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Feature Request: Updated Version Available Line


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A recurring issue around here is that even with notifications turned on, a sizeable chunk of the user base ignores the notifications of updates for unRaid proper (and the webGUI)


I for one, am getting a bit sick of continually telling people to upgrade their webGUI to get rid of the dockerMan problem with spaces in the path names, not to mention the people posting around here who are still running 6.0 beta series, or 6.1.4 or whatever.


I think that in addition to the notifications, a small little line at the footer of every page that will just display that an update is available to either unRaid, or to the webUI would help to alleviate a lot of the issues around here.

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A recurring issue around here is that even with notifications turned on, a sizeable chunk of the user base ignores the notifications of updates for unRaid proper (and the webGUI)


I for one, am getting a bit sick of continually telling people to upgrade their webGUI to get rid of the dockerMan problem with spaces in the path names, not to mention the people posting around here who are still running 6.0 beta series, or 6.1.4 or whatever.


I think that in addition to the notifications, a small little line at the footer of every page that will just display that an update is available to either unRaid, or to the webUI would help to alleviate a lot of the issues around here.

It may be a lost cause!  First, you have to get them to upgrade to this new version with more prominent reminders.

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A recurring issue around here is that even with notifications turned on, a sizeable chunk of the user base ignores the notifications of updates for unRaid proper (and the webGUI)


I for one, am getting a bit sick of continually telling people to upgrade their webGUI to get rid of the dockerMan problem with spaces in the path names, not to mention the people posting around here who are still running 6.0 beta series, or 6.1.4 or whatever.


I think that in addition to the notifications, a small little line at the footer of every page that will just display that an update is available to either unRaid, or to the webUI would help to alleviate a lot of the issues around here.

It may be a lost cause!  First, you have to get them to upgrade to this new version with more prominent reminders.

You gotta start somewhere  ;)


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A recurring issue around here is that even with notifications turned on, a sizeable chunk of the user base ignores the notifications of updates for unRaid proper (and the webGUI)


I for one, am getting a bit sick of continually telling people to upgrade their webGUI to get rid of the dockerMan problem with spaces in the path names, not to mention the people posting around here who are still running 6.0 beta series, or 6.1.4 or whatever.


I think that in addition to the notifications, a small little line at the footer of every page that will just display that an update is available to either unRaid, or to the webUI would help to alleviate a lot of the issues around here.

It may be a lost cause!  First, you have to get them to upgrade to this new version with more prominent reminders.

You gotta start somewhere  ;)


I agree. Over time as people upgrade and the availability of updates becomes clearer, perhaps people will start updating more regularly and thus starting to reduce the support requests which could be resolved by just applying an update that has been available for some time.


I have to admit I was one of those who hit the bug you reference but didn't check for updates. I should have. I ended up deleting the docker.img (assuming some corruption or something) and when the issue persisted following this (which of course wasn't the cause) I checked for available updates and then saw the fix in the notes of the available update. Doh!

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A recurring issue around here is that even with notifications turned on, a sizeable chunk of the user base ignores the notifications of updates for unRaid proper (and the webGUI)


I for one, am getting a bit sick of continually telling people to upgrade their webGUI to get rid of the dockerMan problem with spaces in the path names, not to mention the people posting around here who are still running 6.0 beta series, or 6.1.4 or whatever.


I think that in addition to the notifications, a small little line at the footer of every page that will just display that an update is available to either unRaid, or to the webUI would help to alleviate a lot of the issues around here.

It may be a lost cause!  First, you have to get them to upgrade to this new version with more prominent reminders.

You gotta start somewhere  ;)


I agree. Over time as people upgrade and the availability of updates becomes clearer, perhaps people will start updating more regularly and thus starting to reduce the support requests which could be resolved by just applying an update that has been available for some time.


I have to admit I was one of those who hit the bug you reference but didn't check for updates. I should have. I ended up deleting the docker.img (assuming some corruption or something) and when the issue persisted following this (which of course wasn't the cause) I checked for available updates and then saw the fix in the notes of the available update. Doh!

For that last two versions, CA's had this in it.  Costs zero CPU cycles, and hopefully will get people onto the same page.
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I'm a fairly new unRAID user and now have multiple pro and plus licenses. I say the above to note that although I'm new to unRAID, I am no stranger to servers.


I would also like to see something like this in yellow text at the bottom of the pages saying there is an update to unRAID or the GUI. Yes I can manually go in and check for updates periodically but having a yellow text label on the pages similar to the text during a parity build/check would be helpful to say the least.


And your correct, some users still won't upgrade but for the rest of us, it would be a nice and j assume simple feature to implement.

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I think that in addition to the notifications, a small little line at the footer of every page that will just display that an update is available to either unRaid, or to the webUI would help to alleviate a lot of the issues around here.




For that last two versions, CA's had this in it.  Costs zero CPU cycles, and hopefully will get people onto the same page.


I think it could be even more prominent.  And maybe linking it to the Plugins page would make it more obvious how to take action?


I'd really like to see this become a standard that other plugins follow too.

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For the next version of Dynamix, I have created an API which can be used by any plugin to display an update message. The message itself is shown in the footer and becomes visible when the page of the specific plugin is selected.


Inside your plugin you can use the following example code:


<?if (function_exists('plugin_update_available') && $version = plugin_update_available('commmunity.applications')):?>
$(function() {
  showNotice('Community Applications <?=$version?> is available. <a>Download Now</a>','commmunity.applications');


Note 1: revised code for compatibility with older Dynamix versions.


Note 2: revised code again for support of latest Dynamix version.


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I think it could be even more prominent.  And maybe linking it to the Plugins page would make it more obvious how to take action?


Yesterday's update to CA actually has a link that will automatically install the update via the plugin system without having to go to the plugin page.  (Same as with any updates found for other plugs)
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For the next version of Dynamix, I have created an API which can be used by any plugin to display an update message. The message itself is shown in the footer and becomes visible when the page of the specific plugin is selected.


Inside your plugin you can use the following example code:


<?if (function_exists('plugin_update_available') && plugin_update_available('commmunity.applications')):?>
$(function() {
  showNotice('The plugin <a>community.applications</a> requires an update!');


Note: revised code for compatibility with older Dynamix versions.

Nice, but what I was talking about with the feature req was for unRaid / webGUI itself.  Visible on every footer (or every footer except for a plugin's page now that you're doing the API)

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For the next version of Dynamix, I have created an API which can be used by any plugin to display an update message. The message itself is shown in the footer and becomes visible when the page of the specific plugin is selected.


Inside your plugin you can use the following example code:


<?if (function_exists('plugin_update_available') && plugin_update_available('commmunity.applications')):?>
$(function() {
  showNotice('The plugin <a>community.applications</a> requires an update!');


Note: revised code for compatibility with older Dynamix versions.

Nice, but what I was talking about with the feature req was for unRaid / webGUI itself.  Visible on every footer (or every footer except for a plugin's page now that you're doing the API)


but... when multiple plugins give a warning message, it won't fit in the footer when all shown permanently.


The approach taken is a bit of a middle-way; when using the specific plugin it will display the message. Not to mention the notification received for the update of the plugin.


Current notification system will send only once a update notification, didn't want to nag people with constant reminders!


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Current notification system will send only once a update notification, didn't want to nag people with constant reminders!

I agree.  Hence why my req was for unRaid / webGUI only (more important that plugins IMO, depending upon your perspective), and also why it was for the footer line so that it was unobtrusive.


Also, the only permanent one was for unRaid.  Plugins (if you go that way) would only be on there own page.  (I never considered plugins when I made the req)

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Current notification system will send only once a update notification, didn't want to nag people with constant reminders!

I agree.  Hence why my req was for unRaid / webGUI only (more important that plugins IMO, depending upon your perspective), and also why it was for the footer line so that it was unobtrusive.

Maybe all that is needed is an "updates Available" message without necessarily specifying what ones.  That might be enough to prompt users to go and look for more detail.


I have also wondered if when one goes to the Plugin tab there should be some sort of automatic check for updates if an explicit check has not been done in the last week or so?

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...I have also wondered if when one goes to the Plugin tab there should be some sort of automatic check for updates if an explicit check has not been done in the last week or so?


Under the notification settings one can set a period check for updates, this will also keep the information on the plugins page up-to-date.


When no periodic check is selected, the user is confined to do manual checking (your choice).


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...I have also wondered if when one goes to the Plugin tab there should be some sort of automatic check for updates if an explicit check has not been done in the last week or so?


Under the notification settings one can set a period check for updates, this will also keep the information on the plugins page up-to-date.


When no periodic check is selected, the user is confined to do manual checking (your choice).

i know about this (and have it enabled on my system).  I just have a feeling that there should be a level of automated checking anyway (even if not very frequently).
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i know about this (and have it enabled on my system).  I just have a feeling that there should be a level of automated checking anyway (even if not very frequently).

Disagree.  If I have it set to never check for updates, I want the UI to honour that request and never check unless I explicitly tell it to.

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Current notification system will send only once a update notification, didn't want to nag people with constant reminders!

I agree.  Hence why my req was for unRaid / webGUI only (more important that plugins IMO, depending upon your perspective), and also why it was for the footer line so that it was unobtrusive.


Also, the only permanent one was for unRaid.  Plugins (if you go that way) would only be on there own page.  (I never considered plugins when I made the req)


Added an update message for unRAID OS/Dynamix webGUI which is shown on every screen in the footer, it would say Recommended update of unRAID OS is available (if better wording is needed, let me know).


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Current notification system will send only once a update notification, didn't want to nag people with constant reminders!

I agree.  Hence why my req was for unRaid / webGUI only (more important that plugins IMO, depending upon your perspective), and also why it was for the footer line so that it was unobtrusive.


Also, the only permanent one was for unRaid.  Plugins (if you go that way) would only be on there own page.  (I never considered plugins when I made the req)


Added an update message for unRAID OS/Dynamix webGUI which is shown on every screen in the footer, it would say Recommended update of unRAID OS is available (if better wording is needed, let me know).

Works for me. 
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Current notification system will send only once a update notification, didn't want to nag people with constant reminders!

I agree.  Hence why my req was for unRaid / webGUI only (more important that plugins IMO, depending upon your perspective), and also why it was for the footer line so that it was unobtrusive.


Also, the only permanent one was for unRaid.  Plugins (if you go that way) would only be on there own page.  (I never considered plugins when I made the req)


Added an update message for unRAID OS/Dynamix webGUI which is shown on every screen in the footer, it would say Recommended update of unRAID OS is available (if better wording is needed, let me know).

You can probably omit the word "Recommended"?  Interested to see what others think?  Is it possible to specify the version of the update?    If so maybe the message should read something like "Update to v6.1.10 of unRAID OS Available"
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Current notification system will send only once a update notification, didn't want to nag people with constant reminders!

I agree.  Hence why my req was for unRaid / webGUI only (more important that plugins IMO, depending upon your perspective), and also why it was for the footer line so that it was unobtrusive.


Also, the only permanent one was for unRaid.  Plugins (if you go that way) would only be on there own page.  (I never considered plugins when I made the req)


Added an update message for unRAID OS/Dynamix webGUI which is shown on every screen in the footer, it would say Recommended update of unRAID OS is available (if better wording is needed, let me know).

You can probably omit the word "Recommended"?  Interested to see what others think?  Is it possible to specify the version of the update?    If so maybe the message should read something like "Update to v6.1.10 of unRAID OS Available"


Current API implementation doesn't return the version number, but this can be changed.


I would like to put a message there which encourages people to do the update. My feeling is, it should be more than just noting a new version is available (the notification is doing that already).


Changed text to: New version 6.2.0-beta21 available. Update of unRAID OS is recommended


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Agree.  Keep it simple.


But, if you really want to go hog wild on unraid updates you can add a new entity to unraid / webgui plg files which specifies a priority.  In the case of a high priority update (6.0 beta 9 anyone?) instead of just the comment in the footer you can actually throw up a banner)

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Does/would this proposed notification show up for beta versions?  I just worry that having the word recommended in there may steer people to installing an update without reading the release notes which warn them about potential bugs or data integrity issues. If I was a fairly new user, or someone who didn't frequent the boards very often I might read that update notification as a recommendation from LT to upgrade, possible from a rock solid stable version for me, to a beta version. Just a thought I had.

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Does/would this proposed notification show up for beta versions?  I just worry that having the word recommended in there may steer people to installing an update without reading the release notes which warn them about potential bugs or data integrity issues. If I was a fairly new user, or someone who didn't frequent the boards very often I might read that update notification as a recommendation from LT to upgrade, possible from a rock solid stable version for me, to a beta version. Just a thought I had.


No, beta versions need to be installed separately. You won't get a message for upgrading from a stable to a beta version, just newer stable versions will be presented.

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