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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Doesn't look like you've got any VMs running in those diagnostics. Can you fire it up...
  2. The ports are defined within the container itself. Whether you can change them via a config file etc is entirely dependent upon the container.
  3. I don't set up any containers running through another for a VPN etc so I'm not going to be much help, but will say that if you're running the containers via another type of network other than bridge, all port mappings are ignored by definition. So it won't work trying to map them to another port.
  4. There a new GUI setting (terminal font size) which may help alleviate this. Disabling FireFox's fingerprinting system should also fix you up (if you choose to do this)
  5. No. IIRC, the FTP service had some special circumstances surrounding it, and the always disabled is the better (and more secure) way of handling it than the previous way where it was always enabled following a reboot Other than that, if you are really a fan of using FTP you should instead be using something like ProFTPd (available in apps) to use this type of service.
  6. Not that I'm the guy per se to help here, but anyone is going to want to see the diagnostics to be able to assist
  7. Try a different port. Ideally USB2 (most boards still have USB2 ports for keyboard / mouse) You'll have to reboot
  8. -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 133173248 Mar 24 13:50 gitflash @ljm42?
  9. Which share does it download to? Because of anonymization, it's guess what share it may be using, BUT you do have the appdata share set to use cache: NO which if the downloads are going to that share is going to slow the internet down (if you can exceed say 60MB/s from your ISP) Usual place for appdata is on a cache pool
  10. There's 1.3G which the containers have written directly into the image. A bit on the high side, but still within the realm of possibility. All in all I'd say just expand to 30G and not worry about it.
  11. For UD support, best to post in the applicable thread as that's where @dlandon would mostly watch things.
  12. Try all the ACS override modes. If none of them can split it apart, then it's basically not possible due to the design of the card
  13. Does docker - Container Size offer any insights?
  14. Assuming you're talking about the banner that appears, if you switch tabs in the OS does the banner go away?
  15. If you're running 6.9.2, then you need to delete the /config/BTRS.key file
  16. Best I can offer up is what is on the network (your DNS server) I'm assuming it's one of your VMs and possibly not communicating correctly with dockerHub (Possibly due to the challenges involved with your geographic location) Nothing else stands out to me.
  17. First suggestions sans diagnostics would be to set static DNS addresses in Settings / Network Settings ( & as if you're using SSL the system winds up connecting to the internet to effectively do a reverse proxy into the server
  18. You would have to supply your diagnostics
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