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How to use MC on Terminal via WebUI on Chrome

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On 6/30/2018 at 5:49 PM, HPatel027 said:

how to use mc on chrome

mc is the program named Midnight Commander https://midnight-commander.org/. This is a pseudo command-line GUI, somehow similar with Total Commander, Free Commander and so on from Windows.

To start the mc from your browser:

1. Login first to the unRaid Web UI

2. Start a Terminal session


3. Type into the webterminal window opened as pop-up mc and hit Enter


4. Now you are in Midnight Commander

With mc you have full access to the whole heart of the unRaid, hoever to avoid any damage (if you have no experience with Linux shell) my recommandation is to use ony the /mnt folder, where your unraid array and disks are mounted.

ATTENTION: Please be aware that you may only copy data from disk to disk or share to share, never copy disk to share or share to disk, as this my lead to massive data corruption.



/mnt/cache - the cache disk(s), if you have

/mnt/disk1 to /mnt/diskX- the physical disks from your array

/mnt/disks - the unassigned disks to the array, if are mounted via Unassigned Devices plugin

/mnt/user - the shares from all disks in array + cache disk(s)

/mnt/user0 - the shares from all disks in array, without cache disk(s)


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  • 2 weeks later...

What's the trick to using the F-keys from webterminal? I can't seem to make anything work but the arrow and tab keys. 





Edit: Never mind I figured it out. I was remoting from work to my home PC and launching webterminal. That won't work. F-keys get lost in the translation.

Edited by buzzra
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  • 2 years later...

So i still don't know how to use it guys.


I've got mc open in terminal.

I've got a file that I need to remove.

None of the keys do anything apart from f8 and that tells me Cannot stat "file.xml" Structure needs cleaning.


Even just an explanation of how to launch the help would be awesome. (If it has a list of commands)

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  • 2 months later...
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  • 6 months later...
21 minutes ago, JonathanM said:

Depends on whether or not you started a screen session before you ran mc.

Actually tested this myself.


Test 1

Started putty in windows

Logged in to Tower

Typed MC

Started copying file from one mounted unassigned disk to another one

Closed putty

Copying stopped - clearly depends on solid connection between machine with putty and UNRAID machine.

Sounds like a receipt for disaster if moving large amount of files.


Test 2

Logged in to UNRAID machine through web browser

Opened Terminal

Typed MC

Started copying file from one mounted unassigned disk to another one

Closed terminal window

logged out from UNRAID 

Success - Files are copying in the background, about the same result as "nohup mv". Just no idea how to see the progress, since going back to MC in terminal doesn't show anything.

 nohup mv /mnt/disk1/Movies/* /mnt/disk2/Movies &


Edited by BeersTeddy
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3 minutes ago, BeersTeddy said:

Started putty in windows

Logged in to Tower

Typed MC

Started copying file from one mounted unassigned disk to another one

Closed putty

Copying stopped - clearly depends on solid connection between machine with putty and UNRAID machine.

Sounds like a receipt for disaster if moving large amount of files.

If you start screen before you start mc you can log back in and resume the screen session and pick back up exactly where you left off.

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8 minutes ago, JonathanM said:

I presume I need to install some sort of plugin first since any command like "screen --version" "sudo apt install screen" gives the same output "command not found"


I know, very simple question but I'm very new in to Linux



I'm getting there


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2 minutes ago, itimpi said:

The NerdPack plugin includes screen as one of the packages it can install.

Thanks. Literally just found it.


1 minute ago, JonathanM said:

DON'T go wild and install everything in the nerdpack. Have a specific reason and use for anything you select. Some tools create issues just by being installed. That's one reason why they aren't just all installed in the normal version of Unraid.


Already learned this the hard way.

Luckily this is only testing machine, so no harm can be done, just need to start over :(

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2 minutes ago, BeersTeddy said:

Thanks. Literally just found it.



Already learned this the hard way.

Luckily this is only testing machine, so no harm can be done, just need to start over :(

The advantage of installing packages via Nerdpack is that it tries to install a version compatible with the release of Unraid you  are running.

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