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Everything posted by Squid

  1. The number of columns shown is dictated by the horizontal resolution of the screen and is set automatically. Arrangement of the various tiles is handled by cookies, so it is a per device setting.
  2. Diagnostics shouldn't take that long. Pretty much if any request in the GUI doesn't complete with 120 seconds it will never look like it did complete. But diagnostics will have completed and a zip file would have been stored within the logs folder on the flash drive. Reply back with that file
  3. You want to look at the allocation method for new files on the share settings or specifying the included or excluded disks on the share. But, you can move the file from disk 1 to disk 2 via dynamix file manager or even unbalance (both available in apps). The OS won't move it for you between array disks automatically
  4. Can you post your entire diagnostics zip file
  5. No matter what setting I do (always on UPnP or Static), the check for remote access always fails and says the system cannot be reached. (even after applying the settings and reloading the page and then hitting check) However, I am able to remotely access with no problems via Connect (currently using UPnP always on)
  6. You have a docker container which is continually restarting. It should be pretty easy to figure out which one by going to Docker and switching to advanced view to see the uptime and then going from there to figure out why
  7. It's the update to Connect that broke this. @ljm42
  8. This is a connect issue, not a User Scripts issue. Connect also breaks editing a file with Dynamix File Manager @ljm42
  9. And that's how you replicate it. Simple solution -> uninstall Connect (although LT / @ljm42 would probably yell at me for even suggesting that) But now I have something to work on...
  10. You're thinking that the version of the container is related to the version of the app contained within. There's no direct correlation, and no way for the system to determine it.
  11. When editing the container, switch to Advanced view. What does the WebUI line say?
  12. Identical to me. Trying to make arrangements with someone so I can TeamViewer into their system to see what is wrong. IE: You can't fix what ain't broke
  13. Tried the following: Chrome (Windows & Mac) Firefox (Mac) Safari (Mac) Brave (Windows) Edge (Windows) Internet Explorer (Windows) Everything worked on editing a script except for Internet Explorer, but since Unraid doesn't support it to begin with (and the GUI won't even load on it) I'm not worried about IE Is it an ad blocker or something?
  14. But that's wrong behaviour and a bug IMO @ljm42 update_cron should be run regardless if user shares are enabled or not. The mover script should be intelligent enough to figure out that user shares are not enabled. update_cron is an integral part of the OS, and many plugins rely upon it. User Scripts, Parity Check Tuning, SSD Trim, CA, FCP etc etc. None of those require user shares to be enabled. It isn't mover related per se, but rather scans all .cron files within /config/plugins and adds them in unless the system runs in safe mode.
  15. @dlandon What are you having trouble with? Editing an existing script works fine.... And adding a new script and editing it also works for me...
  16. update_cron is part of the OS itself, and is supposed to run every boot unless you're in safe mode. Can you reply back with your diagnostics. FWIW, my custom stuff gets added no problems on every boot....
  17. Sep 4 12:29:35 DeathStar kernel: BTRFS info (device loop2): bdev /dev/loop2 errs: wr 0, rd 0, flush 0, corrupt 5, gen 0 First thing to do is to run a memtest from the boot menu for at least a couple of passes. Most causes of "Corrupt" is due to bad memory. If you're booting via UEFI, then you will need to temporarily switch to legacy boot or set up a new memtest stick via https://www.memtest86.com
  18. Its either GitHub (they were having some problems yesterday) or your server is unable to reach github itself. Not much difference except that plugin installs may fail and some icons for various apps may be missing.
  19. CA pulls the stats off of dockerHub, so it is across the board -> not unraid specific. Until the container reaches a certain threshhold of pulls, CA doesn't show the counts or keep graphs etc on it.
  20. No problems here. You should reply back with your diagnostics after trying it again.
  21. Enable debugging in Settings - Community Applications Go back to Apps. After the error re-appears, click on Debugging at bottom left and upload the zip file here. (But update the plugin via the Plugins Tab first)
  22. So reapplying the settings re-adds the cron schedule to /etc/cron.d/root? Next time you reboot, before you fix the settings, see if /config/plugins/user.scripts/customSchedule.cron exists on the flash drive. and if it does will update_cron fix the issue?
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