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Everything posted by Squid

  1. The .bak file isn't used and was created (depending upon when your started with the OS) as an emergency backup of the xml if an update to the OS mangled the file (highly unlikely) in updating the xml file to a new specification. Sure it can be deleted, but it really takes up no space and nothing anywhere in the OS / Apps ever references it.
  2. Do those scripts have #foregroundOnly = in them? Remove that line if you're not using foregroundOnly.
  3. Are you having an issue? It shouldn't affect any other user being able to access as the permissions should still be correct.
  4. The docker image exists on the array (share Data). There is a huge speed penalty for this. You really should put it into the system share instead which will create it on the cache pool. (Settings - Docker. Stop the service. Delete the image, then change it's location to /mnt/user/system. Renable the service then Apps, Previous Apps and check off what you had installed - all your appdata will be fine and it will be like nothing happened except for a nice speed increase)
  5. Jul 12 08:09:24 MasterBlaster kernel: BTRFS info (device nvme0n1p1): bdev /dev/nvme0n1p1 errs: wr 0, rd 0, flush 0, corrupt 1, gen 0 First thing you'd want to do is run memtest from the boot menu (or if you're booting via UEFI, then set up a new stick from https://www.memtest86.com/ . Corruption is usually caused by bad memory
  6. Switch to advanced view in the docker tab. There's probably another container (orphaned?) at the bottom that's using the same image. Delete that one first.
  7. Did you ever run memtest via a separate usb drive via https://www.memtest86.com/ Bad memory is bad memory and needs to be fixed regardless of what filesystem you may choose.
  8. I would rename /config/network.cfg on the flash drive reboot and see if any improvement. System thinks for some reason you've got 27 NICs, (do you have a whack of vlans?)
  9. You need to post your diagnostics to put it all into perspective for whomever is capable of helping.
  10. You can also try the suggestion in the Apps tab when it will also fail to connect - Set static DNS addresses of and
  11. Drive won't complete the self-test due to errors being found. Currently 23 reallocated sectors present on a drive that's less than a year old. I'd RMA it
  12. You should enable the syslog server (mirror to flash) and when it happens again create a new thread in General Support and include your diagnostics and the resulting syslog file saved in /logs on the flash drive. You might also want to look at your system event log in the BIOS, because this is exactly how systems with ECC are supposed to react if an uncorrectable memory error happens -> effectively shut down to prevent data corruption from propagating.
  13. That's your key here. Have you tried new cabling? Different ports on switch / router / modem?
  14. Works no problems for me. Browser extension? I'd really need you to post in the CA thread with CA's diagnostics (Settings, Community Applications, Enable Debugging) then go to Apps. After ~5 minutes go back to Settings, Community Applications and download the debug log and then post that in CA's thread
  15. Firewalls? This problem (the extraneous"?" being inserted into the communication between the browser and the server has to be something specific to your setup.
  16. Wait times are how long the system waits after starting the container before starting the next one. In your case it did wait 60 seconds (presumably that's what you had it set to) Jul 6 20:38:31 Liberty rc.docker: plex: started succesfully! Jul 6 20:38:31 Liberty rc.docker: plex: wait 60 seconds ... Jul 6 20:39:31 Liberty rc.docker: telegraf: started succesfully! Why not move plex to the bottom of the start order and the second last container enter in a wait time?
  17. These are now available within the Apps tab. However, if you installed them manually before they were available, I would suggest to uninstall and then reinstall via Apps. An issue with the plugins if installed prior would prevent them from finding out and installing if an update was available...
  18. You'd really need to post your diagnostics after upgrading to 6.12.2 again to see what's going on.
  19. Files that are required and checked: docker.cfg, domain.cfg, ident.cfg Files checked if only they exist: disk.cfg, flash.cfg and share.cfg And I don't see any issue with those files initially....
  20. Thanks. Try the update just available.
  21. Likely outside the scope of FCP and best to run a script to handle this. Things like SATA connection errors etc would already be handled via Unraid's own notification system.
  22. All of the known plugins (and the versions) that cause issues on the dashboard actually won't install on 6.12 That isn't to say that there isn't other ones (unlikely, but possible -> especially if they are "custom" or not known to Community Applications)
  23. Also, FWIW there is no guarantee that sdh will remain sdh from boot to boot. It however tend to remain the same so long as no other storage device gets added or removed.
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