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Not enough free space on drive (I have 5.48TB Free)

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I just got my UnRAID box going and starting copying some files. After about 500GB it said "Not Enough Free Space" on Windows. I have 5.48TB Free! I have included a screenshot of my share if that helps.


Thanks so much!




Parity Drive= 8TB

Drive 1 = 6TB



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I look at your minimum free space of "0" with some suspicion. Often running out of space with a copy is because a of your share settings. But with high water mark it should be ok. But for troubleshooting, I'd likely try raising the minimum free to something more reasonable based on your file sizes and see if the problem goes away.

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16 minutes ago, bjp999 said:

I look at your minimum free space of "0" with some suspicion. Often running out of space with a copy is because a of your share settings. But with high water mark it should be ok. But for troubleshooting, I'd likely try raising the minimum free to something more reasonable based on your file sizes and see if the problem goes away.


I raised it to 2GB and same issue.


The drive acts like it has zero space at all. If i try to copy a 1GB file it says it needs 1GB. A 2GB file it needs 2GB etc....

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Disk 1 is messed up some how.  6TB drive, with 484G used, but its 100% full (hence the errors)


/dev/md1        5.5T  484G     0 100% /mnt/disk1

If it was formatted XFS, then I'd say to check the disk file systems, but since its BTRFS, you probably should wait for @johnnie.black 


(Or alternatively change the filesystem to XFS and then reformat the drive which will also solve the problem)

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It looks like disk1 is showing full.

Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/md1        5.5T  484G     0 100% /mnt/disk1


Maybe trial is limiting usable space (I know there was discussion of this, but didn't think it was implemented).

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6 minutes ago, Squid said:

Disk 1 is messed up some how.  6TB drive, with 484G used, but its 100% full (hence the errors)


/dev/md1        5.5T  484G     0 100% /mnt/disk1

If it was formatted XFS, then I'd say to check the disk file systems, but since its BTRFS, you probably should wait for @johnnie.black 


(Or alternatively change the filesystem to XFS and then reformat the drive which will also solve the problem)


It was XFS then i changed it to BTRFS. I have really zero care which file system. I just read BTRFS was more towards the future.


I have all my data backed up. I don't mind reformatting the drive to help correct the issue. Im sure i screwed something up when i was trying to understand everything better.


I also ran "New Permissions" on the drive and that didn't fix it.  

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2 minutes ago, Squid said:

Trial has no size limitations -> only time limitation


That was my thought too - but never saw this issue before. He is very close to the 500G mark, which seems like it could be limited some way.


I don't use BTRFS for my array disks. Highly recommend moving to XFS. I would say 99% of the unRAID base is on RFS or XFS, with XFS being the overwhelmingly preferred way to go at this point.

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6 minutes ago, rh535 said:

I have all my data backed up. I don't mind reformatting the drive to help correct the issue. Im sure i screwed something up when i was trying to understand everything better.

Then the easy solution (albeit extreme) is to stop the array, the on the main tab, click on disk 1, change the format to be XFS and then start the array.  A Button will then appear prompting you to format the drive.  ( Or follow what @johnnie.black is asking you to do -> he's the resident expert )


6 minutes ago, bjp999 said:

I don't use BTRFS for my array disks. Highly recommend moving to XFS. I would say 99% of the unRAID base is on RFS or XFS, with XFS being the overwhelmingly preferred way to go at this point.


6 minutes ago, rh535 said:

BTRFS was more towards the future.

BTRFS is required on cache drives if you want to use (or ultimately use) a cache pool.  For the array, its recommended to always use XFS.


BTRFS seems to be a rock solid filesystem as long as nothing goes wrong.  If / when something goes wrong (ie: server crash, power failure, etc) then it seems to be overwhelmingly the absolute worst file system to use as it is very sensitive to abnormalities.

Edited by Squid
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1 minute ago, Squid said:

Then the easy solution (albeit extreme) is to stop the array, the on the main tab, click on disk 1, change the format to be XFS and then start the array.  A Button will then appear prompting you to format the drive.  ( Or follow what @johnnie.black is asking you to do -> he's the resident expert )



BTRFS is required on cache drives if you want to use (or ultimately use) a cache pool.  For the array, its recommended to always use XFS.


BTRFS seems to be a rock solid filesystem as long as nothing goes wrong.  If / when something goes wrong (ie: server crash, power failure, etc) then it seems to be overwhelmingly the absolute worst file system to use as it is very sensitive to abnormalities.


Oh wow. Thanks

I formatted both that drive and my SSD cache(I won't do a cache pool) back to XFS. I will report back after copying over some files that reach over 500GB.


Thanks, everyone so much for the help. I have little/zero experience with any of this and without the community - I WOULD BE SCREWED! I'm sure noobs like me drive you all crazy. Thanks again

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26 minutes ago, rh535 said:

I raised it to 2GB and same issue.

Once you get things square, you should probably increase this. It needs to be larger than the largest file you will ever want to write.


If there is more than min free left on a disk, then unRAID will try to write to it, regardless of how large the file is. It doesn't even know how large a write will be.

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  • 11 months later...

I know this has been a while now but i just wanted to chime in on my issue. My array is 26.7TB total drive space. I have 17.1TB remaining. I have a 250GB SSD and a 750GB 15k RPM SAS drive in the cache pool. i have the bit set to use cache and the scheduler set to initiate the mover every 4 hours. for some reason, the mover failed to run and the primary cache drive (the SSD) was full. Even though the secondary cache drive (the 750 SAS Drive) had plenty of space free, i still could not even transfer a 50mb file to the array. 


I manually initiated the mover, got the primary cache drive down below 100gb in use, and the problem went away. i could now transfer large files (ISO, MKV files, etc) to the array with no issues. I've reboot several times, repaired permissions, checked the logs thats where i found the problem. logs said the primary cache drive was full. 


so anyway, that's that. everything is working fine now. I still love the crap outta UnRaid. 

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  • 2 years later...



I have the same issues. I do not understand how this works. I got a lot space left (75TB+) so most probably it has something to do with my cache.


Sometimes it copies files with no problem sometimes, it does not.


I got 2 shares, and I am transferring BIG files from one to another using Krusader. I am not sure but maybe when I send the files from one share to another it seems that Krusader does it instantly. But maybe that is not the case? Maybe it is still working in the background? The reason I am asking is because my Cache seems to always be full (1TB) or close to full. 


The problem that I have is when I try to unrar a big file, it many times give me the "No Space" message.


Can you help me please?






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