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Hi gang, hope i'm not being a pest in this thread (although i think i'm the only one reading it anyway!)


i've got yamj to appear on my pch, but playing movies always fails.  i believe this typically indicates a library path problem, but you unraid experts might have other suggestions!?!  Note, i posted this also on the yamj forums but they may feel its a unraid situation, not a yamj situation!


any ways any and all help is much appreciated!  i will definitely post the resolution in the interests of helping others! 


Hello community!


I’m a pretty long time yamj user… maybe 4 or 5 years!  I recently built an unraid server and moved all my media over to it.  I have yamj setup (with nmtserver) on my pc, to serve media from the server, over to my pch.  My pc is currently the middle man.

I want to remove the middle man!  I have installed yamj right on the linux-based unraid server as per instructions in this thread on the unraid boards…


I believe everything installed correctly as I can see yamj on my pch, however whenever I choose to watch a file, yamj thinks for a few seconds, then just returns to the menu.  I recognize this as probably a library problem?  Here is my library.xml file.  I have all my media on a multi drive spanning share on the the unraid server called ‘Media’.  The server name is Tower.  Yamj is installed within this share, and so is the jukebox.





    <exclude name="YAMJ/, Jukebox/, YAMJ Backup/"/>







Does anyone have any advice on how I can trouble shoot?  I’ve tried rebuilding the jukebox a few different ways, ie eliminating ‘tower’ and just having ‘Media’…I’m happy to try rebuilding it another way if there’s any other suggestions?!?

Any and all advice is appreciated!!!




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It's been a long time since I set up YAMJ (2009). I have not modified anything since. If it's not broke, and doing what I want, don't even tweak is my philosophy!


I'm traveling and once I get home, I'll look at my settings and reply back.


I remembered one thing, the buttons "play" and "select" operate differently, Do you get the same response for either remote control function? I'm not sure what happenes when I press "play", I've always pressed "select" or "OK".


Just confirmed the remote doesn't have "OK" or "Select" It's labeled "ENTER", the cursor center button. Give that a try.




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Hi gang, hope i'm not being a pest in this thread (although i think i'm the only one reading it anyway!)


i've got yamj to appear on my pch, but playing movies always fails.  i believe this typically indicates a library path problem, but you unraid experts might have other suggestions!?!  Note, i posted this also on the yamj forums but they may feel its a unraid situation, not a yamj situation!


any ways any and all help is much appreciated!  i will definitely post the resolution in the interests of helping others! 


Hello community!


I’m a pretty long time yamj user… maybe 4 or 5 years!  I recently built an unraid server and moved all my media over to it.  I have yamj setup (with nmtserver) on my pc, to serve media from the server, over to my pch.  My pc is currently the middle man.

I want to remove the middle man!  I have installed yamj right on the linux-based unraid server as per instructions in this thread on the unraid boards…


I believe everything installed correctly as I can see yamj on my pch, however whenever I choose to watch a file, yamj thinks for a few seconds, then just returns to the menu.  I recognize this as probably a library problem?  Here is my library.xml file.  I have all my media on a multi drive spanning share on the the unraid server called ‘Media’.  The server name is Tower.  Yamj is installed within this share, and so is the jukebox.





    <exclude name="YAMJ/, Jukebox/, YAMJ Backup/"/>







Does anyone have any advice on how I can trouble shoot?  I’ve tried rebuilding the jukebox a few different ways, ie eliminating ‘tower’ and just having ‘Media’…I’m happy to try rebuilding it another way if there’s any other suggestions?!?

Any and all advice is appreciated!!!


I seem to remember having a similar issue which in the end turned out to be a case sensitivity issue.

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Update:  good news and bad news


Good news:  problem solved, all is working!!!


Bad news:  I’m really not sure how I fixed it.  Tried a million things.  For certain I know that I had to remove the tower: part and just have media as my share.

I think also something that fixed it was on the PCH, under share name, I previously had ‘server’, and then under address it was smb:\\tower\media.  Changed the server name from server to media (the actual name of the share).  i thought on the pch i could 'name' the share anything i wanted, as long as the path was correct under the address part... i guess maybe it needs the exact share name under the 'name' and the 'path'


Not sure exactly what fixed it but thought I’d share anyway!!!


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hi again, now that things are working i'd like to add a cron job for yamj rescan at 2am... i'm not sure how to do this?


i add tv shows almost daily and i'd like them to be updated at 2am, prior to my mover script at the default of 3:40am...


any advice?  tried googling but still haven't found...



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Have you considered this script? http://www.networkedmediatank.com/showthread.php?tid=49826&highlight=script+changes


It auto runs YAMJ on a file change.




that does look interesting, thanks for sharing.  i think i'd prefer the cron route so it could run in the middle of the night... plus i don't really want to run say 5 times when 5 new shows are added.... for my purposes, i don't need it real time updated, but a daily update would work well for my needs


i do appreciate it though!



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  • 1 month later...

I've had my unRaid for a couple of years.  About 750 movies on the unRaid and viewed via Popcorn Hour.  Really tired of the tree directory navigation and want to give this a go.  My tech / code knowledge is low on the scale of what I read on these forums.  I did get this far on my own though!


Wish me luck.  I hope there's someone out there still reading this thread because I know I'm going to hit a few walls!


One quick question - how long does the initial scanning of about 750 movies take? 

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I've had my unRaid for a couple of years.  About 750 movies on the unRaid and viewed via Popcorn Hour.  Really tired of the tree directory navigation and want to give this a go.  My tech / code knowledge is low on the scale of what I read on these forums.  I did get this far on my own though!


Wish me luck.  I hope there's someone out there still reading this thread because I know I'm going to hit a few walls!


One quick question - how long does the initial scanning of about 750 movies take?


What model of popcornhour do you have?


It will take at least 2-3 hours.


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I've had my unRaid for a couple of years.  About 750 movies on the unRaid and viewed via Popcorn Hour.  Really tired of the tree directory navigation and want to give this a go.  My tech / code knowledge is low on the scale of what I read on these forums.  I did get this far on my own though!


Wish me luck.  I hope there's someone out there still reading this thread because I know I'm going to hit a few walls!


One quick question - how long does the initial scanning of about 750 movies take?


What model of popcornhour do you have?


It will take at least 2-3 hours.


That's not how YAMJ works. The time will depend on the speed of the PC, hard drives, internet connection and other factors. It has nothing to do with the PCH.

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I've had my unRaid for a couple of years.  About 750 movies on the unRaid and viewed via Popcorn Hour.  Really tired of the tree directory navigation and want to give this a go.  My tech / code knowledge is low on the scale of what I read on these forums.  I did get this far on my own though!


Wish me luck.  I hope there's someone out there still reading this thread because I know I'm going to hit a few walls!


One quick question - how long does the initial scanning of about 750 movies take?


What model of popcornhour do you have?


It will take at least 2-3 hours.


That's not how YAMJ works. The time will depend on the speed of the PC, hard drives, internet connection and other factors. It has nothing to do with the PCH.


I didn't mean to imply that it depends on PCH model  - I just wanted to know what model so I could recommend either an HTML skin or FLASH (eversion) skin.


I have the same size movie collection and with an average PC/HDDs/Network connection it takes me about 2-3 hours to run a full (from scratch) YAMJ scrape.

After that it take minutes just to update new movies when added.


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I have the A-200 Popcorn hour. 


When you say PC - I hope you mean unRaid.  My unRaid was build 09/2010:

Supermicro MBD-X7SBE LGA 775 chipset


Intel Celeron 430


Is having YAMJ on the NAS or on the laptop I upload my iso's to the best option?  Reading more about this it seems when I upload my iso's (through a laptop connected to the network) I could simply update YAMJ on my laptop at the same time and it would create a updated file on the unraid that Popcorn hour would access when starting up.  Is this correct?  So, YAMJ on the NAS or created from the laptop is a decision I have to make.  Best option?


The link on Lime Tech's site to YAMJ no longer functions - can I download directly from YAMJ website?


I'll start this entire process tomorrow.  Glad to know someone is out there!

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Try this : http://download.lime-technology.com/download/


Works like a charm for me with eversion skin


I have the A-200 Popcorn hour. 


When you say PC - I hope you mean unRaid.  My unRaid was build 09/2010:

Supermicro MBD-X7SBE LGA 775 chipset


Intel Celeron 430


Is having YAMJ on the NAS or on the laptop I upload my iso's to the best option?  Reading more about this it seems when I upload my iso's (through a laptop connected to the network) I could simply update YAMJ on my laptop at the same time and it would create a updated file on the unraid that Popcorn hour would access when starting up.  Is this correct?  So, YAMJ on the NAS or created from the laptop is a decision I have to make.  Best option?


The link on Lime Tech's site to YAMJ no longer functions - can I download directly from YAMJ website?


I'll start this entire process tomorrow.  Glad to know someone is out there!

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Ran YAMJ on my laptop.  Had a few hiccups but now it's working.  Wow, I wished I'd have done this so much sooner.  I'm cleaning up my filenames so I don't have to edit the index file - I'd rather it gets it right on its own.  I think I'll move on to a skin after this.  I've tried a file manager (don't have the name with me here at work) but didn't get my changes to 'stick'.  I'm trying to remove the small language banners at the top corner of the cover art and running into problems.  My 'change this code line to...' skills are lacking but I'll keep trying.  Once I'm done cleaning up a few more errors (cover art / movie listings that I don't have so I have to search that out / TV series (mostly my kid's shows) need to be turned into series / and dead links where you hit play and nothing happens) I'll move forward.


So glad I'm doing this but at first was daunting.  I wished there was a better one place sticky guide for director / filename structure.  I did eventually find the google code wiki pages which helped immensely.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Have Aeon skin with yamj working on pc.  It took me a few starts to get cover art and links to work.  I tried to have my kid's dvds that are actually tv episodes displayed as tv episodes but that made no sense after I realized it.  Now all is working nicely.  I am still copying jukebox folder and index file over to share on unRAID after each addition of a movie and want to move from this.  I'm ready to make the switch to it running on my unRAID.  Link to original file needed is dead (on Lime-Technology site).  I've seen a link to another site (not the mediafire site) but can't find it.  Anyone know the URL?

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I really need help to set this up (someone should start a new topic for this, this is way too old and out-of-date)


Now how do i set yamj latest version and eversion up?

I downloaded yamj from link pippobimbo

i followed the steps in the first post until when i need to invoke the yamj-rescan

I didnt do that yet cause:

1. i dont have the latest yamj version installed yet

2. i dont have eversion installed yet


And i think once i would invoke it, all covers and stull will already be made..

so how do i go further this..



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What does Eversion add/bring to the table?  Is it easier to set up?  Does it run / scan faster?


I have the next two days free so I'll be installing yamj on unraid Friday or Saturday.


Eversion runs on top of YAMJ - it is just a flash skin.


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What does Eversion add/bring to the table?  Is it easier to set up?  Does it run / scan faster?


I have the next two days free so I'll be installing yamj on unraid Friday or Saturday.


Well , if you could tell me step by step :) i'll be glad to follow

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