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1 minute ago, Rovivrus said:

Sorry I have not replied sooner, This week end I have put time aside to put swap out the  power supply for a brand new 1000w power supply to rule out power. so I hope by late Saturday/Sunday to rule out power as the issue, I will certainly keeping XMP disabled. if it still locks up then I will be trying another route. But I do have one question would I need to acquire another license key?  due  to the guides from the main site cover moving a key over to a key with the same version in case of failing flash drive.   and in the pricing upgrading is permitted but it doesn't mention downgrading?

Once you have a licence it is valid for any Unraid release.

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Hello, a little later than planned but I have Just started the array and we at 0.2% if it locks up once again it is not memory or power because yesterday I swapped out the 750watts to a 1000wat power supply and now the drives are sharing 4 of the 6 leads and then we have 1 for the x4 fans and lights. and one for the usb3 pic express card.  so fingers crossed that is all sorted out. 

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It was through the web browser on another machine and it had 3 tabs one was the router to get the ip of the Unraid machine, another with this page open and the last the was the unraid web gui. I have not set anything else up as of yet. I have been unable to complete the 1st parity sync. the furtherest I have got is 0.6%.


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used a windows machine to create the USB via the creator tool. and when it came to enter in the line key it locked up the second time around the key was entered and then locked up again! the third time I was half way through setup the drives (selecting which drive for parity,storage, cache etc then it locked up, after that I got to start the array for the 1st time, and at 0.3% it locked up at 5mins in. this then repeated. So then someone guided me to the diagnostics. then some else asked about hardware. Then we looked at XMP now that is disabled, someone suggested a power supply issue. Which is where we at now I switched the power supply yesterday and today I booted it and got to 0.6% and at 14minutes in. someone else suggested go to os 6.8.

which I was going to look at after food.

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sorry I forgot to add this screen grab to the lat post

1 minute ago, Rovivrus said:

Okay something is wrong? it is saying the parity is invalid and on the main page it saying starting services but it has not I am not seeing the parity check?? but it seems that it has not crashed. What do I have to do?


Screenshot 2020-10-11 at 20.05.29.png

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Ok. I think it's time to take a different attack.


Do you have any data on the server yet? In your screenshots it appears to be a totally new setup.


If there is nothing really set up yet, I'd like you to physically unplug all the drives except for the USB Unraid boot stick, and the two parity drives. Set a new config, with one of the drives as parity 1, and the other as data disk 1. See if it will complete a parity build.

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Hello. Sorry I did not get to looking at this yesterday. I disconnected all the sata drives apart from the parity drives and selected one of the parity drives on data 1 but it will not let me start an array because it is saying too many drives are missing? what do I do to get around this?  



Screenshot 2020-10-13 at 11.42.22.png

Screenshot 2020-10-13 at 11.42.38.png

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