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On 4/1/2020 at 12:34 PM, A75G said:

Happy to help, only wish i know how to configure it bit complex.

It is not so complicated to get it up & running, you just need to know where to start


First thing you need to edit the homeserver.yaml located in /appdata/matrix



- port: 8008
    tls: false
    type: http
    x_forwarded: true
    bind_addresses: ['::1', ''] 

Change the bind address to your docker IP address or to, otherwise you wont be able to connect.


Then start the docker, head to console & insert the following:

cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9' | fold -w 32 | head -n 1

Copy the result & back to homeserver.yaml locate these 2 lines

enable_registration: False <-- True if you want users to register
registration_shared_secret: "past the code here"

apparently in the docker the registration shared secret is already generated but I advise you use your own.


You can add your own ReCAPTCHA & TURN_uri server settings to the homeserver.yaml.

Now restart the matrix docker & redirect your reverse proxy to the IP & port, you can test it https://app.element.io/


To register an admin account:

register_new_matrix_user -c /data/homeserver.yaml

This can be HTTPS 8448 if you have the certs installed


There is one more step that involves creating an SRV record in your DNS if you want to connect your server to the federation.


_matrix._tcp.matrix.example.com the wight and priority is your choice as for the port if your behind a reverse proxy you can go with 443.


Once the server up & running you can head back to homeserver.yaml read through the settings & adjust the server to what you need.


Additional links to help:


DNS: https://github.com/spantaleev/matrix-docker-ansible-deploy/blob/master/docs/configuring-dns.md

well-known https://github.com/spantaleev/matrix-docker-ansible-deploy/blob/master/docs/configuring-well-known.md



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4 minutes ago, itlists said:

Hi, thanks for putting together these dockers.. .very useful!


Does miniflux come packaged with postgresql or do I need to install that first separately?


Your most welcome.

It doesn't i downloaded Postgres:11 its on CA already

  • Thanks 1
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Hey OP,

Thanks for wallabag docker.  I've been dying for an app like this.

Comparing what I installed to the actual program, the docker appears to be missing images and other textures.

Was that an oversight or did I get something wrong here?

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1 hour ago, eds said:

Hey OP,

Thanks for wallabag docker.  I've been dying for an app like this.

Comparing what I installed to the actual program, the docker appears to be missing images and other textures.

Was that an oversight or did I get something wrong here?

Yeah i had the same problem, make sure the Domain part is right for example if your only using for local user and if you are hosting it on your domain http://wallabag.example.com or https://wallabag.example.com

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6 hours ago, A75G said:

Yeah i had the same problem, make sure the Domain part is right for example if your only using for local user and if you are hosting it on your domain http://wallabag.example.com or https://wallabag.example.com

Ah!  You're right.

Once I actually added the IP address in place of <IP> that did it.





One other thing I wonder if you can help me with....

I'm using nginx proxy manager to handle the app with my domain so I can access on the wan side, but this appears to be failing.  Any ideas?


Edited by eds
One more thing...
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2 hours ago, eds said:

Ah!  You're right.

Once I actually added the IP address in place of <IP> that did it.





One other thing I wonder if you can help me with....

I'm using nginx proxy manager to handle the app with my domain so I can access on the wan side, but this appears to be failing.  Any ideas?


i dont use NPM https://github.com/wallabag/docker#nginx

and change the domain variable in wallabag to https://wallabag.domain.com

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Hey! Thanks so much for the Wallabag docker. It works perfectly for me and no problems with NPM. I see that new user registration is enabled by default which may not be ideal for everyone. I added the variable SYMFONY__ENV__FOSUSER_REGISTRATION and set it to false which removes the option to self-register. :)

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1 hour ago, wazabees said:

Hey! Thanks so much for the Wallabag docker. It works perfectly for me and no problems with NPM. I see that new user registration is enabled by default which may not be ideal for everyone. I added the variable SYMFONY__ENV__FOSUSER_REGISTRATION and set it to false which removes the option to self-register. :)

That variable is a beautiful addition, thanks for that.


Docker update to  NPM seems to  fix my  bigger issue, but  now I am getting an issue with some buttons/images/labels.  When using ssl its even worse. 

Out of curiosity what are  your settings for the wallabag docker?  Are you using  the domain name name or ip in the settings?

In NPM are you using ssl cert?


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6 hours ago, wazabees said:

Hey! Thanks so much for the Wallabag docker. It works perfectly for me and no problems with NPM. I see that new user registration is enabled by default which may not be ideal for everyone. I added the variable SYMFONY__ENV__FOSUSER_REGISTRATION and set it to false which removes the option to self-register. :)

Thank you for info, will update the template right away.


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I got your reactive-resume docker up and running, and it works great until I try to save as PDF.  When I do this, everything saves with the exception of my photo.  It just displays a blank area in the PDF where the picture should be.  The photo displays fine in the viewer prior to and after trying to save as PDF.   There are no errors that I can see.  Any ideas of what I can do or where I can look to help figure out why?

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4 hours ago, bloggs said:

I got your reactive-resume docker up and running, and it works great until I try to save as PDF.  When I do this, everything saves with the exception of my photo.  It just displays a blank area in the PDF where the picture should be.  The photo displays fine in the viewer prior to and after trying to save as PDF.   There are no errors that I can see.  Any ideas of what I can do or where I can look to help figure out why?

I'm not sure it i tried it on my side it work.

Have you tried different browser.

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40 minutes ago, A75G said:

I'm not sure it i tried it on my side it work.

Have you tried different browser.

I tried it in both Brave and Chrome and it does the same in both, even with most of the security stuff in either turned off.  I tried it in edge, but the page doesn't seem to work very well in there.  Just for kicks I tried switching templates, but that seems to do the same thing on each of them that I tried.  Finally, I tried switching to a different image in case there was something wrong with it, but that also does the same thing.  I also tried a few different PDF viewers, but no luck there either.  Oddly enough, I tried it on the public site (https://rx-resume.web.app/) and it did the same thing there as well.  Are there issues with image size or file type maybe?  This is just a 1000x1000 jpg image that is 736 kb, so it isn't anything really strange.

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1 minute ago, bloggs said:

I tried it in both Brave and Chrome and it does the same in both, even with most of the security stuff in either turned off.  I tried it in edge, but the page doesn't seem to work very well in there.  Just for kicks I tried switching templates, but that seems to do the same thing on each of them that I tried.  Finally, I tried switching to a different image in case there was something wrong with it, but that also does the same thing.  I also tried a few different PDF viewers, but no luck there either.  Oddly enough, I tried it on the public site (https://rx-resume.web.app/) and it did the same thing there as well.  Are there issues with image size or file type maybe?  This is just a 1000x1000 jpg image that is 736 kb, so it isn't anything really strange.

It might be it try lowering the resolution.

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11 hours ago, A75G said:

It might be it try lowering the resolution.

I tried a few steps going all the way down to 100x100, but no change in the results.  To be sure it wasn't something wrong with my image, I also tried linking to a random image online (https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=http%3A%2F%2Fimg1.wikia.nocookie.net%2F__cb20100502232308%2Fadventuretimewithfinnandjake%2Fimages%2Fe%2Fe4%2FAt_100x100_iconjake.jpg&f=1&nofb=1) and it did the same thing with that as well, both on my hosted version and the public web one.  Is there a log anywhere inside the docker that might shed some light on what is happening?

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3 minutes ago, bloggs said:

I tried a few steps going all the way down to 100x100, but no change in the results.  To be sure it wasn't something wrong with my image, I also tried linking to a random image online (https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=http%3A%2F%2Fimg1.wikia.nocookie.net%2F__cb20100502232308%2Fadventuretimewithfinnandjake%2Fimages%2Fe%2Fe4%2FAt_100x100_iconjake.jpg&f=1&nofb=1) and it did the same thing with that as well, both on my hosted version and the public web one.  Is there a log anywhere inside the docker that might shed some light on what is happening?

I'm not sure but if both public and hosted didn't work better make issue there which

Now that i look at the issue there seems some people have the same problem if im not wrong https://github.com/AmruthPillai/Reactive-Resume/issues/94

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6 hours ago, A75G said:

I'm not sure but if both public and hosted didn't work better make issue there which

Now that i look at the issue there seems some people have the same problem if im not wrong https://github.com/AmruthPillai/Reactive-Resume/issues/94

Thanks, I'll keep an eye on that thread, no use in doubling it up.  If there is any additional info I can provide to help please let me know.  Great project, tho!  I really needed to update my resume and this made a really simple way to make it look nice.

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59 minutes ago, wazabees said:

Your Shiori and Wallabag containers are great! If you're looking for another project, here's a tip - mainly because I'm curious about it! ;)





Docker info:


Hhhh thanks i think you are reading my mind or something i already have it installed on my unraid few days ago

but its bit complicated but sure ill add it to the repo if you want

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6 hours ago, A75G said:

Hhhh thanks i think you are reading my mind or something i already have it installed on my unraid few days ago

but its bit complicated but sure ill add it to the repo if you want

Nice! No rush to add it to your repo if you don't feel it's ready. The ArchiveBox project is likely to progress slowly due to the author not having too much time. It's an interesting project though!


On the subject of bookmark managers/read it later tools, did you consider Shaarli as well? It's not very pretty, but it does look interesting, and development is somewhat active.




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21 minutes ago, wazabees said:

Nice! No rush to add it to your repo if you don't feel it's ready. The ArchiveBox project is likely to progress slowly due to the author not having too much time. It's an interesting project though!


On the subject of bookmark managers/read it later tools, did you consider Shaarli as well? It's not very pretty, but it does look interesting, and development is somewhat active.




ill add it next week i like to check them for few days then release them

and you have great taste on dockers if you want you can add request on my GitHub https://github.com/A75G/docker-templates/issues/new/choose

add as much you like ill get to it eventually

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4 hours ago, A75G said:

ill add it next week i like to check them for few days then release them

and you have great taste on dockers if you want you can add request on my GitHub https://github.com/A75G/docker-templates/issues/new/choose

add as much you like ill get to it eventually

Dude your dockers are the best.   Just installed another one.  Keep em coming.   

Edited by eds
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15 hours ago, A75G said:

Hhhh thanks i think you are reading my mind or something i already have it installed on my unraid few days ago

but its bit complicated but sure ill add it to the repo if you want

I edited the post command to be "./archive (URL,FEED,BOOKMARK,FILE)" (no quotes) and now the updating of the container fails...?


Also a bit sad that the web server isn't built-in, I don't really intend to run a reverse-proxy, mostly because all the guides out there focus on exposing services to the internet and setting up a domain, etc... which I am not interested in one bit. At least not right now.


All I want is service-name.<server-name>.local if anything. Maybe I'm just not too pressured to look into those tutorials and stripe out the extra complexities like domains etc that I don't need, then again I don't know how much those guides rely on you following the exact procedure.


Is ANYONE reverse-proxying their services for their LAN only with the intention of .local and no publicly certified secure certificates? Hmm... (unless Let's Encrypt also works with local-only domains?)

Edited by Glassed Silver
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3 hours ago, Glassed Silver said:

I edited the post command to be "./archive (URL,FEED,BOOKMARK,FILE)" (no quotes) and now the updating of the container fails...?


Also a bit sad that the web server isn't built-in, I don't really intend to run a reverse-proxy, mostly because all the guides out there focus on exposing services to the internet and setting up a domain, etc... which I am not interested in one bit. At least not right now.


All I want is service-name.<server-name>.local if anything. Maybe I'm just not too pressured to look into those tutorials and stripe out the extra complexities like domains etc that I don't need, then again I don't know how much those guides rely on you following the exact procedure.


Is ANYONE reverse-proxying their services for their LAN only with the intention of .local and no publicly certified secure certificates? Hmm... (unless Let's Encrypt also works with local-only domains?)

what i meant when i said "./archive (URL,FEED,BOOKMARK,FILE)"  is for example "./archive www.google.com" or "./archive /data/link.txt" for file you need to put it in the appdata

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