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Unassigned Devices - Managing Disk Drives and Remote Shares Outside of The Unraid Array

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2 minutes ago, bubbl3 said:



root@Tower:/etc/samba/unassigned-shares# cat /etc/samba/unassigned-shares/ZCH0859H.conf
        comment = ZCH0859H
        path = /mnt/disks/ZCH0859H
        browseable = yes
        valid users = emanuele
        write list = emanuele
        vfs objects = catia fruit streams_xattr
        fruit:encoding = native
        case sensitive = auto
        preserve case = yes
        short preserve case = yes


root@Tower:/etc/samba/unassigned-shares# cat /etc/samba/smb-unassigned.conf
include = /etc/samba/unassigned-shares/ZCH0859H.conf


Everyrthing looks right.  Is the share showing up in the network shares?  If not, go to the device settings and toggle the 'Share' switch off and then back on and see if the share shows in network shares.

  • Thanks 1
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18 minutes ago, dlandon said:

Everyrthing looks right.  Is the share showing up in the network shares?  If not, go to the device settings and toggle the 'Share' switch off and then back on and see if the share shows in network shares.

That worked 👍

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7 minutes ago, bubbl3 said:

That worked 👍

One of the things you should rethink is the stuff you have in your go file.  If it were me, I'd put that in a user script (User Scripts Plugin) and have it run on first array start.  Also review what you are doing and see if it is really necessary.


Adding stuff to the go file is not recommended.

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9 minutes ago, dlandon said:

One of the things you should rethink is the stuff you have in your go file.  If it were me, I'd put that in a user script (User Scripts Plugin) and have it run on first array start.  Also review what you are doing and see if it is really necessary.


Adding stuff to the go file is not recommended.

I agree, but since the upgrade to 6.12.8 the 32MB of the /run mount are not enough and there's no other way to increase it, if I don't do that many services won't start, not to mention i have to manually start dbus as it runs before the go file and fails to create a .pid.

Have a thread open but no help so far 🤷‍♂️

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1 hour ago, bubbl3 said:

I agree, but since the upgrade to 6.12.8 the 32MB of the /run mount are not enough and there's no other way to increase it, if I don't do that many services won't start, not to mention i have to manually start dbus as it runs before the go file and fails to create a .pid.

No idea why your system should use so much space under /run.   On my system the space used is more like 4MB so 32MB is more than enough.

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so with the latest update of unraid the 6.12.8

the unmount $device isnt working anymore   well it works on one drive  but not another..  in my script.. that used to work previous unraid... where i have 2 SSDs  labled transport data  in my sisters server and when she swaps them out it auto mounts transfers data to it and unmounts so she can pull it out...  it will do it on one... on the other it wont... and in the logs it has 

```Feb 17 19:51:51 mitchsserver unassigned.devices: Error: device script failed: '1'```


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so if i unmount the drive . and click the lighting bolt it runs the script and unmounts the drive fine

if i unmount the drive pull the drive out let it disappear  and then shove it it.. it mounts  it runs the script  but never unmounts.. the logs says it unmounted  but it never unmounts...  if i do i clean reboot.. and shove it in...  it sticks at unmount yet   says it unmount.... but if i use the other ssd  with the same name  it has no issues mounting  runnning  then unmounting


and i tried formating the drive  and trying again  but doesnt matter it hangs  but if you force  the script it works fine with the lightning bolt

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and it used to work in the previous unraid before i upgraded....  but in the previous this  ssd  with loose the mount and unmount and show DEV instead... it was a pain  when my unraid wouldnt do it... couldnt figure it out  why her unraid does that but my doesnt  yet i formated the ssd  etc

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1 minute ago, comet424 said:

so if i unmount the drive . and click the lighting bolt it runs the script and unmounts the drive fine

if i unmount the drive pull the drive out let it disappear  and then shove it it.. it mounts  it runs the script  but never unmounts.. the logs says it unmounted  but it never unmounts...  if i do i clean reboot.. and shove it in...  it sticks at unmount yet   says it unmount.... but if i use the other ssd  with the same name  it has no issues mounting  runnning  then unmounting


and i tried formating the drive  and trying again  but doesnt matter it hangs  but if you force  the script it works fine with the lightning bolt

Post diagnostics after all that.  Also, try detaching the disk, then re-attaching the disk.  This simulates removing the disk and re-installing it.  There are different sections of code in the script that get executed.

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ya i think i solved the issue for the DEV problem i built a new Hotswap backplain  3d printed parts i designed and solved that issue...


so here is diagnostic....  so i booted up her server...  without the SSD in there..  i put it in  it says it mounted    but it never un mounts  yet the log file says it unmounts... but i know when you force the script  to run  it will run that part of the code.... but when i use the other ssd . with the same script file.. as tehy both use the same file...  it works fine... so for whatever reason it doesnt like it 


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i ran smart tests short and extended  no errors  figured maybe something there but no errors 

and there are 4 slots on the server and i tried them all  and it does the same  for all for just hangs  when it should unmount  but says it unmounted  in my log    but if i force teh script to run  then it will run  but the shoving it the computer  it wont unmount for this ssd  i dont know why  it hates it

Edited by comet424
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10 hours ago, comet424 said:

ya i think i solved the issue for the DEV problem i built a new Hotswap backplain  3d printed parts i designed and solved that issue...


so here is diagnostic....  so i booted up her server...  without the SSD in there..  i put it in  it says it mounted    but it never un mounts  yet the log file says it unmounts... but i know when you force the script  to run  it will run that part of the code.... but when i use the other ssd . with the same script file.. as tehy both use the same file...  it works fine... so for whatever reason it doesnt like it 

mitchsserver-diagnostics-20240217-2151.zip 135.04 kB · 0 downloads

Change the 'umount $DEVICE' to 'umount $UD_DEVICE' and see if it makes a difference.  The $UD_DEVICE is the 'devX' designation of the disk.

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no didnt work  when i slide the SSD in  it  mounts   but never un mounts... but the log shows from the echos  that it succcessfully unmounted yet it never unmounted

least that 1 ssd 


but if i click the lightening bolt...   then it pops up the script  it shows running  where the mount is .. and then it actually unmounts  the ssd that is having the issue... but it wont unmount  if you mount it by slide it in it   or if you boot it up with the os  with automount  or with automount on and click mount  it runs the script  but it doesnt actually show  "Running"    it just shows mounted   and the log file says it succesfull unmounted...    yet never does.....   only time   it actually shows "Running"  when you click the lightening bolt to exectuet the script and thats when it actually unmounts... but it wont actually unmount any other time


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1 minute ago, comet424 said:

no didnt work  when i slide the SSD in  it  mounts   but never un mounts... but the log shows from the echos  that it succcessfully unmounted yet it never unmounted

least that 1 ssd 


but if i click the lightening bolt...   then it pops up the script  it shows running  where the mount is .. and then it actually unmounts  the ssd that is having the issue... but it wont unmount  if you mount it by slide it in it   or if you boot it up with the os  with automount  or with automount on and click mount  it runs the script  but it doesnt actually show  "Running"    it just shows mounted   and the log file says it succesfull unmounted...    yet never does.....   only time   it actually shows "Running"  when you click the lightening bolt to exectuet the script and thats when it actually unmounts... but it wont actually unmount any other time


The diagnostics you posted earlier did not show any of that activity.  Can you post diagnostics after the unmount issue you are talking about?

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8 minutes ago, comet424 said:

here is the diagnostic i didnt do any reboots i just did the  change to the un_device  and had the ssd out and shoved it in  


it do a screen video capture  just i got slow internet so it take a while to upload


mitchsserver-diagnostics-20240218-1012.zip 136.08 kB · 0 downloads

Your diagnostics shows the disk is unmounted.  Does the UI show it is mounted?

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ya the UI is mounted the top right corner the notifcation to show green box  mounted and unmounted.. never pops up  only when the script runs  or when i use the other SSD... it doesnt like this SSD for some reason doesnt matter  what slot i put it in..


but if i run the script by the ligthening bolt  the green boxes top right  pop up for unmounting    but if u shove it in  no it doesn and the UI  shows it still mounted...  is there a test to see if its still mounted or unmounted?

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The notification in the upper right is under the control of your script and is only a notification.  If the mount button shows mounted after your script has completed, that's different.


It's this code that shows the device is unmounted:

 /usr/local/emhttp/webGui/scripts/notify -e "Unraid Server Notice" -s "Unassigned Devices" -d "Device unmounted" -i "normal"

This displays in the notifications in the upper right of the UI after the disk is unmounted.



5 minutes ago, comet424 said:

is there a test to see if its still mounted or unmounted?

ls -la /mnt/disks/


Look for the mount point.  If it's missing, the device is unmounted.

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2 minutes ago, comet424 said:

so i terminal'ed  in

i can confirm the OS doesnt unmount the drive...  

Krusader says its mounted... so does terminal  under disks


Not in the diagnostics you posted:

Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
rootfs          2.9G  314M  2.6G  11% /
tmpfs            32M  4.1M   28M  13% /run
/dev/sda1        15G  993M   14G   7% /boot
overlay         2.9G  314M  2.6G  11% /lib
overlay         2.9G  314M  2.6G  11% /usr
devtmpfs        8.0M     0  8.0M   0% /dev
tmpfs           2.9G     0  2.9G   0% /dev/shm
tmpfs           128M  468K  128M   1% /var/log
tmpfs           1.0M     0  1.0M   0% /mnt/disks
tmpfs           1.0M     0  1.0M   0% /mnt/remotes
tmpfs           1.0M     0  1.0M   0% /mnt/addons
tmpfs           1.0M     0  1.0M   0% /mnt/rootshare
/dev/md1p1       11T  4.0T  7.0T  37% /mnt/disk1
/dev/sdb1       3.7T  991G  2.7T  27% /mnt/download_drive
/dev/nvme0n1p1  477G   21G  456G   5% /mnt/unraid_files
shfs             11T  4.0T  7.0T  37% /mnt/user0
shfs             11T  4.0T  7.0T  37% /mnt/user
/dev/loop2       20G  5.6G   14G  29% /var/lib/docker


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ok so i did a new clean reboot..  ssd out


when booted up..  i placed the ssd in

it mounted  but it never unmounted  yet script log said it did



so i ran that list  you mentioned it shows the drive still mounted.. and here is the diaganostic... does it show its not mounted yet its mounted?

```root@mitchsserver:~# ls -la /mnt/disks/
total 4
drwxrwxrwt  3 nobody users   60 Feb 18 11:14 ./
drwxr-xr-x 12 root   root   240 Feb 18 11:15 ../
drwxrwxrwx  1 root   root  4096 Feb 17 19:32 transport\ data/
root@mitchsserver:~# ^C
root@mitchsserver:~#   /usr/local/emhttp/webGui/scripts/notify -e "Unraid Server Notice" -s "Unassigned Devices" -d "Device unmounted" -i "normal"
root@mitchsserver:~# ```



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