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Upgraded UPS and now I dont get all info

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I don't know the internal workings of the apcupsd daemon, but there is a remote possibility that the problem is in apcupsd.  I was under the impression that the status was just taken from the ups and not processed in any way.  Maybe there is a glitch in the status returned that confuses apcupsd.

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APC      : 001,034,0836
DATE     : 2016-01-11 00:02:59 +0000  
VERSION  : 3.14.13 (02 February 2015) slackware
UPSNAME  : Server
CABLE    : USB Cable
UPSMODE  : Stand Alone
STARTTIME: 2016-01-10 11:46:11 +0000  
MODEL    : Back-UPS ES 700G 
LINEV    : 244.0 Volts
LOADPCT  : 0.0 Percent
BCHARGE  : 100.0 Percent
TIMELEFT : 42.8 Minutes
MBATTCHG : 10 Percent
MINTIMEL : 10 Minutes
MAXTIME  : 0 Seconds
SENSE    : High
LOTRANS  : 180.0 Volts
HITRANS  : 266.0 Volts
ALARMDEL : 30 Seconds
BATTV    : 13.6 Volts
LASTXFER : No transfers since turnon
TONBATT  : 0 Seconds
CUMONBATT: 0 Seconds
STATFLAG : 0x05000008
SERIALNO : 5B1041T28900  
BATTDATE : 2010-10-08
NOMINV   : 230 Volts
NOMBATTV : 12.0 Volts
END APC  : 2016-01-11 00:03:26 +0000  


Weird thing is here's some screenshots I took only 8 days ago....


Your ups status is missing the nominal power setting so unraid cannot calculate the load.  It should look like this:

NOMBATTV : 24.0 Volts
NOMPOWER : 865 Watts


This is from my Back-UPS BX1500G.


It is a UPS firmware issue.  The UPS is not reporting the nominal power.  It's very curious though that it reports the time left on the battery so it knows the nominal power.


I want to think about this for a bit, but I think the answer is for bonienl to add another parameter setting in the dynamix apcupsd plugin built into unraid for nominal power that would be used if the UPS does not provide a value.  That way the load level could be determined and displayed.


What confuses me is that in my screenshots I was also missing nominal power, but it was calculating load percentage....


The load % comes from the UPS:

LOADPCT   34.0 Percent


This is shown on your screen shot of the UPS Details.  It is not calculated.

It's no longer being shown which was what's confused me...


The load % will come from a current sensor in the UPS.  Is this unit new?  If so then maybe you should consider an RMA.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Nope it's old, like I say was working 8 days ago.  Maybe it's upgrade time...


Bit of a pain as I only replaced the battery last year...


I understand.  Having a reliable backup power source for unraid is pretty important.


So, a thought occurred to me, I know, it's not often I have a Eureka moment.  But i had recently migrated my system to a new case and changed which USB ports I use for VMs etc.  So I tried my UPS in a different port and Bob's your uncle.


Time left now has reappeared along with percentage load.  I am still missing nominal power and UPS load, but I'm at least back to where I started...

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Nope it's old, like I say was working 8 days ago.  Maybe it's upgrade time...


Bit of a pain as I only replaced the battery last year...


I understand.  Having a reliable backup power source for unraid is pretty important.


So, a thought occurred to me, I know, it's not often I have a Eureka moment.  But i had recently migrated my system to a new case and changed which USB ports I use for VMs etc.  So I tried my UPS in a different port and Bob's your uncle.


Time left now has reappeared along with percentage load.  I am still missing nominal power and UPS load, but I'm at least back to where I started...


Could this possibly be a USB2 or USB3 compatibility issue?  Some motherboard bios's have a legacy USB setting.  Maybe that would help.

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They're both USB3 ports, one on the actual motherboard and the other is a expansion card plugged into a USB3 header.  Need to check which one is the working one, but I've got a feeling it's the header ports I'm using.  I'll poke around the BIOS at some point too.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm kinda new to this particular game and so I hope I'm not asking a silly question.  I need to buy a UPS.  The research I'm doing is a little inconsistent.  Some things report that you need a UPS to provide a pure sine wave and other people say it isn't terribly important.  Honestly, I'm willing to spend a few extra bucks to get a UPS that will 'just work' and not require much time playing with it.  I really only need something that will allow me to set unraid (v6.1.3) to gracefully shut itself down if the power is out for more than a few minutes.  This is a simple home application, so I don't need anything fancy.  I just want to power the unraid box and maybe one other desktop machine running windows (plus monitors for both).


Any reco's would be greatly appreciated.  (and, should I bother upgrading unraid to 6.1.8 first)




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  • 1 year later...
  • 2 years later...

Sorry to necro this post, but I was going to post a new thread about it anyway.


EDIT: apcaccess result

APC      : 001,027,0657
DATE     : 2020-07-08 12:24:13 -0400
VERSION  : 3.14.14 (31 May 2016) slackware
UPSNAME  : Tower
CABLE    : USB Cable
UPSMODE  : Stand Alone
STARTTIME: 2020-07-08 12:23:11 -0400
MODEL    : Smart-UPS 1500
BCHARGE  : 100.0 Percent
TIMELEFT : 129.0 Minutes
MBATTCHG : 10 Percent
MINTIMEL : 10 Minutes
MAXTIME  : 0 Seconds
ALARMDEL : 30 Seconds
BATTV    : 27.0 Volts
TONBATT  : 0 Seconds
CUMONBATT: 0 Seconds
STATFLAG : 0x05000008
MANDATE  : 2011-04-08
NOMBATTV : 24.0 Volts
FIRMWARE : COM 02.1 / UPS.05.D
END APC  : 2020-07-08 12:24:56 -0400

Note, no LOADPCT, or NOMPOWER 😭.  So, while the below is all still valid ... the issue is my UPS is not reporting what is needed for the plugin to work.  Was wondering if more information was output when using MODBUS driver instead of the USB driver, but I couldn't get it to work on my unit and I see no option in the UPS physical config.  Googling, I found this thread saying that I need a newer firmware to support MODBUS over USB 😭.  Looks like I need to try and find a serial cable after all 😭.  Sorry again for the necro when I obviously should have checked this all first.


@CHBMB it looks like you were on to something.  I know this was 4.5 years ago, but do you remember what was going on?  Maybe it's still working for you on your current setup and you can explain what you have working.


On my setup I originally plugged into a USB3 port, but after running lsusb -t, I see that even thought the port is USB3, the bus is running at USB2 speed, the device is running at USB1 speed. 

root@Tower:~# lsusb -t
/:  Bus 06.Port 1: Dev 1, Class=root_hub, Driver=xhci_hcd/4p, 10000M           <<<< USB3 speed
/:  Bus 05.Port 1: Dev 1, Class=root_hub, Driver=xhci_hcd/4p, 480M             <<<< USB2 speed
    |__ Port 1: Dev 4, If 0, Class=Human Interface Device, Driver=usbhid, 12M  <<<< USB1 speed

I tried another USB2 and USB3 port with no change in my load being reported or the bus/device speeds.


Lastly, in my BIOS, USB XHCI Handoff was Enabled, so Unraid should be negotiating the USB speeds.  For kicks, I Disabled that setting so BIOS has the obligation of doing this task.  On reboot I get the same output from both the UPS and the lsusb -t command (which is interesting, but unrelated to this thread). 


So I don't think its a compatibility issue, but now I have no ideas.


My APC Smart-UPS SMT1500US is on firmware version COM 02.1 / UPS.05.D.  This is not the newest for this unit (UPS.07.1 is according to APC) but I can't upgrade my unit over USB ... only over a serial connection I don't have so ... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.

Edited by JesterEE
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  • 2 weeks later...

Follow-up from my last post.

TL;DR; APC Sucks


So I got an APC RJ45 to RS232 (Serial) cable and a RS232 to USB adapter to do the firmware upgrade needed to hopefully get MODBUS over USB enabled on my UPS.  Well, in APC's infinite wisdom, they apparently have different firmware ceilings for different units with the SAME SKU.


Looking at the APC FAQs I found this entry on updating the firmware.  So, I have a SMT1500US toaster, so I used Firmware Update Wizard 4.1.1.  From the listing of firmware updates, my unit could be an SMT 4.5G with Micro-Link 17 or 18.  My unit was at firmware version 5 and didn't report a Micro-Link version so I had no idea which to expect.  Plugged in the cabling, launched the Wizard, and it proceeds recognize my unit and suggest an update to firmware version 7.1.   HOSED! 😡


Since the thread I linked in the last post suggests that I need firmware version 9.1 to use MODBUS over USB, I'm now SOL.


Who releases a 2 different products that look exactly the same without a way of deciphering which is which!?  I even contacted APC support 2 weeks ago and they couldn't even tell me which I had based on my device serial number.  I have to say, as an engineer myself, this is sloppy, sloppy work on APCs part and now I am very frustrated. 



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  • 1 month later...

I have a SUA2200RM2U connected via the RJ45 > USB cable. I have the same issues reported above with all stats showing except for nominal power and UPS load. From what I've read in this topic, nominal power is a set value based on the capacity of the UPS. So for my SUA2200RM2U, this value should be 1980 Watts. Is there a way we can manually specify this value somewhere or would that require a fundamental change in how APCUPSD works since it expects this value to be reported by the UPS?

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  • 1 year later...

I would be great if the plugin allowed us to input override values for non-reported info such as nominal power. 

override 700 Watts   and  120V.. 

and use that to calculate UPS load if not reported from UPS.


All the values needed to make fill in the gaps are there once you give it Unit Wattage, and supply voltage.


Please just let us input a value!!!!



Edited by TRusselo
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  • 11 months later...

Also hate to pile on to the resurrection of an ancient thread, but this one bit me today also and here's the solution for at least the SMT1500C line from APC.


APC UPS Model:  Smart-UPS SMT1500C  (USA)


The solution:


1. Update the Firmware on the UPS.  You have to ensure that the firmware is updated to the latest so that MODBUS will work.  This can be tricky, and you can *brick* your UPS, and, bonus, APC has models that look exactly the same, I mean exactly the same, that even APC has been unable to reliably determine which variant you have from your serial#.  Total faceplant by APC, very uncharacteristic of them as a company.  Anyway, it is what it is.  If you have the same model as this (SMT1500C) and the UPS is online and registered, it will "phone home" to the mothership and download any firmware updates to the UPS itself (assuming it is allowed out to the internet).  You'll get a notification that a firmware update is available on the front panel of the UPS.  Use the front-panel, navigate through the menus to apply the update (there's a *bunch* of redundant "Ok" you have to select since it is making sure you really want to do this w/o a secondary power supply for the unit... so don't do this during bad weather, etc. lol).  The buttons on the LCD panel are a bit obtuse, but not too bad:  Hit the "enter" key symbol (⏎) to select options and settings so it "sticks".  Hit the "Esc" key (top left) to back out of the sub-menus. It takes about 10 minutes to verify and apply the firmware update. The UPS does not reboot, so you can leave things on and connected during this process, but, I do not recommend it! Best practice is to do this on a fully unloaded UPS just connected to the internet and utility power. Once it is completed you can proceed to step 2.  I did all of this w/o the UPS being hooked to anything but the DMZ and utility power to let it phone home.

2. Once the latest firmware has been applied, navigate the menus and enable the "Advanced" view.  This is required to enable the MODBUS support on the UPS (it is disabled by default for some reason...).  


3. Navigate the menus to find the MODBUS support under "Configuration" (may be different text depending on the firmware version). The menu system is *clunky*.  You use the "enter" (⏎) button (lower left on the series of 4 buttons on the LCD display) to select the option you want to change, then you use the up and down buttons on the right-hand side of the series of 4 buttons on the LCD display) to set it to "On", then hit the "enter" key symbol (⏎) so it "sticks".  Hit the "Esc" key (top left) to back out to the main menu on the UPS again.  That should do it.


4.  Connect the USB cable to USB port on the SMT1500C UPS itself.  This model has three connection ports: USB | RJ45 SERIAL | RJ45 ETHERNET  on the back.  You have to use the USB port on the back of the UPS, not the usual RJ45 -> USB cable that APC has used for decades.  You'll be going from the USB port on the back of the UPS to a USB port on the Unraid server (i was using USB 2.0 ports). 


5. Configure the Unraid settings:  Navigate to the Settings tab on the Unraid web UIX, click the "UPS Settings"  applet on the top row of icons, in the "System Settings" panel to get to the apcupsd config options. 


Set these values:
Start APC UPS Daemon:  Yes (duh)

UPS Cable: USB

Custom UPS Cable: {leave blank/empty}

UPS Type: Modbus

Device: {leave blank/empty}


Other settings are dealer's choice.


Click [Apply] and a few seconds later, you should be set.


Proceed until captured!


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  • 2 weeks later...
On 1/7/2023 at 5:22 PM, BoHiCa said:

Also hate to pile on to the resurrection of an ancient thread, but this one bit me today also and here's the solution for at least the SMT1500C line from APC.


APC UPS Model:  Smart-UPS SMT1500C  (USA)


The solution:


1. Update the Firmware on the UPS.  You have to ensure that the firmware is updated to the latest so that MODBUS will work.  This can be tricky, and you can *brick* your UPS, and, bonus, APC has models that look exactly the same, I mean exactly the same, that even APC has been unable to reliably determine which variant you have from your serial#.  Total faceplant by APC, very uncharacteristic of them as a company.  Anyway, it is what it is.  If you have the same model as this (SMT1500C) and the UPS is online and registered, it will "phone home" to the mothership and download any firmware updates to the UPS itself (assuming it is allowed out to the internet).  You'll get a notification that a firmware update is available on the front panel of the UPS.  Use the front-panel, navigate through the menus to apply the update (there's a *bunch* of redundant "Ok" you have to select since it is making sure you really want to do this w/o a secondary power supply for the unit... so don't do this during bad weather, etc. lol).  The buttons on the LCD panel are a bit obtuse, but not too bad:  Hit the "enter" key symbol (⏎) to select options and settings so it "sticks".  Hit the "Esc" key (top left) to back out of the sub-menus. It takes about 10 minutes to verify and apply the firmware update. The UPS does not reboot, so you can leave things on and connected during this process, but, I do not recommend it! Best practice is to do this on a fully unloaded UPS just connected to the internet and utility power. Once it is completed you can proceed to step 2.  I did all of this w/o the UPS being hooked to anything but the DMZ and utility power to let it phone home.

2. Once the latest firmware has been applied, navigate the menus and enable the "Advanced" view.  This is required to enable the MODBUS support on the UPS (it is disabled by default for some reason...).  


3. Navigate the menus to find the MODBUS support under "Configuration" (may be different text depending on the firmware version). The menu system is *clunky*.  You use the "enter" (⏎) button (lower left on the series of 4 buttons on the LCD display) to select the option you want to change, then you use the up and down buttons on the right-hand side of the series of 4 buttons on the LCD display) to set it to "On", then hit the "enter" key symbol (⏎) so it "sticks".  Hit the "Esc" key (top left) to back out to the main menu on the UPS again.  That should do it.


4.  Connect the USB cable to USB port on the SMT1500C UPS itself.  This model has three connection ports: USB | RJ45 SERIAL | RJ45 ETHERNET  on the back.  You have to use the USB port on the back of the UPS, not the usual RJ45 -> USB cable that APC has used for decades.  You'll be going from the USB port on the back of the UPS to a USB port on the Unraid server (i was using USB 2.0 ports). 


5. Configure the Unraid settings:  Navigate to the Settings tab on the Unraid web UIX, click the "UPS Settings"  applet on the top row of icons, in the "System Settings" panel to get to the apcupsd config options. 


Set these values:
Start APC UPS Daemon:  Yes (duh)

UPS Cable: USB

Custom UPS Cable: {leave blank/empty}

UPS Type: Modbus

Device: {leave blank/empty}


Other settings are dealer's choice.


Click [Apply] and a few seconds later, you should be set.


Proceed until captured!


Thank you so much for this. I revisited trying to get this to work after a year, and this did the trick

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