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[Plugin] rclone


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Thanks for the work on the plugin. It seems that the beta has seem some improvements with seeking etc since I tested a month or so ago.


Just wondering if anyone has done any speed testing between rclone and acd_cli mount points. I am using encryption for both rclone built in, and encfs for acd_cli. I have uploaded similar content into both and testing via playback in plex. currently it will take about 8-9sec for a episode to start via acd_cli and around 14-17sec for the same files with rclone.


rclone reduces the complexity of my setup, no need for the encfs mounts, and rclone seems to show changes soon after they are made, where as I need to do a sync with acd_cli.


At this stage I have not attempted any tweaking of setting, so fairly anecdotal evidence.




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Now, that I know there is an acd_cli plugin, I'll do some comparisons and post the results. It will take a while to upload a testfile though.


Also, I seem to recall a related article and one of the comments was from a user that did a comparison between the two. I recall they also found acd_cli to be faster but I'll have to verify.

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Testing an encrypted Google Drive mount via the beta version of the plugin. I mount it and it works fine but after a few minutes whatever was inside the mount disappears, its very odd. It seems like a disconnection because the encrypted files appear to remain on GD. Is anyone else experiencing this?

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Thanks for the work on the plugin. It seems that the beta has seem some improvements with seeking etc since I tested a month or so ago.


Just wondering if anyone has done any speed testing between rclone and acd_cli mount points. I am using encryption for both rclone built in, and encfs for acd_cli. I have uploaded similar content into both and testing via playback in plex. currently it will take about 8-9sec for a episode to start via acd_cli and around 14-17sec for the same files with rclone.


rclone reduces the complexity of my setup, no need for the encfs mounts, and rclone seems to show changes soon after they are made, where as I need to do a sync with acd_cli.


At this stage I have not attempted any tweaking of setting, so fairly anecdotal evidence.





I can hardly notice any difference when starting playback from an encrypted ACD volume with rclone. Maybe 4-5 sec in total. Can it be your connection speed - 17 seconds sounds extreme?

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I can hardly notice any difference when starting playback from an encrypted ACD volume with rclone. Maybe 4-5 sec in total. Can it be your connection speed - 17 seconds sounds extreme?

Neither can I. Hell sometimes it feels like the stream is faster than the local to start if the disk is spun down.

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Right but is the mount available until you close your connection to the terminal or does it happen regardless?


I am using Putty via Windows to access the server and run commands. I mounted with this:

nohup rclone mount egd:ext /mnt/user/media/ext --allow-other </dev/null >/dev/null 2>&1 &

Then I run rsync etc. to the new mount, at no point do I close the terminal/putty. Is this what you meant?

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Right but is the mount available until you close your connection to the terminal or does it happen regardless?


I am using Putty via Windows to access the server and run commands. I mounted with this:

nohup rclone mount egd:ext /mnt/user/media/ext --allow-other </dev/null >/dev/null 2>&1 &

Then I run rsync etc. to the new mount, at no point do I close the terminal/putty. Is this what you meant?


Wait, you are uploading data by using rsync on the mount point instead of using the "rclone sync" command? Will that work? I haven't played around with that much because I'm not sure if rclone will function correctly doing it that way. I was under the impression you have to work through rclone directly to sync or copy and not the mount point. I mean, rclone doesn't have a daemon or any way knowing when something happens on the mount unless you manually tell it to check, right? Maybe I am misunderstanding.

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Oh I completely missed that he was using rsync. That seems a bit unorthodox. You should be able to upload by moving data into the mount (atleast with Google Drive) but I'm not sure why you would want to move data to the mount with rsync instead of just uploading directly with rclone commands (which is a much more stable way to do it - uploading a lot of data via the mount is not recommended by the rclone dev)

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I have a request. Well, more like a topic for discussion. Would it be possible to include mount/unmount scripts for the user scripts plugin in this plugin? It might be more feasible once a gui is made because adding the scripts before rclone is configured might cause problems. Or maybe including a script but commentating it out and the user can un-comment it once it is configured.


I realize it is fairly trivial to make them yourself and I already have. But for one, it would make it easier on the user and for another, likely cut back on trouble shooting.

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Yeah, it might and that was kind of my concern as well. But then I thought, people are going to be asking you (or this thread) about mounting/user_scripts issues regardless of whether or not it is supported. Even though it's stated in the OP there will still be problems with docker not seeing it because they didn't mount to /mnt/disks/ or they forgot to use the --allow-other option or forget the & at the end or whatever. This might minimize that if it's planned out well enough and all they would need to specify is the remote server and the name of the mount point and it will automatically be mounted to /mnt/disks.


If it were done I am thinking it could either wait until a gui is made and be done through that or do one now but have it commented out and just mention that it has to be uncommented once config is done. Just having two variables at the beginning of the script for mount point name and remote location would minimize the amount of editing a user would need to do. Just food for thought.

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OK, re my speed tests, I am on a 100Mbps Down and 40Mbps Up internet connection.


Repeated tests with playing content (no sync tests at this stage).


Times are from hitting the play button to the video starting. All the same episode, h264 encoded, no transcoding happening on the server. both ACD options are being encrypted, acd_cli via encfs and rclone using its internal crypt.


local content

3-4 secconds


acd_cli mount

6-8 seconds


rclone mount

10-12 seconds


I don't want anyone to think I am complaining, I am just comparing options, and for the moment acd_cli seems faster (for me). I am trying to chose my option before I do a bulk upload a choose my encryption option.







Also of note, I am not seeing heavy link utilisation on my connection during playback, downloading burst to about 20Mpbs very breifly at the start of play, then drops to sit around 5Mpbs. Also data doesn't appear to start till after the delays above, so it would appear to be some internal process to the apps causing the delay, not the downloading.


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There's some discussion about setting the --max-read-ahead option which might give you some performance boost with rclone:



Hi Waseh,


Thanks for the link, I have tried that, current settings I am using are --max-read-ahead 1024k --transfers 20 --checkers 40, that gave me the above results.


bobbinitb linked here (https://forum.rclone.org/t/plex-server-with-amazon-drive-rclone-crypt-vs-encfs-speed/106/15) on another thread, I might try using rclone under my encfs mounts to see if that effects speed.





Edit: I just noticed in that thread they are going into M read ahead, I'll give that a try.

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I have tried with a setting of 50Mb but no luck.


As another test I also mounted rclone under my encfs (replacing acd_cli) and I still get similar speeds starting playback, so it doesn't appear to be the encryption layer. Trying to use verbose to debug, but I might need to post on the rclone logs for help with that.




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