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Drive Error Red X


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3 minutes ago, GTP said:

before I delete the docker.img file will that delete my Plex metedata or settings?



Basically, docker.img is just the executables for the dockers containers. These are easily downloaded again. Deleting docker.img will delete all of your dockers.


But their working storage will still be in appdata, for example plex metadata and any settings made within each application.


And the settings used to create each docker, such as the mappings, etc. are in templates on flash. The Previous Apps feature on the Apps page will use those templates to reinstall all your dockers exactly as they were.


It's best to recreate custom docker networks before reinstalling the containers that use them so they will be able to use those custom networks when they start. Might be useful to have a screenshot of Dockers page to remember which custom networks are needed by each.


My setup is probably simpler than yours. I just have one custom network for those things that go through SWAG (letsencrypt) and DuckDNS.

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Another possible approach would be to not delete your docker.img.


Just set appdata, domains, system to cache-prefer, disable dockers and VMs while you move them, and run mover. Docker.img is wasting a lot of space, but looks like it must already be on cache based on your screenshots, so docker.img wouldn't get moved anyway.


I may not be on the internet for most of the next 2 days, but will check in occasionally.


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@trurl No problem at all I completely understand that this is not your job and you are just being a good guy, thank you for your constant help getting my rig going. Docker.img should be set to on cache. I will go ahead with those steps and wait to hear from you. If you do see this I was just considering ordering another drive and I am trying to figure out what to do? I have the 12 TB Parity and another 8TB ready to go. I want dual parity like you suggested but I want to be able to add more 12tb data drives. I will adding the 8tb as a Parity and then I will have a 12 and a 8tb drive in Parity. Can I still switch out my 4tb drives with 12tb drives now that I have at least one 12tb in the Parity or do I have to have two 12 tb in the cache to have dual parity?


Thank you,



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10 minutes ago, GTP said:

Can I still switch out my 4tb drives with 12tb drives now that I have at least one 12tb in the Parity or do I have to have two 12 tb in the cache to have dual parity?

On 9/18/2020 at 8:00 PM, trurl said:

no data drive can be larger than any parity drive

Another way to say the same thing is no data drive can be larger than the smallest parity drive.


Each parity must have bits to cover each bit of data. One of those parity disks wouldn't have parity for any disks larger than 8TB, so not dual parity and not allowed.


Have I given you the link to the wiki on parity?



Parity is not complicated. Parity is a concept often used in computers and communication. It is just an extra bit that allows a missing bit to be calculated from all the other bits. Same concept wherever it is used, just different implementation details.


Parity2 (Q) is a different algorithm than Parity (P) so they can be independent, but still basically the same concept.


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19 minutes ago, trurl said:

Another way to say the same thing is no data drive can be larger than the smallest parity drive.


Each parity must have bits to cover each bit of data. One of those parity disks wouldn't have parity for any disks larger than 8TB, so not dual parity and not allowed.


Have I given you the link to the wiki on parity?



Parity is not complicated. Parity is a concept often used in computers and communication. It is just an extra bit that allows a missing bit to be calculated from all the other bits. Same concept wherever it is used, just different implementation details.


Parity2 (Q) is a different algorithm than Parity (P) so they can be independent, but still basically the same concept.


Thank you that's just what I needed to know! Talk to you in a few!

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@trurl I ordered another 12TB drive so I could have dual parity and I attempted to install it last night. I have checked and rechecked my connections and taken my server completely apart multiple times but I keep getting errors on disk 9 and 22 and it has a red x on disk 8 and says its disabled. I know you might not be able to respond right away but I have attached logs. I have the 12tb installed and ready to go but I can't even start the array right now with read errors. 


Thank you,







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On 9/23/2020 at 11:10 AM, JorgeB said:

Run an extended SMART test on disk8 but looks more like a power/connection problem.

@trurl @JorgeBI think I fixed the power/connection issues as all the disks were recognized. But I still have a red x on disk 8 and now disk 22 has 2 read errors and disk 9 has 48. Disk 22 was the former Parity disk that I was turning into a data disk. I was trying to install with the new 12tb parity so I could have dual Parity. My point is it only had like 37.5 gb on it but it says unmountable. I have attached the diagnostics while I am running the extended SMART test on disk 8. I just wanted to protect the array with dual parity now I have this mess on my hand. thanks for your help.





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Seems like we are going back over things already discussed in this thread.


Possibly emulated disk8 is being corrupted by the errors on other disks and maybe the physical disk8 is mountable.


Still mounted disk9 is also showing corruption but that might just be the errors again.


SMART for each disk in question looks OK.


13 minutes ago, GTP said:

I think I fixed the power/connection issues

I don't think so.

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I don't know maybe it is one of the cables and I switched out the wrong one. I will keep trying after the SMART tests complete. How long does the extended SMART test usually take its still at 10%? I ordered some different new power splitters so maybe that will help too.





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On 9/25/2020 at 1:55 AM, JorgeB said:

This time there were issues with disks sdn, sdo and sdp, they likely share the same miniSAS cable, so I would start by replacing that.

Ok I ordered all new miniSAS cables and installed them today. All drives are recognized and so far no errors except disk 8 again. I have attached diagnostics. I don't want to do anything until @trurl or @JorgeB tell me too but I think the next steps are to start the array in maintenance mode and check disk 8 and then repair it if necessary but I will wait until I hear from one of you before I do anything. At least disk 22 and disk 9 seem to be ok now with the new cables... I have the dual parity disk as unmounted right now but after we know the array is stable I would like to add dual parity just to be safe. I really appreciate your patience with me and my server she has been very fussy lately and I appreciate both of you helping me get her healthy again.


Thank you,




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6 hours ago, JorgeB said:

Emulated Disk8 appears to be mounting correctly, if contents look OK and there's no filesystem damaged (like a lot of lost+found stuff) rebuild on top.

Everything looks ok so I went ahead and started he rebuild @JorgeB Thanks for the advice. After the rebuild, I will confirm that all drives good and then I want to add dual parity. I just need to stop the array add the disk into Parity 2 and press start array right? 





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