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Everything posted by Squid

  1. All of @overbyrns plugins wouldnt be compatible. For any and all compatible apps with your version you should always install via the apps page. If a plugin in particular is not listed there then there's probably a very good reason for it.
  2. Implies that your USB flash dropped offline. Ideally, use a USB2.0 port as they are far more reliable than any given USB3 port
  3. Definitely not If you can, then post diagnostics when it's in that state. If you can't, then enable the syslog server (Settings tab) mirroring to the flash drive and then post that file up
  4. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/73907-current-pending-sector-count-warnings-on-ssd/?tab=comments#comment-774952 lol I wouldn't touch a Crucial Drive with a ten foot pole given their response
  5. Setting the share to be "Prefer" means that the share prefers to be on the cache drive. IE: Mover will try to move all the files from the array to the cache drive. You want "Yes" which means that mover will move from the cache drive to the array. Pressing the Help icon on the top right of the GUI will explain all the options.
  6. The logs from Plex would be helpful. Also would be best to post in the appropriate support thread for linuxserver Plex (support when clicking on the icon for plex)
  7. Would probably save some needless posts...
  8. By either starting in safe mode or deleting any and all .plg files from /config/plugins
  9. Would be best to post in the appropriate support thread for wherever you're installing fail2ban from, since it's not included in 6.8.x
  10. uh ok. While I'm glad that you've sorted out whatever problem you had, SSD Trim not being installed wouldn't have had anything to do with it.
  11. Bitch and complain to Crucial. According to them and the other reports posted here and elsewhere, pending sectors on some of their lines of SSDs are normal and par for the course, and will happen continually. Whether its a firmware issue or actual pending sectors, it doesn't exactly inspire confidence in me.
  12. What are you trying to do? Use it as an unassigned device or use it as a replacement for the cache drive? If the former, you probably need to enable destructive mode in UD's settings. If the latter, then you need to stop the array and assign it as the cache drive...
  13. Try stopping the docker service in settings - docker, and create a NEW docker.img (don't delete the existing) -> call it something different, then try reinstalling your previous apps.
  14. You should post your diagnostics
  15. Without really thinking it through, I see a various technical problems with that. But, if you're really into instantaneous transfers between shares and using SMB, then why not experiment with Don't limit shares to specific drives. I've never particularly understood why people actually do it except for OCD reasons Set up a root share for unRaid ( @SpaceInvaderOne has a video that covers that). All moves now between shares are instant, without the cache drive involved at all The first point is technically optional for this, but would alleviate the concerns as to why the files aren't actually confined onto the disks specified.
  16. If running it manually brings up a DONE button when it's finished, then no. I suppose it doesn't hurt to include it anyways
  17. From the command prompt, which python should return /usr/bin/python unless you installed python3 in which case you need to use #!/usr/bin/python3
  18. Is the first line still #!/bin/bash? Change it to #!/usr/bin/python
  19. either or. If there's problems, then have a bash script call the python one.
  20. Yeah, can never remember if it was included in the base OS or not. (But looking at my nerdpack settings, it is set to install. No idea though why I have it doing that)
  21. Don't use python. I would think though that instead of it's default #!/bin/bash at the beginning, switch it to #!/usr/bin/python
  22. Here's LSIO's update policy. Whenever an update to the base OS for the container (ie: security updates) is released, a rebuild of the container happens which then would appear to you as an update being available on the docker tab. With most of their applications, whenever an update to the app itself is available, a rebuild happens which then triggers an update being available on the docker tab There are some exceptions to the 2nd due to technical reasons on an app or 2. Can't actually answer for sure where syncthing lies on this
  23. You would have to change the boot method from the BIOS to be legacy instead of UEFI. Yeah, pretty much. Memtest wouldn't catch any corrected error by ECC anyways
  24. Run File system check on disk 4 (And FCP implies the same thing) Jan 11 12:06:29 Drama root: Fix Common Problems: Error: Unable to write to disk4
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