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[Support] binhex - qBittorrentVPN

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3 hours ago, wgstarks said:

Several people have reported issues with DNS. You might try just using something like for the DNS server and see if that resolves your issue. If it does you can add the defaults back one at a time until you see which is creating the problem.


If changing the DNS settings doesn’t help add your supervisord log and dicker run command that your next post. Be sure to redact users/passwords.


logs below. currently it shows me trying, but my normal setup is my own isntance of unbound running internally. same errors across the board for all dns i've tried. this has been pretty damn stable for me >1 year. i even tried isntalling another instance side by side under another IP and redoing the config from scratch, same issues. 


docker run
  --pids-limit 2048
  -e TZ="xxxxx"
  -e HOST_OS="Unraid"
  -e HOST_HOSTNAME="Rlyeh"
  -e HOST_CONTAINERNAME="binhex-qbittorrentvpn"
  -e 'TCP_PORT_6881'='6881'
  -e 'UDP_PORT_6881'='6881'
  -e 'TCP_PORT_8080'='8080'
  -e 'TCP_PORT_8118'='8118'
  -e 'VPN_ENABLED'='yes'
  -e 'VPN_USER'='xxxxxx'
  -e 'VPN_PASS'='xxxxxx'
  -e 'VPN_PROV'='pia'
  -e 'VPN_CLIENT'='wireguard'
  -e 'VPN_OPTIONS'=''
  -e 'ENABLE_PRIVOXY'='no'
  -e 'WEBUI_PORT'='8080'
  -e 'LAN_NETWORK'=''
  -e 'NAME_SERVERS'=','
  -e 'DEBUG'='true'
  -e 'UMASK'='000'
  -e 'PUID'='99'
  -e 'PGID'='100'
  -l net.unraid.docker.managed=dockerman
  -l net.unraid.docker.webui='http://[IP]:[PORT:8080]/'
  -l net.unraid.docker.icon='https://raw.githubusercontent.com/binhex/docker-templates/master/binhex/images/qbittorrent-icon.png'
  -v '/mnt/user/media/_torrents/':'/data':'rw'
  -v '/mnt/user/appdata/binhex-qbittorrentvpn':'/config':'rw'
  --sysctl="net.ipv4.conf.all.src_valid_mark=1" 'binhex/arch-qbittorrentvpn'

The command finished successfully!



2024-09-03 12:16:46.030435 [info] Host is running unRAID
2024-09-03 12:16:46.058144 [info] System information: Linux 8b828fa260c2 6.1.106-Unraid #1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Wed Aug 21 23:36:07 PDT 2024 x86_64 GNU/Linux
2024-09-03 12:16:46.083214 [info] Image tags: INT_RELEASE_TAG=2024073001,IMAGE_RELEASE_TAG=4.6.6-1-01
2024-09-03 12:16:46.124578 [info] PUID defined as '99'
2024-09-03 12:16:46.154655 [info] PGID defined as '100'
2024-09-03 12:16:46.201928 [info] UMASK defined as '000'
2024-09-03 12:16:46.230146 [info] Permissions already set for '/config'
2024-09-03 12:16:46.255551 [info] Deleting files in /tmp (non recursive)...
2024-09-03 12:16:46.283534 [info] VPN_ENABLED defined as 'yes'
2024-09-03 12:16:46.317664 [info] VPN_CLIENT defined as 'wireguard'
2024-09-03 12:16:46.343950 [info] VPN_PROV defined as 'pia'
2024-09-03 12:16:46.376452 [info] WireGuard config file (conf extension) is located at /config/wireguard/wg0.conf
2024-09-03 12:16:46.416228 [info] VPN_REMOTE_SERVER defined as 'ca-vancouver.privacy.network'
2024-09-03 12:16:46.450141 [info] VPN_REMOTE_PORT defined as '1337'
2024-09-03 12:16:46.472329 [info] VPN_DEVICE_TYPE defined as 'wg0'
2024-09-03 12:16:46.497840 [info] VPN_REMOTE_PROTOCOL defined as 'udp'
2024-09-03 12:16:46.528381 [info] USERSPACE_WIREGUARD not defined (via -e USERSPACE_WIREGUARD), defaulting to 'no'
2024-09-03 12:16:46.558654 [info] NAME_SERVERS defined as ','
2024-09-03 12:16:46.604374 [debug] iptables default policies available, setting policy to drop...
2024-09-03 12:16:46.658186 [debug] ip6tables default policies available, setting policy to drop...
2024-09-03 12:16:50.719670 [debug] Having issues resolving name 'ca-vancouver.privacy.network', sleeping before retry...
2024-09-03 12:16:59.767254 [debug] Having issues resolving name 'ca-vancouver.privacy.network', sleeping before retry...

Link to comment

Solved it myself.... suddenly dawned on me that i setup Tailscale the other week with spaceinvaderone's video, turned it off and it works now. i got what i was after with that, but apparently needs some additional config to play nice with qbittorrent. fun times incoming. if anyone knows right offhand what to change to allow containers to ignore tailscale or select them individually that would be very helpful.


for anyone else's benefit - there's a very simple toggle for using or not using tailscale dns, it even says it will impact server and containers, i'm not sure how it get turned on but turning it off and restarting was all i had to do. 

Edited by Azreal
Link to comment
On 9/1/2024 at 10:52 PM, wgstarks said:

You stated earlier that you are connecting remotely to the webui using WireGuard. Is your assigned IP in the network? Any IP that isn’t a part of this network won’t be able to connect.

I can access to the WebUi locally 

It stopped working if i try to access through another network or mobile phone'

i have checked the port forward 8080 is opened on my router

Tried to dianose the issue according to Q4 and Q32 of the FAQ, but didn't work 

Please have a look at the docker run below:

docker run
  --pids-limit 2048
  -e TZ="Australia/Perth"
  -e HOST_OS="Unraid"
  -e HOST_CONTAINERNAME="binhex-qbittorrentvpn"
  -e 'VPN_ENABLED'='yes'
  -e 'VPN_USER'=''
  -e 'VPN_PASS'=''
  -e 'VPN_PROV'='protonvpn'
  -e 'VPN_CLIENT'='wireguard'
  -e 'ENABLE_PRIVOXY'='no'
  -e 'ENABLE_SOCKS'='no'
  -e 'SOCKS_USER'='admin'
  -e 'SOCKS_PASS'='socks'
  -e 'LAN_NETWORK'=''
  -e 'WEBUI_PORT'='8080'
  -e 'DEBUG'='false'
  -e 'VPN_OPTIONS'=''
  -e 'NAME_SERVERS'=',,,,,'
  -e 'PUID'='99'
  -e 'PGID'='100'
  -e 'UMASK'='000'
  -l net.unraid.docker.managed=dockerman
  -l net.unraid.docker.webui='http://[IP]:[PORT:8080]'
  -l net.unraid.docker.icon='https://raw.githubusercontent.com/binhex/docker-templates/master/binhex/images/qbittorrent-icon.png'
  -p '8080:8080/tcp'
  -p '8118:8118/tcp'
  -p '9118:9118/tcp'
  -p '58946:58946/tcp'
  -p '58946:58946/udp'
  -v '/mnt/user/appdata/binhex-qbittorrentvpn':'/config':'rw'
  -v '/mnt/user/appdata/binhex-qbittorrentvpn/qBittorrent/':'/data':'rw'
  -v 'binhex-shared':'/shared':'rw'
  --sysctl="net.ipv4.conf.all.src_valid_mark=1" 'binhex/arch-qbittorrentvpn'


Edited by tonnyhii
Link to comment
36 minutes ago, tonnyhii said:

can access to the WebUi locally 

It stopped working if i try to access through another network or mobile phone'

It sounds like it’s operating normally. With your current settings you will not be able to access the app from any IP not in You’ll need to add other networks to LAN NETWORK (comma separated) to be able to access from them.

Link to comment
6 minutes ago, wgstarks said:

It sounds like it’s operating normally. With your current settings you will not be able to access the app from any IP not in You’ll need to add other networks to LAN NETWORK (comma separated) to be able to access from them.

thanks for the fast respond.

I added, as per FAQ but still can't access remotely 

Any solution to this?

Edited by tonnyhii
Link to comment
2 hours ago, wgstarks said:

How are you accessing remotely that doesn’t work?

It was working fine when I was using nordvpn. 

It has stopped working when I changed my VPN to proton vpn with wireguard. 

I think I might have to look into alternative options if I can't access to webui through DNS 

Link to comment
6 hours ago, tonnyhii said:

It was working fine when I was using nordvpn. 

It has stopped working when I changed my VPN to proton vpn with wireguard. 

I think I might have to look into alternative options if I can't access to webui through DNS 

I don’t know what this means? You use DNS to access every web page. Can you describe exactly how you are trying to access the webui? And what your IP is when the access fails?

Link to comment
2 hours ago, wgstarks said:

I don’t know what this means? You use DNS to access every web page. Can you describe exactly how you are trying to access the webui? And what your IP is when the access fails?

i was using xxxx.dyndns.org:8080 to access my QbittorrentVPN WebUI.

It would be the public IP. 

Link to comment
On 9/7/2024 at 9:41 AM, tonnyhii said:

i was using xxxx.dyndns.org:8080 to access my QbittorrentVPN WebUI.

It would be the public IP. 

You are missing the point. When you are accessing the WebUI, the IP range you are connecting FROM must be whitelisted in the LAN Network section.

Link to comment

Hey, everyone trying to get this working but I am not able to open the web app.


(N) 2024-09-08T15:37:20 - qBittorrent v4.6.6 started
(N) 2024-09-08T15:37:20 - Using config directory: /config/qBittorrent/config
(N) 2024-09-08T15:37:20 - Trying to listen on the following list of IP addresses: "tun0:24472"
(I) 2024-09-08T15:37:20 - Peer ID: "-qB4660-"
(I) 2024-09-08T15:37:20 - HTTP User-Agent: "qBittorrent/4.6.6"
(I) 2024-09-08T15:37:20 - Distributed Hash Table (DHT) support: ON
(I) 2024-09-08T15:37:20 - Local Peer Discovery support: ON
(I) 2024-09-08T15:37:20 - Peer Exchange (PeX) support: ON
(I) 2024-09-08T15:37:20 - Anonymous mode: OFF
(I) 2024-09-08T15:37:20 - Encryption support: ON
(I) 2024-09-08T15:37:20 - Successfully listening on IP. IP: "". Port: "TCP/24472"
(I) 2024-09-08T15:37:20 - Successfully listening on IP. IP: "". Port: "UTP/24472"
(I) 2024-09-08T15:37:20 - UPnP/NAT-PMP support: ON
(W) 2024-09-08T15:37:20 - Couldn't load IP geolocation database. Reason: No such file or directory
(N) 2024-09-08T15:37:20 - Using built-in WebUI.
(N) 2024-09-08T15:37:20 - WebUI translation for selected locale (en) has been successfully loaded.
(N) 2024-09-08T15:37:20 - WebUI: Now listening on IP: *, port: 8080
(I) 2024-09-08T15:37:21 - Detected external IP. IP: ""
(I) 2024-09-08T15:37:21 - IP geolocation database loaded. Type: DBIP-Country-Lite. Build time: Sat Aug 31 20:47:20 2024.
(I) 2024-09-08T15:37:21 - Successfully updated IP geolocation database.
(W) 2024-09-08T15:39:56 - UPnP/NAT-PMP port mapping failed. Message: "could not map port using UPnP[]: no router found"
(W) 2024-09-08T15:39:56 - UPnP/NAT-PMP port mapping failed. Message: "could not map port using UPnP[]: no router found"


Created by...
___.   .__       .__
\_ |__ |__| ____ |  |__   ____ ___  ___
 | __ \|  |/    \|  |  \_/ __ \\  \/  /
 | \_\ \  |   |  \   Y  \  ___/ >    <
 |___  /__|___|  /___|  /\___  >__/\_ \
     \/        \/     \/     \/      \/

2024-09-08 15:34:08.948956 [info] Host is running unRAID
2024-09-08 15:34:08.970667 [info] System information: Linux 7bf3c08a6494 6.1.106-Unraid #1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Wed Aug 21 23:36:07 PDT 2024 x86_64 GNU/Linux
2024-09-08 15:34:08.991716 [info] Image tags: INT_RELEASE_TAG=2024073001,IMAGE_RELEASE_TAG=4.6.6-1-01
2024-09-08 15:34:09.014663 [info] PUID defined as '99'
2024-09-08 15:34:09.089691 [info] PGID defined as '100'
2024-09-08 15:34:09.146384 [info] UMASK defined as '000'
2024-09-08 15:34:09.168311 [info] Setting permissions recursively on '/config'...
2024-09-08 15:34:09.196001 [info] Deleting files in /tmp (non recursive)...
2024-09-08 15:34:09.223770 [info] VPN_ENABLED defined as 'yes'
2024-09-08 15:34:09.249260 [info] VPN_CLIENT defined as 'openvpn'
2024-09-08 15:34:09.272720 [info] VPN_PROV defined as 'custom'
2024-09-08 15:34:09.299063 [crit] No OpenVPN config file located in /config/openvpn/ (ovpn extension), please download from your VPN provider and then restart this container.
2024-09-08 15:34:09.320924 [info] Performing directory listing for '/config/openvpn/' before exiting...
total 0
drwxrwxr-x 1 nobody users  0 Sep  8 15:34 .
drwxrwxr-x 1 nobody users 62 Sep  8 15:34 ..
Created by...
___.   .__       .__
\_ |__ |__| ____ |  |__   ____ ___  ___
 | __ \|  |/    \|  |  \_/ __ \\  \/  /
 | \_\ \  |   |  \   Y  \  ___/ >    <
 |___  /__|___|  /___|  /\___  >__/\_ \
     \/        \/     \/     \/      \/

2024-09-08 15:37:09.598878 [info] Host is running unRAID
2024-09-08 15:37:09.621165 [info] System information: Linux 7bf3c08a6494 6.1.106-Unraid #1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Wed Aug 21 23:36:07 PDT 2024 x86_64 GNU/Linux
2024-09-08 15:37:09.641839 [info] Image tags: INT_RELEASE_TAG=2024073001,IMAGE_RELEASE_TAG=4.6.6-1-01
2024-09-08 15:37:09.663921 [info] PUID defined as '99'
2024-09-08 15:37:09.689213 [info] PGID defined as '100'
2024-09-08 15:37:09.729362 [info] UMASK defined as '000'
2024-09-08 15:37:09.751646 [info] Permissions already set for '/config'
2024-09-08 15:37:09.774746 [info] Deleting files in /tmp (non recursive)...
2024-09-08 15:37:09.800329 [info] VPN_ENABLED defined as 'yes'
2024-09-08 15:37:09.823588 [info] VPN_CLIENT defined as 'openvpn'
2024-09-08 15:37:09.848061 [info] VPN_PROV defined as 'custom'
2024-09-08 15:37:09.876249 [info] OpenVPN config file (ovpn extension) is located at /config/openvpn/privado.atl-006.tcp.ovpn
2024-09-08 15:37:09.914558 [info] VPN remote server(s) defined as 'atl-006.vpn.privado.io,'
2024-09-08 15:37:09.935438 [info] VPN remote port(s) defined as ','
2024-09-08 15:37:09.956276 [info] VPN remote protcol(s) defined as 'tcp-client,'
2024-09-08 15:37:09.979080 [info] VPN_DEVICE_TYPE defined as 'tun0'
2024-09-08 15:37:10.001545 [info] VPN_OPTIONS not defined (via -e VPN_OPTIONS)
2024-09-08 15:37:10.024041 [info] NAME_SERVERS defined as ',,,,,'
2024-09-08 15:37:10.340398 [info] LAN_NETWORK defined as ''
2024-09-08 15:37:10.368763 [info] LAN_NETWORK exported as ''
2024-09-08 15:37:10.392077 [info] VPN_USER defined as ''
2024-09-08 15:37:10.416861 [info] VPN_PASS defined as ''
2024-09-08 15:37:10.441606 [info] VPN_INPUT_PORTS not defined (via -e VPN_INPUT_PORTS), skipping allow for custom incoming ports
2024-09-08 15:37:10.464581 [info] VPN_OUTPUT_PORTS not defined (via -e VPN_OUTPUT_PORTS), skipping allow for custom outgoing ports
2024-09-08 15:37:10.489364 [info] ENABLE_STARTUP_SCRIPTS defined as 'no'
2024-09-08 15:37:10.512037 [info] ENABLE_SOCKS defined as 'no'
2024-09-08 15:37:10.535133 [info] ENABLE_PRIVOXY defined as 'no'
2024-09-08 15:37:10.558146 [info] WEBUI_PORT defined as '8080'
2024-09-08 15:37:10.613060 [info] SHARED_NETWORK not defined (via -e SHARED_NETWORK), defaulting to 'no'
2024-09-08 15:37:10.635334 [info] Starting Supervisor...
2024-09-08 15:37:10,834 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/qbittorrent.conf" during parsing
2024-09-08 15:37:10,834 INFO Set uid to user 0 succeeded
2024-09-08 15:37:10,836 INFO supervisord started with pid 7
2024-09-08 15:37:11,838 INFO spawned: 'start-script' with pid 297
2024-09-08 15:37:11,839 INFO spawned: 'watchdog-script' with pid 298
2024-09-08 15:37:11,840 INFO reaped unknown pid 8 (exit status 0)
2024-09-08 15:37:11,842 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
[info] VPN is enabled, beginning configuration of VPN

2024-09-08 15:37:11,842 INFO success: start-script entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 0 seconds (startsecs)
2024-09-08 15:37:11,842 INFO success: watchdog-script entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 0 seconds (startsecs)
2024-09-08 15:37:11,875 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
[info] Attempting to load iptable_mangle module...

2024-09-08 15:37:11,877 DEBG 'start-script' stderr output:
modprobe: FATAL: Module iptable_mangle not found in directory /usr/lib/modules/6.1.106-Unraid

2024-09-08 15:37:11,877 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
[warn] Unable to load iptable_mangle module using modprobe, trying insmod...

2024-09-08 15:37:11,878 DEBG 'start-script' stderr output:
insmod: ERROR: could not load module /lib/modules/iptable_mangle.ko: No such file or directory

2024-09-08 15:37:11,878 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
[warn] Unable to load iptable_mangle module, you will not be able to connect to the applications Web UI or Privoxy outside of your LAN
[info] unRAID/Ubuntu users: Please attempt to load the module by executing the following on your host: '/sbin/modprobe iptable_mangle'

2024-09-08 15:37:11,879 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
[info] Synology users: Please attempt to load the module by executing the following on your host: 'insmod /lib/modules/iptable_mangle.ko'

2024-09-08 15:37:12,070 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
[info] Adding as route via adapter eth0

2024-09-08 15:37:12,072 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
[info] ip route defined as follows...

2024-09-08 15:37:12,073 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
default via dev eth0 dev eth0 proto kernel scope link src via dev eth0
local dev lo table local proto kernel scope host src
local dev lo table local proto kernel scope host src

2024-09-08 15:37:12,073 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
broadcast dev lo table local proto kernel scope link src
local dev eth0 table local proto kernel scope host src
broadcast dev eth0 table local proto kernel scope link src

2024-09-08 15:37:12,073 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:

2024-09-08 15:37:12,115 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
[info] iptables defined as follows...

2024-09-08 15:37:12,116 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
-A INPUT -s -i eth0 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -s -d -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -s -i eth0 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -i eth0 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 8080 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -i eth0 -p udp -m udp --dport 8080 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -p icmp -m icmp --icmp-type 0 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -i lo -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -i tun0 -j ACCEPT
-A OUTPUT -d -o eth0 -j ACCEPT
-A OUTPUT -d -o eth0 -j ACCEPT
-A OUTPUT -o eth0 -p tcp -m tcp --sport 8080 -j ACCEPT
-A OUTPUT -o eth0 -p udp -m udp --sport 8080 -j ACCEPT
-A OUTPUT -p icmp -m icmp --icmp-type 8 -j ACCEPT
-A OUTPUT -o tun0 -j ACCEPT

2024-09-08 15:37:12,117 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:

2024-09-08 15:37:12,118 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
[info] Starting OpenVPN (non daemonised)...

2024-09-08 15:37:12,132 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
2024-09-08 15:37:12 DEPRECATED OPTION: --cipher set to 'AES-256-CBC' but missing in --data-ciphers (AES-256-GCM:AES-128-GCM:CHACHA20-POLY1305). OpenVPN ignores --cipher for cipher negotiations.

2024-09-08 15:37:12,133 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
2024-09-08 15:37:12 Note: Kernel support for ovpn-dco missing, disabling data channel offload.
2024-09-08 15:37:12 WARNING: file 'credentials.conf' is group or others accessible

2024-09-08 15:37:12,133 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
2024-09-08 15:37:12 OpenVPN 2.6.12 [git:makepkg/038a94bae57a446c+] x86_64-pc-linux-gnu [SSL (OpenSSL)] [LZO] [LZ4] [EPOLL] [PKCS11] [MH/PKTINFO] [AEAD] [DCO] built on Jul 18 2024
2024-09-08 15:37:12 library versions: OpenSSL 3.3.1 4 Jun 2024, LZO 2.10
2024-09-08 15:37:12 DCO version: N/A

2024-09-08 15:37:12,133 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
2024-09-08 15:37:12 NOTE: the current --script-security setting may allow this configuration to call user-defined scripts

2024-09-08 15:37:12,135 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
2024-09-08 15:37:12 TCP/UDP: Preserving recently used remote address: [AF_INET]
2024-09-08 15:37:12 Socket Buffers: R=[87380->87380] S=[65536->65536]
2024-09-08 15:37:12 Attempting to establish TCP connection with [AF_INET]

2024-09-08 15:37:12,168 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
2024-09-08 15:37:12 TCP connection established with [AF_INET]
2024-09-08 15:37:12 TCPv4_CLIENT link local: (not bound)
2024-09-08 15:37:12 TCPv4_CLIENT link remote: [AF_INET]

2024-09-08 15:37:12,200 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
2024-09-08 15:37:12 TLS: Initial packet from [AF_INET], sid=fef46833 a96b23b1

2024-09-08 15:37:12,257 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
2024-09-08 15:37:12 VERIFY OK: depth=1, CN=Privado

2024-09-08 15:37:12,257 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
2024-09-08 15:37:12 VERIFY KU OK
2024-09-08 15:37:12 Validating certificate extended key usage

2024-09-08 15:37:12,257 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
2024-09-08 15:37:12 ++ Certificate has EKU (str) TLS Web Server Authentication, expects TLS Web Server Authentication
2024-09-08 15:37:12 VERIFY EKU OK
2024-09-08 15:37:12 VERIFY OK: depth=0, CN=atl-006.vpn.privado.io

2024-09-08 15:37:12,409 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
2024-09-08 15:37:12 Control Channel: TLSv1.2, cipher SSLv3 DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, peer certificate: 4096 bits RSA, signature: RSA-SHA512, peer temporary key: 4096 bits DH
2024-09-08 15:37:12 [atl-006.vpn.privado.io] Peer Connection Initiated with [AF_INET]
2024-09-08 15:37:12 TLS: move_session: dest=TM_ACTIVE src=TM_INITIAL reinit_src=1

2024-09-08 15:37:12,409 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
2024-09-08 15:37:12 TLS: tls_multi_process: initial untrusted session promoted to trusted

2024-09-08 15:37:13,493 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
2024-09-08 15:37:13 SENT CONTROL [atl-006.vpn.privado.io]: 'PUSH_REQUEST' (status=1)

2024-09-08 15:37:13,597 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
2024-09-08 15:37:13 PUSH: Received control message: 'PUSH_REPLY,redirect-gateway def1 bypass-dhcp,dhcp-option DNS,dhcp-option DNS ,explicit-exit-notify 5,route-gateway ,topology subnet,ping 20,ping-restart 40,ifconfig,peer-id 0,cipher AES-256-GCM'

2024-09-08 15:37:13,597 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
2024-09-08 15:37:13 OPTIONS IMPORT: --explicit-exit-notify can only be used with --proto udp
2024-09-08 15:37:13 OPTIONS IMPORT: --ifconfig/up options modified
2024-09-08 15:37:13 OPTIONS IMPORT: route options modified
2024-09-08 15:37:13 OPTIONS IMPORT: route-related options modified
2024-09-08 15:37:13 OPTIONS IMPORT: --ip-win32 and/or --dhcp-option options modified
2024-09-08 15:37:13 net_route_v4_best_gw query: dst
2024-09-08 15:37:13 net_route_v4_best_gw result: via  dev eth0
2024-09-08 15:37:13 ROUTE_GATEWAY  IFACE=eth0 HWADDR=02:42:ac:11:00:03

2024-09-08 15:37:13,597 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
2024-09-08 15:37:13 TUN/TAP device tun0 opened
2024-09-08 15:37:13 net_iface_mtu_set: mtu 1500 for tun0

2024-09-08 15:37:13,597 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
2024-09-08 15:37:13 net_iface_up: set tun0 up
2024-09-08 15:37:13 net_addr_v4_add: /23 dev tun0
2024-09-08 15:37:13 /root/openvpnup.sh tun0 1500 0  init

2024-09-08 15:37:13,600 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
2024-09-08 15:37:13 Data Channel: cipher 'AES-256-GCM', peer-id: 0
2024-09-08 15:37:13 Timers: ping 20, ping-restart 40

2024-09-08 15:37:16,686 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
2024-09-08 15:37:16 net_route_v4_add: /32 via  dev [NULL] table 0 metric -1

2024-09-08 15:37:16,686 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
2024-09-08 15:37:16 net_route_v4_add: via  dev [NULL] table 0 metric -1
2024-09-08 15:37:16 net_route_v4_add: via  dev [NULL] table 0 metric -1
2024-09-08 15:37:16 net_route_v4_add: via  dev [NULL] table 0 metric -1
2024-09-08 15:37:16 Initialization Sequence Completed

2024-09-08 15:37:19,653 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
[info] Attempting to get external IP using 'http://checkip.amazonaws.com'...

2024-09-08 15:37:20,052 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
[info] Successfully retrieved external IP address

2024-09-08 15:37:20,053 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
[info] VPN provider 'custom' not supported for automatic port forwarding, skipping incoming port assignment

2024-09-08 15:37:20,072 DEBG 'watchdog-script' stdout output:
[info] qBittorrent listening interface IP and VPN provider IP  different, marking for reconfigure

2024-09-08 15:37:20,075 DEBG 'watchdog-script' stdout output:
[info] qBittorrent not running

2024-09-08 15:37:20,075 DEBG 'watchdog-script' stdout output:
[info] qBittorrent config file doesnt exist, copying default to '/config/qBittorrent/config/'...

2024-09-08 15:37:20,077 DEBG 'watchdog-script' stdout output:
[info] Removing session lock file (if it exists)...

2024-09-08 15:37:20,091 DEBG 'watchdog-script' stdout output:
[info] Attempting to start qBittorrent...

2024-09-08 15:37:20,094 DEBG 'watchdog-script' stdout output:
[info] qBittorrent process started
[info] Waiting for qBittorrent process to start listening on port 8080...

WebUI will be started shortly after internal preparations. Please wait...

******** Information ********
To control qBittorrent, access the WebUI at: http://localhost:8080

The WebUI administrator username is: admin
The WebUI administrator password was not set. A temporary password is provided for this session:
You should set your own password in program preferences.
2024-09-08 15:37:20,309 DEBG 'watchdog-script' stdout output:
[info] qBittorrent process listening on port 8080

2024-09-08 16:37:12,335 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
2024-09-08 16:37:12 VERIFY OK: depth=1, CN=Privado

2024-09-08 16:37:12,335 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
2024-09-08 16:37:12 VERIFY KU OK
2024-09-08 16:37:12 Validating certificate extended key usage
2024-09-08 16:37:12 ++ Certificate has EKU (str) TLS Web Server Authentication, expects TLS Web Server Authentication
2024-09-08 16:37:12 VERIFY EKU OK
2024-09-08 16:37:12 VERIFY OK: depth=0, CN=atl-006.vpn.privado.io

2024-09-08 16:37:12,490 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
2024-09-08 16:37:12 Control Channel: TLSv1.2, cipher SSLv3 DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, peer certificate: 4096 bits RSA, signature: RSA-SHA512, peer temporary key: 4096 bits DH


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So I am also getting the random slow speeds, and now torrents stalling.

Changed DNS, semi helped with speed. But still having random stalling.

Rebooting the container seems to help. But I have 4k torrents, and would prefer not to have to re-announce.

AirVPN with WG. not on unraid, on vanilla debian with docker.

anyone find another fix? am not seeing anything besides DNS.

Did not used to have this problem. It is quite new.

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Anyone have experience setting this up with Windscribe VPN?


I can't access the WebUI.   Getting ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED.


I must have set something up wrong. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


qBittorrentVPN settings:


Container logs:


wg0.conf file:


I feel like I missed something during setup. I don't fully understand how this works.


Do I need to manually setup port forwarding with the VPN provider? Or on my router?

Edited by Brian.Unraid
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On 9/9/2024 at 12:21 PM, user192834 said:

So I am also getting the random slow speeds, and now torrents stalling.

Changed DNS, semi helped with speed. But still having random stalling.

Rebooting the container seems to help. But I have 4k torrents, and would prefer not to have to re-announce.

AirVPN with WG. not on unraid, on vanilla debian with docker.

anyone find another fix? am not seeing anything besides DNS.

Did not used to have this problem. It is quite new.

So anyone having this issue. I seemed to resolve it.

Settings -> Advanced -> Max Concurrent HTTP Announces
Set it to 276447231 for Unlimited. That worked for me. Maybe play with other numbers. It was set to 500.

My downloads seem normal again. Uploads were not affected.

Not sure if this setting changed with an update.

Edited by user192834
0 did not set it to unlimited
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On 9/8/2024 at 9:54 PM, JonathanM said:

You are missing the point. When you are accessing the WebUI, the IP range you are connecting FROM must be whitelisted in the LAN Network section.

Thanks for the clarification. The connecting IP varies based on my VPN.



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12 hours ago, tonnyhii said:

Thanks for the clarification. The connecting IP varies based on my VPN.



Please describe exactly how you are connecting to your local network from a remote location to access the webui. Are you running multiple OpenVPN servers? If it’s just one then any connections would all be in a preconfigured range.

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9 hours ago, wgstarks said:

Please describe exactly how you are connecting to your local network from a remote location to access the webui. Are you running multiple OpenVPN servers? If it’s just one then any connections would all be in a preconfigured range.

Thanks for your help @JonathanM @wgstarks

I have added my public ip to the Variable: LAN_NETWORK and now i can access to the webui remotely. 



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Just started getting the following. Is this a PIA issue or a me issue?


2024-09-13 12:35:39.059668-07:002024-09-13 12:35:39,059 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
2024-09-13 12:35:39.060869-07:00[warn] Unable to successfully download PIA json payload from URL '' using token '***HIDDEN***'
2024-09-13 12:35:39.060893-07:00[info] 12 retries left
2024-09-13 12:35:39.060917-07:00[info] Retrying in 10 secs...


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Anyone else have issue recently where Qbitorrent creating a folder of the finished torrent even though the torrent did not contain its own folder?


To explan:


I download torrent with following file in the torrent: torrent.txt

The finished torrent is saved to: completed/torrent/torrent.txt instead of completed/torrent.txt

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