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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Yes. Every time you create or modify a template, the XML gets created accordingly. Ideally you would also enable Template Authoring Mode in Settings - Docker (with service stopped) to give you even more options.
  2. You're not getting an IP address from your DHCP server (router). Reboot the router / modem, or give the system a static IP in the appropriate range via Settings - Network Settings
  3. You really need to post the docker run command
  4. syslog.1 is the rotated syslog (after syslog reaches "x" size, a new syslog is started and the old one gets labelled as syslog.1 (.2 .3 etc) To clear you have to reboot, but ultimately there is something being logged excessively indicating some sort of issue and posting your diagnostics would help
  5. As a test, can you try uninstalling the nvidia plugin, reboot and see if there is any change.
  6. WebUI entry always refers to the container port. No exceptions. When the user selects WebUI from the drop down it goes to whatever port that container port referenced (80) is mapped to on the host (8123) It works because there is no container port of 8123 in the <Config> entries, so it leaves it alone. But, if the user wanted to use say 9090 instead of 8123, then they have to change both the host port on the Config entry and the WebUI URL. Setting the WebUI to be 80 means that the user only ever has to change the host port on the template and nothing else.
  7. Then somethings messed. It showed up at the top of my Unreads...
  8. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/36145817/how-to-limit-io-speed-in-docker-and-share-file-with-system-in-the-same-time Add the applicable settings to Extra Parameters in the template
  9. Not so explicit. You're basically just entering into the xml everything that would be listed in the docker run command if the container documents it. Beyond that, I highly recommend to not create your own xml. Just go to Docker and Add Container and then enter the info into the template. Manually doing the XML is error prone.
  10. Definitely shouldn't do that. can you zip up the contents of /config/plugins/dockerMan/templates-user for me to look at
  11. Without going through 3 1/2 months worth of logs, There's currently 2 entries on the trends April 29th - total of 20857 downloads ~March 29th - total of 10616 downloads. These are across the spectrum of docker pulls, not just Unraid. To go through the logs from Jan 27th, Feb 27th to determine what happened on the date it was added, and the date of the first scheduled recheck on downloads is most likely not going to happen. FWIW, until there is 3 months of data in there (currently only 2) no graph will appear. This is all public information obtained from docker itself.
  12. btrfs-image vs xfs-image. Dealer's choice. No fundamental difference between the two Image vs folder. An image is say 20 Gig and always 20 Gig. A folder is going to be say 1Gig, but as you install stuff will grow accordingly and if you uninstall will shrink accordingly. IMO, the image is the antiquated method of handling docker on Unraid. The real reason for the image being in existence is that in the 6.0 beta series (very early betas), the cache drive HAD to be formatted BTRFS if you wanted to run docker (and a folder was used). Since many people didn't want to run btrfs on the cache drive, the image solution happened. Nowadays, since the docker system supports the folder on btrfs, xfs, and zfs I don't see the point anymore in the image method anymore.
  13. The internal IP address (usually 172.x.x.x) of a container is always dynamic and can never be trusted to be the same. That's why you tend to reference via the server's IP address and an applicable port. Now, if you've put the containers onto a network type of BR0, but didn't specify the actual address they should use, then yes they will get assigned a potentially new IP address every time. Set a static IP for the container in it's template settings.
  14. Can't tell without diagnostics at the time this is happening....
  15. The system is correct. Your image is taking up 100G. /dev/loop2 100G 19G 81G 19% /var/lib/docker And it's because you've set it to be 100G DOCKER_IMAGE_SIZE="100" Using an image file means that the space is pre-allocated to be the size that you've set. The use inside the containers (ie the container size button) has nothing to do with the size of the image or what it takes up on the drive. To lower the size to a more reasonable value, you need to stop the docker service in settings, then delete the image and set the image size more accordingly (maybe 40G) and then re-enable and reinstall the apps from Apps, Previous Apps If you are expecting the space on disk to go up and down according to what you've got installed, you want to use an docker folder instead of an image, and you switch that after you've stopped and deleted the image in the same Docker Settings.
  16. To get the obvious out of the way, is the cable plugged into a 2.5GBs switch? or router with 2.5GBs port? Also, next time upload the zip file. Don't separate the files out. Makes it a PITA for everyone
  17. You need to look at 35000cca03873dc20-20230513-1524 (sdv) Error counter log: Errors Corrected by Total Correction Gigabytes Total ECC rereads/ errors algorithm processed uncorrected fast | delayed rewrites corrected invocations [10^9 bytes] errors read: 0 2969053 0 2969053 3245083 112984.041 40497 write: 0 4392645 0 4392645 532 96506.348 0 verify: 0 5820404 0 5820404 4866 52443.584 0 Tons of errors related to this drive Not sure right now why you're seeing the docker issue tho
  18. That was a change implemented a couple years ago "For anonymous users, the rate limit is set to 100 pulls per 6 hours per IP address." And an update check qualifies as a pull request.
  19. Jan 7 01:05:13 NostrADAMus flash_backup: adding task: /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.my.servers/scripts/UpdateFlashBackup update Your date & Time is completely out to lunch. Set up NTP servers
  20. Use sudo to escallate the command?
  21. The docker hub page you listed there has a link on it on how to get the application key
  22. Odds on harmless and safe to ignore (BIOS update might help though) May 11 13:09:52 WolbazNAS mcelog: Kernel does not support page offline interface May 11 13:09:52 WolbazNAS mcelog: Running trigger `unknown-error-trigger' (reporter: unknown) May 11 13:09:52 WolbazNAS mcelog: CPU 3 on socket 0 received unknown error May 11 13:09:52 WolbazNAS mcelog: Location: CPU 3 on socket 0
  23. May 8 06:48:15 Backupserver mcelog: failed to prefill DIMM database from DMI data Harmless and safe to ignore. A BIOS update though might silence it
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