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[SOLVED] Is there a way to install/uninstall plugins from script?


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Is there a way to install a plugin from a script/terminal and then remove it via another script?  E.g. I can't use the rclone plugin as it needs to download rclone at unraid boot and my server isn't online because I have a pfsense VM.   


I've created my own frankenstein script to do a full rclone install, but I'd much rather have a script that installs https://github.com/Waseh/rclone-unraid/blob/master/plugin/rclone.plg a few mins after boot once my network is live, and removed it at shutdown.


Thanks in advance for any help

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plugin install /path/to/nameOfplgFile.plg


plugin remove nameOfplgFile.plg


You could use the user scripts plugin to schedule it at array start and stop (script something like off the top of my head)

echo "/usr/local/sbin/plugin install /path/to/.plgFile" | at NOW + 5 min


*But, the plugin when installed after the array is started *should* be saving any download that it has to make so that when it installs during boot it doesn't need to redownload it.  (Quick look and it appears that it is)

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  • 2 months later...

i'm trying to do this, but when i run this script with the user scripts plugin, with the command below i get the following error.. Confused. 

 /tmp/user.scripts/tmpScripts/install rclone on startup/script: line 5: plugin: command not found.  

plugin install https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Waseh/rclone-unraid/master/plugin/rclone.plg
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27 minutes ago, pimogo said:

i'm trying to do this, but when i run this script with the user scripts plugin, with the command below i get the following error.. Confused. 

 /tmp/user.scripts/tmpScripts/install rclone on startup/script: line 5: plugin: command not found.  

plugin install https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Waseh/rclone-unraid/master/plugin/rclone.plg

check the link - it's a 404. I don't know how but somehow you've got an illegal character in there or something as when I copy and paste your link it doesn't work but when I use the actual one https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Waseh/rclone-unraid/master/plugin/rclone.plg it does.  Try it and see.


If my link doesn't work because of some weird thing the forum has done to it then type it manually or get it from here https://github.com/Waseh/rclone-unraid/tree/master/plugin 

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thanks for the repsonse!! same thing.. it seems it doesn't understnad the command "plugin". yet when i install rclone via CA, it works fine... 


plugin install https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Waseh/rclone-unraid/master/plugin/rclone.plg



Script location: /tmp/user.scripts/tmpScripts/test/script
Note that closing this window will abort the execution of this script
/tmp/user.scripts/tmpScripts/test/script: line 2: plugin: command not found

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Can someone explain briefly what the difference is please as using 'plugin install' has 'worked' perfectly fine for me.  Should I be using this command?


1 hour ago, bonienl said:

Recommended  is:

/usr/local/sbin/plugin https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Waseh/rclone-unraid/master/plugin/rclone.plg



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1 hour ago, DZMM said:

Can someone explain briefly what the difference is please as using 'plugin install' has 'worked' perfectly fine for me.  Should I be using this command?




The command "plugin xxx" says - use the first command named "plugin" found in the search path. So if there are multiple programs named "plugin", then you aren't in control of exactly which of them that is run. And if the command "plugin" is installed in a directory that isn't in the search path, then the command fails.


The command "/usr/local/sbin/plugin xxx" names a very specific program "plugin" by giving a fully qualified name.

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1 hour ago, pwm said:


The command "plugin xxx" says - use the first command named "plugin" found in the search path. So if there are multiple programs named "plugin", then you aren't in control of exactly which of them that is run. And if the command "plugin" is installed in a directory that isn't in the search path, then the command fails.


The command "/usr/local/sbin/plugin xxx" names a very specific program "plugin" by giving a fully qualified name.


What would I use for remove?  Currently I do:


plugin remove rclone.plg


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Type the command 'plugin' without any options and you'll get the help information

Process plugin files.

Usage: plugin install PLUGIN-FILE [forced]
  install a plugin

  PLUGIN-FILE is a plugin definition XML file with ".plg" extension.

  PLUGIN-FILE can be a local file, or a URL.  If a URL, the plugin file is first downloaded to /tmp/plugins.

  forced is optional and can be used to install a lower version than currently running.

  This command will process all FILE elements in PLUGIN-FILE which are tagged with the "install" method (or
  that have no method tag).

  This command has two major use cases:

  1) Invoked at system startup by /etc/rc.d/rc.local on each .plg file found int /boot/config/plugins.

     Upon success we register the plugin as "installed" by creating a symlink to it in /var/log/plugins.

     If any kind of error, we move the file to /boot/config/plugins-error.

     If a symlink already exists for the plugin file, this indicates a plugin replacing a "built-in" plugin.  In
     this case, if the version of PLUGIN-FILE is newer than the built-in plugin, we go ahead and install normally;
     otherwise, we move to /boot/config/plugins-stale.

  2) Invoked manually or via Plugin Manager for a .plg file not in /boot/config/plugins.

     If a symlink already exists for the plugin file, this indicates a plugin update. In this case, if the version of
     PLUGIN-FILE is newer than the built-in plugin, we go ahead and install normally and then move the old plugin
     to /boot/config/plugins-stale.

     Upon success we copy PLUGIN-FILE to /boot/config/plugins and register it as "installed" by creating a
     symlink to it in /var/log/plugins.

Usage: plugin remove PLUGIN
  remove a plugin

  PLUGIN is the file basename of a plugin, e.g., "myplugin.plg".

  If PLUGIN is found in /var/log/plugins then this command will process all FILE elements in PLUGIN which are
  tagged with the "remove" method.  Upon success we delete /var/log/plugins/PLUGIN and move the plugin
  file to /boot/config/plugins-removed

Usage: plugin check PLUGIN
  check and output the latest version of PLUGIN

  We exract the pluginURL attribute from PLUGIN and use it to download (presumably the latest
  version of) the plugin file to /tmp/plugins/ directory, and then output the version string.

Usage: plugin checkall
  check all installed plugins

  Runs 'plugin check PLUGIN' for each plugin file linked-to in /var/log/plugins.

Usage: plugin update PLUGIN
  update the plugin

  We look for the new plugin in /tmp/plugins/ directory.  If found then we first execute the "install"
  method of each FILE in the new plugin.  (If necessary, a plugin can detect that this is an
  "update" by checking for the existence of /var/log/plugins/PLUGIN.)  If successful, we
  delete the "old" plugin file from /boot/config/plugins/, copy the "new" plugin file from
  /tmp/plugins/ to /boot/config/plugins/, and finally create the new symlink.

  Note: to support `plugin check` and `plugin update` the plugin file must contain both "pluginURL" and
  "version" attributes.

Usage: plugin [attribute name] PLUGIN

Any method which is not one of the actions listed above is assumed to be the name of an attribute of
the <PLUGIN> tag within PLUGIN-FILE.  If the attribute exists, its value (a string) is output and the command
exit status is 0.  If the attribute does not exist, command exit status is 1.

The plugin manager recognizes this set of attributes for the <PLUGIN> tag:

name - MANDATORY plugin name, e.g., "myplugin" or "my-plugin" etc.
  This tag defines the name of the plugin.  The name should omit embedded information such as architecture,
  version, author, etc.

  The plugin should create a directory under `/usr/local/emhttp/plugins` named after
  the plugin, e.g., `/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/myplugin`.  Any webGui pages, icons, README files, etc, should
  be created inside this directory.

  The plugin should also create a directory under `/boot/config/plugins` named after the plugin, e.g.,
  `/boot/config/plugins/myplugin`.  Here is where you store plugin-specific files such as a configuration
  file and icon file.  Note that this directory exists on the users USB Flash device and writes should be

  Upon successful installation, the plugin manager will copy the input plugin file to `/boot/config/plugins`
  on the users USB Flash device, and create a symlink in `/var/log/plugins` also named after the plugin,
  e.g., `/var/log/plugins/myplugin`.  Each time the unRaid server is re-booted, all plugins stored
  in `/boot/config/plugins` are automatically installed; plugin authors should be aware of this behavior.

author - OPTIONAL
  Whatever you put here will show up under the **Author** column in the Plugin List.  If this attribute
  is omitted we display "anonymous".

version - MANDATORY
  Use a string suitable for comparison to determine if one version is older/same/newer than another version.
  Any format is acceptable but LimeTech uses "YYYY.MM.DD", e.g., "2014.02.18" (if multiple versions happen
  to get posted on the same day we add a letter suffix, e.g., "2014.02.18a").

pluginURL - OPTIONAL but MANDATORY if you want "check for updates" to work with your plugin
  This is the URL of the plugin file to download and extract the **version** attribute from to determine if
  this is a new version.

system - OPTIONAL
  If present the plugin is considered a system plugin and is installed in '/boot/plugins'.
  User plugins get installed in '/boot/config/plugins', which is the default.

More attributes may be defined in the future.

Here is the set of directories and files used by the plugin system:

  This directory contains the plugin files for plugins to be (re)installed at boot-time. Upon
  successful `plugin install`, the plugin file is copied here (if not here already).  Upon successful
  `plugin remove`, the plugin file is deleted from here.

  This directory contains plugin files that failed to install.

  This directory contains plugin files that have been removed.

  This directory contains plugin files that failed to install because a newer version of the same plugin is
  already installed.

  This directory is used as a target for downloaded plugin files.  The `plugin check` operation
  downloads the plugin file here and the `plugin update` operation looks for the plugin to update here.

  This directory contains a symlink named after the plugin name (not the plugin file name) which points to
  the actual plugin file used to install the plugin.  The existence of this file indicates successful
  install of the plugin.


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23 minutes ago, bonienl said:

Type the command 'plugin' without any options and you'll get the help information


Sorry, what I meant was the full path version didn't have the word 'install' in it, like the way I was doing it, so I wasn't sure if I was supposed change my 'plugin remove' command to:


/usr/local/sbin/plugin remove https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Waseh/rclone-unraid/master/plugin/rclone.plg

I just want to be 100% certain as 3/4 of my content is on gdrive now, so I want to make sure I mount/unmount correctly via rclone


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5 minutes ago, DZMM said:

I was supposed change my 'plugin remove' command to:

Yes - If it doesn't work


9 hours ago, DZMM said:

Can someone explain briefly what the difference is please as using 'plugin install' has 'worked' perfectly fine for me.

As stated, it forces the script to run a particular command from a particular folder.  More to the point however is that not all the "search paths" (when you don't specify a explicit path) are valid when running a script that isn't started via the command prompt (ie: via User Scripts)

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4 minutes ago, Squid said:

Yes - If it doesn't work


As stated, it forces the script to run a particular command from a particular folder.  More to the point however is that not all the "search paths" (when you don't specify a explicit path) are valid when running a script that isn't started via the command prompt (ie: via User Scripts)

Thanks - I'm going to use the full path anyway to play it safe


/usr/local/sbin/plugin remove rclone.plg


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So this is odd,.. i tried entering the aforementioned command as suggested. 

/usr/local/sbin/plugin https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Waseh/rclone-unraid/master/plugin/rclone.plg

but got the help information for the plugin instead. It overlook the URL completely. I tried it in User scripts. Same thing. 


Am i missing something?

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2 minutes ago, pimogo said:

my mistake. i posted the wrong command above. in fact, i entered the suggested command for me:

/usr/local/sbin/plugin https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Waseh/rclone-unraid/master/plugin/rclone.plg


There was a typo "install" needs to be after "plugin"

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