too many levels of symbolic links
sed: can't read /config/config/etc/as.conf: Too many levels of symbolic links
sed: can't read /config/config/etc/as.conf: Too many levels of symbolic links
sed: can't read /config/config/etc/as.conf: Too many levels of symbolic links
ERROR: DB exception: error opening DB None: expected string or buffer: util/options:79,db/confdb_admin:280,db/confdb:531,db/confdb:521,db/confdb:516,db/dbwrap:87,db/confdb_admin:278,db/confdb:82,db/dbase:152,db/dbase:131,db/sqla:45,python2.7/re:137 (exceptions.TypeError)
ERROR: DB exception: error opening DB None: expected string or buffer: util/options:79,db/confdb_admin:280,db/confdb:531,db/confdb:521,db/confdb:516,db/dbwrap:87,db/confdb_admin:278,db/confdb:82,db/dbase:152,db/dbase:131,db/sqla:45,python2.7/re:137 (exceptions.TypeError)
ERROR: DB exception: error opening DB None: expected string or buffer: util/options:79,db/confdb_admin:280,db/confdb:531,db/confdb:521,db/confdb:516,db/dbwrap:87,db/confdb_admin:278,db/confdb:82,db/dbase:152,db/dbase:131,db/sqla:45,python2.7/re:137 (exceptions.TypeError)
Interface variable is not set, Defaulting to interface eth0!
ERROR: DB exception: error opening DB None: expected string or buffer: util/options:79,db/confdb_admin:280,db/confdb:531,db/confdb:521,db/confdb:516,db/dbwrap:87,db/confdb_admin:278,db/confdb:82,db/dbase:152,db/dbase:131,db/sqla:45,python2.7/re:137 (exceptions.TypeError)
ERROR: DB exception: error opening DB None: expected string or buffer: util/options:79,db/confdb_admin:280,db/confdb:531,db/confdb:521,db/confdb:516,db/dbwrap:87,db/confdb_admin:278,db/confdb:82,db/dbase:152,db/dbase:131,db/sqla:45,python2.7/re:137 (exceptions.TypeError)
ERROR: DB exception: error opening DB None: expected string or buffer: util/options:79,db/confdb_admin:280,db/confdb:531,db/confdb:521,db/confdb:516,db/dbwrap:87,db/confdb_admin:278,db/confdb:82,db/dbase:152,db/dbase:131,db/sqla:45,python2.7/re:137 (exceptions.TypeError)
ERROR: DB exception: error opening DB None: expected string or buffer: util/options:79,db/confdb_admin:280,db/confdb:531,db/confdb:521,db/confdb:516,db/dbwrap:87,db/confdb_admin:278,db/confdb:82,db/dbase:152,db/dbase:131,db/sqla:45,python2.7/re:137 (exceptions.TypeError)
*** Running /etc/my_init.d/01_start.sh...
ERROR: DB exception: error opening DB None: expected string or buffer: util/options:79,db/confdb_admin:178,db/confdb:82,db/dbase:152,db/dbase:131,db/sqla:45,python2.7/re:137 (exceptions.TypeError)
* Starting openvpnas openvpnas
Setting Admin default username and password: admin/openvpn
ERROR: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'out/tmp-5J3pIE9nGJT9.tmp': util/options:79,sagent/sacli:295,util/file:142,util/file:137,util/file:130,util/simplefile:11 (exceptions.IOError)
ERROR: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'out/tmp-R7MozdLGd08R.tmp': util/options:79,sagent/sacli:295,util/file:142,util/file:137,util/file:130,util/simplefile:11 (exceptions.IOError)
ERROR: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'out/tmp-D5F4P2412ti4.tmp': util/options:79,sagent/sacli:295,util/file:142,util/file:137,util/file:130,util/simplefile:11 (exceptions.IOError)
* Restarting openvpnas openvpnas
*** Running /etc/rc.local...
*** Booting runit daemon...
*** Runit started as PID 68
Aug 16 13:12:38 Tower syslog-ng[73]: syslog-ng starting up; version='3.5.3'
Aug 16 13:17:01 Tower /USR/SBIN/CRON[80]: (root) CMD ( cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.hourly)
*** Shutting down runit daemon (PID 68)...
*** Killing all processes...
*** Running /etc/my_init.d/00_config.sh...
Copying configuration from install directory to host!
mv: failed to access ‘/config/config/etc’: Too many levels of symbolic links
ln: failed to access ‘/usr/local/openvpn_as/etc’: Too many levels of symbolic links
grep: /config/config/etc/as.conf: Too many levels of symbolic links
/etc/my_init.d/00_config.sh: line 29: [: -gt: unary operator expected
Checking configuration, Setting Openvpn-AS defaults!
sed: can't read /config/config/etc/as.conf: Too many levels of symbolic links
sed: can't read /config/config/etc/as.conf: Too many levels of symbolic links
sed: can't read /config/config/etc/as.conf: Too many levels of symbolic links
sed: can't read /config/config/etc/as.conf: Too many levels of symbolic links
sed: can't read /config/config/etc/as.conf: Too many levels of symbolic links
sed: can't read /config/config/etc/as.conf: Too many levels of symbolic links
sed: can't read /config/config/etc/as.conf: Too many levels of symbolic links
ERROR: DB exception: error opening DB None: expected string or buffer: util/options:79,db/confdb_admin:280,db/confdb:531,db/confdb:521,db/confdb:516,db/dbwrap:87,db/confdb_admin:278,db/confdb:82,db/dbase:152,db/dbase:131,db/sqla:45,python2.7/re:137 (exceptions.TypeError)
ERROR: DB exception: error opening DB None: expected string or buffer: util/options:79,db/confdb_admin:280,db/confdb:531,db/confdb:521,db/confdb:516,db/dbwrap:87,db/confdb_admin:278,db/confdb:82,db/dbase:152,db/dbase:131,db/sqla:45,python2.7/re:137 (exceptions.TypeError)
ERROR: DB exception: error opening DB None: expected string or buffer: util/options:79,db/confdb_admin:280,db/confdb:531,db/confdb:521,db/confdb:516,db/dbwrap:87,db/confdb_admin:278,db/confdb:82,db/dbase:152,db/dbase:131,db/sqla:45,python2.7/re:137 (exceptions.TypeError)
Interface variable is not set, Defaulting to interface eth0!
ERROR: DB exception: error opening DB None: expected string or buffer: util/options:79,db/confdb_admin:280,db/confdb:531,db/confdb:521,db/confdb:516,db/dbwrap:87,db/confdb_admin:278,db/confdb:82,db/dbase:152,db/dbase:131,db/sqla:45,python2.7/re:137 (exceptions.TypeError)
ERROR: DB exception: error opening DB None: expected string or buffer: util/options:79,db/confdb_admin:280,db/confdb:531,db/confdb:521,db/confdb:516,db/dbwrap:87,db/confdb_admin:278,db/confdb:82,db/dbase:152,db/dbase:131,db/sqla:45,python2.7/re:137 (exceptions.TypeError)
ERROR: DB exception: error opening DB None: expected string or buffer: util/options:79,db/confdb_admin:280,db/confdb:531,db/confdb:521,db/confdb:516,db/dbwrap:87,db/confdb_admin:278,db/confdb:82,db/dbase:152,db/dbase:131,db/sqla:45,python2.7/re:137 (exceptions.TypeError)
ERROR: DB exception: error opening DB None: expected string or buffer: util/options:79,db/confdb_admin:280,db/confdb:531,db/confdb:521,db/confdb:516,db/dbwrap:87,db/confdb_admin:278,db/confdb:82,db/dbase:152,db/dbase:131,db/sqla:45,python2.7/re:137 (exceptions.TypeError)
*** Running /etc/my_init.d/01_start.sh...
ERROR: DB exception: error opening DB None: expected string or buffer: util/options:79,db/confdb_admin:178,db/confdb:82,db/dbase:152,db/dbase:131,db/sqla:45,python2.7/re:137 (exceptions.TypeError)
* Starting openvpnas openvpnas
Setting Admin default username and password: admin/openvpn
ERROR: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'out/tmp-Ahkt1ej2TgHm.tmp': util/options:79,sagent/sacli:295,util/file:142,util/file:137,util/file:130,util/simplefile:11 (exceptions.IOError)
ERROR: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'out/tmp-vsocrZVxHfNR.tmp': util/options:79,sagent/sacli:295,util/file:142,util/file:137,util/file:130,util/simplefile:11 (exceptions.IOError)
ERROR: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'out/tmp-kqmTKJMz6TZC.tmp': util/options:79,sagent/sacli:295,util/file:142,util/file:137,util/file:130,util/simplefile:11 (exceptions.IOError)
* Restarting openvpnas openvpnas
*** Running /etc/rc.local...
*** Booting runit daemon...
*** Runit started as PID 67
Aug 16 13:17:27 Tower syslog-ng[72]: syslog-ng starting up; version='3.5.3'
Aug 16 14:17:03 Tower /USR/SBIN/CRON[79]: (root) CMD ( cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.hourly)
Aug 16 15:17:01 Tower /USR/SBIN/CRON[82]: (root) CMD ( cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.hourly)


Seems the symlink is pointing to it self and is looping, what happens if you clear the conf ?


Hope i get it wright.

i change the conf mapping to a new dir, this time it does not populate any files or folders.

my volume mapping is: /usr/local/openvpn_as ---> /mnt/cache/No_move/docker/openvpn_as2


*** Running /etc/my_init.d/00_config.sh...
Copying configuration from install directory to host!
mv: failed to access ‘/config/config/etc’: Too many levels of symbolic links
ln: failed to access ‘/usr/local/openvpn_as/etc’: Too many levels of symbolic links
grep: /config/config/etc/as.conf: Too many levels of symbolic links
/etc/my_init.d/00_config.sh: line 29: [: -gt: unary operator expected
Checking configuration, Setting Openvpn-AS defaults!
sed: can't read /config/config/etc/as.conf: Too many levels of symbolic links
sed: can't read /config/config/etc/as.conf: Too many levels of symbolic links
sed: can't read /config/config/etc/as.conf: Too many levels of symbolic links
sed: can't read /config/config/etc/as.conf: Too many levels of symbolic links
sed: can't read /config/config/etc/as.conf: Too many levels of symbolic links
sed: can't read /config/config/etc/as.conf: Too many levels of symbolic links
sed: can't read /config/config/etc/as.conf: Too many levels of symbolic links
/etc/my_init.d/00_config.sh: line 40: /usr/local/openvpn_as/scripts/confdba: No such file or directory
/etc/my_init.d/00_config.sh: line 41: /usr/local/openvpn_as/scripts/confdba: No such file or directory
/etc/my_init.d/00_config.sh: line 42: /usr/local/openvpn_as/scripts/confdba: No such file or directory
Interface variable is not set, Defaulting to interface eth0!
/etc/my_init.d/00_config.sh: line 49: /usr/local/openvpn_as/scripts/confdba: No such file or directory
/etc/my_init.d/00_config.sh: line 50: /usr/local/openvpn_as/scripts/confdba: No such file or directory
/etc/my_init.d/00_config.sh: line 51: /usr/local/openvpn_as/scripts/confdba: No such file or directory
/etc/my_init.d/00_config.sh: line 52: /usr/local/openvpn_as/scripts/confdba: No such file or directory
*** Running /etc/my_init.d/01_start.sh...
/etc/my_init.d/01_start.sh: line 4: /usr/local/openvpn_as/scripts/confdba: No such file or directory
* Starting openvpnas openvpnas
/etc/init.d/openvpnas: line 91: /usr/local/openvpn_as/scripts/openvpnas: No such file or directory
Setting Admin default username and password: admin/openvpn
/etc/my_init.d/01_start.sh: line 13: /usr/local/openvpn_as/scripts/sacli: No such file or directory
/etc/my_init.d/01_start.sh: line 14: /usr/local/openvpn_as/scripts/sacli: No such file or directory
/etc/my_init.d/01_start.sh: line 15: /usr/local/openvpn_as/scripts/sacli: No such file or directory
* Restarting openvpnas openvpnas
/etc/init.d/openvpnas: line 91: /usr/local/openvpn_as/scripts/openvpnas: No such file or directory
*** /etc/my_init.d/01_start.sh failed with status 1

*** Killing all processes...


Try and remove the container and image.


Files are probably removed since it senses that the directory exist and then they get removed from the container. (results in two empty directories and a symlink to "nothing")


I probably should change the check for previous configuration to "sense" a file instead of a folder.

Link to comment


Try and remove the container and image.


Files are probably removed since it senses that the directory exist and then they get removed from the container. (results in two empty directories and a symlink to "nothing")


I probably should change the check for previous configuration to "sense" a file instead of a folder.


remove the container and image and adding again solves the issue, i think i have to do all setting again :(

i noticed that when i readd the container volume mapping changed: /usr/local/openvpn_as to /conf this can be the issue.

Link to comment

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