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Virus scanner for downloaded content on UNRAID


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Are there any plugins or docker containers that provide the functionality of a virus scanner to that checks all new downloaded files added to a certain directory?

I searched in the "Community Applications" plugin from withing UnRAID, but nothing came up, so I thought I'd ask.

I'd like to set something up which virus checks every file that gets dumped in the incoming folder but the several users in the household.


Is there something available that does this for UnRAID?

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There isn't much demand for virus scanners on Linux platforms because of how Linux works.

No offense, but that comment is somewhat akin to Steve Jobs publicly announcing that Mac's were immune to viruses unlike Windows and then having to retract that statement a month later.


The difference on Linux is that the source for the OS (and for much of the add ons) is all open-source and free for the world to see.  But, that does not mean the OS is not vulnerable.


But likely, the OP is more concerned with a virus being downloaded say through deluge and then being executed on a Windows / Mac platform vs being executed directly on unRaid.  In that case, if you're using windows, then just mapping a share to a drive on through explorer should have your anti-virus automatically check if configured to do so.

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There isn't much demand for virus scanners on Linux platforms because of how Linux works.

No offense, but that comment is somewhat akin to Steve Jobs publicly announcing that Mac's were immune to viruses unlike Windows and then having to retract that statement a month later.


The difference on Linux is that the source for the OS (and for much of the add ons) is all open-source and free for the world to see.  But, that does not mean the OS is not vulnerable.


But likely, the OP is more concerned with a virus being downloaded say through deluge and then being executed on a Windows / Mac platform vs being executed directly on unRaid.  In that case, if you're using windows, then just mapping a share to a drive on through explorer should have your anti-virus automatically check if configured to do so.


You aren't wrong, and no I wasn't trying to suggest there is no risk of a virus. Just saying there is limited demand for scanners due to the nature of Linux. 


I agree with you that it's more likely what his goal is, and there are some Linux based scanners that are designed to scan for Windows / Mac viruses.


Additionally note, for some reason Bitdefender doesn't really like scanning the mapped shares... is there a trick to this?

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Back in the 4.7 days I had added clamav/freshclam and modified the mover script to scan what it found to move before running rsync.  Any findings/positives were automatically moved to a quarantine folder.  I suppose in Docker days Clamav with a script using inotify could be implemented to watch for any new files on the cache.  Problem with clamav is it is not as effective as some of the more modern Windows scanners as the signatures are not updated nearly as quick as the other commercial scanners and systems more vulnerable to virus/malware issues than Linux should already have an adequate scanner.

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But likely, the OP is more concerned with a virus being downloaded say through deluge and then being executed on a Windows / Mac platform vs being executed directly on unRaid.  In that case, if you're using windows, then just mapping a share to a drive on through explorer should have your anti-virus automatically check if configured to do so.


I'm not worried about UnRAID getting a virus. It's the storage that it provides what I want to keep clean since it is accessed mainly by other windows boxes which can easily get infected.


I don't need the entire unraid archive to be continually scanned. Just an incoming folder where data gets dropped of by various people.

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Keep in mind though that you need an appropriate malware tool for the OS of the files being protected.  If those files are for use on Windows stations, then you need a Windows malware scanning tool.  If a different set of files are for Mac use, then you need a Mac scanner.  And perhaps somewhat theoretically, if the files are for Linux use (Ubuntu, etc), then you'll need a different scanning tool.  I suspect that ClamAV will only find malware that's a problem to Windows stations, not Mac or Ubuntu malware.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was looking into the Synolgy RAID systems and they have an antivirus scanner to check the data on the array at scheduled intervals.

The virus scanner they use is ClamAV so I guess it can be used to check more then just emails.

They also have a McAfee virus scan... I didn't know McAfee has a linux version of their scanning software.



If there is any demand, I'll take a shot at making a ClamAV container (or is that email only?).

Anyone else interested in having a virus scanner (even if it only scans for windows viruses) docker running on their system?

Let's show johnodon that there is some interest for such a tool.

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  • 2 years later...
  • 3 months later...

at the moment I am at the researching stage of Unraid, but this is a option I would like as stated in the first post. as I also would like to make sure that no virus or Malware gets onto the Unraid storage area.


+1   after using unraid for 2 years i would lile some.form of virus/malware scanning software.

Edited by chris_netsmart
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  • 1 year later...

I used to be able to scan my downloads folder in Unraid with Windows Defender, but now it seems it will only let me right click and scan the individual files. If I attempt to scan the folder it just sayd 0 threats found and 0 files scanned. Anyone else run into this issue?

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Just a quick update. I created a Win10 1903 VM on Unraid and mapped the same drive and was able to scan folders without issue. 

Things I dont want to do now:

1.) A fresh Windows 10 install on my gaming PC

2.) Scan my network folders via a Windows 10 VM


(Sighs heavily)

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