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[Plugin] Nvidia-Driver


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7 minutes ago, UnraidNewbie2211 said:

Is it possible to install nvcc with drivers & make it system-wide and accessible inside containers?
I noticed, that i can't enable HW accel. for ffmpeg inside homebridge, because it looks at nvcc command existence at build time: https://github.com/homebridge/ffmpeg-for-homebridge/blob/latest/build-ffmpeg

Not on the host, unRAID is not a general purpose server, it is a application server.


You should consider deploying a Docker container with a ffmpeg binary compiled with Nvidia support, if you then pass through the card to the container everything will work as expected in the container with Nvidia hardware acceleration.


The same goes for nvcc, I think someone already asked such a question here IIRC.

I think almost all Cuda containers from Nvidia support nvcc if you want to build a container, but you of course have to pass through your GPU at build time I think, I never played around with nvcc.

7 minutes ago, UnraidNewbie2211 said:

And the last question is why GPU panel is not appearing at the dashboard?

Do you mean GPU Statistics? This is a dedicated plugin, search for GPU Statistics in the CA App, install and configure it. :)

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Hey @ich777, thanks for this plugin - it has worked great for me for some time. I've started to run into some issues lately, and I'm unsure if it is related to your plugin or not.


Essentially, after my appdata backup completes on Monday mornings, I get an error that Plex could not start. I've narrowed it down to this plugin not being able to read what GPU is plugged in, and it only happens after appdata backup. When Plex tries to run with the Nvidia Visible Devices variable, it errors out so I need to restart the server to have the GPU be read by your plugin again.


I've attached my diagnostics, cheers!


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1 hour ago, ctrlaltd1337 said:

it has worked great for me for some time.

There is your error:

Sep 12 03:15:14 ghost kernel: NVRM: GPU at PCI:0000:04:00: GPU-62807760-f89e-18e1-6f51-86c75eea568a
Sep 12 03:15:14 ghost kernel: NVRM: Xid (PCI:0000:04:00): 79, pid='<unknown>', name=<unknown>, GPU has fallen off the bus.
Sep 12 03:15:14 ghost kernel: NVRM: GPU 0000:04:00.0: GPU has fallen off the bus.
Sep 12 03:15:14 ghost kernel: NVRM: A GPU crash dump has been created. If possible, please run
Sep 12 03:15:14 ghost kernel: NVRM: nvidia-bug-report.sh as root to collect this data before
Sep 12 03:15:14 ghost kernel: NVRM: the NVIDIA kernel module is unloaded.


You have a Xid 79 error which you can read here what it is.


However Xid 79 can be pretty much anything but what it was most of the time is, at least what was reported in this thread, a bad power supply, a bad riser cable, setting the bus speed from the PCI slot to Gen3 or a thermal issue (overheating).


I also see in your logs that the UPS had to jump in because of a power failure, please double check your power supply, even if it's a high power unit if it's old it might be time to change it...


Please make sure to enable Resizable Bar Support and Above 4G decoding in your BIOS since these settings are crucial.

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Thanks! I'll look into this. The PSU is only a year and a half old, but I can do a few tests on it.


I can also look into "Resizable Bar Support and Above 4G decoding," but my motherboard is server-grade and over 10 years old, so I doubt there's anything there for me. I've been using this plugin and the LS "variation" before it since release, so it should be fine without.


I assume it errored out and Plex was able to continue with CPU transcoding, but after the backup when trying to restart the container, it becomes noticeable because the container errors out when trying to look for that visible device. I'll attempt to re-seat the GPU into the mobo, and re-plug the power.


Thanks again.

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34 minutes ago, ctrlaltd1337 said:

I've been using this plugin and the LS "variation" before it since release, so it should be fine without.

So you where using the plugin for a relatively long time and now it stopped working?

You can also try to use an older driver and see if that fixes your issue but i doubt it...


38 minutes ago, ctrlaltd1337 said:

but my motherboard is server-grade and over 10 years old

Yes, I saw that, please keep in mind that hardware can fail and maybe something is wrong with the motherboard, but that's only assumptions. Troubleshooting for this kind of error is hard.

You can also try to switch the PCIe slots on your motherboard and see if that helps.


Maybe it is "just" the power supply or a thermal issue of some sort, I hope that nothing serious is broken.

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