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Everything posted by Squid

  1. We'll have to set up a time to do a TeamViewer session
  2. Restart shouldn't affect this. Only an update / force update
  3. There is a known issue (probably existing for quite a while) where the OS is too "extreme" in calling stuff unclean shutdowns. Currently if any process has to be killed in order to shutdown, then an unclean shutdown happens. How it's supposed to work (and hopefully fixed next rev) is that only if the drives can't be unmounted cleanly even after killing a process if necessary should be "unclean" At the end of the day, this means that most so-called unclean shutdowns (where a power failure isn't involved) aren't actually unclean. (90% of the time whenever this happens to me, I cancel the parity check after a couple of minutes, as I know that on the monthly correcting check it'll catch any issues)
  4. If anything, I'd need to see what's showing in Konsole
  5. It's in the template. You can't map something to a container folder of /
  6. Settings - Community Applications - Enable Debugging Go To Apps, Wait a bit then Settings - Community Applications, Download Logs If it's empty, then try the browser without any addons or I'd have to TeamViewer into your system.
  7. 100% the wrong place to get a hold of me. Does doing the following fix it? wget -O /tmp/community.applications-2022.01.06-x86_64-1.txz https://github.com/Squidly271/community.applications/raw/master/archive/community.applications-2022.01.06-x86_64-1.txz installpkg /tmp/community.applications-2022.01.06-x86_64-1.txz
  8. Look at your various templates. One of them has a webUI entry of http://[IP]:[PORT:] The [PORT:] part is invalid and should have a number in there
  9. If the files you're talking about were downloads going into the image, then the process of deleting and recreating wound up deleting those files.
  10. Try removing it, rebooting and then reinstalling
  11. Jan 4 16:57:38 MyServer unassigned.devices: Disk with ID 'KINGSTON_SUV500240G_50026B7682181A2E (sdc)' is not set to auto mount. The unassigned disk your trying to store the docker image on isn't mounted. Also, can you go to Network Settings and set a static IP address for the server. You're being spammed massively by some DHCP issues
  12. MCE was issued during processor initialization and affects some combinations of hardware and is safe to ignore
  13. Memory errors Jan 3 23:55:10 FILESSERVER mcelog: Corrected memory errors on page 2d78b2000 exceed threshold 10 in 24h: 10 in 24h Jan 3 23:55:10 FILESSERVER mcelog: Location SOCKET:0 CHANNEL:3 DIMM:? [] Your system event log will hopefully have more info on which dimm you should replace
  14. First thing you should do is delete Headphones.plg from /config/plugins on the flash drive and reboot. PhAzE plugins haven't been compatible with the OS since 6.2.0
  15. Does the "spinner" in the browser tab keep spinning? (IE: the page never finishes loading)
  16. Those messages happen when a container starts (and stops). Is either of those (or any other) continually restarting due to a problem with them?
  17. Even Microsoft fails to have sleep work properly consistently or at all on all the combinations of hardware
  18. Personally, I can't be bothered. But I also never use a shucked drive where I'm voiding the warranty by pulling it. The real reason for pre-clear being introduced wasn't to gain confidence in the drive (although that is a side-benefit) but because on versions of the OS 1.x -> 5.x when adding a new drive to the system you couldn't use the shares at all until the OS cleared the drive -> hence the need for pre-clearing. Versions 6.x will allow you to use the system while the drive is being cleared. Vast majority of drive "issues" are purely cabling problems. Actual defective drives etc are rather rare. But it is a personal preference related to your own comfort level.
  19. All available on the stock OS (click on the disk, then the Identity section) Your other items would still need the comments section
  20. Most common causes of BTRFS issues are bad RAM (run memtest for a couple of passes) and filling up the docker.img due to improper setting up of where your downloads (as an example) go to (an external path or internal to the image) or an unclean shutdown when the system is writing (as an aside, if you have no real intention to add a second device to the existing cache pool, then you're better off using XFS as it handles adverse situations far better) In the case of the docker.img, it's simply not worth the time to try and diagnose and fix the existing image. Far far easier and faster to simply recreate the image file and then go to Apps / Previous Apps and check off what you want. In less than 5 minutes you're back in business vs a couple of hours. The libvirt.img is more of a challenge to recover. Without a backup of it (easy way is via the appdata backup/restore plugin), you'd have to redo the image and then recreate your VM's using the existing VDisks.
  21. Depends. /mnt/user will take quite a while as it also scans appdata and if you have Plex for instance and a halfway decent library there's a couple of hundred thousand files in it alone.
  22. Put it into context. Where and when are you seeing it? Post your diagnostics
  23. It's only against running services and containers. EG: If you disable SSH in the OS (port 443) there won't be a warning if another container wants to use 443. If you have an app that's not currently running and you install another app that would conflict, there is no warning because there is no current conflict. Yes. Only templates that are set to bridge
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