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Everything posted by Squid

  1. First thing I'd do is because the checksums are failing is to run Memtest for at least a single pass minimum After that, I try deleting and recreating the docker.img file (Settings - Docker, stop the service, delete the image, re-enable the service) After that, I'd take a shot at redoing your cache drive as XFS (since you're not using multiple devices on it)
  2. Edit the appropropriate file within /config/plugins/dockerMan/templates-user and delete the line that says <TemplateURL>someURL</TemplateURL> Then when you re-edit the container, update the Icon with the appropriate entry and it'll never update it again.
  3. Anything special about the containers? eg: running their network through another container? What exactly do you mean by fails to start up?
  4. Add the -L flag Usually there's no corruption.
  5. BTRFS isn't reliable in reporting space when combining mixed sizes of drives. Known issue with the filesystem.
  6. You've asked Sab to store MLB within /mnt/user/MLB. This path was not passed through to Sab, so it's storing it directly within the container. You need to add another path (when editing the template) of the host path /mnt/user/MLB mapped to the container path of /MLB and then within Sab tell it to store that category within /MLB (And also under advanced settings somewhere in Sab, tell it to store the files with permissions of 777 for the least amount of trouble on the array)
  7. worst case scenario if it never completes, cp /var/log/syslog /boot/syslog and upload the syslog file that'll now be on the flash drive
  8. Should be noted that I recommend issuing a sed command or something to replace the lines in question, and not replacing the file itself. That file is subject to change at any given CA version.
  9. Reseat the cabling to disk #8 and then run the file system checks on it https://wiki.unraid.net/Check_Disk_Filesystems
  10. I would try initially uninstalling Tweaks & TIps and rebooting since it adjusts your network settings.
  11. Are those the correct diagnostics? It looks like you did a shutdown.
  12. I'd surmise that you have in your "go" file a sed command or something that is modifying that particular file. Remove the line that's making the modification and reboot
  13. It's probably not referring to free space, but inode allocation. You need to run a balance https://forums.unraid.net/topic/62230-out-of-space-errors-on-cache-drive/?tab=comments#comment-610551
  14. docker kill whateverYouNamedTheContainer
  15. Do you have /mnt passed to /mnt on the Sab template? What you've done there implies that. Generally, you would add another path mapping of say /mnt/user/MLB mapped to /MLB and tell Sab to put stuff into /MLB
  16. When it happens post your diagnostics in a new thread
  17. See if diasbling IOMMU in the BIOS helps at all.
  18. From the terminal, diagnostics The zip will get saved onto the flash drive (logs folder) Power down the server powerdown Pull the flash drive and upload the diagnostics zip file here from another computer (or alternatively, use a new tab on firefox to connect to the forums)
  19. Tools - Diagnostics. Upload entire zip file here. What do you mean exactly by localhost page won't show? Is it just blank (flashing cursor)
  20. Plex has settings within in to that. You can also Google docker run reference
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