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Plex Slowdown After 6.4.0 Update?


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Hey All,


Just wondering if anyone else had see a slowdown after the update to 6.4.0?  It may be unrelated but it seems that after I updated to 6.4 plex has not been as responsive.  This is on my local network.  For example we have 2 trailers play before a movie and it takes 15-30 seconds for the trailer to load.  Switching between libraries on the plex media play big screen mode will sometimes not have any art for 30 seconds or so. 


I uninstalled/re-installed the media player on the target machine with no change.  Not sure where to start to see if this is related to unraid, or just plex by itself.




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On 16/02/2018 at 2:40 AM, gzibell said:

Hey All,


Just wondering if anyone else had see a slowdown after the update to 6.4.0?  It may be unrelated but it seems that after I updated to 6.4 plex has not been as responsive.  This is on my local network.  For example we have 2 trailers play before a movie and it takes 15-30 seconds for the trailer to load.  Switching between libraries on the plex media play big screen mode will sometimes not have any art for 30 seconds or so. 


I uninstalled/re-installed the media player on the target machine with no change.  Not sure where to start to see if this is related to unraid, or just plex by itself.





20 hours ago, gzibell said:

Anyone else seeing this at all?  Suggestions on where to look?


I have also noticed this, however I'm having separate issues on my unRAID server at the moment which could be causing the performance issue. Also my performance issue isnt just isolate to Plex, its affecting all my docker containers and general network browsing etc.


How many docker containers are you running?

Are you running a cache drive? If so, is your plex server metadata on the cache drive, and your media files on your array?

have you run docker stats while you're using Plex and watched the resources? is there anything abnormal?


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3 hours ago, blade316 said:



I have also noticed this, however I'm having separate issues on my unRAID server at the moment which could be causing the performance issue. Also my performance issue isnt just isolate to Plex, its affecting all my docker containers and general network browsing etc.


How many docker containers are you running?

Are you running a cache drive? If so, is your plex server metadata on the cache drive, and your media files on your array?

have you run docker stats while you're using Plex and watched the resources? is there anything abnormal?



I am sure it is affecting my server as a whole as well.  Plex is just the thing that we use the most so it is the most noticeable.  I am curious if it has something to do with the network settings I checked mine and had bonding enabled but only one nic so I disabled that for now. 


I have 13 docker containers running, Yes on the cach drive and yes that is where plex lives.  Media is all on the array.


How do you run docker stats?


Found a thread on the plex forums with an issue with the live tv dvr function.  Are you using that?  They said it was spiking cpu and all sorts of stuff.  Apparently it was corrected in the latest build of plex (which I am on).  Just curious what similarities we have in our systems. 


Will give it a try tonight when I get home and see if it has improved with disabling bonding.



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  • 2 weeks later...
On 22/02/2018 at 2:25 AM, gzibell said:

How do you run docker stats?



SSH into your unraid box, or if you have v6.4+ use the new terminal option in the WebUI. 


Then you can type 'docker stats', however this lists via container ID rather than container name


So I use 'docker stats $(docker ps --format={{.Names}})'



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Is 300% CPU% abnormal?? Not sure how that happens.  Unraid GUI shows 100% CPU while docker stats show 300%. That is when I started a trans code from a remote player. Mem usage is at 180MB-260MB out of 16GB.  Total mem usage on the system sits at around 60%



I also disabled plex dvr to see if that made a difference and changes the network settings of my unraid box on neither made a difference.  Playing a trailer before movie takes a crazy long time to load.  Used to be almost instant, now it is 20 secs if it starts at all.  Plex GUI still seems to lag behind what it used to me as well. 


Did you make any progress on the issues you were seeing?

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11 minutes ago, gzibell said:

docker stats show 300%

Dividing by the number of cores you have will yield what that process is consuming.  And depending upon your processor speed / core count, how hard the transcode is etc its not out of the ordinary to max out your processor doing a transcode

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That makes sense then.  Just though it was weird it shows 300%.  I don't think there is anything out of the ordinary then shown in docker stats.  I wonder if I should just setup an alternate plex docker, add a limited library and see if I get the same issues or not. 

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3 hours ago, gzibell said:

That makes sense then.  Just though it was weird it shows 300%.  I don't think there is anything out of the ordinary then shown in docker stats.  I wonder if I should just setup an alternate plex docker, add a limited library and see if I get the same issues or not. 


Whih Plex container are you running? 

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  • 1 month later...

This may be a facepalm moment but I think I may have finally figure out my issue.  Was digging around other threads and was just about to start the process of deleting/rebuilding my docker image from scratch to see if I saw an improvement. 


Then I started to wonder where the docker image was stored. I check docker settings, saw the path.  Went to my cache drive to make sure it was there I guess and nothing.  docker.img didn't exist on the cache drive.  Dug a bit more and found it on one of the drives on the array. 


Checked share settings and sure enough it was set to "Prefer" for use cache disk. 


I won't be able to verify until I get home but I am pretty confident that my cache drive got full, and mover did what it was supposed to and ninja moved docker.img on the array without me noticing.  Got it moved back to the cache drive now so I can test to verify when I get home.


Sucks to admit but hope it was this simple and just didn't catch it.  Might be time to upgrade the cache drive.

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3 hours ago, gzibell said:

mover did what it was supposed to and ninja moved docker.img on the array without me noticing


If the share containing your docker.img really is set to Cache Prefer then the mover wouldn't do that. If you found docker.img on an array disk then either it was created there or at some time you changed the setting to Cache Yes.


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Hmm, well bummer.  I moved it to the cache drive anyway and didn't see any change at all.  Might be time to rebuild docker image as when the server reboots the docker service fails to start. 


I have to do into settings and flip docker off, then back on again for it to start.  Power outage last night did it again where no dockers we shown/running. Flip of off then back on and away I go again.


Found a different thread where users were reporting this and rebuilding the docker image seemed to resolve it.

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11 minutes ago, gzibell said:

Might be time to rebuild docker image

This is so easy that you might as well do it anyway. Community Applications - Previous Apps makes it very easy to reinstall your dockers with all of their previous settings.


The cache-prefer setting will only move from array to cache. The typical scenario is someone will setup docker before they add a cache drive, so it gets created on the array. Later when they add a cache drive, it is supposed to be moved to cache, but mover can't move any file that is open, so stopping docker service then starting mover is usually necessary to get it moved.


Here is a more detailed explanation of the Use cache settings:




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I was a little scared of the docker image rebuild.  Not sure why.  Man that was painless with the previous apps.  Select all, hit go, and done.  All just the way it was before and up and running.  Will test again tonight and see if the issue is resolved or not.

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