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[Support] binhex - SABnzbdVPN

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3 minutes ago, raidserver said:

Thank you for looking into this for me binhex. Unfortunately its still not connecting. Maybe iam outta luck with my currant provider. Could it possibly be an issue with the location of the certificate file from my provider? The .ovpn file and .crt work fine in other linux OS. I have them in the ovpn folder named as requested by my provider.


ok please see here 


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4 minutes ago, raidserver said:

Thanks for your time



ok this is a bit of a mess:-


[debug] Directory listing of files in /config/openvpn as follows

2017-05-17 07:55:12,178 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
total 24
drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users  212 May 17 07:53 .
drwxrwxr-x 1 nobody users  192 May 17 07:55 ..
-rwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users 2025 May 17 07:33 ca.rsa.2048.crt
drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users   32 May 16 15:04 certs
-rwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users   35 May 17 07:53 credentials.conf
-rwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users  869 May 17 07:33 crl.rsa.2048.pem
-rwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users 1807 May 17 07:53 gw1.zrh2.slickvpn.com.ovpn
-rwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users  270 May 17 07:51 openvpn.ovpn
-rwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users  507 Apr 29  2014 SlickVPN.crt.crt

so you have a mash up there of PIA certs and ovpn file and slickvpn certs and ovpn file, this is your issue, you need to delete everything in there, and re-download the slickvpn certs and put them in /config/openvpn/ (not a sub directory as you have done) and download the slickvpn ovpn file and put it in /config/openvpn/ then restart the container, if it still isnt working then run through generating the log again and re-post it.

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20 minutes ago, Greygoose said:


No connection when setting proxy through browser. :/

Then you still have a problem with the VPN or something. I suggest posting the supervisord log after looking through it and XX'ing out your VPN username and password, along with the run command from the docker.

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13 hours ago, Greygoose said:


No connection when setting proxy through browser. :/


stupid question, you have set enable_privoxy to 'yes' right? also can you post a screenshot snippet for how you defined the configuration for the proxy in your browser.

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12 minutes ago, binhex said:


stupid question, you have set enable_privoxy to 'yes' right? also can you post a screenshot snippet for how you defined the configuration for the proxy in your browser.


This is in FFox


I have enabled Privoxy in SabVPN.  I have spent hours trying things :/


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1 hour ago, Greygoose said:


This is in FFox


I have enabled Privoxy in SabVPN.  I have spent hours trying things :/



ok that looks ok to me, so just to confirm you can now access sabnzbd web ui with the vpn enabled im assuming right?.


also can you go to unraid/docker tab and enable advanced view and screenshot snippet just the sabnzbdvpn line, im particularly interested in the port mappings.


edit - this bring back any memories? :-) :-) hint hint you changed the port from 8118 to 8119


Edited by binhex
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Dude,, sorted it. You was right i did change to 8119...


I did a restart of the server and i changed eveything back to their respective ports and it works :D


I think the restart must have helped, as i had changed so many things with the ports it was causing issues somehow. a restart seems to have sorted it, proxy works in the browser :D


Thank you mate, also thank you jonathanm for your time... its most appreciated..


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2 hours ago, Greygoose said:

Oh and i am using delugeVPN as the privoxy as opposed to the SabVPN :D


Unless you can see anything that needs changing in the image above, i am happy.


yes i do see one issue, although its not really a problem for you as your using privoxy from delugevpn, but worth mentioning, you shouldnt be changing the port on the container side, this is the golden rule for ALL docker containers, you should always just change the port on the host side only, so from your screenshot for sabnzbdvpn i can see you have set the port for privoxy from 8118 to 8119 on the host side (which is fine) AND the container side (not fine), up to you if you fix it.

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55 minutes ago, binhex said:

Read that post again :-)

Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk


I had trouble changing the container port, the area was grey and wouldnt let me edit.


so i deleted the port and re added :D

I must have messed about so much i confused the docker, thats why the privoxy was a pain in the backside as well.


Thanks for helping me learn mate, most appreciated,.





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1 hour ago, binhex said:

you shouldnt be changing the port on the container side


5 minutes ago, Greygoose said:

I had trouble changing the container port, the area was grey and wouldnt let me edit.


Because you aren't supposed to be changing it. Each container as free access to ALL of the container ports, without any conflict, because they are inside the container. Only the host ports, which are easy to change, can conflict.

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is this a problem, i get it when i open Sabvpn


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/sabnzbd/cherrypy/wsgiserver/__init__.py", line 2024, in start
  File "/opt/sabnzbd/cherrypy/wsgiserver/__init__.py", line 2091, in tick
    s, ssl_env = self.ssl_adapter.wrap(s)
  File "/opt/sabnzbd/cherrypy/wsgiserver/ssl_builtin.py", line 67, in wrap
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/ssl.py", line 363, in wrap_socket
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/ssl.py", line 611, in __init__
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/ssl.py", line 840, in do_handshake
error: [Errno 0] Error

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I can no longer bring up the WebUI! I get this in the log over and over:

2017-05-19 19:09:14,282 DEBG 'sabnzbd-script' stdout output:
[info] SABnzbd not running
[info] Attempting to start SABnzbd...

2017-05-19 19:09:15,128 DEBG 'sabnzbd-script' stdout output:
[info] SABnzbd started

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On 2017-5-19 at 0:11 PM, huladaddy said:

I can no longer bring up the WebUI! I get this in the log over and over:

2017-05-19 19:09:14,282 DEBG 'sabnzbd-script' stdout output:
[info] SABnzbd not running
[info] Attempting to start SABnzbd...

2017-05-19 19:09:15,128 DEBG 'sabnzbd-script' stdout output:
[info] SABnzbd started

Is anybody having this problem? I'm not sure what caused this.

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*I just realized I posted to the wrong thread. Sorry about that.


Hi all,


I just updated my sabnzbd container and it does not seem to be working any more. Here is the log,

any help is appreciated.


2017-05-24 21:06:20,185 DEBG 'sabnzbd' stderr output:
2017-05-24 21:06:20,185::INFO::[SABnzbd:1275] SSL supported protocols ['TLS v1.2', 'TLS v1.1', 'TLS v1']

2017-05-24 21:06:20,189 DEBG 'sabnzbd' stderr output:
2017-05-24 21:06:20,188::INFO::[SABnzbd:1386] Starting web-interface on

2017-05-24 21:06:20,189 DEBG 'sabnzbd' stderr output:
2017-05-24 21:06:20,189::INFO::[_cplogging:219] [24/May/2017:21:06:20] ENGINE Bus STARTING

2017-05-24 21:06:20,193 DEBG 'sabnzbd' stderr output:
2017-05-24 21:06:20,192::INFO::[_cplogging:219] [24/May/2017:21:06:20] ENGINE Started monitor thread '_TimeoutMonitor'.

2017-05-24 21:06:20,357 DEBG 'sabnzbd' stderr output:
2017-05-24 21:06:20,357::INFO::[_cplogging:219] [24/May/2017:21:06:20] ENGINE Serving on

2017-05-24 21:06:20,359 DEBG 'sabnzbd' stderr output:
2017-05-24 21:06:20,358::ERROR::[_cplogging:219] [24/May/2017:21:06:20] ENGINE Error in 'start' listener <bound method Server.start of <cherrypy._cpserver.Server object at 0x2b1999457950>>
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/opt/sabnzbd/cherrypy/process/wspbus.py", line 207, in publish
output.append(listener(*args, **kwargs))
File "/opt/sabnzbd/cherrypy/_cpserver.py", line 167, in start
self.httpserver, self.bind_addr = self.httpserver_from_self()
File "/opt/sabnzbd/cherrypy/_cpserver.py", line 158, in httpserver_from_self
httpserver = _cpwsgi_server.CPWSGIServer(self)
File "/opt/sabnzbd/cherrypy/_cpwsgi_server.py", line 64, in __init__
File "/opt/sabnzbd/cherrypy/wsgiserver/ssl_builtin.py", line 56, in __init__
self.context.load_cert_chain(certificate, private_key)
SSLError: [SSL: CA_MD_TOO_WEAK] ca md too weak (_ssl.c:2699)

2017-05-24 21:06:20,359 DEBG 'sabnzbd' stderr output:
2017-05-24 21:06:20,359::ERROR::[_cplogging:219] [24/May/2017:21:06:20] ENGINE Shutting down due to error in start listener:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/opt/sabnzbd/cherrypy/process/wspbus.py", line 245, in start
File "/opt/sabnzbd/cherrypy/process/wspbus.py", line 225, in publish
raise exc
ChannelFailures: SSLError(336245134, u'[SSL: CA_MD_TOO_WEAK] ca md too weak (_ssl.c:2699)')

2017-05-24 21:06:20,359 DEBG 'sabnzbd' stderr output:
2017-05-24 21:06:20,359::INFO::[_cplogging:219] [24/May/2017:21:06:20] ENGINE Bus STOPPING

2017-05-24 21:06:20,361 DEBG 'sabnzbd' stderr output:
2017-05-24 21:06:20,361::INFO::[_cplogging:219] [24/May/2017:21:06:20] ENGINE HTTP Server cherrypy._cpwsgi_server.CPWSGIServer(('', 8080)) shut down

2017-05-24 21:06:20,361 DEBG 'sabnzbd' stderr output:
2017-05-24 21:06:20,361::INFO::[_cplogging:219] [24/May/2017:21:06:20] ENGINE HTTP Server None already shut down

2017-05-24 21:06:20,361 DEBG 'sabnzbd' stderr output:
2017-05-24 21:06:20,361::INFO::[_cplogging:219] [24/May/2017:21:06:20] ENGINE Stopped thread '_TimeoutMonitor'.

2017-05-24 21:06:20,361 DEBG 'sabnzbd' stderr output:
2017-05-24 21:06:20,361::INFO::[_cplogging:219] [24/May/2017:21:06:20] ENGINE Bus STOPPED

2017-05-24 21:06:20,362 DEBG 'sabnzbd' stderr output:
2017-05-24 21:06:20,361::INFO::[_cplogging:219] [24/May/2017:21:06:20] ENGINE Bus EXITING

2017-05-24 21:06:20,362 DEBG 'sabnzbd' stderr output:
2017-05-24 21:06:20,362::INFO::[_cplogging:219] [24/May/2017:21:06:20] ENGINE Bus EXITED

2017-05-24 21:06:20,364 DEBG fd 8 closed, stopped monitoring <POutputDispatcher at 47147513872536 for <Subprocess at 47147433790064 with name sabnzbd in state STARTING> (stdout)>
2017-05-24 21:06:20,364 DEBG fd 10 closed, stopped monitoring <POutputDispatcher at 47147513480472 for <Subprocess at 47147433790064 with name sabnzbd in state STARTING> (stderr)>
2017-05-24 21:06:20,364 INFO exited: sabnzbd (exit status 70; not expected)
2017-05-24 21:06:20,364 DEBG received SIGCLD indicating a child quit
2017-05-24 21:06:21,365 INFO gave up: sabnzbd entered FATAL state, too many start retries too quickly



Edited by WonkoTheSane
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