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Everything posted by Squid

  1. post the XML /config/plugins/dockerMan/templates-user/my-locast2plex.xml
  2. iffft has the same applets available for Google as it does for Alexa. This was mostly a POC as I was curious (and bored)
  3. You're running a parity check which is competing for bandwidth from the drives with the diskspeed container...
  4. use https://IPAddress and accept the warning Once there you can disable Use SSL in Settings - Management Settings (Set to No)
  5. Yes. Container Port say 20000-20010 Host Port say 30000-30010
  6. log in and diagnostics The file will be saved to the flash drive (logs folder). Upload the file here
  7. The internal IP is irrelevant. To access it you refer to the HOST IP and the port you've mapped. General rule on any container is that when in bridge mode you never need to change any internal container port (8080) That's what the port mapping is for. Sure many (many) containers use 8080 for access. Leave them in bridge, leave the container port at 8080 and change the applicable host port. Now you would access the container at IP:HOSTPORT, but internally it still thinks its listening on 8080
  8. Actually, strike that. You didn't do #2. But, you did change the container ports within them instead of leaving them alone. Advice still stands.
  9. Kinda surprised it even works at all. You changed the network type from Bridge to be Host. In host, all port mappings are ignored as they don't make sense in that mode You changed both of the ports from being ports defined to instead being environment variables. You're referencing the ports of 2028 / 2027 when the app itself wants 8080 / 8081 It's easier to simply delete the container, then reinstall via Apps (not via Previous Apps) and add back in your path mappings to the books. But this time, simply change on the template screen the ports to be 2028 / 2027
  10. Show me the docker run command https://forums.unraid.net/topic/57181-docker-faq/#comment-564345
  11. As the post says you can do this no problems in the template. You can if you create your own custom bridge network via applicable commands.
  12. The container is running, but have you enabled VM's in Settings - VM Settings?
  13. Where are you setting this? The way to do this is to click on the icon, select Edit and change the applicable HOST port to 2028 and leave the container port on 8080. Yes. You're trying to point the same folder within calibre to 2 separate folders on your array. You set two separate container paths to identical host paths no problems This video will probably clear some things up https://forums.unraid.net/topic/54834-video-guideall-about-docker-in-unraid-docker-principles-and-setup/
  14. By "only worked by accident" I meant the plugins tab displaying and checking for updates correctly.
  15. Since this has already happened to 2 different plugins from different authors, it should be noted that spaces, special characters etc are NOT allowed in the name attribute <PLUGIN name="&name;" Spaces etc worked by accident on versions of the OS < 6.10, but when on 6.10 this will prevent the GUI from displaying the current update status of the plugin Additionally, the filename of the .plg, the folder it's stored in within /usr/local/emhttp/plugins) and the name attribute should all be the same for best results on the system
  16. It's actually a bug in the .plg that only by accident worked on OS versions < 6.10
  17. That video is old. Remove the lines you've been adding to syslinux and check off what you want to isolate. You'd isolate group 8 to pass that through to the VM
  18. I'd look in the System Event Log in the BIOS to see if there's any more information. Beyond that, my guess is that one of the 4 cpu's you've got is starting to go bad. Reboot to clear out the error and see if it repeats itself.
  19. Libvirt refused to unmount because something was keeping it open. Probably a docker container that you're using to help manage VMs (or possibly a faulty Netdata that needs to be updated -> it is updated every day)
  20. As a test, try it again with the docker service disabled.
  21. Because generally speaking most people mount /mnt/user to /media within Krusader, so when you deleted it via Krusader, you deleted it everywhere. When doing something like this, you need to delete it only from the specific disk that the movie is on. (ie: you map /mnt to /media for Krusader and then navigate to the applicable drive and delete it there)
  22. Click on the icon Note that any changes you make within the image via the shell will not survive an update of the container and will need to be redone Click on add another path / variable
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