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Feature Request: Updated Version Available Line


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Maybe something like Plex has? I think that would be better.

Just without the "x", so you can't exit it out.


That's a good idea. I know the Plex banner drives me crazy so I update very regularly just to stop seeing it. Just make sure it shows back up every time you reload the page like Plex does, if the X permanently closes the notification I wouldn't be as motivated to update.

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Maybe something like Plex has? I think that would be better.

Just without the "x", so you can't exit it out.


That's a good idea. I know the Plex banner drives me crazy so I update very regularly just to stop seeing it. Just make sure it shows back up every time you reload the page like Plex does, if the X permanently closes the notification I wouldn't be as motivated to update.

Same here, it is very effective.

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Attached a screen of how it currently looks. The message at the bottom appears on every page and is removed once updated.


Looks good to me, I know that alone would motivate me to update. I always update to the latest regardless but if I didn't that certainly would drive me crazy!

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Now that others have mentioned it, the way plex does it keeps me updated too. And not because it's convenient, it's because I open it and see that damn orange/yellow bar at the top and it's so obvious. I update just to get it off my damn screen! So yes, plex update notifications are very effective for me as well. The wording of plex is a little nicer (my opinion) as well.


"unRAID OS V6.2.X is available"

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I prefer just the option of clicking on plugins and having it check for updates without me having to click a further button. Any available updates would then be shown. I dont want any nag screens at the bottom of front end pages. Get enough of them on my phone. Surely its not that difficult to click on a top line setting like 'plugin' and respond accordingly?


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I prefer just the option of clucking on plugins and having it check for updates without me havibg to click a button. Any available update woukd then be shown. I dont want any nag screens at the bottom of front end pages. Get enough if them on my phone. Surely its not that difficult to click on a top line setting like 'plugin' and respond accordingly?


It's not that it's difficult, it's just that "most" users either won't do that or simply forget. I notice new version of unRAID on the forum before I ever see it as an update. Why? Because I don't constantly check for updates. What everyone is proposing is a very tiny footer message letting you know there is an update available without having to go through and click on plug ins.


No feature is ever usable or positive for everyone. But with unRAID, you have to appeal to the masses. And let's be completely honest, since the LTT videos came out, I would have to assume unRAID is getting a lot of new users that are probably used to Windows doing all of this for them. I can see a lot of users running older versions of unRAID and having issues, thus asking for help/needing support for an issue that may have been resolved two or three revisions ago. This may not be 100% foolproof but I honestly believe it is a step in the right direction.

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I prefer just the option of clicking on plugins and having it check for updates without me having to click a further button. Any available updates would then be shown. I dont want any nag screens at the bottom of front end pages. Get enough of them on my phone. Surely its not that difficult to click on a top line setting like 'plugin' and respond accordingly?

And I'm sure you aren't the only one.  It's just that we have a real problem with users that won't/don't upgrade, and this effort is a great way to help with that.  Can you think of a compromise form?  If you make it too easy to click away or disable, then it won't do the job.

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See attached screen. A better message?

If it was up to me, it should be a banner at the top, with orange background like plex does.

If this is the only message, I would not bother update. Unlike plex which I update as fast I see the message becuase it is annoying.

The orange background makes it easy too spot to, and you will not forget it.

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While my req is about unRaid / the webGUI, I myself (and probably a ton of other users) pretty much ignore all the notifications for plugins (and who can blame them when I'm rocking on CA and pump out 2 updates a week  ;) )


If you don't use it all the time (or in the case of unRaid / webGUI you don't log in all the time), the odds are that you will completely forget about the available updates.  I know I do...


I think that the footer should only be for unRaid/webGUI proper, and that plugin authors can handle their plugins however they choose - CA has a whopping 2 lines of code to display the warning.


As to the "nature" of the message -> whether its a banner, a line in the footer etc, I think it should be as unobtrusive as possible.  To me, a banner across the top telling me there's an update is a bit too much for a regular update, and will only annoy people.  Keep it in the footer IMHO

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Header/Footer some people will just ignore it because it works and I'm not going to mess with it.


The reporting relies on the activation of regular checks for plugin updates (Plugin version notification setting under Notification Settings). When disabled then the user is never informed, but it is a choice!


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  • 3 weeks later...

In 6.2.0-beta21 does the notification disappear after update. I upped the version of a plugin. Notification works and download now updates the plugin. However in the showNotice function openBox set to true doesn't refresh the page and notification persists unless I manually refresh the page. Or am I doing something wrong.

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