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Samsung Magician for Linux

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Hello Unraid,


I found out that Samsung made their Magician software for Linux.




Has anyone used this?


I'm not the best with Linux, does anyone have any suggestions on installing it on UnRaid?


Thank You

not tried it, but the description says it is for specific Linux distributions, none of which are compatible with unRAID.  That does not necessarily mean it cannot be made to run, but does suggest it could be a non-trivial task.
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I copied it to my boot drive, and attempted to launch it, I got a message saying the following:


root@Unraid:/boot# ./magician
-bash: ./magician: cannot execute binary file


It seems like having this would be a terrific idea. I would assume that a large amount of SSD users use Samsung SSD's, and we are missing a lot of the benefits that this could offer, but alas, I do not have the skills to port this to UNRAID.




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It most likely uses tools already part of the Linux distro since the file is only 2.5M.  unRAID is slimmed down and lacks most tools in a normal distribution so not all functions may work.  That said, copy the 32 or 64 bit bin to a drive (cache, etc.) and issue 'chmod +x' on the file then run it (./magician).

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It most likely uses tools already part of the Linux distro since the file is only 2.5M.  unRAID is slimmed down and lacks most tools in a normal distribution so not all functions may work.  That said, copy the 32 or 64 bit bin to a drive (cache, etc.) and issue 'chmod +x' on the file then run it (./magician).

Don't even bother with the 32 bit on unRAID v6, no hope for that.
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With your guys's help I did get it to run:


root@Unraid:/mnt/cache/Apps# chmod +x ./magician
root@Unraid:/mnt/cache/Apps# ./magician
Magician is now configuring the environment for LSI MegaRAID SAS Controller.
Magician is now configuring the environment for LSI SAS IT/IR Controller.
Magician is now configuring the environment for LSI SAS IT/IR2 Controller.
Magician is now configuring the environment for LSI SAS IT/IR3 Controller.
================================================================================          ================
Samsung(R) SSD Magician DC Version 1.0
Copyright (c) 2014 Samsung Corporation
================================================================================          ================
Usage:  ./magician  [operation] ..

Allowed Operations:
-L[ --list]              Shows a disk(s) attached to the system.
-F[ --firmware-update]   Updates firmware to specified disk.
-E[ --erase]             Securely Erases all data from specified disk.
-O[ --over-provision]    Performs one of the Over-Provisioning related
                         operations on specified disk.
-T[ --trim]              Optimizes specified disk.
-S[ --smart]             Shows S.M.A.R.T values of specified disk.
-M[ --setmax]            Performs SetMax related operations on specified disk.
-W[ --writecache]        Enables/Disables Write Cache on specified disk.
-X[ --sctcachestate]     Gets the SCT write cache state for specified disk.
-C[ --command-history]   Shows history of the previously executed commands.
-I[ --info]              Displays the disk details to the user.
-license                 Shows the End User License Agreement.
-H[ --help]              Shows detailed Help.

root@Unraid:/mnt/cache/Apps# ./magician -L
================================================================================          ================
Samsung(R) SSD Magician DC Version 1.0
Copyright (c) 2014 Samsung Corporation
================================================================================          ================
| Disk   | Model   | Serial  | Firmware  | Capacity | Drive  | Total Bytes |
| Number |         | Number  |           |          | Health | Written     |
No Samsung SSD found!


However it does not see my SSD. My particular SSD an 850 EVO, is not listed in the supported drives section of this application, so perhaps I can't take advantage of this, or perhaps a dependency in UNRAID is missing like user unevent mentioned as a possibility. This is the end of the line for me, but perhaps this will help someone in the future.



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I can confirm this does work with my 850 Pro on unRAID 6.1.8.  Here are the steps to install and do a little cleanup:


mkdir /mnt/user/Data/magician/
cd /mnt/user/Data/magician/
wget http://www.samsung.com/global/business/semiconductor/minisite/SSD/downloads/software/samsung_magician_dc-v1.0_rtm_p2.tar.gz
tar xvfz samsung_magician_dc-v1.0_rtm_p2.tar.gz
mv samsung_magician_dc-v1.0_rtm_p2/64bin/magician  .
rm samsung_magician_dc-v1.0_rtm_p2.tar.gz
rm -rf samsung_magician_dc-v1.0_rtm_p2/


I chose to put it in /mnt/user/Data/magician, adjust as needed.  It won't extract to the flash drive.


To run:


cd /mnt/user/Data/magician/
./magician -L
Samsung(R) SSD Magician DC Version 1.0
Copyright (c) 2014 Samsung Corporation
| Disk   | Model                    | Serial         | Firmware  | Capacity | Drive  | Total Bytes |
| Number |                          | Number         |           |          | Health | Written     |
| 5      |Samsung SSD 850 PRO 512GB |zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz |EXM01B6Q   | 476 GB   | GOOD   | 10.06 TB    |


If I was starting from scratch I might over-provision the drive, but otherwise I don't see much here.


The manual is here if you need it


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  • 2 years later...
On 2/18/2016 at 1:53 PM, ljm42 said:

LOL yeah I probably didn't need to mask the serial number, but glad you got a laugh out of it ;)


And I agree, the fact that Samsung lets us over-provision and upgrade firmware from Linux is pretty awesome.


how did you update the firmware for 850 pro via magician?


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  • 4 months later...

Now we can do

wget https://www.samsung.com/semiconductor/global.semi.static/Samsung_SSD_DC_Toolkit_for_Linux_V2.1
chmod +x Samsung_SSD_DC_Toolkit_for_Linux_V2.1
./Samsung_SSD_DC_Toolkit_for_Linux_V2.1 --help


for some stuff as magician for Linux is a bit ... outdated.


Works with my 860 EVO SATA, I think...
Some specific for NVMe-drives in there too.


./Samsung_SSD_DC_Toolkit_for_Linux_V2.1 -I -d 1
Samsung DC Toolkit Version 2.1.L.Q.0
Copyright (C) 2017 SAMSUNG Electronics Co. Ltd. All rights reserved.
Disk Number: 1 | Model Name: Samsung SSD 860 EVO 250GB | Firmware Version: RVT01B6Q
Over Provision          | Write Cache             | Max address             | SCT Write Cache
0 MB                    | Enabled                 | 488397168               | Not in effect
SATA Phy Speed          | WWN                     | Power Status            |
6.0Gb/s                 | 5001133e40640fd2        | Active or Idle          |

DC = data center
Guide https://www.samsung.com/semiconductor/global.semi.static/Samsung_SSD_DC_Toolkit_User_Guide_V1.0.pdf

Edited by Niklas
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  • 9 months later...

Hello Team

I am working on laptop with a Samsung DCT 480 GB SDD

I partitioned this way:
1 - windows 2008 server R2

2 - windows 2012 server

3 - Lubuntu 14.0x

4 - Ubuntu 18


everything was doing fine, but in less than 3 months of use two windows got damaged, they cannot boot

and the Ubuntu 18 got extremely slow,
I am afraid the disk is having bad sectors due to factory issues, or any other thing


the matter is I want to diagnose it,

I struggled a lot trying to make "magician" run, and found this:

No Samsung SSD found!


as Ubuntu reads it:

Model: Sasmung SSD 883 DCT 480GB (HXT7104Q)
Serial Number: S485NF0KA00949H

Size: 480 GB (480.103.981.056 bytes)


"Sasmung" is not a typo,
it's really what its showing,
Did i get a pirate version Data Center SSD?


gparted does its work in a matter of seconds,

no errors

SMART is showing everything good.


how can I make a good diagnostic to decide if claim the warranty?


any hint will be appreciated.

Edited by TheApprenticeCO
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  • 3 years later...

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