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[support] dlandon - Zoneminder 1.36

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20 minutes ago, james.page6978 said:

Had an issue with the Facial recognition script. When it detects an unknown face it stores it in /var/lib/zmeventnotifications/unknown_faces however it couldnt create the folder due to permissions issues. I created the folder and set up a symlink to the appdata folder so I can view them easily and copied the permisions from the known_faces folder using chmod. Is this something that can be put in the dock container?

It'll  be in the next update.

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31 minutes ago, repomanz said:



Hey dlandon, with unraid's announcement of making nvidia's drivers native to the unraid OS, do you plan on aligning to this change for those that want to use GPU to configure this as part of the base install (similar to your ML/ES configuration?)



I expect that nothing will change except that the Nvidia plugin will not have to be installed.

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2 hours ago, repomanz said:

I was secretly hoping you'd add docker config to make it 'easymode'.  :)

There is no easy mode.  The Nvidia CUDA cannnot be pre-packaged because of licensing.  There is no way I can do an 'easy mode'.  The compile script I've provided is the best I can do.

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Just now, dlandon said:

There is no easy mode.  The Nvidia CUDA cannnot be pre-packaged because of licensing.  There is no way I can do an 'easy mode'.  The compile script I've provided is the best I can do.

That's good enough for me, was thinking with the changes to unraid would have opened up a few doors.  Didn't realize there was other things like licensing going on.  

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On 6/30/2020 at 5:28 PM, dlandon said:

You need to move the data, but you can't just move Events.  You need to move the complete data/ folder.  The database will be out of synch if you don't.


I would:

- Remove the Docker.

- Move the data/ folder to your UD Disk.

- Reinstall the Docker and map the data to your UD disk.

Thanks.. I was able to get the data moved over with the directions you posted. The only thing now is that I'm having some issues with zmNinja and being notified via notifications. I can view my monitors and events but not getting any type of notification. I've been reading the documentation for zmNinja and see that that tokens.txt file under the Zoneminder appdata folder is empty. One thing I noticed when running logging using 'sudo -u www-data /usr/bin/zmeventnotification.pl' is that I get a message saying 'ESCONTROL_INTERFACE is disabled. Not saving control data'. 


CONSOLE INF:2020-07-05,16:58:09 PARENT: Push enabled via FCM
07/05/20 16:58:09.966756 zmeventnotification[3910].INF [main:888] [PARENT: Push enabled via FCM]
CONSOLE INF:2020-07-05,16:58:09 PARENT: MQTT Disabled
07/05/20 16:58:09.970719 zmeventnotification[3910].INF [main:888] [PARENT: MQTT Disabled]
CONSOLE INF:2020-07-05,16:58:09 PARENT: |------- Starting ES version: 5.15-Docker ---------|
07/05/20 16:58:09.975204 zmeventnotification[3910].INF [main:888] [PARENT: |------- Starting ES version: 5.15-Docker ---------|]
CONSOLE DBG-1:2020-07-05,16:58:09 PARENT: Started with: perl:/usr/bin/perl and command:/usr/bin/zmeventnotification.pl
Can't ignore signal CHLD, forcing to default.
CONSOLE DBG-1:2020-07-05,16:58:10 PARENT: ES invoked via ZMDC. Will exit when needed and have zmdc restart it
CONSOLE DBG-2:2020-07-05,16:58:10 PARENT: Parent<--Child pipe ready
CONSOLE INF:2020-07-05,16:58:10 PARENT: Event Notification daemon v 5.15-Docker starting

07/05/20 16:58:10.059434 zmeventnotification[3910].INF [main:888] [PARENT: Event Notification daemon v 5.15-Docker starting]
CONSOLE DBG-1:2020-07-05,16:58:10 PARENT: Initializing FCM tokens...
CONSOLE DBG-1:2020-07-05,16:58:10 PARENT: Total event client connections: 0

CONSOLE INF:2020-07-05,16:58:10 PARENT: Re-loading monitors
07/05/20 16:58:10.063915 zmeventnotification[3910].INF [main:888] [PARENT: Re-loading monitors]
CONSOLE DBG-1:2020-07-05,16:58:10 PARENT: Loading Garage
CONSOLE DBG-1:2020-07-05,16:58:10 PARENT: Loading Side
CONSOLE DBG-1:2020-07-05,16:58:10 PARENT: Loading Backyard
CONSOLE DBG-1:2020-07-05,16:58:10 PARENT: ESCONTROL_INTERFACE is disabled. Not saving control data
CONSOLE DBG-2:2020-07-05,16:58:10 PARENT: checkEvents() new events found=0
CONSOLE DBG-2:2020-07-05,16:58:10 PARENT: About to start listening to socket
CONSOLE INF:2020-07-05,16:58:10 PARENT: Secure WS(WSS) is enabled...
07/05/20 16:58:10.070499 zmeventnotification[3910].INF [main:888] [PARENT: Secure WS(WSS) is enabled...]
CONSOLE INF:2020-07-05,16:58:10 PARENT: Web Socket Event Server listening on port 9000
07/05/20 16:58:10.074509 zmeventnotification[3910].INF [main:888] [PARENT: Web Socket Event Server listening on port 9000]
CONSOLE DBG-2:2020-07-05,16:58:15 PARENT: ---------->Tick START<--------------
CONSOLE DBG-2:2020-07-05,16:58:15 PARENT: There are 0 active child forks...
CONSOLE DBG-2:2020-07-05,16:58:15 PARENT: checkEvents() new events found=0
CONSOLE DBG-2:2020-07-05,16:58:15 PARENT: There are 0 new Events to process
CONSOLE DBG-2:2020-07-05,16:58:15 PARENT: ---------->Tick END<--------------
CONSOLE DBG-2:2020-07-05,16:58:20 PARENT: ---------->Tick START<--------------
CONSOLE DBG-2:2020-07-05,16:58:20 PARENT: There are 0 active child forks...
CONSOLE DBG-2:2020-07-05,16:58:20 PARENT: checkEvents() new events found=0
CONSOLE DBG-2:2020-07-05,16:58:20 PARENT: There are 0 new Events to process
CONSOLE DBG-2:2020-07-05,16:58:20 PARENT: ---------->Tick END<--------------



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On 12/3/2019 at 3:00 PM, ridewithjoe said:

Unfortunately, even though there are a ton of configs, zoneminder.subdomain.conf is not there.  I'll try and find it online. 


EDIT: Oddly enough.... I cannot seem to find a location with zoneminder.subdomain.conf anywhere.... .wonder if it was removed for some reason. Even reinstalled the letsencrypt docker and that config is not present in the list at all.

@ridewithjoe - Did you ever manage to find the .conf setting? (having the same problems - although i'm looking for subfolder.conf) 

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On 7/11/2020 at 6:07 AM, Cad DIk said:

@ridewithjoe - Did you ever manage to find the .conf setting? (having the same problems - although i'm looking for subfolder.conf) 

You'll just have to create the .conf using the following..


server {
    listen 443 ssl;
    listen [::]:443 ssl;

    server_name zoneminder.*;

    include /config/nginx/ssl.conf;

    client_max_body_size 0;

    location /zm {
        include /config/nginx/proxy.conf;
        proxy_pass https://IPADDRESSOFYOURSERVER:8443/zm;


I was having trouble finding it too but found it on this post and currently using it.

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If I am in the wrong place I apologize.
Zoneminder running in a docker on Unraid

I have many Onvif Chinese Cameras, all of them, but one has HTTP access to "IP Camera" and use the CamHi app.

I have a new one that does not have HTTP access and uses the Icsee app, if I go to the IP address on a pc it installs an app NetSurveillance WEB.

I want to get PTZ working in Zoneminder, but have not been able to figure this out.

For my CamHi cams, the source path that I use is rtsp://xxxxxx:[email protected]:554/1

For my Icsee cam the source path that I use is rtsp://

Onvif device manager controls the PTZ on all of my PTZ cams.

The cameras controlled by Camhi respond to PTZ commands from CamHi, HTTP and OnvifDM
The cameras controlled by Icsee respond to PTZ commands from Icsee, HTTP and OnvifDM

Thanks for any help provided.


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1 minute ago, kysdaddy said:

If I am in the wrong place I apologize.
Zoneminder running in a docker on Unraid

I have many Onvif Chinese Cameras, all of them, but one has HTTP access to "IP Camera" and use the CamHi app.

I have a new one that does not have HTTP access and uses the Icsee app, if I go to the IP address on a pc it installs an app NetSurveillance WEB.

I want to get PTZ working in Zoneminder, but have not been able to figure this out.

For my CamHi cams, the source path that I use is rtsp://xxxxxx:[email protected]:554/1

For my Icsee cam the source path that I use is rtsp://

Onvif device manager controls the PTZ on all of my PTZ cams.

The cameras controlled by Camhi respond to PTZ commands from CamHi, HTTP and OnvifDM
The cameras controlled by Icsee respond to PTZ commands from Icsee, HTTP and OnvifDM

Thanks for any help provided.


Go to the Zoneminder forums for this support.

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6 minutes ago, kysdaddy said:

I'm sorry, I should have asked this when you first directed me to Zonemider forums, should I post this in a different forum, I posted in the Docker forum? 

This is the proper forum for Zoneminder docker issues.  The issue you have is with Zoneminder itself and the better place to get answers for Zoneminder is their forums.

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Working fine for me.  The only change was an update to the baseimage used for the docker.  Still Ubuntu 18.04.  Should not make a difference.

I think these two lines are the problem... but I’ve never setup a db for ZoneMinder. How can I fix or repair existing sql db?? Appears it’s contained within docker image itself but I’ve never messed with it?

Jul 20 18:25:09 056fe99db366 zmpkg[1115]: ERR [Error reconnecting to db: errstr:Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2) error val:]

Jul 20 18:25:09 056fe99db366 zmpkg[1115]: ERR [Error reconnecting to db: errstr:Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2) error val:]
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4 minutes ago, blaine07 said:

I think these two lines are the problem... but I’ve never setup a db for ZoneMinder. How can I fix or repair existing sql db?? Appears it’s contained within docker image itself but I’ve never messed with it?

Jul 20 18:25:09 056fe99db366 zmpkg[1115]: ERR [Error reconnecting to db: errstr:Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2) error val:]

Jul 20 18:25:09 056fe99db366 zmpkg[1115]: ERR [Error reconnecting to db: errstr:Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2) error val:]

Mysql is built into the docker.  You shouldn't have to do anything to set it up.


Try removing the docker and re-installing it.

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Mysql is built into the docker.  You shouldn't have to do anything to set it up.
Try removing the docker and re-installing it.

Tried that earlier; sadly. Deleted image. Didn’t re-set it back up but did remove and re-install hoping MySQL would reinstall/fix and sadly it didn’t. [emoji848] Any other ideas? Thanks for your time you put into this man; I truly am appreciative. Just not sure what else to do sans starting over all together. I dont remember logins to one of the few cameras setup in it as it was a old Iris by Lowe’s camera that got moved and not documented. Fail on my part lol
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4 minutes ago, blaine07 said:

Tried that earlier; sadly. Deleted image. Didn’t re-set it back up but did remove and re-install hoping MySQL would reinstall/fix and sadly it didn’t. emoji848.png Any other ideas? Thanks for your time you put into this man; I truly am appreciative. Just not sure what else to do sans starting over all together. I dont remember logins to one of the few cameras setup in it as it was a old Iris by Lowe’s camera that got moved and not documented. Fail on my part lol

Try getting some help on the ZM forum.

Edited by dlandon
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10 hours ago, blaine07 said:

Could it be a permissions issue? How could I check/restore/repair permissions if that were the case sir? I see a Docker Safe New Perms in Tools but it says it excludes appdata?

Don't run the New Perms on appdata, it will totally mess up the permissions.  The correct permissions are set by the Docer when it is run.


Take a look at appdata/Zoneminder in Unraid and confirm you have the mysql folder.

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Don't run the New Perms on appdata, it will totally mess up the permissions.  The correct permissions are set by the Docer when it is run.
Take a look at appdata/Zoneminder in Unraid and confirm you have the mysql folder.

In the ZoneMinder folder:


Inside SQL Folder:

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