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Everything posted by Squid

  1. First thing to look at would be the connections. SATA isn't particularly known as a robust connector and in many cases the non-locking variety actually work better than the locking ones. Reseat all cabling (sata & power) at both ends. Don't try any cable management (random cabling is better for EFI than nice neat wires) and also minimize (or better yet don't use) any power splitters at all.
  2. Does the docker run command list an error?
  3. reboot will fix it. Alternatively, rm /tmp/plugins/pluginPending/* This should never be an issue though on 6.12
  4. Have you paid for a key, or is this a new trial. If the latter, then your flash drive is not returning a unique GUID and cannot be used. If you contact support with a copy & paste (no screenshots) of what shows within Tools - Registration they can tell you whats going on.
  5. It's not capped, but rather a trade-off of how the system works. With Unraid set to use Read/Modify/Write in Disk Settings, write speeds take a hit but your power savings are better as only the drive involved in the write and parity drive are involved. With Reconstruct Write enabled, there is no degradation in speed at the expense that every drive in the array has to spin up to write anything to any drive. Cache Pools and Use Pool settings for the share are the usual method for combining the best of both worlds. The best user for advice on this and any tips / tweaks is currently on vacation.
  6. I think that you're missing my point. LibreNMS' primary support venue is via themselves. They are the ones who actually are maintaining the container. The template is simply a way to install it, and I don't see any particular reason to remove it etc. Clicking the Project link takes you their website, and full documentation regarding installation, what the environment variables do etc are there via the link they have to https://www.librenms.org/#downloads If (as an example), the Apps tab only contained applications that are directly supported by whomever has created the template (ie: they created the template and the application within the container itself), the selection would be nothing but Plex (from PlexInc themselves) and plugins. Nothing else. If there is an issue where the container / app itself is abandoned / permanently broken, that is a different story and things would get removed. But there is no real issue with the template in these cases. While I would absolutely love for Apps to be the exact same as Google Play, where its a one click install with nothing else needed to be done by the end user, that is an unrealistic dream. Unraid is far better (far far better) than on competing platforms where you are forced to go and come up with the actual docker commands needed to execute things. The one thing where Unraid / containers is at a disadvantage on the base system is multi-container installations. This is where docker compose shines. However, I never stop pressuring the powers that be that we need to incorporate this to make this systems easier to use on the end-user but in an Unraid friendly way where we do not force the users to manually edit the .yaml files to install something suitable for their own environment.
  7. Didn't know T&T did that. I always thought it was the Dynamix Stop Shell plugin...
  8. FWIW, as a parity drive there would have been no file system / files / anything on it at all. Parity is simply a collection of bits used to reconstruct other drives in conjunction with the remaining drives. There is no filesystem associated with it. Adding it directly to the array would have had the OS automatically "clear" it in the background (if a parity disk was present) and then offer up to format it as XFS etc or as you noticed Preclear also does the "clearing" job.
  9. The USB creator has always had some issues on certain systems with various drives. There are some workarounds online. However, the manual method 99.9% of the time works with every drive so long as its 32G or less. https://docs.unraid.net/unraid-os/manual/changing-the-flash-device/#manual-method Realistically, the manual method takes pretty much about 1 minute to accomplish and the only real advantage of the USB creator program is that you don't need to right click and select "Run As Administrator"
  10. This might help In my particular case though, I found it far easier to remotely access a barebones VM via WG (or Connect) and then connect to the containers.
  11. To restore your backup, you'd simply copy it onto the flash drive. But, it's not really clear. Is your backup via Connect or have you manually created one (by copying the contents of the flash drive somewhere else)
  12. DiskUtilities.page doesn't exist. If you want that section, then you need that file and it contains something like Menu="Tools" Title="Disk Utilities" Type="menu" Tag="cogs" then the page file that lives there you have Menu="DiskUtilities" Type="menu" Title="whatever" Tag="question-circle-o" The page that lives within Settings you do the same except change the Menu to be Utilities
  13. Any PRs you would need to make here https://github.com/Squidly271/docker.folder
  14. You need to post your diagnostics
  15. You need two .page files And for #4 you need the launch attribute in the <PLUGIN section with a relative URL Look at pretty much any .plg in /boot/config/plugins and you'll see what I mean
  16. @thecode was also starting to maintain it.
  17. It still works no problem. As mentioned in the OP, if the array is stopped then the plugin will not remount the drive and as a side effect you also won't be able to start the array with the flash offline. This is because of a design consideration of the OS and if the plugin attempts a remount then the entire system crashes. The plugin was never meant to be "the end-all, be-all" of if you have this problem, then all your problems will disappear. Rather its a stop gap solution to keep things more or less running. If you suffer from constant disconnects, then you should use a different port or different device.
  18. I'm not really sure if that's doable with the changes in the UI. What this plugin needs is a complete re-write by someone who is going to actually maintain it, rather than myself who doesn't use it and simply more or less got it to somewhat work on 6.12 rather than letting it die.
  19. Works fine for me. GitHub did have an issue yesterday for about an hour but nothing today.
  20. I assume you're talking about updating within the docker tab. Do they update if you go to Apps - Action Centre? (and yes, this thread isn't the applicable place. General Support would be the best)
  21. The update issued the other day should have also fixed that.
  22. No Only Appdata. Additionally, if you are running a docker folder instead of a docker image you should NEVER run the new permissions tool against it's share (and this includes Docker Safe New Perms) as it's a guarantee that you will need to recreate the docker image afterwards.
  23. By and large, the majority of maintainers for docker containers do not actually maintain / create the containers themselves, but only the templates. What this effectively means is that the support threads (and the author's responsibility) lies with the template itself and not for support with the container / application itself. Support for the actual container has always been (for the most part) the responsibility of the container author. It's for this reason that the support drop downs have multiple avenues including DockerHub / Registry, Discord, Forum etc. Now, if there is a big flaw in the template for some particular app then sure I can remove that app / deprecate it / blacklist it. Similarly if there is a major issue and the container itself has been abandoned. But otherwise, this announcement doesn't really change anything unless there is an actual issue.
  24. It shows the change log. Click the "i"
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