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[Support] binhex - qBittorrentVPN

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4 hours ago, gregzee said:

Thank you.. Posted!

I went through my config and saw my webui gui was 8558 the same as my container port 8558. I thought that since they were both 8080 they should both be changed to the same, if you were to change off the great busy port of 8080.

After I kept the container port 8558 the same, and changed the webgui port back to default 8080, I was greeted with Unauthorized.... Nice. We are getting somwhere. Did some googling; and then found that we need to update the .conf file that I posted below; with 



Now I can finally start playing around with it

My qBitorrent.conf is set up as; (pre fix)





I’m not sure from your post, you may have already setup the webUI port correctly.


scroll down to Q5.


edit: Sorry that’s Q4.

Edited by wgstarks
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19 minutes ago, wgstarks said:

I’m not sure from your post, you may have already setup the webUI port correctly.


scroll down to Q5.


edit: Sorry that’s Q4.

So I did! But because I have about 10 other dockers running, I had to change up a few of my ports on the container, and I over did it. I changed the webgui port in the config.


I am learning about hardlinks now and trying to get my automation in place so I can download to the /completed folder but also have it sent to my insane structured/OCD folder structure

Edited by gregzee
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Edit:  For anyone having this issue and finding this in the future:  I was able to fix the issue by going to my network settings and taking a look at the routes section at the very bottom.  The issue causing this problem was having my gateway entered on my static IP on the LAN only network, removing the gateway on that LAN only network stopped things from trying to access the internet, thus setting my internet to the internet network (192.168.7.x).  This fixed the issue, and I am able to access all my services on 192.168.7.x and internet services through 192.168.1.x.


Hi folks,


I just migrated unraid over from an old server to a new server -- changing the motherboard and everything else but my hard drives.  Everything is working great except for my binhex-qbittorrentvpn container and its internet connection.  I previously (and currently) have two ethernet ports on my motherboard.  I use one ethernet port for LAN only traffic (192.168.7.x) which connects all of my devices together - there is no internet available on this connection - it is for local traffic only.  I also have a second ethernet port (192.168.1.x) that is used for binhex-qbittorrentvpn, which all my other docker containers go through to access the internet.  After migrating unraid, my binhex qbittorrentvpn container is unable to establish a connection to the vpn server.  I have the container network set to bridge so it can see both my ethernet ports -- for local lan and internet networks.  However it appears the container is grabbing the wrong connection or gateway and appears to be sending requests to connect to the vpn by using the gateway of the local lan only network -- this causes the connection to fail.  I receive this message in my logs when starting the container.. which repeats over and over.  Looking at the FAQ Q17 stuck out to me, and it makes sense this is the case as this network does not have internet access.

2022-12-24 04:49:17,059 DEBG 'start-script' stderr output:
Error: error sending query: Could not send or receive, because of network error

I have tried assigning the network type to eth1 (which is the ethernet port with internet aka 192.168.1.x network, and qbittorrentvpn container works/connects, however it then changes all of my port mappings to the internet lan, making the container inaccessible from the local lan side (192.168.7.x) completely and the other containers relying on the qbittorrentvpn privoxy tunnel also will not function (since the port mappings are going to 192.168.1.x and not 192.168.7.x.


Before migrating I had this working perfectly and I did not change any settings after the migration, however with upgrading to all new hardware, I am afraid something happened with the ethernet ports and caused everything to be messed up.  I was under the impression using bridge network would make use of both eth0 and eth1 and the container would use some sort of check or failover, if it could not connect on the LAN only network (192.168.7.x), to the internet network and then be able to connect to the vpn provider.


I have been looking for solutions on google/reddit/documentation but have yet to find out why this happened.  I do think there is possibility an option I missed somewhere that could fix this, but I am hoping someone here can assist.  I did have this working on my old hardware, using the same exact settings (or at least they appear to be the same after migrating) as I have now with bridge network type -- the container was accessible via lan (192.168.7.x) and also could access the internet lan (192.168.1.x) simultaneously.  How can I achieve this again?  Is there a simple way to do this that I am overlooking?


Thank you!

Edited by zwar77
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Can someone explain the following?  Where precisely am i making this change?  Is this in the qbittorrent-vpn container?  Need this one dumbed down for me unfortunately.


Please keep in mind that when defining connections from an application to another application in the same VPN container network that you will need to set the host to 'localhost' and NOT the LAN IP address, this is because the applications are now bound to the same network and thus should communicate over 'localhost' and NOT the unRAID host IP address.

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I am officially flailing and getting quite desperate here having made no progress in 3 weeks.  Qbittorrentvpn is confirmed working through the NordVPN via a TorGuard check my torrent ip test.  I have watched the SpaceInvaderOne video at least a dozen times, and have been able to confirm that the Arrs are also using NordVPN via the Qbit container.  But I am absolutely 1000% stumped as to why I cannot get the the WebUI of an Arrr.  It seems that something changed earlier this year when iptables were introduced, and the correct method is now explained in bits and pieces across youtube videos, reddit, and these forums.  Can anyone spare a few minutes to look at my setup and give me any insight at all? Would rather not abandon this, but without some guidance I'll have to.


Redacted logs are below. Thank you in advance for anything at all.



QBIT supervisord.log Sonarr supervisord - Copy.log

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41 minutes ago, btrcp2000 said:

I am officially flailing and getting quite desperate here having made no progress in 3 weeks.  Qbittorrentvpn is confirmed working through the NordVPN via a TorGuard check my torrent ip test.  I have watched the SpaceInvaderOne video at least a dozen times, and have been able to confirm that the Arrs are also using NordVPN via the Qbit container.  But I am absolutely 1000% stumped as to why I cannot get the the WebUI of an Arrr.  It seems that something changed earlier this year when iptables were introduced, and the correct method is now explained in bits and pieces across youtube videos, reddit, and these forums.  Can anyone spare a few minutes to look at my setup and give me any insight at all? Would rather not abandon this, but without some guidance I'll have to.


Redacted logs are below. Thank you in advance for anything at all.



QBIT supervisord.log 89.1 kB · 0 downloads Sonarr supervisord - Copy.log 104.69 kB · 0 downloads

Have you read the official documentation linked in the first post in this thread?


See Q24 and Q25.

It's a good place to start.

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Yes, I've done everythign in q24 and q25, but I am not clear on the notes below those.  Where do I make these changes?  Is it on the qbit docker hosting the vpn, or the arr docker being hosted, or somewhere else entirely?


"Please keep in mind that when defining connections from an application to another application in the same VPN container network that you will need to set the host to 'localhost' and NOT the LAN IP address, this is because the applications are now bound to the same network and thus should communicate over 'localhost' and NOT the unRAID host IP address."

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It would be in the *arr settings (inside the app). I don’t route my apps through the vpn (only the proxy) so I can’t really tell you where the setting is.


@SpaceInvaderOne has a video covering the setup for what you are trying to do using DelugeVPN if you want to check that.



The discussion there indicates that there really isn’t any benefit to what you are trying. With the *arrs all you really need to do is use the proxy (privoxy) built into the vpn container so that searches are run through the vpn. Be glad to help you set that up if you want.

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First off, thanks for responding.  I have no preference for how this is set up, I'm just trying to get it all through one device, which is what I thought that video was for, so I'll start from scratch again.  Is there a step-by-step guide somewhere that explains how to set it up using privoxy? I'm sure Ive made a mess with all the custom settings and port changes required in the video, so I should start form a clean slate.

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19 minutes ago, btrcp2000 said:

First off, thanks for responding.  I have no preference for how this is set up, I'm just trying to get it all through one device, which is what I thought that video was for, so I'll start from scratch again.  Is there a step-by-step guide somewhere that explains how to set it up using privoxy? I'm sure Ive made a mess with all the custom settings and port changes required in the video, so I should start form a clean slate.

Ok. There isn't really any special configuration other than the proxy setting in the *arr. Here is a screenshot from my Radarr app Settings>General.




Yours should be set the same. This will route all searches through the vpn. You will need to use the same settings for Sonarr, Prowlarr, Jacket, etc.

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I guess I'm dumber and noober than I thought. How do I get to the WebUI at all for an arrr in order to make these changes?  Am I following the spaceinvader video to a certain point, .ie, still listing None for network and adding the extra parameter?  Or am I installing it as is with a Bridge network setting to get to the UI temporarily?

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4 minutes ago, btrcp2000 said:

I guess I'm dumber and noober than I thought. How do I get to the WebUI at all for an arrr in order to make these changes?  Am I following the spaceinvader video to a certain point, .ie, still listing None for network and adding the extra parameter?  Or am I installing it as is with a Bridge network setting to get to the UI temporarily?

Here are the settings for Radarr-




Use your own host paths of course. These are NOT temporary settings. You won't need to change them later. You'll be able to access Radarr using the webUI link from the docker tab.

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Fresh download of radarr, my settings are below my qbit hostname ends in a 5 instead of a 1 like yours, guessing because I've done so many container attempts.  when i use the curl ifconfig.io command from the radarr console, it's still showing my actual ip, not the one that the qbitvpn console shows.  is that still the right way to test this?image.png.1336cde5185a115788311d6cd06225a7.png

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for now i pointed my firefox container to the qbitvpn privoxy port and i see what i expect to see from what is my ip.  But I have to say I did like the ability to do a quick console check from time to time, even though i couldnt do anything with it due to the WebUI issue.  I also shut down qbit and the arr complained of no path until i restarted qbit then arr, so it does seem to be working now.

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I am trying to set up a second qBittorrent docker that will use the VPN from this container. I added another forwarded port from my VPN provider, but it wasn't making it through to the second QB instance. I added the port number to the VPN_INPUT_PORTS list, and now it is working.


The instructions say that configuring VPN_INPUT_PORTS incorrectly could cause IP leakage, so I need to know if this is dangerous or not. Thanks

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