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Everything posted by Squid

  1. ^^^ This. Alternatively, your browser width is less than 1280px (which is the minimum the OS supports before the scroll bar appears) and you need to scroll over. Your first screenshot shows the "C" of "Click Here...."
  2. Can you guys try today's update. tldr: What's happening here is that when the browser is in Chinese, the browser appears to enforce a minimum font-size on elements and when I try and override them smaller it resets them back to the minimum --- CA has those diagonal "flags" on the cards indicating installed, beta, update available etc. Because the OS supports translations I have no idea what length of text is going to be displayed in it. So CA goes through and adjusts the font-sizes of those flags until the text actually fits. When Chrome was set to Chinese, after 11px it refuses to go down to 10px. So CA saw that it was at 11, tried to change it to 10, Chrome overrode CA and set it back to 11 and the process continued forever CA now detects when this situation happens and stops trying to change the size down. This is a stop gap while I come up with a better solution (if one exists), so you *may* see cut off text on the flags. The reason why not all instances of CA running on a browser set to Chinese (and the OS set to English) was because about the only time this condition would actually take effect was if one of the flags was "Update Available", so it was hit and miss (And even though nothing may have showed on the home page with Update Available, each "row" in the home page actually has 12 apps being displayed for a consistent experience with users who have ultra ultra wide monitors and the Dynamix Unlimited Width plugin installed) Huge thanks to @Elvin for giving me access to his system, (and also to @itimpi for pumping out an update to Parity Tuning which is still there on the home page (albeit hidden unless you have a 49" monitor) that hasn't auto-updated yet
  3. It fails on my system when in Chinese, so I'll be able to figure out exactly what is changing. IMO though nothing should actually change since the browser isn't automatically translating the page, but something is different.
  4. For everyone experiencing this issue, what Language is your browser in? My testing with @Elvin showed that CA is fine with the Chrome etc in English, but when it was set to Chinese (not even automatically translating) CA would crash I know where its failing when in Chinese, but not quite sure why, but this issue is now at the top of my pile
  5. All of my systems are Windows 11, and zero issues with all browsers 1st suggestion - Try with all extensions disabled in the browser 2nd suggestion - delete /config/plugins/community.applications/coomunity.applications.cfg on the flash drive 3rd suggestion - after its stuck right click on the window, select "Inspect" In the panel that opens select console, and let me know what (if any) errors appear (expand sections as necessary) 4th suggestion - I need to team viewer in to someone's system that has this issue
  6. What did you have as a custom tab?
  7. To clarify that, that's to the same container. You can have a log open to one container and a console open to another.
  8. It wasn't clean. A diagnostics file should be on the flash drive (logs folder) with today's date that should basically have why
  9. Your flash drive had issues, was marked as being read-only. The reboot winds up running a file system check on the flash which repaired the issue
  10. Make sure your firefox is up to date
  11. I can tell you that CA never finished what it was doing in that debug log. But, there is no issues here with Firefox (even on a 10 year old laptop running the OS in a test dev with the FF from GUI mode)
  12. Yes, it's root It's all part of security over convenience. Just have your browser remember the credentials and it's no big deal
  13. What are you referring to by docker webGUI? The docker tab itself or the webGUI for one of the apps?
  14. Done next rev - Detects if array started, docker not enabled, docker failed to start
  15. Is this only via the dropdown, or also enforced by manually typing in the path?
  16. Type in the path manually. The drop downs only support where the OS is in strict control of the mounts, and ZFS gets mounted outside of those areas
  17. It's under active investigation as to what the actual issue is - this is a workaround only for the time being. Some reports are also showing that after a start or stop of a container that this needs to be redone. (but I can't replicate that)
  18. The drive dropped completely offline and is no longer responding. Could be a dead drive or a very bad cabling issue (power splitter etc) I would turn off, reseat the cabling, see if the drive then returns smart data and go from there
  19. docker start runs the container with all of the variables etc that the docker run / create command used.
  20. As a note, templates which are obvious CA conversions from a dockerHub search are explicitly banned. This is to prevent an influx of applications from random / new maintainers who are creating templates for any random application they find on a search. This is enforced directly from the application feed. This does NOT mean to imply that you have to actually create the container and the template. Simply that templates which are obviously created by CA's dockerHub installation routine are banned
  21. Known issue with Docker Folder and RC3+ Switch display preview to be none (default)
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