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DiskSpeed, hdd/ssd benchmarking (unRAID 6+), version 2.10.9

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EDIT: I rebooted my server for update purposes. When I went back into the diskspeed docker all the results from the last benchmark were not there. Aren't they supposed to be there? I did not perform a purge and the last time I looked at the diskspeed main screen the results were there. Now there is nothing except the option to benchmark drives again. I did save the results as a JPG and uploaded my results to the HD DB. If the results aren't supposed to be there on a docker reload then I'm good. If the results from the last benchmark are supposed to show up, then something is wrong.


I finally got results. And when I view the main screen I see the results now. Purging everything and starting from scratch I guess did the trick. I have a question. I'm using an old 4TB TB drive as a cache drive. It is not used to copy files as a mover or anything, just to save some appdata. Having such a slow drive as my cache, does this slow down my entire array speed?


Edited by opentoe
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Hi, everyone! I added pci-e adapter (sata ssd + nvme ssd) and when I am trying to open DiskSpeed UI - can see next error:

DiskSpeed - Disk Diagnostics & Reporting tool
Version: 2.10.1

Scanning Hardware - A change was detected on the drive configuration.
18:10:42 Spinning up hard drives
18:10:42 Scanning system storage
18:10:43 Scanning USB Bus
18:10:43 Scanning hard drives
Lucee Error (application)
Message	Error invoking external process
Detail	/dev/nvme0n1: No such file or directory
Send an Identify Namespace command to the given device, returns properties of
the specified namespace in either human-readable or binary format. Can also
return binary vendor-specific namespace attributes. [ --namespace-id=<NUM>, -n <NUM> ] --- identifier of desired namespace
[ --force, -f ] --- Return this namespace, even if
not attaced (1.2 devices only)
[ --vendor-specific, -v ] --- dump binary vendor fields
[ --raw-binary, -b ] --- show identify in binary format
[ --output-format=<FMT>, -o <FMT> ] --- Output format: normal|json|binary
[ --human-readable, -H ] --- show identify in readable format
Stacktrace	The Error Occurred in
/var/www/ScanControllers.cfm: line 923
921: <CFFILE action="write" file="#PersistDir#/#exe()#_nvme_id-ns_#ListLast(DiskInfo.Node[CF],'/')#_exec.txt" output="/usr/sbin/nvme id-ns #DiskInfo.Node[CF]#" addnewline="NO" mode="666">
922: <CFIF URL.Debug NEQ "FOOBAR"><cfmodule template="cf_flushfs.cfm"></CFIF>
923: <CFEXECUTE name="/usr/sbin/nvme" arguments="id-ns #DiskInfo.Node[CF]#" timeout="300" variable="Info" />
924: <CFFILE action="write" file="#PersistDir#/#exe()#_nvme_id-ns_#ListLast(DiskInfo.Node[CF],'/')#.txt" output="#Info#" addnewline="NO" mode="666">
925: <CFSET Info=ColumnsToStruct(Info)>

called from /var/www/ScanControllers.cfm: line 884
882: </CFLOOP>
883: </CFIF>
884: </CFLOOP>
886: <!--- Get drive information for NVME drives using nvmi-cli --->

Java Stacktrace	lucee.runtime.exp.ApplicationException: Error invoking external process
  at lucee.runtime.tag.Execute.doEndTag(Execute.java:266)
  at scancontrollers_cfm$cf.call_000138(/ScanControllers.cfm:923)
  at scancontrollers_cfm$cf.call(/ScanControllers.cfm:884)
  at lucee.runtime.PageContextImpl._doInclude(PageContextImpl.java:1056)
  at lucee.runtime.PageContextImpl._doInclude(PageContextImpl.java:948)
  at lucee.runtime.listener.ClassicAppListener._onRequest(ClassicAppListener.java:65)
  at lucee.runtime.listener.MixedAppListener.onRequest(MixedAppListener.java:45)
  at lucee.runtime.PageContextImpl.execute(PageContextImpl.java:2493)
  at lucee.runtime.PageContextImpl._execute(PageContextImpl.java:2478)
  at lucee.runtime.PageContextImpl.executeCFML(PageContextImpl.java:2449)
  at lucee.runtime.engine.Request.exe(Request.java:45)
  at lucee.runtime.engine.CFMLEngineImpl._service(CFMLEngineImpl.java:1216)
  at lucee.runtime.engine.CFMLEngineImpl.serviceCFML(CFMLEngineImpl.java:1162)
  at lucee.loader.engine.CFMLEngineWrapper.serviceCFML(CFMLEngineWrapper.java:97)
  at lucee.loader.servlet.CFMLServlet.service(CFMLServlet.java:51)
  at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:764)
  at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:227)
  at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:162)
  at org.apache.tomcat.websocket.server.WsFilter.doFilter(WsFilter.java:53)
  at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:189)
  at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:162)
  at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve.invoke(StandardWrapperValve.java:197)
  at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContextValve.invoke(StandardContextValve.java:97)
  at org.apache.catalina.authenticator.AuthenticatorBase.invoke(AuthenticatorBase.java:541)
  at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHostValve.invoke(StandardHostValve.java:135)
  at org.apache.catalina.valves.ErrorReportValve.invoke(ErrorReportValve.java:92)
  at org.apache.catalina.valves.AbstractAccessLogValve.invoke(AbstractAccessLogValve.java:687)
  at org.apache.catalina.valves.RemoteIpValve.invoke(RemoteIpValve.java:769)
  at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngineValve.invoke(StandardEngineValve.java:78)
  at org.apache.catalina.connector.CoyoteAdapter.service(CoyoteAdapter.java:360)
  at org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Processor.service(Http11Processor.java:399)
  at org.apache.coyote.AbstractProcessorLight.process(AbstractProcessorLight.java:65)
  at org.apache.coyote.AbstractProtocol$ConnectionHandler.process(AbstractProtocol.java:890)
  at org.apache.tomcat.util.net.NioEndpoint$SocketProcessor.doRun(NioEndpoint.java:1789)
  at org.apache.tomcat.util.net.SocketProcessorBase.run(SocketProcessorBase.java:49)
  at org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1191)
  at org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:659)
  at org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.TaskThread$WrappingRunnable.run(TaskThread.java:61)
  at java.base/java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:829)

Where /dev/nvme0n1 - is my nvme disk installed in adapter.


Is it possible to solve it? Thanks! 

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17 hours ago, opentoe said:

EDIT: I rebooted my server for update purposes. When I went back into the diskspeed docker all the results from the last benchmark were not there. Aren't they supposed to be there? I did not perform a purge and the last time I looked at the diskspeed main screen the results were there. Now there is nothing except the option to benchmark drives again. I did save the results as a JPG and uploaded my results to the HD DB. If the results aren't supposed to be there on a docker reload then I'm good. If the results from the last benchmark are supposed to show up, then something is wrong.


I finally got results. And when I view the main screen I see the results now. Purging everything and starting from scratch I guess did the trick. I have a question. I'm using an old 4TB TB drive as a cache drive. It is not used to copy files as a mover or anything, just to save some appdata. Having such a slow drive as my cache, does this slow down my entire array speed?


If you clicked the Upload button before you purged, then you can restore the first benchmark by clicking on the individual drives as instructed in my previous post. If you hadn't uploaded, then they are gone and can't be recovered. If you don't suspect anything wrong with a drive, then you're probably fine with the latest run. As a general rule, you typically don't want to purge and start from scratch. It'll automatically rescan if it detects a change with your drives (or between DiskSpeed versions) but if it doesn't, then you can click the manual scan (left most button).


Having a slow drive in your cache doesn't affect your array speeds.

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2 hours ago, d3m3zs said:

Hi, everyone! I added pci-e adapter (sata ssd + nvme ssd) and when I am trying to open DiskSpeed UI - can see next error:

DiskSpeed - Disk Diagnostics & Reporting tool
Version: 2.10.1

Scanning Hardware - A change was detected on the drive configuration.
18:10:42 Spinning up hard drives
18:10:42 Scanning system storage
18:10:43 Scanning USB Bus
18:10:43 Scanning hard drives
Lucee Error (application)
Message	Error invoking external process
Detail	/dev/nvme0n1: No such file or directory

Where /dev/nvme0n1 - is my nvme disk installed in adapter.


Is it possible to solve it? Thanks! 


Can you give a link to the PCI-e adapter you added?


Also, please update this URL to reflect your NAS's IP address to create a debug file using the Middle button to include controller information: http://[ip]:18888/isolated/CreateDebugInfo.cfm then email the file to [email protected]

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5 hours ago, jbartlett said:


If you clicked the Upload button before you purged, then you can restore the first benchmark by clicking on the individual drives as instructed in my previous post. If you hadn't uploaded, then they are gone and can't be recovered. If you don't suspect anything wrong with a drive, then you're probably fine with the latest run. As a general rule, you typically don't want to purge and start from scratch. It'll automatically rescan if it detects a change with your drives (or between DiskSpeed versions) but if it doesn't, then you can click the manual scan (left most button).


Having a slow drive in your cache doesn't affect your array speeds.

Cool. I do see the individual drive benchmarks by selecting the drive. Thanks!


  • Thanks 1
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21 hours ago, jbartlett said:


Can you give a link to the PCI-e adapter you added?


Also, please update this URL to reflect your NAS's IP address to create a debug file using the Middle button to include controller information: http://[ip]:18888/isolated/CreateDebugInfo.cfm then email the file to [email protected]

Adapter MAIWO KT015 https://www.joom.com/en/products/5d26d76d8b2c3701019b550d 

Debug file created and will send to your email soon.

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On 12/20/2022 at 2:48 PM, jbartlett said:


Version 2.10.1 has error trapping added around calling the Spinup function. It's probably still happening, but it ignores the spinup issue and keeps moving forward.


I'm looking into the debug files that were sent.

That makes sense. Let me know if you need anything more from me, appreciate the help!


I've bought a few HBA cards over the years, not 100% certain which one is in my rig so i'll check that next time I open it up. Doing some research on 4Kn drives I wonder if my HBA doesn't fully support them (I've almost fully migrated to all 4Kn drives and have 0 issues though). 

SysDevs shows: Serial Attached SCSI controller: Broadcom / LSI SAS2008 PCI-Express Fusion-MPT SAS-2 [Falcon] (rev 03)

HBA cards I've bought:
LSI 6Gbps SAS HBA LSI 9211-8i (=9201-8i) P20
LSI 6Gbps SAS HBA P20 9223-8i = (9211-8I)
HP H220 6Gbps SAS PCI-E 3.0 HBA LSI 9205-8i P15

Edited by jsmontague
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On 12/23/2022 at 11:13 AM, d3m3zs said:

Adapter MAIWO KT015 https://www.joom.com/en/products/5d26d76d8b2c3701019b550d 

Debug file created and will send to your email soon.


It likely has additional PCI levels/nesting going on, I'll take a look. The link isn't working but I found it on Newegg for $13. The biggest issue I have with adding support to devices is not having the devices and them being prohibitively expensive for me to pick up just to add support for it - but this one is in my price range if I can't figure it out from your debug file. I've got a stack of cards that support multiple types of setups that I acquired just to add support for but none like this layout.

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6 hours ago, jbartlett said:


It likely has additional PCI levels/nesting going on, I'll take a look. The link isn't working but I found it on Newegg for $13. The biggest issue I have with adding support to devices is not having the devices and them being prohibitively expensive for me to pick up just to add support for it - but this one is in my price range if I can't figure it out from your debug file. I've got a stack of cards that support multiple types of setups that I acquired just to add support for but none like this layout.

Hi! Thanks!  I am from Ukraine and bought it locally for 3$, probably shop forgot to update price. I was skeptical about quality but it works good and two ssd (sata+nvme) in the same time. 
And now I fell uncomfortable that you have to buy something for testing if log will be not enough. 

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On 12/24/2022 at 11:04 PM, d3m3zs said:

Hi! Thanks!  I am from Ukraine and bought it locally for 3$, probably shop forgot to update price. I was skeptical about quality but it works good and two ssd (sata+nvme) in the same time. 
And now I fell uncomfortable that you have to buy something for testing if log will be not enough. 


No worries. If you have a problem with the card, then others will have problems with cards that function the same. And it's cheap so it's all good.

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Please update DiskSpeed to 2.10.2. I found an issue with detecting partitions on nvme drives and added additional error trapping with logging during the scan process. If you continue to have any issues, please create a new Debug File from inside the app or by using:



The new debug file will also contain a html file of the hardware scan so I'll be able to see exactly what you saw if there was an issue during the scan process.


Keep in mind that SSD's and NVME drives can't be benchmarked if they are not operating as solitary drives - that means no RAID, multi-pool BTRFS setups, etc. If you want to benchmark such drives, it has to be done prior to adding them to a multi-drive setup.

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@d3m3zs - the debug file you sent didn't include the hardware info on the MAIWO KT015 adapter so I went ahead and ordered one and a couple very cheap drives to go with it (SSD+NVMe). This one has me a little perplexed, it looks like it has a nvme port and a separate sata port - to date, the only nvme devices I've seen have their own built in controller. I'm wondering if the card provides a SATA port for one drive and a passthrough for the nvme.... It's interesting enough I want one for my collection and the price is good too.

  • Like 1
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7 hours ago, jbartlett said:



Please update DiskSpeed to 2.10.2. I found an issue with detecting partitions on nvme drives and added additional error trapping with logging during the scan process. If you continue to have any issues, please create a new Debug File from inside the app or by using:



The new debug file will also contain a html file of the hardware scan so I'll be able to see exactly what you saw if there was an issue during the scan process.


Keep in mind that SSD's and NVME drives can't be benchmarked if they are not operating as solitary drives - that means no RAID, multi-pool BTRFS setups, etc. If you want to benchmark such drives, it has to be done prior to adding them to a multi-drive setup.

Hi! Thank you! Unfortunately, nothing changes, I can send a letter in few hours with debug log.

DiskSpeed - Disk Diagnostics & Reporting tool
Version: 2.10.2

Scanning Hardware
14:47:19 Spinning up hard drives
14:47:19 Scanning system storage
14:47:19 Scanning USB Bus
14:47:20 Scanning hard drives
14:47:20 Scanning storage controllers
14:47:20 Scanning USB hubs & devices
14:47:20 Drive sda was added to the Host after this DiskSpeed Docker was started (restart if so) or is an empty card reader.
14:47:20 Drive sdb was added to the Host after this DiskSpeed Docker was started (restart if so) or is an empty card reader.
14:47:20 Drive sdc was added to the Host after this DiskSpeed Docker was started (restart if so) or is an empty card reader.
14:47:20 Drive sdd was added to the Host after this DiskSpeed Docker was started (restart if so) or is an empty card reader.
14:47:20 Drive sde was added to the Host after this DiskSpeed Docker was started (restart if so) or is an empty card reader.
14:47:20 Scanning motherboard resources
Lucee Error (application)
Message	Error invoking external process
Detail	/dev/mem: No such file or directory
Stacktrace	The Error Occurred in
/var/www/ScanControllers.cfm: line 1413


Edited by d3m3zs
Link to comment
10 hours ago, jbartlett said:



Please update DiskSpeed to 2.10.2. I found an issue with detecting partitions on nvme drives and added additional error trapping with logging during the scan process. If you continue to have any issues, please create a new Debug File from inside the app or by using:



The new debug file will also contain a html file of the hardware scan so I'll be able to see exactly what you saw if there was an issue during the scan process.


Keep in mind that SSD's and NVME drives can't be benchmarked if they are not operating as solitary drives - that means no RAID, multi-pool BTRFS setups, etc. If you want to benchmark such drives, it has to be done prior to adding them to a multi-drive setup.

Same issue with the NVME and SSD drives, they are not part of any RAID or BTRFS, just all individual XFS formatted drives.


I can't even create a debug file now either:

Please wait, creating debug file...

Scanning Hardware...

Lucee Error (application)
Message	Error invoking external process
Detail	/bin/chmod: cannot access '/tmp/DiskSpeed/Instances/local/debug/ScanControllers.html': No such file or directory
Stacktrace	The Error Occurred in
/var/www/isolated/CreateDebugInfo.cfm: line 97
95: <CFSET FetchURL=ListFirst(CGI.Request_URL,"/") & "//" & ListGetAt(CGI.Request_URL,2,"/") & "/ScanControllers.cfm?Debug=Export">
96: <CFHTTP method="GET" URL="#FetchURL#" throwOnError="no" redirect="no" path="#PersistDir#/debug/ScanControllers.html"></CFHTTP>
97: <cfexecute name="/bin/chmod" arguments="666 #PersistDir#/debug/ScanControllers.html" timeout="10" />
99: <CFSET InstanceDir="">

Java Stacktrace	lucee.runtime.exp.ApplicationException: Error invoking external process
  at lucee.runtime.tag.Execute.doEndTag(Execute.java:266)
  at isolated.createdebuginfo_cfm$cf.call(/isolated/CreateDebugInfo.cfm:97)
  at lucee.runtime.PageContextImpl._doInclude(PageContextImpl.java:1056)
  at lucee.runtime.PageContextImpl._doInclude(PageContextImpl.java:948)
  at lucee.runtime.listener.ClassicAppListener._onRequest(ClassicAppListener.java:65)
  at lucee.runtime.listener.MixedAppListener.onRequest(MixedAppListener.java:45)
  at lucee.runtime.PageContextImpl.execute(PageContextImpl.java:2493)
  at lucee.runtime.PageContextImpl._execute(PageContextImpl.java:2478)
  at lucee.runtime.PageContextImpl.executeCFML(PageContextImpl.java:2449)
  at lucee.runtime.engine.Request.exe(Request.java:45)
  at lucee.runtime.engine.CFMLEngineImpl._service(CFMLEngineImpl.java:1216)
  at lucee.runtime.engine.CFMLEngineImpl.serviceCFML(CFMLEngineImpl.java:1162)
  at lucee.loader.engine.CFMLEngineWrapper.serviceCFML(CFMLEngineWrapper.java:97)
  at lucee.loader.servlet.CFMLServlet.service(CFMLServlet.java:51)
  at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:764)
  at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:227)
  at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:162)
  at org.apache.tomcat.websocket.server.WsFilter.doFilter(WsFilter.java:53)
  at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:189)
  at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:162)
  at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve.invoke(StandardWrapperValve.java:197)
  at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContextValve.invoke(StandardContextValve.java:97)
  at org.apache.catalina.authenticator.AuthenticatorBase.invoke(AuthenticatorBase.java:541)
  at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHostValve.invoke(StandardHostValve.java:135)
  at org.apache.catalina.valves.ErrorReportValve.invoke(ErrorReportValve.java:92)
  at org.apache.catalina.valves.AbstractAccessLogValve.invoke(AbstractAccessLogValve.java:687)
  at org.apache.catalina.valves.RemoteIpValve.invoke(RemoteIpValve.java:769)
  at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngineValve.invoke(StandardEngineValve.java:78)
  at org.apache.catalina.connector.CoyoteAdapter.service(CoyoteAdapter.java:360)
  at org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Processor.service(Http11Processor.java:399)
  at org.apache.coyote.AbstractProcessorLight.process(AbstractProcessorLight.java:65)
  at org.apache.coyote.AbstractProtocol$ConnectionHandler.process(AbstractProtocol.java:890)
  at org.apache.tomcat.util.net.NioEndpoint$SocketProcessor.doRun(NioEndpoint.java:1789)
  at org.apache.tomcat.util.net.SocketProcessorBase.run(SocketProcessorBase.java:49)
  at org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1191)
  at org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:659)
  at org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.TaskThread$WrappingRunnable.run(TaskThread.java:61)
  at java.base/java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:829)
Timestamp	12/27/22 12:24:49 PM EST


Link to comment
13 hours ago, jbartlett said:

Keep in mind that SSD's and NVME drives can't be benchmarked if they are not operating as solitary drives - that means no RAID, multi-pool BTRFS setups, etc. If you want to benchmark such drives, it has to be done prior to adding them to a multi-drive setup.


...still the same problem... (thats my cache-SSD)


Unable to benchmark for the following reason
* No mounted partitions were found.
You will need to restart the DiskSpeed docker after making changes to mounted drives for changes to take effect.





Edited by Zonediver
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5 hours ago, d3m3zs said:

Hi! Thank you! Unfortunately, nothing changes, I can send a letter in few hours with debug log.

DiskSpeed - Disk Diagnostics & Reporting tool
Version: 2.10.2

Scanning Hardware
14:47:19 Spinning up hard drives
14:47:19 Scanning system storage
14:47:19 Scanning USB Bus
14:47:20 Scanning hard drives
14:47:20 Scanning storage controllers
14:47:20 Scanning USB hubs & devices
14:47:20 Drive sda was added to the Host after this DiskSpeed Docker was started (restart if so) or is an empty card reader.
14:47:20 Drive sdb was added to the Host after this DiskSpeed Docker was started (restart if so) or is an empty card reader.
14:47:20 Drive sdc was added to the Host after this DiskSpeed Docker was started (restart if so) or is an empty card reader.
14:47:20 Drive sdd was added to the Host after this DiskSpeed Docker was started (restart if so) or is an empty card reader.
14:47:20 Drive sde was added to the Host after this DiskSpeed Docker was started (restart if so) or is an empty card reader.
14:47:20 Scanning motherboard resources
Lucee Error (application)
Message	Error invoking external process
Detail	/dev/mem: No such file or directory
Stacktrace	The Error Occurred in
/var/www/ScanControllers.cfm: line 1413



I forgot to ask, are you running DiskSpeed or Unraid inside a VM?

Link to comment
15 hours ago, jbartlett said:



Please update DiskSpeed to 2.10.2. I found an issue with detecting partitions on nvme drives and added additional error trapping with logging during the scan process. If you continue to have any issues, please create a new Debug File from inside the app or by using:



The new debug file will also contain a html file of the hardware scan so I'll be able to see exactly what you saw if there was an issue during the scan process.


Keep in mind that SSD's and NVME drives can't be benchmarked if they are not operating as solitary drives - that means no RAID, multi-pool BTRFS setups, etc. If you want to benchmark such drives, it has to be done prior to adding them to a multi-drive setup.


No change, pulling a debug will get it emailed out tonight.


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I repushed 2.10.2 (will display as in the app) with additional error trapping during the hardware scan. I refrained from adding that in the past because I wanted people to send me the error message. However, with the additional logging I've added, that's not needed. If you were still getting an error on scan, I hope this version allows it to continue.


For those who are getting the Unable to benchmark, please open a command shell into the docker via the Docker icon for DiskSpeed or entering "docker exec -it DiskSpeed bash", then enter the following command.

df -B 1K


On my system, I see the following:

root@86294dbd858a:/usr/local/tomcat# df -B 1K
Filesystem       1K-blocks       Used   Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/loop2        20971520    2051948    16950884  11% /
tmpfs                65536          0       65536   0% /dev
tmpfs             16403820          0    16403820   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
shm                  65536          0       65536   0% /dev/shm
shfs             250058072  182053732    66697420  74% /tmp/DiskSpeed
rootfs            16321016    1005828    15315188   7% /mnt/UNRAID
tmpfs                 1024          0        1024   0% /mnt/UNRAID/disks
tmpfs                 1024          0        1024   0% /mnt/UNRAID/remotes
tmpfs                 1024          0        1024   0% /mnt/UNRAID/rootshare
/dev/md1        9766436812       3872  9764322240   1% /mnt/UNRAID/disk1
/dev/md2        7814026532 4864992872  2948204344  63% /mnt/UNRAID/disk2
/dev/md3        7814026532 3530133468  4284356260  46% /mnt/UNRAID/disk3
/dev/nvme0n1p1   250058072  182053732    66697420  74% /mnt/UNRAID/cache
shfs           25394489876 8395130212 16996882844  34% /mnt/UNRAID/user0
/dev/loop2        20971520    2051948    16950884  11% /etc/hosts


My nvmeon1p1 partition for my cache drive is listed showing the mount point to be "/mnt/UNRAID/cache" (note that inside the docker, your expected mount points will include "UNRAID").


I'm betting that if you can't benchmark your nvme drive, you're not seeing it listed in this list. One of the checks is for amount of free space and it gets that from this df command. If it can't find an entry, it assume it's not mounted even though it found it's mount point. This also means I need to find an alternate method.

Edited by jbartlett
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Updated to - same issue.  The web interface is really slow to switch between disks now.  I emailed a debug file.  Running the command above in the container, I don't even see any of my data disks.  unRAID is running bare metal, no special hardware or config really.


# df -B 1K
Filesystem     1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
overlay         20905984   8889868  12016116  43% /
tmpfs              65536         0     65536   0% /dev
tmpfs           16354908         0  16354908   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
shm                65536         0     65536   0% /dev/shm
/dev/nvme0n1p1 976284628 117085344 859199284  12% /tmp/DiskSpeed
/dev/loop2      20905984   8889868  12016116  43% /etc/hosts
rootfs          16272104   1045784  15226320   7% /var/local/emhttp


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  • Thanks 1
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1 hour ago, emb531 said:

Updated to - same issue.  The web interface is really slow to switch between disks now.  I emailed a debug file.  Running the command above in the container, I don't even see any of my data disks.  unRAID is running bare metal, no special hardware or config really.


Yup, I'll have to utilize an additional way to identify free space on the drives or add an out-of-space detection to the benchmark and just allow it to run.

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