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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Would depend on if you want the new IP to work or not. But, there's no point in posting the diagnostics from a working config.
  2. From the command prompt, diagnostics and then post the file here
  3. Pick ones that aren't on the same controller (ie: not the one that's part of the same pair)
  4. Not that this is going to affect me, but it does bring something up. VM Machine type q35-4.1 will not be available under 4.0.1, so any VM created as type 4.1 will automatically fail to launch. Would it be possible to add in a machine type of q35 (machine type q35 is an alias for 4.1 under qemu 4.1, 4.0 under v4.0 etc) which would then select the latest version available. (Or does that bring about complications if a VM was created under an earlier version and then the machine type gets upgraded with the next unRaid version)
  5. Try a different port, preferable USB 2.0
  6. But when did the update get installed. The screen shot suggests that when that backup was made it was still on the older version. Run one manually and see if it's any different (or wait until tomorrow)
  7. Has the backup run since you updated the plugin Sent from my NSA monitored device
  8. Update the plugin Sent from my NSA monitored device
  9. Yeah no problems itll do it now just navigate to it
  10. Yeah, the plugin will do that if you edit q script with it (ton solve issues with copy / paste from the forum) Edit your script with another text editor (notepad / notepad++) Sent from my NSA monitored device
  11. Welcome back. I believe that there have been a few posts about the plugin not working correctly with 6.7.2+ Sent from my NSA monitored device
  12. The instructions @Hoopster gave will wind up with 2 keys on the flash drive (basic.key and pro.key) While this isn't an immediate problem (unRaid will figure out which one matches the flash drive), Fix Common Problems will bitch and complain about it. The reason is that should that flash drive fail, and you restore from your backup onto a new replacement flash drive, the registration server won't know which of the 2 keys that are present on it is the one that is valid. Not sure of what the system does in that situation. Best to delete the key your not using on that stick from it.
  13. Presumably, you're running unRaid 6.7.2. Installing the Auto Update Plugin (whether you even enable it or not) will patch the OS to fix that (due to a change on docker's servers). Or update to 6.8
  14. Installing dynamix cache dirs will help the situation. But another thing to be aware of, is that (presumably) your QNAP keeps all drives spinning all the time (since it's a RAID). unRaid however can spin down drives which will slow the browsing down.
  15. Make a change to the schedule, then revert the change and apply. Should be fixed. There was a rc in either 6.6 or 6.7 that messed up the schedule.
  16. Personally, I'd shut the thing off until new cabling arrives, and then go from there. Disk 4 will probably need to have the file system check run on it.
  17. Have you tried reseating the cabling and power to the drives?
  18. Generally, that's the whole purpose behind GPU passthrough I'm not the best to answer on why you're having problems with the passthrough though, because my VMs (when I've done passthrough) were always utilizing a secondary video card, except to say that RDP has absolutely nothing to do with passthrough at all.
  19. Looks like its caching and the pauses are due to it writing it out. Few questions though. Is unRaid and Windows both using SMB3? (SMB3 is tons faster because the data doesn't have to traverse the network if source and destination are the same mount point.) Similarily, are you copying from U: to U: ?
  20. Yeah, and a big note or something in the OP to do not post unedited XML files.
  21. What I would do is change the battery. Reset the BIOS back to defaults by using the jumper. See if you can then set a proper boot order.
  22. So you don't even get the boot menu? (Memtest, unRaid, unRaid GUI, etc) Check your boot order in the BIOS firstly
  23. @ZooMass, I can probably say that you're running unRaid 6.6.x In which case machine type 3.1 doesn't exist. You can probably edit the xml to state <type arch='x86_64' machine='pc-q35-3.0'>hvm</type>
  24. Yeah, I had to do this. Under qcow, I got a bless error with Mojave (and a stopped / error icon with High Sierra). Using RAW it worked no problems.
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