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**GUIDE** How to Install Authelia on unRAID

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  • 2 months later...

After updating your Authelia to  v4.33.1, You'll probably see an error "Can't continue due to the errors loading the configuration"


To solve the issue, edit the configuration yaml file, and add a new encryption_key key under storage.


    path: /config/db.sqlite3 #this is your databse. You could use a mysql database if you wanted, but we're going to use this one.
  encryption_key: you_must_generate_a_random_string_of_more_than_twenty_chars_and_configure_this


Hope this helps :)

Edited by NotYourAverageDev
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13 minutes ago, NotYourAverageDev said:

After updating your Authelia to  v4.33.1, You'll probably see an error "Can't continue due to the errors loading the configuration"


To solve the issue, edit the configuration yaml file, and add a new encryption_key key under storage.


    path: /config/db.sqlite3 #this is your databse. You could use a mysql database if you wanted, but we're going to use this one.
  encryption_key: you_must_generate_a_random_string_of_more_than_twenty_chars_and_configure_this


Hope this helps :)

Thanks mate, we did also add this to our docs incase anyone doesn't know about it:


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16 minutes ago, NotYourAverageDev said:

After updating your Authelia to  v4.33.1, You'll probably see an error "Can't continue due to the errors loading the configuration"


To solve the issue, edit the configuration yaml file, and add a new encryption_key key under storage.


    path: /config/db.sqlite3 #this is your databse. You could use a mysql database if you wanted, but we're going to use this one.
  encryption_key: you_must_generate_a_random_string_of_more_than_twenty_chars_and_configure_this


Hope this helps :)


Just noticed this come up on my server, thanks for the help!

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3 hours ago, Masterwishx said:

have question about smtp port , im using 465 and its ok but its like old port for SSL and for TLS better to use 587 like in video guide? 

but i have some red line when i change to 587 



this log for 465


so what port is better to use ?


Both are fine it really depends on your SMTP provider and what they require

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21 hours ago, Sycotix said:

Both are fine it really depends on your SMTP provider and what they require

Thanks i got it ,im using google SMPT jsut didnt understand why is red line on 587 and i though 465 is obsoled port but after i founded info in :




so i understand there is a little confusion about thouse ports in SMTP usage, but like you said they both OK...

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im trying to setup Authelia also for Dockers with andriod apps like Airsonic Advanced,Nextcloud ...

in Airsonic Advanced can access from App ,can be "^/rest([/?].*)?$" added to all :


## bypass api / trigges
      - domain: "*.mysite.com"
          - "^/api([/?].*)?$"

          - "^/rest([/?].*)?$"
          - "^/identity.*$"
          - "^/triggers.*$"
          - "^/meshagents.*$"
          - "^/meshsettings.*$"
          - "^/agent.*$"
          - "^/control.*$"
          - "^/meshrelay.*$"
          - "^/wl.*$"


or better to setup alone ?




deny rules:

- domain: authelia.example.com

policy: bypass

- domain: sonic.example.com

policy: bypass

# not sure how else to let android & iOS apps get in resources:



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi there, I'm trying to get Authelia up and running.

I'm using it with SWAG, using the default authelia-server.conf and authelia-location.conf.

When I try and access an application that is reverse proxied and setup to use authelia, it correctly goes to the Authelia login page. When I log in correctly, it seems to redirect successfully, but without any session info (the user name is blank), and I end up at the Authelia login page again.

I've tried removing redis from the config to see if in memory session handling would make a difference, but no change.

Relevant log belong.



time="2021-12-28T23:51:14+11:00" level=debug msg="Check authorization of subject username= groups= ip=x.x.x.x and object https://xxx.duckdns.org/ (method GET)."
time="2021-12-28T23:51:14+11:00" level=info msg="Access to https://xxx.duckdns.org/ (method GET) is not authorized to user <anonymous>, responding with status code 401" method=GET path=/api/verify remote_ip=x.x.x.x
time="2021-12-28T23:51:20+11:00" level=debug msg="Mark 1FA authentication attempt made by user 'test'" method=POST path=/api/firstfactor remote_ip=x.x.x.x
time="2021-12-28T23:51:20+11:00" level=debug msg="Successful 1FA authentication attempt made by user 'test'" method=POST path=/api/firstfactor remote_ip=x.x.x.x
time="2021-12-28T23:51:20+11:00" level=debug msg="Check authorization of subject username=test groups=admins,dev ip=x.x.x.x and object https://xxx.duckdns.org/ (method )."
time="2021-12-28T23:51:20+11:00" level=debug msg="Required level for the URL https://xxx.duckdns.org/ is 1" method=POST path=/api/firstfactor remote_ip=x.x.x.x
time="2021-12-28T23:51:20+11:00" level=debug msg="Redirection URL https://xxx.duckdns.org/ is safe" method=POST path=/api/firstfactor remote_ip=x.x.x.x
time="2021-12-28T23:51:20+11:00" level=debug msg="Check authorization of subject username= groups= ip=x.x.x.x and object https://xxx.duckdns.org/ (method GET)."
time="2021-12-28T23:51:20+11:00" level=info msg="Access to https://xxx.duckdns.org/ (method GET) is not authorized to user <anonymous>, responding with status code 401" method=GET path=/api/verify remote_ip=x.x.x.x


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12 hours ago, xxbigfootxx said:

Have you added the group admins to be able to access those sites using 1FA?


I think so, but as a test, I've removed groups from my user and the rule and getting the same problem.


My access control is this

default_policy: deny

    ## Rules applied to everyone
    - domain: "*.duckdns.org"
      policy: one_factor


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  • 5 months later...
  • 5 months later...

If I want to add multiple subdomains to the Authelia config would I format it like this?

  default_policy: deny
    ## bypass rule
    - domain:
        - "auth.domain.com"
       policy: bypass
    ## catch-all
    - domain:
        - "radarr.[mydomain].org"
        - "sonarr.[mydomain].org"
        - "group:admins"
      policy: one_factor


Also is the encryption key entry found in the storage section just any key you generate using a generator over 20 chars?

Edited by DontWorryScro
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  • 2 weeks later...

My Authilia was running perfectly and then suddenly it just wouldn't start?

I found that if I stopped the Maria DB it would start.

I then restored both the Authilia & Marid DB and it still wouldn't start?



The latest (I have auto update enabled for this docker) update of Maria DB introduced an error!

Start your Marid DB docker for Authelia (Backup the db first) and go to the Docker terminal and execute:


$ mysql_upgrade -u root -p


After running this the update is "fixed" and everything works again

More about this error can be found here:


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  • 1 year later...
  • 2 months later...

Today after signing into one of my reverse proxied domains through authelia my iphone told me my password was insecure and to change it as it had been found in some database breech. Ive come to realize either I forget how to change the password or I never knew.


How do?

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