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[Support] Linuxserver.io - Pydio-Cells

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Application Name: Pydio-Cells
Application Site: https://pydio.com/
Docker Hub: https://hub.docker.com/r/linuxserver/pydio-cells/
Github: https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-pydio-cells


Please post any questions/issues relating to this docker you have in this thread.

If you are not using Unraid (and you should be!) then please do not post here, rather use the linuxserver.io forum for support.

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  • 1 month later...

I managed to get it to finalize the installation process (behind a reverse proxy with NginxProxyManager) using the full protocol:fqdn:port in the "External URL:" field (eg. https://www.example.com:443) .

After that there were issues with creating files and folders in its minio storage backend. I fixed those by changing the name of the container from the default pydio-cells to pydio. It seems that the pydio.gateway.rest hostname is hardcoded in the application and it fails to resolve the bundled minio nodes if you use another hostname, which leads to errors like:

2020-11-06T21:18:44.069+0300 [31mERROR[0m [32mpydio.rest.meta[0m Rest Error 404 {"error": "{\"id\":\"undefined\",\"code\":403,\"detail\":\"Unknown data source\",\"status\":\"Forbidden\"}"}
2020-11-06T21:14:04.292+0300 [31mERROR[0m [32mpydio.rest.tree[0m Cannot find DataSourceInfo for pydiods1 {"error": "Could not find DataSource pydiods1"}

The lead for the hostname idea is this post: https://forum.pydio.com/t/datasources-are-not-found/3223


Hope this helps!

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I was seeing the same issues as everyone else. I have it working now. 


1. have a custom domain like "pydio.example.com"

2. use NginxProxyManager with LetsEncrypt so that requests for pydio.example.com go to my pydio port (8080, but it should work with other ports)

3. Force HTTPS

4. have a mariaDB instance ready to use with pydio-cells. 


That should be enough to get through the setup. It doesn't seem possible to run without without a custom domain and https.


If at some point in the future you need to change the domain name or the unraid server IP adddress. Just update it in the config at "/mnt/user/appdata/pydio-cells/pydio.json"



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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
On 11/6/2020 at 1:38 PM, thenoots said:

I managed to get it to finalize the installation process (behind a reverse proxy with NginxProxyManager) using the full protocol:fqdn:port in the "External URL:" field (eg. https://www.example.com:443) .

After that there were issues with creating files and folders in its minio storage backend. I fixed those by changing the name of the container from the default pydio-cells to pydio. It seems that the pydio.gateway.rest hostname is hardcoded in the application and it fails to resolve the bundled minio nodes if you use another hostname, which leads to errors like:

2020-11-06T21:18:44.069+0300 [31mERROR[0m [32mpydio.rest.meta[0m Rest Error 404 {"error": "{\"id\":\"undefined\",\"code\":403,\"detail\":\"Unknown data source\",\"status\":\"Forbidden\"}"}

2020-11-06T21:14:04.292+0300 [31mERROR[0m [32mpydio.rest.tree[0m Cannot find DataSourceInfo for pydiods1 {"error": "Could not find DataSource pydiods1"}

The lead for the hostname idea is this post: https://forum.pydio.com/t/datasources-are-not-found/3223


Hope this helps!

Thanks! I've been struggling to create a local environment for a week, and had neglected to check the forums. This wasn't the exact fix for me, but it go me on the right track.


I ended up

- changing the Name to pydio, as per your recommendation

- leaving the WebUI port at 8080

- manually setting Server IP to the IP of my Unraid server, while creating this container in Network Type: Bridge mode

- creating the External URL with https://[Server IP]:[WebUI Port]


Screenshot of what worked for me attached.


Thanks again!


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  • 6 months later...

I am running Unraid 6.9.2. I’ve installed pydio cells. It is working and I can reach it on an external URL: https://pydio.mydoman.com.


I installed the CellsSync client on Mac - BigSur.


When I Create a Sync task - Connects to site BUT the TARGET PATH says… server closed the stream without sending trailers.


NGINX Setup:
Domain Names - pydio.mydomain.com
Scheme - https
Forward Hostnam/IP - mydomain.com
Forward Port - 8181
Websockers Support - ON


SSL Cert:
Force SSL - ON
HTTP2/ Support - ON
HSTS Enabled - ON
HSTS Subdomains - ON


Newbie - need help setting up CellsSync. All logs can be provided.

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  • 5 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
11 hours ago, boomam said:

There are no extra parameters by default?

Can you expand on your fix, in detail, please?


Sure there is! A linuxserver.io mod has said it would be fixed "upstream" but I dont think it happened, remove the blue part . Check if you have advanced view enabled



Edited by BoKKeR
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  • 9 months later...


I am wondering how I add further 'scheme' to my proxy host.

I am not sure even if this is correct.

I am trying to setup cells-sync with pydio-cells container.

Within that there is a further port open called grpc which is 33060

It seems to use the grpc scheme.

I have found that i require this to work with their desktop sync software as here - https://forum.pydio.com/t/cells-server-closed-the-stream-without-sending-trailers/3851

I seem to require this section added somewhere, but have no real idea on how to add it.
    location / {
        proxy_pass https://localhost:8008;
        grpc_pass grpcs://localhost:8008; # This is the important one!! Replace this port as necessary to match your proxy_pass.

I require the grpc_pass bit

Any ideas on how to get this working?

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On 11/10/2022 at 3:53 PM, Joshndroid said:


I am wondering how I add further 'scheme' to my proxy host.

I am not sure even if this is correct.

I am trying to setup cells-sync with pydio-cells container.

Within that there is a further port open called grpc which is 33060

It seems to use the grpc scheme.

I have found that i require this to work with their desktop sync software as here - https://forum.pydio.com/t/cells-server-closed-the-stream-without-sending-trailers/3851

I seem to require this section added somewhere, but have no real idea on how to add it.
    location / {
        proxy_pass https://localhost:8008;
        grpc_pass grpcs://localhost:8008; # This is the important one!! Replace this port as necessary to match your proxy_pass.

I require the grpc_pass bit

Any ideas on how to get this working?


After 4 days i've got it working

In the advanced section in NPM add this

location / {
        # Uncomment this to enable gRPC and thus be able to use cells-sync
        if ($http_content_type = "application/grpc") {
            grpc_pass grpcs://hosted-ip-add:hosted-webgui-port;
        proxy_pass https://hosted-ip-add:hosted-webgui-port;

The IP and the port needed to be the same, not different as indicated in the previous post

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Another thing that I have noticed is that once you have sync setup from a proxy manager standpoint and you can access it within the task setup area, the best way for it to work is to have the server side empty.... have the files locally on your device and then start up a sync task for your first sync.


If i had files on the server first, it would error out. If I had the same files on both the server and locally it would error out.

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  • 3 months later...

I've been playing around with getting this up and running and found that i'm stuck at an the error:

2023-03-08T11:18:25.231-0700    WARN            Returning server is starting because grpc.oauth monitor is not Up

I've tried all the above solutions but doesn't seem to change anything. Anyone seen this before? 


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  • 1 year later...

I realize this thread is old but I can't find anything going over my specific questions.


I have mariadb, pydio cells and nginx containers up and can access everything from the outside web. Along with linuxserver's page, this video on youtube was fantastic to get everything up. Keep in mind that you MUST create your pydio-cells on the network you intend to leave it on. I tried to change it before actually logging in and it breaks something every time.


On to the real question: I have also searched high and low but cannot figure out how to add one of my shares as a datasource.


Here is another section discussing Mount/NAS on Pydio's website. I have tried /mnt/user/share/ but it will not let me add this and gives me some red text, "make sure to select a two-levels deep folder. Object storage will start on the parent folder." The website also indicates that storage is located in config/data/cellsdata, config/data/personal or config/data/pydiods1. This lands those files exactly where they should be with the /config being /mnt/user/appdata/pydio-cells.


I attempted to add an additional path to my configuration for data ( /mnt/user/share/ )and it made the config error out and disappear.


I don't particularly want to muddy up my appdata share as it is on the cache and would prefer any files be hosted on their own dedicated share.



Anyone know how to do this or that can see what I am missing here?





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