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DSM UI On docker + unraid


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Hi guys, I create a first version of Xpenology on a Docker(Running inside a VM)


Install Xpenology it's a mess on, so I simplfied the process you only need to execute one docker command and you have your Xpenology instance working on any Host machine (with KVM support)


I Created this docker because I wanted to have power/beauty Synology UI but I wanted Hard drive managment of unraid.

So you can access your files using NFS/glusterFS from xpenologyDocker to your unraid Host and get all the awesome features of DSM.

I didn't push the final image to the docker hub because I don't know if could be ilegal to push and image with xpenology on it.

So you need to build it before, but it's very simple and easy.

Edited by segator
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Brilliant, about to give this a shot and see how it goes...  Thanks for setting this up.  Also, I see it's now up on docker hub...  Do we still need to go through all the install processes listed on your github page or is that all already done with it in the hub?  (installing 9p drivers etc)



Edited by dnoyeb
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anyone else trying to use this yet?  trying to use the docker image that's up on the docker hub but am not sure which settings must be assigned manually...  


Keeps erroring out on me with the following:


ERROR: AUTO_ATTACH incorrect or undefined. It must be one of [Yy1Nn0]


debating on trying to set this up via his github; but was hoping that i'm just missing something with the docker image.

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  • 3 weeks later...

For those of you trying out his docker, grab it via community apps; then edit the repo to say "segator/xpenology:6.1.3-15152" and setup a file path of /image in the docker to a spot on your machine for the image to be stored (something like /mnt/user/appdata/xpenology) and setup port forwarding for 5000.  Also, set it to run privileged.


I'm noticing it thinks the NIC is only at 10/100; not sure whats causing that.  



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On 10/30/2017 at 8:00 PM, dnoyeb said:

For those of you trying out his docker, grab it via community apps; then edit the repo to say "segator/xpenology:6.1.3-15152[...].  



Maybe I am doing something wrong, but I found nothing like this in the community apps. I searched for DSM, xpenology, segator and there is nothing like that showing up on searches (on Unraid 6.3.5 here).


Could you please point me to the right direction?


Thanks in advance.

Edited by denishay
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Maybe I am doing something wrong, but I found nothing like this in the community apps. I searched for DSM, xpenology, segator and there is nothing like that showing up on searches (on Unraid 6.3.5 here).
Could you please point me to the right direction?
Thanks in advance.
In CA settings enable her more results from docker hub
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Made some headway yesterday... try the following:


Download img file from here named "synoboot_jun102b_virtio.zip" https://xpenology.com/forum/topic/7387-tutorial-dsm-6x-on-proxmox/?page=2 , put in folder for build, (a folder on your unraid box for doing the build)
Download GitHub repo files and folders from https://github.com/segator/xpenology-docker
You should now have a file called synoboot.img, Dockerfile, readme and a folder named bin with files in it.
Edit the file Dockerfile and uncomment out the #ENV VM_MAC "00:11:32:2C:A7:85" line and put a # in front of the other mac address line.
Now execute the following docker build -t segator/xpenology .   (note the ".")
Create new docker in the docker tab name it xpenology, name the repo segator/xpenology, setup paths for /image to be a folder in app data, setup a port forwarding for 5000.  Turn on privileged mode
Start up.  
open web browser, goto your http://youripaddress:5000 . 
Edited by dnoyeb
updated instructions
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Next things i'm trying to figure out is how to pass QEMU/KVM Arguments so I can add other virtual hard drives to it and trying to add .ko files for 9p.  The links on his page focus more on Windows which I don't have access to right now; so trying to find a linux / mac guide for adding the 9p drivers.  



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21 minutes ago, Squid said:

I'm surprised that a search for segator through CA didn't pull up the results included xpenology


Hi Squid,


Do you mean this seach does bring results for you? I had thought about trying to restart unraid, but it shouldn't change anything related to that (and I also have an ongoing online backup due to finish in approx. 2 days so I'm trying to avoid interruptions).

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47 minutes ago, dnoyeb said:

I would just build it the way I mentioned above.  It has the Virtio drivers built in; which you will want.  Not sure if the version he put up on docker hub does or not.  BTW on community apps you search for DSM, not xpenology.


Or search for his handle, segator


Hi dnoyeb,


As you might have seen from my posts, I did search for that too, but it doesn't show up for me. (see here: https://pasteboard.co/GRE1Y7I.png).

I'll wait a couple of days and restart unraid and see if that still does that.


Edited by denishay
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27 minutes ago, denishay said:


Hi dnoyeb,


As you might have seen from my posts, I did search for that too, but it doesn't show up for me. (see here: https://pasteboard.co/GRE1Y7I.png).

I'll wait a couple of days and restart unraid and see if that still does that.


Possible CA bug.  Is there an icon above the Get More Results From Docker?  You have to click on it to get the results from docker hub

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So to further the fun, I received the 9p drivers and rebuilt the synoboot.img file via the instructions on Segator's github page.  Playing around now with 9p; hope to get it working.  If I can just figure out how to get more than one virtual disk to show up; i'll be golden.  


Here's a screenshot of my settings if you use the directions I posted above for building it off his github.  I have port 5022 forwarding to 22 as well so I can SSH into the box.



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Ok, sweetness.  Got 9p somewhat working as well...  For some reason I can view the files in the file station; but if i try to copy a file from the mounted 9p folder to another; it's not working..  not sure whats up there.  


Key pieces of information here from his Github page...\

by default this docker image map the path /data to the 9p "hostdata" 

mkdir /volume1/\@unraid
mount -t 9p -o trans=virtio,version=9p2000.L,msize=262144  hostdata /my/host/data

So, be sure to add a /data mount point to your docker page like below.  Keep in mind that whatever path you put in there will be shared with xpenology.... so if you want your entire unraid mnts showing, do it as /mnt/user/ 




I'll try and post up my version of the img file with the 9p files baked in, once using it; you just need to remount the mount point after a reboot (script it).  



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  • 2 weeks later...

Would also like some update on this.

I'm getting nowhere,  i've no idea how to add that new Data tab. 
Only able to direct to the folder set up previously with synoboot.img and docker files, plus port number.

Before i was running baremetal xpenology and i'm trying unraid for first time. Complete noob!

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