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1.i want to install Plex, on my app i see two main options and i try to choose

between linuxserver plex or the plexinc plex .


2. i google it what people recommend more, i didnt see really good asnwer, i hope i will get answer here (:

also, the option of seeing where i want to date inside my plex from anywhere - how much its safe? can i use wil VPN somehow to do it safer? there is port that i need to open because of it? 


Thank you

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4 minutes ago, codo1234 said:

1.i want to install Plex, on my app i see two main options and i try to choose

between linuxserver plex or the plexinc plex .

Fundamentally, zero difference.  (The official Plex container is actually based on linuxserver's version).  Support wise though you'll get better results from using the LinuxServer


As for 2, I don't use Plex so will let others answer

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If you buy a plex pass (recommended) you can login to your plex server from any computer anywhere with an internet connection. You are logging into plex though, not your server, in other words if you want to login to your server to access stuff other then plex, then yes, you need a VPN solution for unRAID.

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Agree with ashman70, i'm using plex pass in combination with all my traffic running trough a VPN provider.

To be able to run that setup you will need to make custom routes on your Unraid machine to get it working.

Plex does not support this out of the box sadly, since u can't select the binding interface with plex.


You can also connect trough your own local network trough a private VPN and then connect to the local plex server.

This also requires some knowledge about setting up a VPN server and setting up a connection on your remote devices.



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10 hours ago, SiNtEnEl said:

If u are using the LinuxServer plex docker u should set the Media path to a path on your unraid server where u store your content.

Then in Plex browse to /media path and it will be shared to your unraid physical path that u have set in the docker config.

i did it, not working, i dont see nothing on pkex share inside/

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You dont need to buy plex pass to access your server from outisde (!)


You just need to buy the corresponding app for your device, like if u wanna watch on android... you need to buy one time the android app.

Via browser you can always access your plex.

You need port forwarding. (in your router) You can then access plex via http://yourip:yourport or via log in on plex.tv


If your ip changes, you can also use DNS like http://thatsyourname.whatever:yourport (i use ddclient docker to automaticel set the correct IP)


How secure it is? As secure as everything, as far as i know, there wasnt a remote exploit for plex till today. So its safer then windows and many other programs u use every day. 

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