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Unassigned Devices - Managing Disk Drives and Remote Shares Outside of The Unraid Array

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20 minutes ago, johnnie.black said:


Correct, but since most SSDs don't support that it won't work for most users.


Very true especially for those with older (>3-4 year) SSD.  Deterministic Read After Trim (DRAT) and Deterministic Zeroes After Trim (DZAT) support are becoming more common.  Can verify which TRIM modes an SSD supports:

$ hdparm -I /dev/sdx | grep -i trim 

May have to be off HBA to query.

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I posted about an issue I was having with keeping drives spin down a few weeks back.




I thought I had the problem solved, following some suggestions to use User Scripts to spin the drives down and set the spin down parameters.  This seemed to work.


However now what I've found is while the script does initially work. for some reason the two drives which ARE NOT mounted, spin down and then spin back up within 15-30 minutes.  The single drive that is mounted and shared by UD actually stays spun down and doesn't spin back up on it's own.


Does anyone have an idea how or why this would happen?  Can I enter the script lines at the device level using UD and would that help?  (see right hand side of UD window has a "script" button for each drive).



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Hi Guys,


I am running the latest version of UD 2017.09.17 and for a few versions now I have been unable to get my UD RAID array to automount. I have been using UD for a long time, in particular to automount this volume so am unsure why it has stopped. I am running 6.4 RC8; the logs seem to suggest that is automounting the share successfully???!!!


The share is /mnt/disks/Media


Sep 18 21:32:40 Adding disk '/dev/sdb1'...
Sep 18 21:32:40 No filesystem detected, aborting.
Sep 18 21:32:40 Partition 'Areca ARC 1883 VOL#000-part1' could not be mounted, aborting...
Sep 18 21:36:02 Adding disk '/dev/sdb1'...
Sep 18 21:36:02 No filesystem detected, aborting.
Sep 18 21:36:02 Partition 'Areca ARC 1883 VOL#000-part1' could not be mounted, aborting...
Sep 18 21:36:21 Adding disk '/dev/sdb2'...
Sep 18 21:36:21 Mount drive command: /sbin/mount -t ntfs -o auto,async,noatime,nodiratime,nodev,nosuid,umask=000 '/dev/sdb2' '/mnt/disks/Media'
Sep 18 21:36:21 Successfully mounted '/dev/sdb2' on '/mnt/disks/Media'.
Sep 18 21:36:21 Defining share 'Media' on file '/etc/samba/unassigned-shares/Media.conf'
Sep 18 21:36:21 Reloading Samba configuration...
Sep 18 21:36:21 Directory '/mnt/disks/Media' shared successfully.
Sep 18 21:36:21 Device '/dev/sdb2' script file not found. 'ADD' script not executed.
Sep 18 22:00:24 Disk with serial 'ARC-1883-VOL001_10feb80341957892' is not set to auto mount and will not be mounted...
Sep 19 06:45:36 Running command '/boot/config/plugins/unassigned.devices/Media.sh' with action 'ADD'.

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4 hours ago, TODDLT said:

I posted about an issue I was having with keeping drives spin down a few weeks back.




I thought I had the problem solved, following some suggestions to use User Scripts to spin the drives down and set the spin down parameters.  This seemed to work.


However now what I've found is while the script does initially work. for some reason the two drives which ARE NOT mounted, spin down and then spin back up within 15-30 minutes.  The single drive that is mounted and shared by UD actually stays spun down and doesn't spin back up on it's own.


Does anyone have an idea how or why this would happen?  Can I enter the script lines at the device level using UD and would that help?  (see right hand side of UD window has a "script" button for each drive).





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2 hours ago, Enver said:

Hi Guys,


I am running the latest version of UD 2017.09.17 and for a few versions now I have been unable to get my UD RAID array to automount. I have been using UD for a long time, in particular to automount this volume so am unsure why it has stopped. I am running 6.4 RC8; the logs seem to suggest that is automounting the share successfully???!!!


The share is /mnt/disks/Media


Sep 18 21:32:40 Adding disk '/dev/sdb1'...
Sep 18 21:32:40 No filesystem detected, aborting.
Sep 18 21:32:40 Partition 'Areca ARC 1883 VOL#000-part1' could not be mounted, aborting...
Sep 18 21:36:02 Adding disk '/dev/sdb1'...
Sep 18 21:36:02 No filesystem detected, aborting.
Sep 18 21:36:02 Partition 'Areca ARC 1883 VOL#000-part1' could not be mounted, aborting...
Sep 18 21:36:21 Adding disk '/dev/sdb2'...
Sep 18 21:36:21 Mount drive command: /sbin/mount -t ntfs -o auto,async,noatime,nodiratime,nodev,nosuid,umask=000 '/dev/sdb2' '/mnt/disks/Media'
Sep 18 21:36:21 Successfully mounted '/dev/sdb2' on '/mnt/disks/Media'.
Sep 18 21:36:21 Defining share 'Media' on file '/etc/samba/unassigned-shares/Media.conf'
Sep 18 21:36:21 Reloading Samba configuration...
Sep 18 21:36:21 Directory '/mnt/disks/Media' shared successfully.
Sep 18 21:36:21 Device '/dev/sdb2' script file not found. 'ADD' script not executed.
Sep 18 22:00:24 Disk with serial 'ARC-1883-VOL001_10feb80341957892' is not set to auto mount and will not be mounted...
Sep 19 06:45:36 Running command '/boot/config/plugins/unassigned.devices/Media.sh' with action 'ADD'.


You have one partition that has no file system, and a disk that is not set to auto mount.  The Media share has been shared.  I'm unclear as to what it is that is not working.


Show a screen shot of the drive on the UD page after you have clicked on the '+' to show all the partitions.

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51 minutes ago, dlandon said:


You have one partition that has no file system, and a disk that is not set to auto mount.  The Media share has been shared.  I'm unclear as to what it is that is not working.


Show a screen shot of the drive on the UD page after you have clicked on the '+' to show all the partitions.

The issue is the /mnt/disks/Media share no longer auto mounts. I have to manually click no mount. I realise what the logs say.....my Dockers point to this share....and when it does not auto mount with UD.....the Dockers aren't able to access the media. The screen capture below is the share manually mounted.



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24 minutes ago, Enver said:

The issue is the /mnt/disks/Media share no longer auto mounts. I have to manually click no mount. I realise what the logs say.....my Dockers point to this share....and when it does not auto mount with UD.....the Dockers aren't able to access the media. The screen capture below is the share manually mounted.


It appears the log you posted was after you clicked the 'Mount' button.  Please show a log when the auto mount does not work.

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Just now, dlandon said:


It appears the log you posted was after you clicked the 'Mount' button.  Please show a log when the auto mount does not work.

I can see why it won't auto mount, as there is no valid file system on the first partition. I do not need or have ever wanted the first partition to mount as its something created by the RAID card. What I do not now is why its doing this now? The partition information on this RAID 5 array has not changed, so I can only think its something in UD that has?

What I used to be able to do is automatically mount the /mnt/disks/Media share.

ep 19 20:49:49 Adding disk '/dev/sdb1'...
Sep 19 20:49:49 No filesystem detected, aborting.
Sep 19 20:49:49 Partition 'Areca ARC 1883 VOL#000-part1' could not be mounted, aborting...
Sep 19 20:57:44 Adding disk '/dev/sdb1'...
Sep 19 20:57:44 No filesystem detected, aborting.
Sep 19 20:57:44 Partition 'Areca ARC 1883 VOL#000-part1' could not be mounted, aborting...
Sep 19 20:58:28 Adding disk '/dev/sdb1'...
Sep 19 20:58:28 No filesystem detected, aborting.
Sep 19 20:58:28 Partition 'Areca ARC 1883 VOL#000-part1' could not be mounted, aborting...


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17 minutes ago, Enver said:

I can see why it won't auto mount, as there is no valid file system on the first partition. I do not need or have ever wanted the first partition to mount as its something created by the RAID card. What I do not now is why its doing this now? The partition information on this RAID 5 array has not changed, so I can only think its something in UD that has?

What I used to be able to do is automatically mount the /mnt/disks/Media share.

ep 19 20:49:49 Adding disk '/dev/sdb1'...
Sep 19 20:49:49 No filesystem detected, aborting.
Sep 19 20:49:49 Partition 'Areca ARC 1883 VOL#000-part1' could not be mounted, aborting...
Sep 19 20:57:44 Adding disk '/dev/sdb1'...
Sep 19 20:57:44 No filesystem detected, aborting.
Sep 19 20:57:44 Partition 'Areca ARC 1883 VOL#000-part1' could not be mounted, aborting...
Sep 19 20:58:28 Adding disk '/dev/sdb1'...
Sep 19 20:58:28 No filesystem detected, aborting.
Sep 19 20:58:28 Partition 'Areca ARC 1883 VOL#000-part1' could not be mounted, aborting...



That's what I suspected.  When did this start?  Nothing in UD has changed that I know of that would affect this.

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Just now, dlandon said:


That's what I suspected.  When did this start?  Nothing in UD has changed that I know of that would affect this.

I am not exactly sure; my machine has been offline for about four weeks as I had a CPU die and had to RMA it. At the time I was on unRAID 6.3.5, so perhaps its related to 6.4 RC8q?

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Just now, dlandon said:

I see the issue, but it has been this way forever.  When a file system is not found on a partition, no other partitions are mounted after that.

Not sure what to tell you; it has always worked in this configuration in the past. I mean.....it does seem kind of unusual not to be able to cope with <hidden> partitions...?

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5 minutes ago, dlandon said:

I don't know what to tell you, but this issue has been there since I took over the UD plugin from gfjardim.  Is it possible that a file system was created on that partition in the past?


I am working on a fix that I will post once I am convinced I've tested it properly.


Thanks for your support I really appreciate it. To answer your question, no there has never been a file system on that partition. That RAID volume set was created 18 months ago and I have pretty much used UD with that RAID volume set in its current partition layout day one. I have never tampered with the partitions; that partition is created by the Areca RAID card. I do find it surprising, as plenty of other OS's create hidden partitions; no idea why it has become and issue now.


Ideally what would be nice is the ability to selectively check (radio button / slide switch) each share or partition that we want to auto mount. I really don't mind how its done, just know its something I am missing for some reason right now.


Thanks a bunch.

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5 hours ago, dlandon said:




Thanks.  I did recently turn on notifications for the first time.  I'll test it tonight but that is probably it.  


Is there any way to counter this, or a change that can be made to eliminate the problem?  


It's interesting that it doesn't affect the drive UD has mounted and shared.  I wonder if I mount but don't share the other drives, will that allow them to stay spun down.


Thanks again.

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3 hours ago, Enver said:


Thanks for your support I really appreciate it. To answer your question, no there has never been a file system on that partition. That RAID volume set was created 18 months ago and I have pretty much used UD with that RAID volume set in its current partition layout day one. I have never tampered with the partitions; that partition is created by the Areca RAID card. I do find it surprising, as plenty of other OS's create hidden partitions; no idea why it has become and issue now.


Ideally what would be nice is the ability to selectively check (radio button / slide switch) each share or partition that we want to auto mount. I really don't mind how its done, just know its something I am missing for some reason right now.


Thanks a bunch.

Update UD and see if it doesn't fix your issue.

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6 hours ago, dlandon said:

Update UD and see if it doesn't fix your issue.

Hey dlandon,


Thanks a lot for implementing the 'fix'. Its worked like a charm! See logs below.


Sep 20 07:58:50 Adding disk '/dev/sdb1'...
Sep 20 07:58:50 No filesystem detected on '/dev/sdb1'.
Sep 20 07:58:50 Partition 'Areca ARC 1883 VOL#000-part1' could not be mounted...
Sep 20 07:58:50 Adding disk '/dev/sdb2'...
Sep 20 07:58:50 Mount drive command: /sbin/mount -t ntfs -o auto,async,noatime,nodiratime,nodev,nosuid,umask=000 '/dev/sdb2' '/mnt/disks/Media'
Sep 20 07:58:50 Successfully mounted '/dev/sdb2' on '/mnt/disks/Media'.
Sep 20 07:58:50 Defining share 'Media' on file '/etc/samba/unassigned-shares/Media.conf'
Sep 20 07:58:50 Reloading Samba configuration...
Sep 20 07:58:50 Directory '/mnt/disks/Media' shared successfully.
Sep 20 07:58:50 Device '/dev/sdb2' script file not found. 'ADD' script not executed.
Sep 20 07:58:50 Disk with serial 'ARC-1883-VOL001_10feb80341957892' is not set to auto mount and will not be mounted...

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8 hours ago, TODDLT said:


It's interesting that it doesn't affect the drive UD has mounted and shared.  I wonder if I mount but don't share the other drives, will that allow them to stay spun down.



8 hours ago, dlandon said:




OK tried that tonight but no luck.  I even clicked both the mount and share switches but they still spin back up.


The only difference is these aren't formatted.  I would format XFS for later use, but the "format" button is grayed out (see image).  How do I get to where they can be formatted and mounted?  I think the one that is currently shared was formatted on a PC NTFS, not via unRAID.




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4 minutes ago, TODDLT said:



OK tried that tonight but no luck.  I even clicked both the mount and share switches but they still spin back up.


The only difference is these aren't formatted.  I would format XFS for later use, but the "format" button is grayed out (see image).  How do I get to where they can be formatted and mounted?  I think the one that is currently shared was formatted on a PC NTFS, not via unRAID.




You need to actually mount the drive.  To format, be sure destructive mode is on in Settings->Unassigned Devices.  Then click on the disk name and click the X to delete the preclear file.  The format button should then be active.

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3 hours ago, dlandon said:

You need to actually mount the drive.  To format, be sure destructive mode is on in Settings->Unassigned Devices.  Then click on the disk name and click the X to delete the preclear file.  The format button should then be active.

 Once I turned on Destructive Mode, the format button opened up and allowed me to start the format. 

The disk name would not allow me to click or open it, so I never saw a "preclear file" to delete.


It did let me format and mount both disks.  It "appears" to be working at the moment.  The first 3 times I ran the script to spin the drives down, one didn't or it did briefly and then spun right back up.   The 4th time, they both seem to have stayed spun down.  I'll keep an eye here and post again if it continues to be an issue.


Thanks for the help.

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On 9/18/2017 at 8:17 AM, ksignorini said:

Any idea how I could figure out why my drive is showing with red Used amount on the Main page, rather than green like it has been up until now?


SMART doesn't show any errors. The log's empty. The partition is green...just the drive isn't.






It looks like the latest version had a "colors" fix in it. Unfortunately, now they're more confusing (now orange in both Used spots and the Free spot for the partition).





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