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Everything posted by Squid

  1. You're accessing your server via https. Using a custom tab that accesses via http will result in that as its a security violation enforced via browsers. You can set it to New Tab to get around that.
  2. Only solution is to map say /mnt/user to /mnt/user and have both downloads directory and the destination to be referencing /mnt/user/whatever within sonarr. Also make the same change to your download client
  3. Any memory error that's explicitly mentioned in a syslog means that its ECC (otherwise it couldn't detect it). And unless you're either lucky (or very unlucky depending upon your viewpoint), Memtest won't catch the problem as it'll be corrected. Only if the stick is bad enough that it doesn't catch it will memtest show anything
  4. ECC Memory, so memtest won't show any error as it'll be corrected.
  5. Bad memory Mar 15 11:20:16 PlexServer kernel: EDAC sbridge MC0: HANDLING MCE MEMORY ERROR Mar 15 11:20:16 PlexServer kernel: EDAC sbridge MC0: CPU 0: Machine Check Event: 0 Bank 9: 8c000047000800c1 Mar 15 11:20:16 PlexServer kernel: EDAC sbridge MC0: TSC c4dba98dd7d33 Mar 15 11:20:16 PlexServer kernel: EDAC sbridge MC0: ADDR 548773000 Mar 15 11:20:16 PlexServer kernel: EDAC sbridge MC0: MISC 900080008000e8c Mar 15 11:20:16 PlexServer kernel: EDAC sbridge MC0: PROCESSOR 0:206d7 TIME 1584292816 SOCKET 0 APIC 0 Mar 15 11:20:16 PlexServer kernel: EDAC MC0: 1 CE memory scrubbing error on CPU_SrcID#0_Ha#0_Chan#1_DIMM#0 (channel:1 slot:0 page:0x548773 offset:0x0 grain:32 syndrome:0x0 - area:DRAM err_code:0008:00c1 socket:0 ha:0 channel_mask:2 rank:0) You system event log may have more information on which stick in particular over the description of channel 1, dimm 0
  6. Any word on the template? (Or is it in a different repository than all the other containers?)
  7. Pretty sure its SQLite (if that matters). As to how that's able to be used, not sure. But, my gut says you're better off with hosting via an Apache container, or a VM
  8. I know. That's been on my todo list for the last 2 months since I switched FCP to be 6.7+ only
  9. F@H only has picked up a work unit for the CPU, and not the GPU. There is a shortage right now of work units due to the massive increase in demand. Hold tight, and it will pick something up for the GPU.
  10. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/89804-ca-notification-discussion/page/2/?tab=comments#comment-833757
  11. The assumption for the "fixed next release" is that regardless of whether the dashboard is continually showing updates available, or never showing updates available is the the docker tab is consistently showing the update status correctly. If that is correct, then the dashboard is fixed next release (or it should be). If the docker tab is showing wrong information then you need to post screenshots etc
  12. Don't know. But LSIO will soon be releasing an updated BOINC (all in one) that may solve your problems.
  13. https://foldingathome.org/2020/03/15/coronavirus-what-were-doing-and-how-you-can-help-in-simple-terms/
  14. For BOINC, you're installing a manager on your laptop and the client on your server. The instructions within the blog are basically correct, with the exception of you have to switch to advanced mode to choose the server
  15. I've been asked to remove it from CA as a precaution. It can always get added back in at a later time.
  16. You need to put it back in. Set it like this <TemplateURL>false</TemplateURL>
  17. Just thought I would post a shot of the statistics for world-wide downloads on the official boinc container available within CA. While the stats are only valid as of March 8th, I would expect another HUGE jump in downloads the next time CA gathers statistics (~April 8th). Kudos to everyone. Every little bit helps. You can make a difference. More work units will become available.
  18. All discussion CA & notifications has been moved here
  19. You can already (and always have been able to) mix file system types within the array. BTRFS / XFS encrypted or not on a per disk basis.
  20. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/57181-docker-faq/page/2/#comment-566087
  21. I sent it. Debate currently within the CA thread about the appropriateness of it.
  22. If I knew, the mechanism wouldn't need to be there But what I'd expect is along the lines of malware contained within an app you have installed and the like.
  23. Yeah, it was locked at one point, but I believe that after you posted to it I unlocked it for anyone. Personally, I don't care either way as I've made it quite clear that no further updates will ever be made to it.
  24. Because the banner itself actually has nothing to do with CA at all. CA introduced a mechanism to alert users for varying things. And, as the data file that mechanism utilizes changes, I will not be announcing each and every new notification. Because this was a new feature, the 4 possible notifications at the time were itemized within the thread. CA will only ever alert you for the "You must see this" type of thing based upon your installed environment. The ability to opt out is there, and the ability to dismiss any given notification is also there. The PSA was a last minute addition to that data file, and not everyone will ever see it, as it is tailored to user's system. Its fundamentally no different than the multitude of unsolicited emails that's been filling my inbox with how such and such company I haven't dealt with in years in now sanitizing their gas pumps daily (lol). This mechanism is long over due within unRaid and IMHO is an outright requirement for an OS. The PSA, sure it's a grey area, but I'm not offering any apologies for it. And I would expect that the vast majority of computer users across the spectrum do not even know that the applications even exist. Really. That's completely up to you, but if you do choose to uninstall CA because it can't be trusted, then I would also recommend you uninstall every other piece of software (docker apps and plugins) from your server. CA is 100% wide open on everything it does behind the scenes to protect you (and by "protect" I am definitely NOT referring to the PSA), along with it's code being completely view-able in a public repository unlike many applications available on any given platform. I will however let you know that any possible future notifications are not going to be publicized within a change log, because they are all already listed here in the forums. The whole point of this mechanism was so that the notifications can be dispersed without an update being required to any given plugin or the OS.
  25. Flash looks like its corrupt. A reboot of the server *should* silently fix the corruption, but you're better off powering down, pulling the stick and running the file system checks on it via Windows / Mac system so you can see what's actually going on.
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