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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Timeouts pulling the image from dockerHub. I would try again later
  2. Same reason why files get fragmented on any OS, especially when they get really full, or during the normal process of adding / removing media (or simultaneous writes of large files to the same drive in an attempt to speed up transfers). There's not enough contiguous space available to store the files. I would actually surmise that the root of your issue is that you're running unRaid 6.7.2 and there's also simultaneous writes happening to the cache drive. 6.8 fixes that.
  3. If you really want, you can add a line in /config/go (flash drive) before the line that says emhttp of sleep 30 which will sleep for 30 seconds before starting the gui (and attempting to start the array) That being said, you SAS controller would be the best place to tweak any settings, etc (if it offers any) or in any commands the shelf offers.
  4. Open a new tab and grab diagnostics for posting here
  5. You have to reboot Sent via telekinesis
  6. Just use windows to copy then. It sounds like you would be network bound anyways.
  7. At the command prompt, diagnostics It'll get saved onto the flash drive (logs folder). Post the entire zip here
  8. Don't use the container, but the first should work. 2 & 4 are definately wrong If you're going to quote, it would be '/movies/MOVIES ITA/'
  9. What happens if you set the VM to be only a single core?
  10. Split Level Settings? Are all shares set to fill-up? Include / Exclude Settings for the shares? Include the diagnostics if in doubt
  11. General rule, always include the complete diagnostics zip. But, does clearing the browser's cache fix this? Does rebooting and selecting one of the safe modes fix this?
  12. They are hard-coded in unRaid. Not sure if @eschultz still keeps up with this. Best off following the directions in the threads to install the generic LibreElec. (Main real difference is that limetech's LibreElec image supports VNC for viewing)
  13. There is no fundamental reason why it doesn't work. That being said, there was one known issue with 6.7.x and Safari where 2 way communication wouldn't work. This is supposed to be fixed in 6.8 All of my testing for the plugins is done on 6.8, and running 6.8 with Mohave (Safari 13.0.3 (14608. work fine.
  14. What browser? *Apparently* there was another user who had an issue with the latest version of FCP when using Safari. Also, unless you're on the latest version(s) of FCP, if the window takes longer than 120 seconds to disappear, it never will. Does any sort of status line show up in the scanning window?
  15. What do you mean by If the GUI is completely unresponsive etc, then under Settings - Syslog server, enable mirror syslog to flash and after the crash post the resulting file stored on the flash drive (logs folder)
  16. You should post the diagnostics
  17. The project link on most apps would have that
  18. Pretty much every app from linuxserver will show an update every Friday @ 23:00 GMT. The images are updated at that time with the updated app (if one exists), any security patches to the base OS, etc. Alternatively, you not running 6.8 and an issue exists due to a change at dockerHub where most containers will show an update available whenever a check for updates is done. The fix is to install the Auto Update plugin which will patch unRaid to prevent this behaviour (you don't even need to configure the plugin to install updates for you)
  19. Well, tagging multiple containers works fine on 6.8 with the files being created correctly, so not quite sure what else to suggest.
  20. Did a new file get saved to the flash drive? Trouble here is that if it didn't, then there's an issue with the icon system on 6.5.3 (and I wouldn't be super surprised), and it will not get fixed unless you can replicate this after upgrading to either 6.7.2 or preferably 6.8.0-rcX
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