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[Support] ich777 - Gameserver Dockers

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18 minutes ago, maskullking said:

Hi, I am having trouble getting the gmod docker up and running. I keep getting segment faults.

I tried adding the -debug line and I get this:

Next step is obviously installing gdb. But I thought I would post here first.

PS: thank you for these dockers. They are really helpful. Currently got the SCP one up and running. Just having problems with gmod =/

I will have a look at when I got home from work.


The '-debug' doesn't work because GDB isn't installed in the container (other than that, the Steam output from that doesn't help very much.


On which Unraid version are you? Have you a Cache drive installed in your Server? Have you changed any values in the template?

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10 minutes ago, ich777 said:

I will have a look at when I got home from work.


The '-debug' doesn't work because GDB isn't installed in the container (other than that, the Steam output from that doesn't help very much.


On which Unraid version are you? Have you a Cache drive installed in your Server? Have you changed any values in the template?

I'm running unraid 6.8.3
Didn't change any of the settings. Just left default.

One thing I noted is in the error it reference AppID 4000 which is the ID for Garry's Mod rather than 4020 which is the dedicated server AppID. The default setting is still correctly set to 4020.

Don't know if this is related or not.

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9 minutes ago, maskullking said:

I'm running unraid 6.8.3
Didn't change any of the settings. Just left default.

Please answer all questions, have you installed a cache drive in your server (that's probably the most important question and also the answer to solve your issue).


9 minutes ago, maskullking said:

One thing I noted is in the error it reference AppID 4000 which is the ID for Garry's Mod rather than 4020 which is the dedicated server AppID. The default setting is still correctly set to 4020.

This is just normal because the files that are downloaded identified by app id 4020 and the game itself (also the dedicated server) is game id 4000.


No problem here (also please include a screenshot from your template settings):


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16 minutes ago, maskullking said:

Oh sorry I missed the question about the cache drive. No I don't have a cache drive.

Have set the appdata to use disk1 only or can it spread across multiple disks?

The problem with some of the gameservers is that it needs the physical path to the disk and not /mnt/user/appdata/... in your case it's a little difficult because you don't have a cache drive installed (usually with a cache drive you have /mnt/cache/appdata/...).


I think in your case it can spread across multiple disks and some files on disk1 and some files are on another disk so that's why the error happens.

What you can try is to create a share (in this example 'gameservers') that is specificly allowd to use one disk only (in this example 'disk1') and you specify the path to is for the GameFiles (eg: '/mnt/disk1/gameservers/garrysmod').

You could also use another disk or even a disk that is outside of your array with the UnassignedDevices plugin (then the path has to be something like this: '/mnt/disks/gamedisk/garrysmod' where 'gamedisk' is the name of the disk).


Only the GameFiles need the physical disk path (SteamCMD for example can use the 'virtual' path '/mnt/user/appdata/...')

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I tried going with "/mnt/disk1/gameservers/gmod" same errors appearing.

I even made sure to go into gameservers share and set it to only include disk1 and exclude other discs. Still no dice.

However upon installing it again I now have these messages upon downloading gmod:

Success! App '4020' fully installed.
/data/src/common/pipes.cpp (774) : Assertion Failed: stalled cross-thread pipe

/data/src/clientdll/steamclient.cpp (806) : Assertion Failed: bufRet.TellPut() == sizeof(uint8)

CWorkThreadPool::~CWorkThreadPool: work complete queue not empty, 5 items discarded.
CWorkThreadPool::~CWorkThreadPool: work complete queue not empty, 2 items discarded.

Pretty sure I didn't have them before but can't be certain.

I will give the unassigned drives option a go tomorrow.

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2 hours ago, maskullking said:

So I setup a spare USB drive as an Unassigned drive and it's now all working.

Thanks a for your help with this. It's a shame I can't run the server with parity. But just having it running as a docker is much better than running a VM just for it.

That's really strange... it should also be possible to run it from the array itself.

Can you try to make a seperate share on the array like I described in the post above and let it use one disk only and then point it to that share for example: '/mnt/disk2/gameservers/gmod'?


It also works if it's on the array but please keep in mind that it should not be allowed to spread over multiple disks (Have you deleted the gamefolder on the array after you changed that your appdata is allowed to use only one disk? If not that could also be the problem since it has already spread over multiple disks).

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3 hours ago, maskullking said:

Yeah that's what I did with "/mnt/disk2/gameservers/garrysmod"

I might try it looking into it again at a later date. But I got it working with the unassigned devices, so I am just going to roll with that setting up my servers for now.

If you do a include disks you don't have to exclude the other disks or vice-versa

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Hi, i just set up conan exiles server, and everything works well, except one thing. I don't understand why I'm getting 50-100 ping, and my friend getting around 250. Any ideas what can affect ping? The unraid server is connected to the same router.
I'm also getting "fixme:wininet:internetsetoptionw option 77 stub" message in the log all time.


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7 minutes ago, Aestum said:

Hi, i just set up conan exiles server, and everything works well, except one thing. I don't understand why I'm getting 50-100 ping, and my friend getting around 250. Any ideas what can affect ping? The unraid server is connected to the same router.
I'm also getting "fixme:wininet:internetsetoptionw option 77 stub" message in the log all time.

Please note that this container is marked as BETA and it's running through WINE!


ConanExiles has no dedicated Linux server, only a Windows version is available and the only possibility to run it, more or less good, is through WINE.


Note that WINE can add addtional latency and also can cause much overhaed, can't do anything about that sorry.


EDIT: But I think it should be playable with a ping fo 250ms...

  • Thanks 1
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i have arc game server up and running, but i cant see how to connect my xbox one to the server ? is this possible ? or am i just wasting my time, i have seen youtube videos of pc to xbox so i could host a vm with xbox version running ? but like the docker idea, any help would be apricated even if its no you cant do it 

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2 hours ago, idmanager said:


i have arc game server up and running, but i cant see how to connect my xbox one to the server ? is this possible ? or am i just wasting my time, i have seen youtube videos of pc to xbox so i could host a vm with xbox version running ? but like the docker idea, any help would be apricated even if its no you cant do it 

I don't know if that's possible with private dedicated server since I don't own an Xbox but if it's possible your dedicated server must be reachable from outside (open the corresponding ports in your router/firewall and check if it's reachable from another location).

Search for something like 'ark dedicated server xbox cross play' on your favorite search engine... ;)


But keep in mind that's a private dedicated server, eventually you have to append some command to the EXTRA_GAME_PARAMS in the template but as I said, not sure, but I think it should work...

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Hey I am trying to get your tmodloader docker running along side you tshock docker for terraria servers. The way I got the tshock one working properly was to just delete the GAME_PARAMS -config serverconfig.txt in the docker settings. I would then use the docker exec -u terraria -ti NAMEOFYOURCONTAINER screen -xS Terraria to get into the screen of the docker and just manually choose my world or if I want to create a new one. I could not get the serverconfig folder to work properly on the tshock server so when I went to set up the tmodloader server I did a similar thing. I also changed the port to listen to to 7771 just to not confuse the router. The docker starts but when I try to use the command docker exec -u terraria -ti TerrariaModded screen -xS Terraria. It says this "There is no screen to be attached matching Terraria." So I then went back and re-added the serverconifg txt  in the docker settings to hope it loads up and it still wont. When trying to access the server on my tmodloader app on my desktop it just hangs on "connecting to". 


Any help would make my day for sure. And if I can also get some help troubleshooting why I can't use the config txt file with the tshock server that'd be great. 


If you need any screenshots or uploads lmk. I would have done them in the OP but I quite honestly don't know what to look for.

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26 minutes ago, Zach_peterson4 said:

Hey I am trying to get your tmodloader docker running along side you tshock docker for terraria servers.

Tried now both container TShock is broken, will fix it in the next few days (since this container is running via Mono it's sometimes a little buggy).

tModloader works just fine.


EDIT: TShock is not broken was actually my fault... :D

Also works just fine (but now I remember without a world the server crashes).


26 minutes ago, Zach_peterson4 said:

"connecting to"

Have you changed the port?

Please keep in mind that you have to delete the old entry 7777 and create a new one with container port 7771 and host port 7771 otherwise it won't work (don't forget to set the config file accordingly so the server uses actualy port 7771 and not the default 7777).


26 minutes ago, Zach_peterson4 said:

Any help would make my day for sure. And if I can also get some help troubleshooting why I can't use the config txt file with the tshock server that'd be great. 


Use this as a starting point (create a world locally and copy it over):


EDIT2: A little more information would be helpfull or at least the logs.

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7 minutes ago, ich777 said:
25 minutes ago, Zach_peterson4 said:

"connecting to"

Have you changed the port?

Please keep in mind that you have to delete the old entry 7777 and create a new one with container port 7771 and host port 7771 otherwise it won't work (don't forget to set the config file accordingly so the server uses actualy port 7771 and not the default 7777).

Yes I changed the port as you specified. 

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20 minutes ago, ich777 said:

Use this as a starting point (create a world locally and copy it over):

So when I am creating my world locally am I creating it on tmodloader? and what files exactly am I transferring over to the docker? The config file and the map file? Also (and this question may be stupid) do I have to create the world it a multiplayer instance to run on the server or can I make a single player world and use that for the server world?

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1 minute ago, Zach_peterson4 said:

So when I am creating my world locally am I creating it on tmodloader? and what files exactly am I transferring over to the docker? The config file and the map file? Also (and this question may be stupid) do I have to create the world it a multiplayer instance to run on the server or can I make a single player world and use that for the server world?

You create it on your pc and then going to your appdata directory via SMB into your game direcotry and copy it over from your local PC to your server.


Multiplayer would be easier but keep in mind to only copy over the world.


Sadly enough TShock have a bug where it crashes on Linux if it doesn't find a world.


If TShock is not working, please try to delete the container again and also the created directory for TShock in your appdata directory and readownload it from the CA App.

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Hey again, my terraria server isn't saving the world file in the worlds folder I pasted a snip of the log file. It says it stores it in the .local path. I have no idea where that is exactly. This wouldn't matter so much normally but for some reason i lost my world file and I can't seem to recover it. It is like it just vanished.


2020-09-15 20:05:37 - TextLog: INFO: Zach_peterson4 disconnected.
2020-09-15 20:05:37 - Utils: INFO: Broadcast: Saving world...
2020-09-15 20:05:40 - Utils: INFO: Broadcast: World saved.
2020-09-15 20:05:40 - SaveManager: INFO: World saved at (/serverdata/.local/share/Terraria/Worlds/Calamity.wld)

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2 hours ago, Zach_peterson4 said:

The docker starts but when I try to use the command docker exec -u terraria -ti TerrariaModded screen -xS Terraria. It says this "There is no screen to be attached matching Terraria."

Do you also happen to know a solution to this problem? I renamed the docker to TerrariaModded but I am not sure if that is the issue as I also renamed the tshock docker to just Terraria and I can access its screen just fine.

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after a few hours of messing around I stumbled upon the logs for the docker.

---Prepare Server---
---Server ready---
---Checking for old logs---
---Start Server---
Cannot exec '/serverdata/serverfiles/tModLoaderServer': No such file or directory

Session terminated, killing shell...'---Checking if UID: 99 matches user---
usermod: no changes
---Checking if GID: 100 matches user---
usermod: no changes
---Setting umask to 000---
---Checking for optional scripts---
---No optional script found, continuing---
---Version Check---
---Terraria Version up-to-date---
---Version Check of tModloader---
---tModloader Version up-to-date---
---Prepare Server---
---Server ready---
---Checking for old logs---
---Start Server---
Cannot exec '/serverdata/serverfiles/tModLoaderServer': No such file or directory

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10 hours ago, Zach_peterson4 said:

Hey again, my terraria server isn't saving the world file in the worlds folder I pasted a snip of the log file. It says it stores it in the .local path. I have no idea where that is exactly. This wouldn't matter so much normally but for some reason i lost my world file and I can't seem to recover it. It is like it just vanished.


2020-09-15 20:05:37 - TextLog: INFO: Zach_peterson4 disconnected.
2020-09-15 20:05:37 - Utils: INFO: Broadcast: Saving world...
2020-09-15 20:05:40 - Utils: INFO: Broadcast: World saved.
2020-09-15 20:05:40 - SaveManager: INFO: World saved at (/serverdata/.local/share/Terraria/Worlds/Calamity.wld)

What have you changed? You have to use the provided servconfig.txt

From which game are we speaking?

TShock oder tModloader?

Can we try to get one game running and then the other?


7 hours ago, Zach_peterson4 said:

after a few hours of messing around I stumbled upon the logs for the docker.

---Prepare Server---
---Server ready---
---Checking for old logs---
---Start Server---
Cannot exec '/serverdata/serverfiles/tModLoaderServer': No such file or directory

Session terminated, killing shell...'---Checking if UID: 99 matches user---
usermod: no changes
---Checking if GID: 100 matches user---
usermod: no changes
---Setting umask to 000---
---Checking for optional scripts---
---No optional script found, continuing---
---Version Check---
---Terraria Version up-to-date---
---Version Check of tModloader---
---tModloader Version up-to-date---
---Prepare Server---
---Server ready---
---Checking for old logs---
---Start Server---
Cannot exec '/serverdata/serverfiles/tModLoaderServer': No such file or directory

Have you installed a cache drive in your server? Is the tModLoaderServer file in your serverdirectory?

Can you also provide a screenshot of zhe template?

An which unraid version are you?

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