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Everything posted by Squid

  1. If possible, avoid using the Marvel controller completely. Marvel support has always been iffy and problematic due to their buggy drivers etc.
  2. Because the system cannot determine if the drives are truly blank and need to be formatted, or if they say have data on them from NTFS and the user is expecting the OS to be able to read it natively. Formatting involves data loss in that situation. Any of the Plex's would work for you. I'd go with either binhex-plexpass or LinuxServer and also install the nVidia driver from Apps
  3. The current internal release (rc6.1) allows for /mnt -> /mnt to work and have access to exclusive shares via that no problems. (note that any share that isn't exclusive does not have any problem via /mnt or /mnt/user) /mnt/user as a host path does not allow for access to exclusive shares. Work is underway to have a setting to Global Share Settings to enable / disable exclusive shares. Assuming that a setting for enable / disable gets implemented, then at the same time FCP would also have a new test that would look at the paths for installed containers and then either warn people to ensure that exclusive access is enabled if the host path isn't compatible or a message saying that it's OK to enable.
  4. You need to enable both Virtualization support (VT-x) and IOMMU / Vandendool / VT-d in the BIOS. VT-x is usually easy to find. VT-d is likely buried within various sub-menus in the BIOS
  5. in the certificate "/etc/ssl/certs/unraid_bundle.pem" Access directly from the IP address and then set in Settings, Management Settings to not use SSL. SSL and the certificate is no longer supported on your OS revision. You should ideally update to 6.11.5
  6. History says that powerdown originally was a script (from a forum user om the 4.x days) that shutdown the services etc. Now that doesn't happen but reboot / shutdown does but since powerdown is so prevalent in the muscle memory and forums it still exists but simply to call the actual LT scripts
  7. It's not. powerdown -r simply calls reboot If powerdown ever stopped working, I'd be the first to bring the wrath of the gods down on LT (and probably my wife's wrath too). Muscle memory etc dictates that everyone here says "powerdown -r" instead of "reboot"
  8. Post your diagnostics But, the first question is have you formatted the drives yet? Are they all listed as being unmountable in Main?
  9. Wait for @JorgeB. And what format were they originally and also include your diagnostics
  10. Do you remember doing any manual XML edits when you set up the VM in the first place? Changing the memory via the template would have resulted in the manual edits being lost.
  11. Direct Stream is what you ideally want. It means the client supports the resolution, bitrate etc and can play it natively. Why would you want it to transcode under those circumstances? You need to get it to transcode first (you can do this on the client by changing it's playback settings) and then you'll see if it's using hardware or software to transcode
  12. No obvious problems. Without any other checks to see if the files are correct and parity is wrong (eg: checksums of the files etc) you have to assume that parity is incorrect and simply run a correcting check.
  13. Make a backup of /config/network.cfg on the flash drive Then first try making a change (any change) to the bond0 / br0 entries and apply. If it didn't refresh it to get rid of the extraneous entry, try to edit it (any editor should work) and delete this section IFNAME[5]="eth7" PROTOCOL[5]="ipv4" USE_DHCP[5]="no" IPADDR[5]="" NETMASK[5]="" and then all the sections after it rename them from [6] to be [5], [7] to be [6] etc.
  14. DHCP is already enabled by default. Server name, simply go to Settings - Identification.
  15. The reference is there. Part of bond0 [eth0] => Array ( [DHCP_KEEPRESOLV] => yes [DNS_SERVER1] => [DNS_SERVER2] => [DNS_SERVER3] => [DHCP6_KEEPRESOLV] => no [BONDING] => yes [BONDNAME] => bond0 [BONDNICS] => eth0,eth1 [BONDING_MODE] => 1 [BONDING_MIIMON] => 100 [BRIDGING] => yes [BRNAME] => br0 [BRNICS] => bond0 [BRSTP] => no [BRFD] => 0 [DESCRIPTION:0] => [PROTOCOL:0] => ipv4 [USE_DHCP:0] => no [IPADDR:0] => [NETMASK:0] => [GATEWAY:0] => [METRIC:0] => [USE_DHCP6:0] => yes [IPADDR6:0] => [NETMASK6:0] => [GATEWAY6:0] => [METRIC6:0] => [PRIVACY6:0] => [MTU] => [TYPE] => access ) [eth2] => Array ( [BONDING] => no [BONDNAME] => bond0 [BONDNICS] => [BONDING_MODE] => 1 [BONDING_MIIMON] => 100 [BRIDGING] => no [BRNAME] => br0 [BRNICS] => [BRSTP] => 0 [BRFD] => 0 [DESCRIPTION:0] => [PROTOCOL:0] => ipv4 [USE_DHCP:0] => no [IPADDR:0] => [NETMASK:0] => [GATEWAY:0] => [METRIC:0] => [USE_DHCP6:0] => [IPADDR6:0] => [NETMASK6:0] => [GATEWAY6:0] => [METRIC6:0] => [PRIVACY6:0] => [MTU] => [TYPE] => access ) [eth3] => Array ( [BONDING] => no [BONDNAME] => bond0 [BONDNICS] => [BONDING_MODE] => 1 [BONDING_MIIMON] => 100 [BRIDGING] => yes [BRNAME] => br3 [BRNICS] => eth3 [BRSTP] => no [BRFD] => 0 [DESCRIPTION:0] => [PROTOCOL:0] => ipv4 [USE_DHCP:0] => [IPADDR:0] => [NETMASK:0] => [GATEWAY:0] => [METRIC:0] => [USE_DHCP6:0] => [IPADDR6:0] => [NETMASK6:0] => [GATEWAY6:0] => [METRIC6:0] => [PRIVACY6:0] => [MTU] => [TYPE] => trunk [VLANID:1] => 4 [DESCRIPTION:1] => forexLAN [PROTOCOL:1] => ipv4 [USE_DHCP:1] => yes [IPADDR:1] => [NETMASK:1] => [GATEWAY:1] => link [METRIC:1] => [USE_DHCP6:1] => [IPADDR6:1] => [NETMASK6:1] => [GATEWAY6:1] => [METRIC6:1] => [PRIVACY6:1] => ) [eth5] => Array ( [BONDING] => no [BONDNAME] => bond0 [BONDNICS] => [BONDING_MODE] => 1 [BONDING_MIIMON] => 100 [BRIDGING] => no [BRNAME] => br0 [BRNICS] => [BRSTP] => 0 [BRFD] => 0 [DESCRIPTION:0] => [PROTOCOL:0] => ipv4 [USE_DHCP:0] => no [IPADDR:0] => [NETMASK:0] => [GATEWAY:0] => [METRIC:0] => [USE_DHCP6:0] => [IPADDR6:0] => [NETMASK6:0] => [GATEWAY6:0] => [METRIC6:0] => [PRIVACY6:0] => [MTU] => [TYPE] => access ) [eth6] => Array ( [BONDING] => no [BONDNAME] => bond0 [BONDNICS] => [BONDING_MODE] => 1 [BONDING_MIIMON] => 100 [BRIDGING] => no [BRNAME] => br0 [BRNICS] => [BRSTP] => 0 [BRFD] => 0 [DESCRIPTION:0] => [PROTOCOL:0] => [USE_DHCP:0] => [IPADDR:0] => [NETMASK:0] => [GATEWAY:0] => [METRIC:0] => [USE_DHCP6:0] => [IPADDR6:0] => [NETMASK6:0] => [GATEWAY6:0] => [METRIC6:0] => [PRIVACY6:0] => [MTU] => [TYPE] => access ) [eth7] => Array ( [BONDING] => no [BONDNAME] => bond0 [BONDNICS] => [BONDING_MODE] => 1 [BONDING_MIIMON] => 100 [BRIDGING] => no [BRNAME] => br0 [BRNICS] => [BRSTP] => 0 [BRFD] => 0 [DESCRIPTION:0] => [PROTOCOL:0] => ipv4 [USE_DHCP:0] => no [IPADDR:0] => [NETMASK:0] => [GATEWAY:0] => [METRIC:0] => [USE_DHCP6:0] => [IPADDR6:0] => [NETMASK6:0] => [GATEWAY6:0] => [METRIC6:0] => [PRIVACY6:0] => [MTU] => [TYPE] => access ) [eth8] => Array ( [BONDING] => no [BONDNAME] => bond0 [BONDNICS] => [BONDING_MODE] => 1 [BONDING_MIIMON] => 100 [BRIDGING] => no [BRNAME] => br0 [BRNICS] => [BRSTP] => 0 [BRFD] => 0 [DESCRIPTION:0] => [PROTOCOL:0] => ipv4 [USE_DHCP:0] => yes [IPADDR:0] => [NETMASK:0] => [GATEWAY:0] => [METRIC:0] => [USE_DHCP6:0] => [IPADDR6:0] => [NETMASK6:0] => [GATEWAY6:0] => [METRIC6:0] => [PRIVACY6:0] => [MTU] => [TYPE] => trunk [VLANID:1] => 5 [DESCRIPTION:1] => 10G_LAN [PROTOCOL:1] => ipv4 [USE_DHCP:1] => [IPADDR:1] => [NETMASK:1] => [GATEWAY:1] => [METRIC:1] => [USE_DHCP6:1] => [IPADDR6:1] => [NETMASK6:1] => [GATEWAY6:1] => [METRIC6:1] => [PRIVACY6:1] => ) [eth9] => Array ( [BONDING] => no [BONDNAME] => bond0 [BONDNICS] => [BONDING_MODE] => 1 [BONDING_MIIMON] => 100 [BRIDGING] => yes [BRNAME] => br9 [BRNICS] => eth9 [BRSTP] => no [BRFD] => 0 [DESCRIPTION:0] => [PROTOCOL:0] => ipv4 [USE_DHCP:0] => yes [IPADDR:0] => [NETMASK:0] => [GATEWAY:0] => [METRIC:0] => [USE_DHCP6:0] => [IPADDR6:0] => [NETMASK6:0] => [GATEWAY6:0] => [METRIC6:0] => [PRIVACY6:0] => [MTU] => [TYPE] => trunk [VLANID:1] => 5 [DESCRIPTION:1] => 10 G_LAN [PROTOCOL:1] => ipv4 [USE_DHCP:1] => [IPADDR:1] => [NETMASK:1] => [GATEWAY:1] => [METRIC:1] => [USE_DHCP6:1] => [IPADDR6:1] => [NETMASK6:1] => [GATEWAY6:1] => [METRIC6:1] => [PRIVACY6:1] => ) [eth10] => Array ( [BONDING] => no [BONDNAME] => bond0 [BONDNICS] => [BONDING_MODE] => 1 [BONDING_MIIMON] => 100 [BRIDGING] => no [BRNAME] => br0 [BRNICS] => [BRSTP] => 0 [BRFD] => 0 [DESCRIPTION:0] => [PROTOCOL:0] => ipv4 [USE_DHCP:0] => no [IPADDR:0] => [NETMASK:0] => [GATEWAY:0] => [METRIC:0] => [USE_DHCP6:0] => [IPADDR6:0] => [NETMASK6:0] => [GATEWAY6:0] => [METRIC6:0] => [PRIVACY6:0] => [MTU] => [TYPE] => access ) [eth11] => Array ( [BONDING] => no [BONDNAME] => bond0 [BONDNICS] => [BONDING_MODE] => 1 [BONDING_MIIMON] => 100 [BRIDGING] => yes [BRNAME] => br11 [BRNICS] => eth11 [BRSTP] => no [BRFD] => 0 [DESCRIPTION:0] => [PROTOCOL:0] => ipv4 [USE_DHCP:0] => yes [IPADDR:0] => [NETMASK:0] => [GATEWAY:0] => link [METRIC:0] => [USE_DHCP6:0] => [IPADDR6:0] => [NETMASK6:0] => [GATEWAY6:0] => [METRIC6:0] => [PRIVACY6:0] => [MTU] => [TYPE] => trunk [VLANID:1] => 4 [DESCRIPTION:1] => forexLAN [PROTOCOL:1] => ipv4 [USE_DHCP:1] => [IPADDR:1] => [NETMASK:1] => [GATEWAY:1] => [METRIC:1] => [USE_DHCP6:1] => [IPADDR6:1] => [NETMASK6:1] => [GATEWAY6:1] => [METRIC6:1] => [PRIVACY6:1] => ) [eth12] => Array ( [BONDING] => no [BONDNAME] => bond0 [BONDNICS] => [BONDING_MODE] => 1 [BONDING_MIIMON] => 100 [BRIDGING] => no [BRNAME] => br0 [BRNICS] => [BRSTP] => 0 [BRFD] => 0 [DESCRIPTION:0] => [PROTOCOL:0] => [USE_DHCP:0] => [IPADDR:0] => [NETMASK:0] => [GATEWAY:0] => [METRIC:0] => [USE_DHCP6:0] => [IPADDR6:0] => [NETMASK6:0] => [GATEWAY6:0] => [METRIC6:0] => [PRIVACY6:0] => [MTU] => [TYPE] => access ) )
  16. Really depends upon how you are set up if there will be an issue. It's the passing of /mnt or /mnt/user to a container where there is a problem and then accessing the exclusive share from it. (EG: on the Krusader app, /media gets mapped to /mnt/user. You can access everything from it except for the exclusive shares) 99.9% of the time this shouldn't be done, as it's a quick and dirty shortcut, and you are effectively giving the container access to your entire server (eg: Does Plex really need access to your banking information?) In other words, most people will already have their appdata share being "exclusive" and its not an issue because it winds up getting passed through as /config -> /mnt/user/appdata) But, as has been stated already it's being looked at.
  17. For best results, always use IP addresses, and make sure the machines are all using static IPs either at the router or in their own settings.
  18. Why do we need virtual box when we already have KVM built-in?
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