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Everything posted by Squid

  1. All panels. Everything on the dashboard has highlights when moving the mouse, but the lists only highlight every other one. That being said, I actually don't mind the highlight on the dashboard IF it highlighted everything instead of every other line, and on the VM / Docker sections only highlighted the app in question, not the whole panel
  2. It's the port. The last update to Wordle changed the container port. You need to set the container port (and the webUI) to refer to 8080 instead of 80
  3. Try clearing your credentials on Windows (Credential Manager). Windows has a number of not-so-helpful "features" designed to make things easier for users which actually have the completely opposite effect
  4. Your alternative if you can't boot legacy is to set up a new flash drive with https://www.memtest86.com/
  5. A blank TLD is only acceptable if (from the warning message) just enter in "local" and be done with it. The tests came into FCP ~2 months ago And yes, there are issues with a blank TLD is the 2 conditions above are not met
  6. What browser? Try a different one to see if the same results happen
  7. If anyone has problems with their server not appearing in Network on Windows and are running 6.10.0-rc3, the following should fix you up (if you are running Docker) With user scripts, set up a new script set to run at Array Start #!/bin/bash sleep 60 /etc/rc.d/rc.samba restart The sleep is so that the system gets up and running and stabilized before restarting SMB
  8. From my point of view, /mnt/disks is the proper place as everything in /mnt is assumed to be managed by the OS with the exception of disks, remotes, rootshare @dlandon can pipe in. But. like everything else in FCP most warnings are "opinions" (mine) on what the "proper" way to do things are. The entire reason why Ignore is there
  9. This plugin is now deprecated when running 6.10-rc3+ Please use Dynamix File Manager instead
  10. Nice. Another one of my plugins bites the dust 😢 Would it be possible to add a title attribute with "Click to Edit" when hovering as it's not obvious what a click does (and disable the "click" mouse pointer when over a non-supported file extension)
  11. Just to reiterate, Yes there are problems with this plugin and 6.10-rc3+ A note has been attached to the app when installing. Because we are still in a Release Candidate stage of the OS, more leniency is given to plugin authors on compatibility issues. My own investigation shows that if you configure the plugin with its default display settings everything seems to work (ie: Preview: None (default) Based upon that, while it does have issues with the RC series it is not eligible for any further moderation steps to be taken at this time. Even once 6.10 stable drops because the plugin still operates as is with its default settings, a stronger note would be added, but I don't see it as being incompatible necessitating a removal - rather its a bug in the plugin which can be worked around.
  12. If there's an update available for them it has to restart it. If there's no update then the container should stay running
  13. You're not using them. VM service references it, but it's currently disabled. Docker image (which the defaults go to the system share, you've got instead going to disk2 / appdata
  14. Today's update is all about dockerHub conversions. The last round of updates on any dockerHub search wouldn't give you the option to install a particular search result if the template for that repository already existed within the normal CA templates (you would have to install that particular repository from within CA proper) Today's update should make installing random containers from dockerHub a ton easier. When installing you are given the option to automatically attempt to determine any paths, ports, or variables that the container might need This feature necessitates a trial installation of the container to your system so that CA can inspect what it uses. NOTE: the container is NEVER actually started or executed. After installation, the trial installation is automatically deleted and you will be taken to the template page with all of the parameters CA found already filled out. Depending upon how the container is published, this process may not actually find any parameters that are exported. If an error occurs during this process (usually this would happen because the :latest tag does not exist), then an alert will pop up to inform you of the issue and you will be taken directly to the template page and will have to manually determine the necessary tag to use and the paths, ports etc
  15. Yes that's correct. It was a design consideration to make everything a ton easier and also handle if the user manually deleted the scripts. The script execution engine checks for the existence of the script before executing to handle this. Then it should show up on the list with the same settings as the one previously deleted.
  16. 6.10 Does not update the templates any more. TemplateURL has been since 6.9 always present in the xml's but hidden and no way to directly access it. This is because 90% of people filled it out wrong and the application feed overwrote whatever was filled out anyways. The way that's always been reiterated to stop 6.9 from updating the templates is to manually edit the xml and change the TemplateURL entry to be false And yes, authoring mode does still serve a purpose as there are extra fields in there
  17. First thing to check on any random crashing is to run Memtest from the boot menu (You'll have to temporarily switch to Legacy boot for it to work - UEFI booting will not let Memtest run) for a minimum of a pass or 2 After than, refer to the Ryzen FAQ: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/46802-faq-for-unraid-v6/page/2/#comment-819173
  18. The reason for the question marks (and the slow loading) is that the docker and dashboard pages when loading and gathering the information for the various apps attempt to download the icons for them. Once it succeeds, they are stored within the docker image and never downloaded again. Your system is failing to download them I'd suggest trying to set a static DNS address of and within Settings - Network settings as your server / router is having issues resolving the URLs
  19. If they're stored in /boot/config/plugins/dockerMan/templates/hawihoney, and you install them via Add Container and the drop down, the saved config files will be in templates-user and will show up and keep up to date with the changes you've made to the raw template when editing them
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