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[Support] Linuxserver.io - Quassel-Core

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Application Setup

Quassel wiki: quassel

A great place to host a quassel instance is a VPS, such as DigitalOcean. For $5 a month you can have a 24/7 IRC connection and be up and running in under 55 seconds (or so they claim).

Once you have the container running, fire up a quassel desktop client and connect to your new core instance using your droplets public IP address and the port you specified in your docker run command default: 4242. Create an admin user, select SQLite as your storage backend (Quassel limitation). Setup your real name and nick, then press Save & Connect.

You're now connected to IRC. Let's add you to our IRC #linuxserver.io room on Freenode. Click 'File' > 'Networks' > 'Configure Networks' > 'Add' (under Networks section, not Servers) > 'Use preset' > Select 'Freenode' and then configure your identity using the tabs in the 'Network details' section. Once connected to Freenode, click #join and enter #linuxserver.io. That's it, you're done.



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  • 3 months later...

Hi, I can´t get /setkey to work. I recieve the following error:

"Error: Setting an encryption key requires Quassel to have been built with support for the Qt Cryptographic Architecture (QCA) library. Contact your distributor about a Quassel package with QCA support, or rebuild Quassel with QCA present."


Is there anything I manually need to do?, or is it just not built with QCA support?

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 3 months later...
On 7/26/2016 at 1:12 PM, bnevets27 said:

Has anyone managed to get this to work behind a reverse proxy?

I'm trying to do this now, but no luck so far. I've copied the `quassel-web.subdomain.conf` to `quassel-core.subdomain.conf` in `/mnt/user/appdata/letsencrypt/nginx/proxy-confs` and edited the upstream, but have not been able to connect, yet.

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57 minutes ago, Bob1215 said:

I'm trying to do this now, but no luck so far. I've copied the `quassel-web.subdomain.conf` to `quassel-core.subdomain.conf` in `/mnt/user/appdata/letsencrypt/nginx/proxy-confs` and edited the upstream, but have not been able to connect, yet.

quassel-web ≠ quassel-core.

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13 hours ago, j0nnymoe said:

quassel-web ≠ quassel-core.

Yeah, if you're looking for the quassel-web thread, it can be found here:


So, I'm not quite sure how these linuxserver proxy-conf files work, but here is my attempt at creating one for quassel-core:

server {
    listen 443 ssl;
    listen [::]:443 ssl;

    server_name quassel.*;

    include /config/nginx/ssl.conf;

    client_max_body_size 0;

    location / {

        include /config/nginx/proxy.conf;
        resolver valid=30s;
        set $upstream_quassel_core quassel-core;
        proxy_pass http://$upstream_quassel_core:4242;


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7 hours ago, Bob1215 said:

Yeah, if you're looking for the quassel-web thread, it can be found here:


So, I'm not quite sure how these linuxserver proxy-conf files work, but here is my attempt at creating one for quassel-core:

server {
    listen 443 ssl;
    listen [::]:443 ssl;

    server_name quassel.*;

    include /config/nginx/ssl.conf;

    client_max_body_size 0;

    location / {

        include /config/nginx/proxy.conf;
        resolver valid=30s;
        set $upstream_quassel_core quassel-core;
        proxy_pass http://$upstream_quassel_core:4242;


It's likely you won't be able to reverse proxy an IRC connection (Atleast to my knowledge)

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I'm trying to get quassel-core up and running. I can connect via the quassel-web container, but actually saving to the DB is giving me issues. If I attempt to add an 'identity' or 'network', it won't save it to the DB. Clicking 'save' seems to do the same thing as clicking 'cancel'.


I'd like to turn debug logging on, if possible. Here's my /config/quasselcore.conf file (it's just the six lines):

  GNU nano 4.2                                                                    quassel-core/quasselcore.conf                                                                              



Edited by metaMMA
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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 months later...

My sqlite database was getting pretty big so I just muddled through migrating to a PostgreSQL11 database. Here are the steps, for posterity, if anyone is interested.


  • Backup your /appdata/quassel-core directory in case something goes wrong
  • Install the Postgres11 container from postgres.
  • Change the POSTGRES_PASSWORD variable to whatever password you like. The rest are fine at default, unless you have a port conflict or want to change your storage path.
  • Hit "Apply" to start the container.
  • Open a console on the new container.
  • Enter the following commands:
    # psql -U postgres
    psql (11.7 (Debian 11.7-2.pgdg90+1))
    Type "help" for help.
    postgres=# CREATE USER quassel ENCRYPTED PASSWORD 'yourpassword';
    postgres=# CREATE DATABASE quassel WITH OWNER quassel ENCODING 'UTF8';
  • Open a console to your Quassel container.
  • Enter the following commands:
    # quasselcore --configdir=/config --select-backend=PostgreSQL
    [Info ] SQLite storage backend is ready. Schema version: 31 
    [Info ] Database authenticator is ready. 
    Default values are in brackets
    Username [quassel]:			<-- Leave this at default (just hit Enter)
    Password []: 				<-- Enter the password you used for the quassel database
    Hostname [localhost]: 			<-- Enter your Unraid IP address
    Port [5432]: 				<-- Leave default unless you changed the port
    Database [quassel]:			<-- Default
  • At this point I got a bunch of errors, but everything worked out anyway. You will now see the window start to fill with asterisks as your old database is migrated. This could take awhile depending on the size.
  • Once the asterisks stop and you get a prompt back, restart the Quassel container.
  • Connect to your core and make sure all your settings and data are intact.
  • If everything is good, you can now delete the /appdata/quassel-core/quassel-storage.sqlite file
  • Profit!
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  • 2 years later...

Hello, I can't for the love of me, find anything at all about getting into core from my desktop client with a password and username. 

What is the default username and password for core and how do I set one up for myself? I am using SQLite here. 

* EDIT. Okay, I finally manged to get my ports forwarded, get SQLite setup from the container console, and connect to the core via my Desktop client.... And It just won't let me authenticate. If I press okay into the client, it only just refreshes the Authentication dialogue box. - I am still stuck trying to get into core and get this bouncer set up. 

*EDIT #2: Okay, I am not sure what happened, but when I set the actual unraid config file variables to PostgreSQL and tried to connect, I was taken through the setup process and finally able to get this thing going. However. I used PostgreSQL as a trial and error thing, and it worked for some reason, still using SQLite because I am a light IRC user as far as the channels / rooms. SO I think this will work great for me. 


Edited by blockstacker
I ended up solving this myself through trial and error, posting what worked.
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  • 4 months later...
On 6/26/2022 at 9:00 PM, blockstacker said:

* EDIT. Okay, I finally manged to get my ports forwarded, get SQLite setup from the container console, and connect to the core via my Desktop client.... And It just won't let me authenticate. If I press okay into the client, it only just refreshes the Authentication dialogue box. - I am still stuck trying to get into core and get this bouncer set up. 

*EDIT #2: Okay, I am not sure what happened, but when I set the actual unraid config file variables to PostgreSQL and tried to connect, I was taken through the setup process and finally able to get this thing going. However. I used PostgreSQL as a trial and error thing, and it worked for some reason, still using SQLite because I am a light IRC user as far as the channels / rooms. SO I think this will work great for me. 

How? :)

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  • 10 months later...

Hey, i installed the Quassel-Core Container, but i have a few questions:


1. Quassel-Core starts as a Docker container but the software Quassel only start working when i open the console and start the core with command: quasselcore

Is that normal?


2. when i than start the core i allways got a running error message in the console:

"Socket error 1: The remote host closed the connection"
2023-09-22 12:37:38 [Info ] Non-authed client disconnected:
2023-09-22 12:37:39 [Info ] Client connected from


What have i to do there?


3. the log protocoll has a running message too:

2023-09-22 12:42:29 [Warn ] No storage backend selected!
2023-09-22 12:42:29 [Warn ] No storage backend selected!
2023-09-22 12:42:29 [Error] Cannot configure from environment!

But it seems, that the quassel-core is running stable! The quassel-web container does run too, but i cant open the webui. But maybe i am here not right, or?


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  • 3 months later...
On 9/22/2023 at 6:44 AM, Linse77 said:

Hey, i installed the Quassel-Core Container, but i have a few questions:


1. Quassel-Core starts as a Docker container but the software Quassel only start working when i open the console and start the core with command: quasselcore

Is that normal?


2. when i than start the core i allways got a running error message in the console:

"Socket error 1: The remote host closed the connection"
2023-09-22 12:37:38 [Info ] Non-authed client disconnected:
2023-09-22 12:37:39 [Info ] Client connected from


What have i to do there?


3. the log protocoll has a running message too:

2023-09-22 12:42:29 [Warn ] No storage backend selected!
2023-09-22 12:42:29 [Warn ] No storage backend selected!
2023-09-22 12:42:29 [Error] Cannot configure from environment!

But it seems, that the quassel-core is running stable! The quassel-web container does run too, but i cant open the webui. But maybe i am here not right, or?


I'm having the same exact issue as you, did you or anyone else find a solution for this? I am quite a bit late to the thread but i cannot seem to find anything else that references this issue. thanks.

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 1/7/2024 at 12:38 AM, skrilla said:

I'm having the same exact issue as you, did you or anyone else find a solution for this? I am quite a bit late to the thread but i cannot seem to find anything else that references this issue. thanks.

Untill now.....no, i found no solution

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